Infinitely, I Have a Lady in Red

Chapter 105: The seventh game (1)


The interior decoration of the room is very simple, but the lighting is rather dim. There are two beds in the room, a bedside table is placed between the beds, and there is a coat hanger on the side of the door against the wall. Walk in straight from the door, after passing the two beds is the dressing table, opposite to the dressing table is the toilet with shower facilities.

There is no balcony, or the position of the vanity and toilet is the balcony. There are no other desks and cabinets. This room is neither big nor small. But it would definitely be inconvenient for three people and one ghost to be here.

The main reason is that Luo Mingjie is there.

"I, I can sleep on the floor..." Xu Shi could see the thoughts in Jiang Xiaoli and Wei Qianrong's eyes, and Luo Mingjie raised his hand with a strong desire to survive.

"That's okay, I'll just squeeze in with Wei Qianrong. Anyway, the bed is not small." The bed is a big bed, and the game should also consider the layout of the multiplayer team. It was more than enough for her and Wei Qianrong to sleep, but Li Hongying couldn't eat her tofu at night. Jiang Xiaoli squeezed Li Hongying's cold hand to comfort her, "Half an hour's safety period, let's go out to see the structure of the castle first, at least know where to eat every day."

The castle is huge, surprisingly large. As soon as Jiang Xiaoli went out, she saw a statue of a knight in silver armor placed at the door of each tenant (player's room), which was very medieval. Some of the portraits hanging in the corridor are also portraits of court nobles, which look extremely luxurious.

The background of this game may be the western world? The old castle... The old castle is very dark. It should be daytime now, but the lights must be turned on to make this huge castle light up, but even if the lights are turned on, the lights are cloudy and dim, not bright.

Is it because the background of the game is too old and no bright lights were invented, or did the owner here do it on purpose? duke...

West, old castle, duke, dark.

Jiang Xiaoli couldn't help thinking of vampires.

The restaurant used for dining is very large, like a large-scale dance party, let alone a hundred players, it seems that one hundred more can accommodate it. It's just that the table is empty now, obviously it's not time for meal.

Many players went out to stroll around the castle. They were all walking together in groups. A team was at least three people, and many even had five or six people walking together. Moreover, these people were not surprised to see other players with a large number of teams.

Perhaps, when the number of people reaches three or more, a large-scale escape instance will be triggered. And the configuration of large replicas has always been like this.

The castle is so big that Jiang Xiaoli suspects that they won't be able to finish the tour during the short half-hour safety period. And so it is. There are various portraits hanging in every corridor of the castle, sometimes dignified noble ladies, sometimes elegant noble girls, sometimes brave and fearless knights, and some are extremely serious noble men. Apart from portraits, there are also landscapes and still lifes. It's just that some of the portraits use extremely strange colors, large black and red paints are sprinkled on them, like a heart beating in the dark. Just looking carefully, the heart seemed to be pinched by a shadowy man, and it was about to burst in the next second.

In fact, there is the largest portrait in the dining room, which is a young man in luxurious clothes sitting on a chair, elegantly holding a goblet, which is filled with bright red liquid. Jiang Xiaoli really wanted to think that it was just red wine, but the background of this painting consisted of a few skulls and a corpse lying at the man's feet—why a corpse? For the costly carpet was also red, stained red with blood.

There are also NPCs walking around in the castle, and there are also many maidservants, but they all walk in a hurry and look dignified. Even if they are forcibly stopped by the player, they will never spit out a note from their mouths—even if they are held by a knife on their necks, they will not spit out a note. one word. They are like puppets, but the fear and fear deep in their eyes cannot deceive people. They are afraid of death, but they are more afraid of disobeying the orders of a certain "person", and even more afraid that their actions will offend a certain "person".

Li Hongying was ordered to let go of the maid, and the maid hurriedly retreated after a salute, disappearing in the aisle. "This time, it's just a killing game..." It's useless not to get other information, is the Duke a vampire? Can the NPC here be used? None of this matters. The point is that the game clearly stated: if there are ten survivors left, you can pass the level.

Simple and rude, no shortcuts.

"Just kill it." Li Hongying said lightly, "If you want to pass the level on the first day, maybe I can do it during the meal."

"I'm afraid it will cause public outrage, right? I know you are very powerful, and I know you are not happy... But you can't make fun of your own safety, right?" Jiang Xiaoli was a little angry, and Li Hongying wanted to end the game quickly because There is a light bulb so she can't be too affectionate at night, but what Li Hongying said—whether it is angry or serious, is too irresponsible.

Li Hongying was stunned for a moment, and then she looked aggrieved, looked down at Jiang Xiaoli, didn't speak, just hooked Jiang Xiaoli's little finger.

