Infinitely, I Have a Lady in Red

Chapter 36: The third game (9)



No, it has become a ghost, and ghosts keep jumping off the building every day, and the game also specially reminded that this trick is to find the bones of Xiao Wu who jumped off the building? Even if it wasn't cremated, it should have been buried. For such a big incident as jumping off a building, the body shouldn't be still in this school.

Li Hongying didn't speak, so she probably didn't have a clue. Jiang Xiaoli thought for a while, and waited at the entrance of the teaching building until the ghost drifted over from the girls' dormitory...

Jiang Xiaoli waited for the ghost to approach, and even turned on the flashlight, for fear of missing something. She waited until the ghost was about to float past her, and then suddenly raised her hand to catch the ghost—but passed through. Can't meet ghosts

Jiang Xiaoli followed immediately, carefully watching the ghost's expression...

There is no expression, the face is stiff. Speaking of which, if it wasn't for floating, this ghost would have walked extremely stiffly. Lost soul? Sleepwalking? Or is it controlled by ghosts? This lie is to find her bones, is it also necessary to know how she died

"Let's go to the girls' dormitory." Li Hongying suggested.

"Okay." Then Xiao Wu floated out of the girls' dormitory, go and have a look, maybe you can find out where she lived before she was alive, maybe there are clues

Walking to the downstairs of the dormitory, I saw Xiao Wu floating down from upstairs. Jiang Xiaoli watched Xiao Wu float out, and then went upstairs. "I'll wait on the third floor. You go to the fourth floor and see which floor her dormitory is on. If you see her coming down from upstairs, next time I'll see the fifth floor, you go to the sixth floor."

Time passed bit by bit.


From this dormitory

Jiang Xiaoli fiddled with the door lock, but it couldn't be opened. Or just hit it open? Break open? Just thinking about it, the door suddenly opened! Did Xiao Wu open it? She opened the door and floated downstairs like a walking dead, then left again.

After Xiao Wu left, the door was about to close again, but Li Hongying quickly stopped her, and dragged Jiang Xiaoli into the bedroom.

Very ordinary girls' dormitory. But pink wallpaper was pasted on the cabinets and tables, and the bed next to the door was covered with pink curtains. The other black curtain has no pattern, as if it was a random black cloth. Jiang Xiaoli came in and took a look at the books on the table under the pink curtain. They were quite clean and there were no notes. But there is a name: Ren Kou Kou.

Jiang Xiaoli stared in bewilderment at the two black blocks behind the word Ren, this game even engages in name blocking! The book on the other table reads "Wu Koukou", that is, Xiao Wu.

Jiang Xiaoli looked at Xiao Wu's books and homework. The handwriting was one-stroke, like a child's handwriting, very serious, without any fonts, and without sharp edges. Be it notes or homework, write very seriously.

Jiang Xiaoli opened the drawer, if it were left in the abandoned school, there would be nothing. It appeared in this rumor, and it was deliberately made for them to read and know, so there is no such thing as sexual assault.

There is no diary.

Jiang Xiaoli scratched her head and looked at the top of the bed. Do you want to turn it upside down? In case there is something. As soon as he thought of it, Jiang Xiaoli stepped up the ladder, and put the quilt neatly folded on the bedside. It's neat, as if there's nothing there.

Jiang Xiaoli lay on the ladder and touched the bed with one hand, and lit the flashlight with the other hand. The curtain is black, but the blackout effect is good. There seems to be a small lamp in this tent

Jiang Xiaoli felt under the quilt, like a pillow? The words under the pillow... Huh? It's a bit hard, is this a diary

Jiang Xiaoli's eyes lit up, and she took out a hardcover book, which was completely black. She was a little excited, and she stepped down in a hurry to get down, but fortunately, Li Hongying supported her and got down.

"I didn't expect it to exist!"

It's a real diary!

I have written a lot and it looks very thick! Jiang Xiaoli hurriedly turned to the first page, and found that it was written about her longing for high school, and the hero who was determined to study hard and get into Tsinghua University and Peking University. Jiang Xiaoli was a little bit amused, and this is also true of her elementary and junior high schools. The adults seem to only talk about Peking University and Tsinghua University.

The back is also longing. I wrote about the students on the first day of school, about the teacher, about what happened in class, and about the new roommate. Page by page, page by page, Jiang Xiaoli looked at it, and there seemed to be nothing different.

But later, Jiang Xiaoli gradually discovered that the contents of the diary seemed to be getting more and more negative and depressing.

