Infinitely, I Have a Lady in Red

Chapter 100: The sixth game (seventeen)


"Then, there's the gate..."

The dean died, and the doctors chasing him collapsed to the ground, unconscious. Wei Qianrong didn't know the reason for this, maybe it was the sequelae of being bewitched by the devil. She picks up the key and now...needs to find the exit.

"What happened to the devil?" But Wei Qianrong was not in a hurry to find the exit, she waited for Jiang Xiaoli to find it.

"It's gone, it's been sealed again." Jiang Xiaoli panted a little, she was a little anxious to run over. Wei Qianrong held the key and waved it in front of her eyes, Jiang Xiaoli glanced at the blood-red key, feeling that it really was this color scheme. "Have you found the door?"

"No, I plan to go to the secret room to take a look first." Wei Qianrong said: "If you can believe it, everyone can come separately to find the gate, and gather here in an hour. After finding the door, we can go together."

Jiang Xiaoli was stunned for a moment, it wasn't that she didn't believe in Wei Qianrong, but she didn't think No. 4 would—thinking like this, Jiang Xiaoli saw No. 4 turned around and left, looking for the door.

So direct? !

Wei Qianrong was also stunned for a moment, "This player... If I don't know her very well, I'd like to drag her into the team."

The four quickly dispersed. Wei Qianrong straightened her backpack and walked to the fourth floor.

— but oddly enough, no. The secret room was still the same one, Wei Qianrong even moved the urn but found nothing. She even smashed the urn, but the powder drifted around without any reaction. This is... very strange.

After one hour.

"Isn't the door in the secret room?"

"No. No door was found on the fourth floor."

"I went through every ward on the third floor and the second floor, and went to the treatment room, nothing."

"There is nothing on the first floor. I went to the cafeteria and bathroom, and there is nothing."

"There is nothing on the roof. I searched the flower bed for a tree, and walked around the wall, but there was nothing."

The four players looked at each other in silence.

"If you think about it calmly... at first, this madhouse was burned down, right?"

"Huh?" Wei Qianrong looked at Jiang Xiaoli and understood what Jiang Xiaoli meant. Regardless of whether it is going back in time or not, but since the future will be burned, then maybe the last wave of players who left set it on fire—

Although the players didn't all die, how was the song sung

"Someone poured gasoline, someone lit a lighter~

One fire, one fire~ The whole hospital is dead~"

"But where is the gas here? There is no car." Luo Mingjie scratched his head, is he going to the cafeteria to get gas? But that's not the gasoline in the lyrics either.

"It doesn't necessarily have to be gasoline, the canteen, or even alcohol can help the combustion. Anyway, light it up and see?" Jiang Xiaoli didn't think too much, since he couldn't find the door, let's light it up and see. There are walls in all directions here, maybe the door will appear as soon as the fire starts

"No, no! You, why do you feel like you set the fire on?" Number Four was incredulous, "Where can we run if the door doesn't appear? Will we be burned alive or suffocated?"

"Probably not... shall we put out the fire then?" Jiang Xiaoli hesitated, "But there is no door in this hospital."

Put out the fire... How to put out the fire when it's all burning. Number Four felt a little powerless, but he also knew that he had obtained the key, killed the dean, the doctors seemed to have lost their souls, and the devil had disappeared—there was only one last step left, just to find the door. "After lunch, okay? At twelve o'clock, we will meet in the cafeteria. We will find the door by ourselves before the time. If it doesn't work, we will do as you say, okay? I will also write down the alcohol in the process of finding the door." s position."

"Thank you."

After twelve o'clock.



The flame started from a room on the first floor, and then spread along the traces of alcohol on the ground... until it enveloped and burned the entire hospital.

The air was scorching hot, which reminded Jiang Xiaoli of the time in the kindergarten, the fire when he left. She couldn't help but wonder if the game also felt that some worlds were too dark and needed to be purged by burning them with fire.

In a blink of an eye, I saw No. 4 rubbing her hands beside her. Jiang Xiaoli thought she was nervous, so she couldn't help but ask, "What are you thinking?"

"I'm thinking about when the door will come out, and when the fire will be over." They even poured vegetable oil on the cafeteria and then set it on fire. If the door doesn't appear...they don't know where to sleep or eat in the next few days.

The fire was burning, and the buildings in front of them became distorted under the high temperature. Flames surrounded the place, and on the wall facing the hospital, a dark red door gradually emerged—it was closed tightly, quietly appearing there.

"The door! The door!!!" Luo Mingjie was the first to discover it. He almost jumped up excitedly, calling the door.

Wei Qianrong froze for a moment, took out a note from her pocket and stuffed it into Luo Mingjie's hand, then walked over with a big mountaineering bag on her back, and she inserted the key into the door lock—it was easy to unscrew it.

The dark red door that appeared out of thin air was slowly pushed open, and inside was a piece of red faintly exuding blood. It is the aesthetic feature of escape games.

"It's a pleasant cooperation." Wei Qianrong turned around and glanced at the quiet No. 4, and she said, "If we have a chance to meet again... I hope we can cooperate further."