"..." Well, she admits defeat.

"Take it easy, we have three places, and there are seven places left. We... just keep neutral for the time being." I don't know if the Duke will follow them. When the number of players exceeds twenty , cannot attack the Duke. In this way, if the Duke finds him in the early stage, he can't even fight back and can only resist, which is really aggrieved.

If the Duke is really a vampire... Jiang Xiaoli looked at the bracelet on her wrist, then this "decoration" could finally come in handy.

The castle is very luxurious, with large gardens, a swimming pool and the Duke's private studio. However, the players in this studio are temporarily unable to enter, the door is locked, and it cannot be opened with Li Hongying's tricks - to be precise, it feels that it has been opened, but the door is still closed. Could this be Schrödinger's lock

When Jiang Xiaoli and the others found the spiral staircase and were about to go up to the third floor, the safety period passed.

It's so fast... Sure enough, I didn't finish the house.

They were about to continue walking up, when they saw several players running down from the top, tumbling and crawling, seeming to be terrified. how? Are there ghosts or skeletons on it

Wei Qianrong was full of interest, and continued to walk up, only to see a tall figure, a man, appearing on the third floor. The man was familiar because he was exactly the same as the man drinking blood in the largest portrait in the restaurant. This person's complexion is paler than the one in the painting, and he looks like he is extremely anemic. Perhaps he has never seen the sun for thousands of years? Although he was tall, he gave off a feminine and vicious feeling. His blue eyes, slightly curly pale golden hair, a neat and polite gentleman's attire, and an ancient wooden walking stick all reflected that he was a nobleman.

"Guests, it's time to dine." It was the maid beside the Duke who spoke. This maid lowered her head so hard that no one could see her face. Her voice trembled slightly, and she didn't know who she was afraid of.

Now, the third floor is impossible to go up. Wei Qianrong understood this. She looked at the duke, and stared into those blue eyes for a second, suddenly felt a chill of being stared at by a ferocious beast. "excuse me."

Wei Qianrong turned around decisively and went downstairs, pulling Jiang Xiaoli and Luo Mingjie. Li Hongying deliberately slowed down and walked at the end. She turned her head and glanced at the pale-faced Duke. She didn't make any provocative movements, just glanced at him, and then walked down the stairs behind the three of them with her hands in her pockets. Like a guard.

Li Hongying doesn't have any intention of provoking that bloody duke now, for no other reason—she can't attack that duke. Even if they are provoked and fight, the one who suffers is themselves. If there are only 20 players left, it is unknown whether she will make any offensive gestures.

There are all players in the restaurant, and it can be clearly seen which players are in the first team. They all stood with their own people... Many maids were busy pushing the dining car out, and scattered desserts or staple foods on the large round tables in various places in the restaurant.

Wei Qianrong and the others randomly found an unoccupied round table and stood there. In front of her was a steak, bloody, probably rare.

Li Hongying raised her hand to touch the steak, her fingertips were stained with blood, she tasted it, and laughed: "I hope those players won't be interested in this."


"The game won't treat players harshly on food, but it doesn't mean that the boss of this game won't...disgus you in terms of food. Of course, it may not be disgusting to some people." Li Hongying smiled and took a piece of sliced strawberry cake Pushing it to Jiang Xiaoli: "It's human flesh, it may be from a dead NPC." After all, the vampire drinks blood every day, and it is not impossible to suck the blood slave into a mummy after losing control. This is a murder castle, dead people are nothing unusual.

Jiang Xiaoli felt sick, but even if she didn't know, she couldn't eat this bloody steak.

With Li Hongying's help, they removed some disgusting food from the dining table, and then the three of them quickly finished this... lunch

"One thing to say, the food in this escape game is really good." Luo Mingjie muttered as he gnawed on a turkey leg. Although the game was scary and would kill people, the game rarely treated players harshly in terms of food—except for some dungeons.

"How can the players perform for it if they are not full?" Li Hongying sneered. The game is not a good person. If it weren't for the game, where would there be so many players who were caught as coolies? Although that guy may have some unspeakable secrets or some purpose, he can't hide the malicious taste deliberately created by the game in some dungeons.

Enslave players, enslave ghosts. Sometimes the player pleases the ghost, and sometimes the ghost pleases the player. The player and the NPC in the copy are almost completely opposite, but both are just pleasing the game to some extent.

Some satiated players in the restaurant gradually dispersed, maybe because they were afraid that something would happen in the place where so many players gathered, or maybe they were taking every minute to get familiar with the structure of the castle.

Jiang Xiaoli and the others thought that the Duke would come to the restaurant to see the players in the end, or to say something, but he didn't. The mysterious duke didn't show up until the maids cleared the dining room dishes.