Infinitely, I Have a Lady in Red

Chapter 30: The third game (three)


There are also players who mix among NPCs, or show pensive expressions or feel uneasy. Talking and laughing, they first went to the toilet on the first floor, but there was nothing but ash and cobwebs. Including bloodstains.

It looked like a normal, abandoned campus.

"What, it's too common, isn't it? Why don't we come and have a look at night?"

"Go to the rooftop, go to the rooftop, and the girls' dormitory!"

"This place is so dilapidated. Has it been abandoned for so long and no one has said that it should be bulldozed and rebuilt?"

"I don't know... There are rumors that there will be bad things. Ah, how did this school get abandoned in the first place?"

"Let's say it was because of ghosts. Students cut their wrists in the dormitory, hanged themselves, or died suddenly, or jumped off the building. They died in all kinds of strange ways. At that time, it seemed that the college entrance examination was about to take place. There were so many things happening, and the school couldn't handle it. I remember that At that time, there was news every day here, and then the school was closed and abandoned.”

"So what about the students here?"

"Let's change schools..."

It looks... quite ordinary.

Jiang Xiaoli glanced at the unremarkable toilet cubicle, maybe the ghosts didn't show up before the protection period expired? Or is it a single person rather than a group of people that is required to trigger the conspiracy? "Are there ghosts here?"

"There are traces of Yin Qi."

That is a ghost. Jiang Xiaoli couldn't help but get a little closer to Li Hongying. The protection period is so short this time, probably to give them time to get a general understanding of this academy, and then start triggering tricks directly. … Well, if it is triggered, there are NPCs in front, players should be… safer

The roof is also very normal. No blood, no bones, just dust and gravel.

Then there are classrooms, girls' dormitories, and cafeterias.

Turned around and down, nothing.

The college students of the Spiritual Club showed a bored look: "It's better to come at night, nothing will happen during the day."

"Yeah, it doesn't make any sense at all."

"Why don't you come back at night, and book a hotel first. By the way, have you had dinner, or do you want to go together?" Someone took out his phone and opened an app, as if searching for a nearby hotel.

Jiang Xiaoli followed behind and watched calmly, and then heard a "dang" sound, which was very distant, like a temple bell. It's just different from the big bell's invigorating and cleansing body and mind. After the sound, everyone shivered uncontrollably—except Li Hongying.

Li Hongying squinted her eyes, as if she was satisfied with the changes here. This change... is for the benefit of the ghosts.

The protection period is over.

[Obtain a record of conspiracy events~ Experienced conspiracy will be automatically recorded on it~]

[All players please actively clear the game! ]

Jiang Xiaoli was startled, as if something suddenly appeared in her pocket just now. But... Isn't the event record a thick book? She reached into her pocket and found a square card. I secretly took it out and took a look. The back of the card is the iconic red door of the escape game, and the front is blank. …maybe going through the trickery before the pattern emerges.

During this time, the NPC suddenly became restless.

"Man, where is that man? Why did he disappear! Did he sneak away!"

"No! He was still there just now, he is still there!"

"Damn, it's not because you don't want to give money? Let's go find it..."

"No, no, I saw... he, he was still there just a second ago... suddenly disappeared, and suddenly... the bell... the sound just now, he disappeared..." A supernatural lover said a little confused, and was surprised by the sudden change. He was so frightened that his legs were a little weak, but he suddenly ran towards the door fiercely, "I'm leaving, I'm going home... I won't play anymore, it won't be fun anymore..."

"Maybe it's a prank? He hid to scare you, who told you to say that this place is too normal hahaha... Oh, don't run away." The man seemed to want to hold the person who was so frightened that he lost control, but he didn't. He shook his head and was too lazy to care, but the next moment he heard the sound of banging on the iron door.

— "Why, how come! Let me out!"

It can't be opened, the iron door can't be opened. It was obviously not locked, and it looked the same as when it came in, but it couldn't be pushed or pulled open. The NPC, who was out of control due to too much fear, shook the iron door frantically, but the rusty iron door remained motionless. He punched it one after another, and the blood kept dripping on the ground, and he didn't seem to feel it. "No, no. No..."

Can't open the door? Can't get out

The remaining NPCs were stunned, and some were skeptical, thinking that this person might be with the landlord who just disappeared, and they just wanted to scare them in this way. But some NPCs also felt that something was wrong, and hurried up...

It's true, the door won't open.

Jiang Xiaoli saw someone secretly go up and take something out of the sleeve and try it on the door, but there was no response. She guessed that this person might be a player, who was just testing with props.

The five members of the university's supernatural club suddenly became excited: "This is a supernatural event!"

"Yes, it has to be recorded - the gates of the abandoned school suddenly closed, and the people who disappeared in the campus in an instant."

