Infinitely, I Have a Lady in Red

Chapter 117: Rest period (5)


Luo Mingjie still drove the car without stopping. He looked at the endless road ahead and looked at the fuel gauge, and found that the fuel level didn't seem to drop much. He couldn't help but look back, and saw Wei Qianrong took out the compass that he hadn't seen for a long time and was observing.

"There is... something wrong with this place." Wei Qianrong couldn't help but sigh when she saw that her compass was unable to determine a certain direction due to the interference of a lot of Yin energy. But... She took out the soul-calling banner and summoned Yang Yun and the old heavenly master.

Yang Yun can protect the safety, as for the old heavenly master

"Do you know Yutai Highway?"

"This is the Yutai Highway?!" The old celestial master was so angry that he was resting in the high-end upgraded version of the soul-calling banner, but he was suddenly dragged to a ghostly place with such a strong yin... The magnetic field of this ghostly place is completely covered by yin. Distractions have changed, and it's uncomfortable to be here. As soon as he heard Wei Qianrong say Yutai Highway, he understood: "Isn't this place blocked? How did you get here?"

"The road was unimpeded, and it drove directly up."

The old man looked at the passing scenery outside the car and the road that would never reach the end, stroked his beard and sighed: "This place is very evil, and there are frequent accidents. I remember that the biggest one was a car accident involving a series of explosions, involving more than 20 vehicles. Car. The cause was that a car on the highway suddenly slammed on the brakes and turned the steering wheel, directly collided with the oil tanker in front, causing a big explosion at that time, and the surrounding vehicles were not spared. What is suspicious is that the cars behind also seemed to have exploded Crazy, or ghosts blinding their eyes? They didn't slow down until they were about to collide with each other. They suddenly realized the tragedy ahead and started to brake sharply. But at that time, they couldn't stop... One car collided with another... More than a hundred people were killed or injured. "The strange thing is that the car accident lasted for a long time, as if something blinded the public's eyes in this place, and the rescue vehicles even arrived after more than an hour. This incident was too weird. Later, several cars disappeared on this highway, and several car accidents occurred. Some of their celestial masters felt that something was wrong and came here to practice the law and exceed the limit. But now it looks completely useless, and now the ghosts on the road are getting more and more powerful... At that time, in order to prevent further accidents, the government directly closed the road. Of course, it was about the road construction problem.

Unexpectedly, unexpectedly, he was involved in this matter again.

He sighed, with a look of helplessness. The old heavenly master looked at the strong yin energy outside, and asked Wei Qianrong about the reaction of the compass, and only said: "I'm afraid it's not very simple here. There should be a lot of ghosts, and there may be other... things hidden."

"Can roads also produce spirits?"

"It's not a spirit. It may be a product of some kind of alienation." The old master calculated and said with emotion, "But this trip is safe and secure."

The old Tianshi didn't know much, at most he knew some past events that Wei Qianrong and the others didn't know. Since the old celestial master had said everything he was supposed to say, Wei Qianrong took the old celestial master back to summon the spirit banner. After all, the old celestial master's combat effectiveness was not high, so he couldn't be of much help.

Jiang Xiaoli took Li Hongying's hand and looked at the rear of the vehicle. She noticed that the headlights were on at the rear—high beams? The light is gradually approaching, is it Mr. Chu? "Wei Qianrong, look behind."

When we got closer, we realized that the front of the car had collapsed, and all the windows were broken, leaving only a little wreckage hanging on it. There is no one in the driver's seat, it's an empty car!

Wei Qianrong and Jiang Xiaoli, who had yin and yang eyes, could see that although there was no one in the driver's seat, it was controlled by yin energy. Presumably the ghost manipulated the car with Yin energy.

Jiang Xiaoli shook her head, crumpled the ghost talisman into a ball, and threw it back from the car window—a beautiful parabola, full marks! The ghost talisman fell into the driver's seat through the broken glass of the front window, and soon turned into golden characters and burned and disappeared. The glass that was about to fall off the window was knocked down.

Wei Qianrong took out her mobile phone and began to ask Mr. Chu's location. "Mr. Chu hasn't come yet?"

The words being typed suddenly appeared over there, but no reply was received after a while. Wei Qianrong continued to wait, and found that Mr. Chu replied "immediately", and then fell silent again.

"I think he's already dead." Wei Qianrong sighed, looking at Jiang Xiaoli, she couldn't help guessing, "Maybe, Mr. Chu's family members and friends have also suffered."

"Maybe, but it must be the poor 110 who must be sad. After all, Mr. Chu said that he has already called the police. Although he said that he didn't wait for the police car, who knows..." Jiang Xiaoli felt angry. He has already turned into a ghost, yet he wants to drag his relatives and friends who are still alive to hell! And this ghost may even have affected innocent people, even those like me who have been kind to him and helped him will not let go! how? Do you think killing the celestial master can make up for it? Jiang Xiaoli patted Li Hongying on the shoulder, thinking to himself that it is not certain who will make up for him.

"They... don't seem to be scared enough to stop and run away." In a dilapidated taxi that was almost scrapped, the ghost of Mr. Chu frowned and thought. Beside him is the ghost of a middle-aged driver.