"If there is a destiny." Number four nodded calmly, but she was obviously not that active in forming a team after losing her teammate just now.

Jiang Xiaoli followed Wei Qianrong, and one after the other, they stepped into the escape door.

[Di! Congratulations on clearing the level: Abandoned Crazy House~]

[Character playing degrees are being settled, points are being settled...]

[Excellent clearance! Reward: Magical Gum×3]

[Entering the one-month rest period, please take a good rest ~ enjoy the holiday ~ see you next time ~]

Magical... chewing gum

[Magic chewing gum: chewing magical chewing gum and talking to ghosts, there will be unexpected effects~]

Unexpected effect? Why does this game still say "Oh~" now, it's so strange that it gives people goosebumps. Jiang Xiaoli supported her head. Every time she left the dungeon, she felt mentally exhausted. Maybe it was because entering the dungeon was a waste of energy and mind

There are only three pieces of chewing gum, so Jiang Xiaoli is too embarrassed to try it casually. But if she didn't try it, she wouldn't be sure how unexpected the unexpected effect was. If she misjudged the item... she might suffer a big loss in the future. Forget it, put it away for now, and after a good rest, ask Wei Qianrong or Li Hongying to discuss it.

"Have a good rest, let's talk again tomorrow." Wei Qianrong also looked tired, she patted Jiang Xiaoli on the shoulder, "I won't bother you anymore, go to bed."

This time in the game, Li Hongying didn't come out openly to breathe, Wei Qianrong felt that she had to make room for these two. Carrying her hiking bag, she went straight back to the room and closed the door, without asking Jiang Xiaoli what she gained.

In the room, she took out a stuffed bear doll, pinched the cotton wool inside, and was surprised by this reward.

[Weird bear doll: This is not an ordinary bear toy~]

The introduction is all nonsense, there are no ordinary props given by the game. That doesn't say at all what the stuffed bear doll is for. Wei Qianrong put the backpack on the ground casually. This doll is not particularly big, it is about the size of a forearm, and it fits well in her arms. She thought about it, put the doll on the bed, and let's sleep first anyway... Thinking of this, Wei Qianrong rolled into the bed with the newly acquired prop. Due to exhaustion, she soon fell asleep.

Therefore, she who was sleeping soundly did not know that the baby bear in her arms moved its hands, and poked Wei Qianrong's face with its furry hands, as if looking at her new master. This teddy bear tucked into Wei Qianrong's arms, very obedient, it seemed to accompany Wei Qianrong to sleep together...

In another room, Li Hongying pressed down on Jiang Xiaoli and kissed him from eyebrows to lips, and then left a mark on the collarbone. The ghost barely let go of Jiang Xiaoli who was so sleepy that he couldn't open his eyes.

"I'm going to drink blood tomorrow."

"Okay..." weakly.

"My dear, too."

"Um… "

"I still want to hold you and kiss you all the time. I still want to touch you, even where you don't want me to touch!"

"Um… "

Li Hongying's eyes were shining, she stared at Jiang Xiaoli who was almost asleep under her, thinking quickly about what else she could ask for. "Can I do anything?"

"..." fell asleep completely.

Li Hongying stared at Jiang Xiaoli's sleeping face for a long time, then suddenly laughed, leaned over and kissed that soft cheek. She felt that what she just said was a bit funny, even if Jiang Xiaoli agreed, she wouldn't remember it, and... those things, Jiang Xiaoli was just a little shy, if she acted like a baby, she would agree to herself.

—Probably, I just think Jiang Xiaoli who is so drowsy and about to fall asleep is very cute. It seems that she also trusts herself very much. No matter what she says, she is not alert and can respond to everything in a daze.

Jiang Xiaoli is a soft person.

Li Hongying pecked Jiang Xiaoli's lips, secretly. Her eyes were shining, her hand covered Jiang Xiaoli's unconsciously curled up palm, stretched it out a little bit, and interlocked with her fingers. Li Hongying raised the palm, moved her head slightly, kissed the fingertips with cold lips, and then landed on Jiang Xiaoli's forearm.

She kissed the back of her hand, because she and Jiang Xiaoli's fingers were intertwined. But Li Hongying thought of Jiang Xiaoli's wrist, and thought that such a soft person would become unexpectedly aggressive at certain times, unexpectedly decisive and reckless.

She was really angry that time in Guicun Village, and kept preaching afterwards. Jiang Xiaoli reluctantly did not mention this matter because of her coquettishness. But every time after Jiang Xiaoli fell asleep, she would touch Jiang Xiaoli's hand, touch Jiang Xiaoli's wrist, and always think of that time. Apart from distress and anger, it was more of a touch. I am moved that I have become a red-clothed ghost, and I can still get such a gift.

Li Hongying hates the game, hates the possibility of being manipulated by the game, hates that she doesn't know what the game is thinking and doing, hates that every step of her may be under the calculation of the game-these possibilities. But she is also grateful for the game.

Thanks to the game for giving her the unique person in the world.

Unique, someone she wants to protect.