"Hey, maybe it's not a human being? They seem to come here after seeing the post posted by the host. Maybe the host is a ghost..."

Not only were they not afraid, they even speculated with great interest.

Some people are as interested in supernatural beings as Ye Gonghaolong, while some... are really purely obsessed.

After a brief riot and collapse, everyone tried to push the door open, but to no avail. I can only reluctantly accept the fact that I am trapped.

"I heard... as long as you survive the deception on this campus five times, you can leave here."

"No way, five times? If we really can't get out... where do we live!"

"Then you can only live in the dormitory... By the way, there is a boarding dormitory in this high school?"

"This way"

Excluding the missing man in the shirt, there are a total of fifteen NPCs/players (including Li Hongying) on campus, six women and nine men.

The boarding building here seems to be the dormitory for boys on the first to third floors, and the dormitory for girls on the fourth to sixth floors. There are six bedrooms on one side of the dormitory aisle. There are stairs in the middle and on both sides.

"In this case... each person should have at least two floors." Some people began to hesitate. In such an environment, a few people are on the first floor. If they encounter ghosts... it will be dangerous, right? Even if you hear the voice to come to rescue—

"I share a room with her." Li Hongying said, and when she spoke, everyone looked over, but Li Hongying didn't show any abnormality, she just lowered her head and smiled shyly: "I'd be scared if I sleep alone."

"This is a dormitory with beds and desks. There are two beds in each room. In this case, members of our Spirit Club only need three rooms." The president of the Spirit Club pushed his glasses and said, he looked Eye member, "You two girls share one room, Qin Jun and Gu Hong share one room, and I share one room alone."

The dormitory space is not big, two beds with a bed and a table structure are placed on one side of the aisle, and the other side makes room for people to walk. Next to the bed that is not next to the door is the washstand, and opposite the washstand is the toilet, which has a simple shower setting.

The remaining two girls looked at each other and decided to stay together. Because Du An, the president of the Ghost Club, decided to sleep in a room by himself, most of the rest of the people found their companions who had a good eye for each other to sleep in a room. ... Anyway, there is a help.

But because of Yao Qinyu's miraculous life-changing talisman last time, Jiang Xiaoli felt that sometimes being together might not be caring, but calculating.

"Let's all live on the first floor! How about choosing a room near the middle staircase, with the girls on the right and the boys on the left?" someone suggested.

There is no objection.

Jiang Xiaoli and Li Hongying chose the third room on the right. The girls were divided into three rooms, so she lived in the room farthest from the middle staircase.

It's not because of Li Hongying's presence that they are not afraid of the sky, but it's just that if there are ghosts knocking on the door one by one at night... If someone knocks on everyone's door and ends up skipping their room, it's not easy to explain. The last one is either the first to be knocked on the door or the last one, the first one to be skipped maybe they won't find out, and the last one... Everyone was so frightened, who would come here to see the ghost? Did not go into other people's houses.

The bed was just boards, no sheets or anything like that. Moreover, the room was full of dust, Jiang Xiaoli tried to turn on the faucet of the washbasin, and in a series of gasps but no water, the faucet spit out a few mouthfuls of sewage, but water still flowed out.

After tidying up the room briefly, Jiang Xiaoli looked at Li Hongying: "Isn't this game all included?"

"The plot point hasn't started yet, don't worry." Li Hongying reassured, those players might try to go to the canteen first to see if there is any leftover food, and maybe they will take it back and stock up. But... The escape game will not treat players badly when it comes to food.

After all, if you don't have enough to eat, you can't contribute to the wonderful escape process.

- "when~"

It was the bell again.

The first bell rang, and the man in the shirt who led most people to the abandoned school disappeared. The protection period ends and the game officially begins. So... what does the bell mean this time

Jiang Xiaoli concentrated, and after the bell rang far away, there appeared the music she was very familiar with... the kind of piano music that was used as the bell in high school.

Visible to the naked eye, this dormitory seems to come alive. The dust disappeared, the dilapidated wardrobe was refurbished, the tabletop was as clean as ever, and a mattress sheet suddenly appeared on the bare wooden boards on the bed, which had been neatly folded into a tofu quilt.

"This is..." Jiang Xiaoli was stunned, she opened the door and went out, a boy in a blue and white sports uniform hurried past, calling names as he ran.

"Hurry up! We're going to be late for class!" He ran past Jiang Xiaoli, but it seemed like he couldn't see Jiang Xiaoli.

Is this what it looked like when the school was not abandoned? This is a memory? dream? Back in time or something else

Standing at the door, Jiang Xiaoli saw the player/NPC also push the door out, with a look of surprise on his face.

"This, what's going on..."