Mr. Chu paid the driver to take him home and chartered the car. The driver was greedy for gas money, and insisted that the Yutai Highway was a shortcut to save time, but it was blocked when there was a car accident. He knew a small opening, he could take the road from here, and he could go to the next city in two or three hours at night, which was very convenient. Mr. Chu said he was free at the time, as long as he knew that the driver could deliver him home.

Who knew that on the road, Mr. Chu fell asleep in the car, and woke up to find that he was still on the road. He was surprised at the time. He took out his phone and saw that it had only been ten minutes? Fuck? Did he only sleep for ten minutes? Mr. Chu soon noticed that the driver's face was not good-looking. After asking tremblingly, Mr. Chu, who had rented with a ghost before, suddenly realized that he had fallen again. He encountered a supernatural event again!

Mr. Chu was so angry that he wished he could grab the driver by his collar and beat him up violently. Cutting corners? Fuel saving? Not going the right way? He got caught just by taking advantage of a loophole, or was caught by a ghost!

"Didn't you object to me back then?!"

"I said to take a shortcut and give you less money. I think you were very happy at the time!"

"I didn't know that I would meet a ghost! You are a mourner, if I hadn't met you, I wouldn't have encountered this! I shouldn't have accepted your business!"

Mr. Chu was angry, and the driver was even more angry, so he came back right away. The two of them fought in anger on the road, and didn't bother to care about the steering wheel. They just wrestled in the car—anyway, the road was blocked and there were no other cars. They thought so, but just when Mr. Chu was hit in the chin with an uppercut by the driver, and Mr. Chu swung the driver's eyes with one hand, the dazzling high beam behind them attracted their attention—

Is it a car? !

"Quick! Get out of the way!! The steering wheel—"

"Get off! Get off me!—"

The two frantically panicked, but in the next instant they were wrapped in severe pain, and the glare of high beams was the last thing they remembered during their lifetime. When he woke up again, the tattered taxi had already parked in the woods, and both he and the driver had turned into ghosts.

However, they didn't realize that they had become ghosts at first. Mr. Chu woke up on the side of the road with the driver lying beside him. He took out his mobile phone from his body and dialed 110 at that time. It was revealed that other policemen on Yutai Highway were surprised and kept saying that they would arrive immediately. However, he waited and waited for nothing, and the driver soon woke up, and the two of them didn't see each other and didn't speak. Knowing that they saw the police car approaching, they excitedly waved at the side of the road, but the police car passed them by as if they couldn't see them. Mr. Chu and the driver were stunned at the time, and they ran to catch up, but they couldn't catch up at all. Just when they were about to give up, the police car roared past them again...

They suddenly realized that something was wrong, or explained their situation on the Yutai Highway at that time. The police car couldn't see them... Mr. Chu was so angry that the driver turned and went into the woods, trying to find his taxi.

The results of it? The taxi was found, as well as the bodies of him and Mr. Chu in the car. Both of them died, and now they are ghosts, trapped here. Just when Mr. Chu and the driver were in a breakdown, the ghost car suddenly appeared on the road, and then there was a huge crash—

The police car is wrecked.

Then, Mr. Chu and the driver were surprised to find that their whole bodies seemed to be full of strength! The two looked at each other. In order to verify this, the driver took out his mobile phone and started contacting a colleague he had disliked, and coaxed him to Yutai Highway. Sure enough, the colleague and the car were killed by the ghost car, but this time something went wrong, and the colleague also turned into a ghost. When he saw the driver, he rushed over to beat him up. The driver and Mr. Chu made a temporary alliance, and the two directly beat the ghost to death... Then they found that they had gained more power.

After becoming a ghost, if it is not controlled, it is very easy to become a demon. Coupled with the magnetic field of the Yutai Highway, Mr. Chu and the driver quickly put aside their positive emotions and focused on luring their friends and relatives to the highway. They even thought that as long as a hundred people were recruited to die here, they would be relieved and be able to leave this road! This is a kind of dark feeling, as if it was what Gonglu told them.

It's just that many relatives and friends knew the news of their death and didn't answer their calls at all. Some thought he was a liar, and some directly scolded him for being dishonest. Obviously, those people knew about the disappearance of their relatives and friends who had come to look for them before. Mr. Chu and the driver secretly hated each other, and dialed 110, 120, 119, etc., but they never tricked anyone. Mr. Chu flipped through the old newsletter, and suddenly remembered the woman who helped him deal with the ghost tenant incident. It's just that the woman blocked him when the news was sent out? ! But Mr. Chu quickly remembered the person next to the woman. He also left his contact information at that time, but now he can use it. As for the bait? Mr. Chu looked at the balance in the phone, discussed with the driver, gathered the money together and took a screenshot, sent it to the other side, and waited quietly for a reply.

Sure enough, they were hooked.

The author has something to say: Jiang Xiaoli: Take the bait? I

Wei Qianrong: Take the bait? for money

Li Hongying: Me? tonic

Luo Mingjie: Take the bait? ... I make soy sauce.

Mr. Chu/driver: QAQ