——“It seems that I really can’t learn well no matter how hard I try. It’s hard for me to understand the topics that others can do casually, even watching other people’s process.”

— “I failed the exam again.”

—"I really envy Ren XX..."

appoint? This should be that roommate. Jiang Xiaoli continued to watch, and Xiao Wu seemed to feel more and more inferior in his words. It started with grades, then clothing, pocket money, dressing up... and then until she still felt that she was a country person and was useless.

——"My father looked down on my mother and got along with someone else. He didn't want me and my mother. He thought my mother was useless, rustic, and a countryman. Ren XX always said that I looked like a countryman. I think I might really be. I'm so sad, why is my family like this?"

——"I'm really useless. My mother worked so hard to support me to go to school, but I didn't do well in my studies. I even blamed her. She came to see me at school at noon today, dressed very shabby, At that time, I thought she was so embarrassing, and my classmates were laughing at me. I knew I was wrong, but I still yelled at my mother... I, I have no meaning in life."

Jiang Xiaoli frowned. Looking at the diary, she always felt that the words on it were covered with tears. Those strokes of words, those black inks seemed to form a cage, trapping them all inside.

But the diary is not over yet. Jiang Xiaoli was looking forward to a turnaround later, but things turned flat later on. He simply memorized what happened, talked about the test papers and grades, and didn't mention things like suicide.

—"I have to study hard! I must work hard! Even if I don't know how to do it, as long as I spend twice the time and twice the time, I will definitely be able to learn well. The exam is coming soon, and I must come on."

... Jiang Xiaoli looked back and found that Xiao Wu seemed to have failed the exam. At this time, the diary seems to have begun to doubt itself again. Until the name Ren Koukou appeared in the diary again.

—"Ren XX said that she has a few friends who are willing to introduce me. She said that they are all very good people, one is a college student, and the other has graduated.... It's amazing, I don't know what university I can go to."

——"We met, and I think those two people are not very good. But Ren XX kept pulling me to introduce, and I didn't dare to say anything, and I didn't dare to leave. But they seem to be very rich, and they wear clothes and shoes so expensive... ”

vanity? Comparing? Jiang Xiaoli pressed her temple, somewhat unable to figure out what kind of development this was. Did he commit suicide because he was abandoned by a scumbag? Can suicide become a ghost in this way? The bones... have no clue at all! Wait, "Don't dare"? Why use the word "dare"

Continue to read down, and this matter is not mentioned in a few sheets of paper. But Jiang Xiaoli faintly felt that Xiao Wu's death should be inseparable from these things! Xiao Wu seems to be... a little inferior and cowardly? Don't dare... Is that classmate Ren very good? Another campus bullying? Jiang Xiaoli glanced at Li Hongying, Li Hongying was also reading the contents of the diary, seeing her look raised her chin, and signaled her to turn the page and continue reading.

- "Tomorrow Ren XX asked me out again, saying that her friend wanted to see me. I dare not refuse, but I should go home tomorrow... I, I called my mother, and I said that my classmates invited me out to play this weekend, My mother was still very happy, and asked me if I wanted more money. I didn’t want it. I was actually scared, but I didn’t dare to say. My mother asked who it was, and I said it was my roommate. My mother knew her and thought I could play well with her. Fine. She said she was relieved."

Jiang Xiaoli turned another page, but there was no new diary.

Someone came in!

Jiang Xiaoli stood up and looked, and found that it was Xiao Wu who was confused. She was wet all over, dripping water all the way, the floor was completely wet, but she didn't find anything, opened the closet, took the clothes and walked into the bathroom.

She stayed in the bathroom for a long, long time, and then there was a suppressed cry. Jiang Xiaoli noticed that the small alarm clock on the table suddenly started spinning rapidly, and two hours passed directly! And when the pointer returned to its original speed, the bathroom door opened.

Xiao Wu didn't drip much water anymore. She changed into her school uniform and braided her hair, but the despair on her face was clearly visible. She didn't see Jiang Xiaoli and Li Hongying, she sat on the table by herself, and took out a notebook from the drawer—an exercise book, but she didn't care, she just tore off a page, and then took a pen to write something.

She froze.

The hands on the alarm clock sped up again, and Xiao Wu sat there for half an hour staring at the piece of paper before finally writing.

— Mom, I'm sorry.

there is none left.

She stood up and bumped the chair. Some staggered out of the dormitory, opened the door, and floated away like walking dead.

"Xiao Wu must have committed suicide when something happened while going out to play, right?" Jiang Xiaoli was depressed after watching the whole process, what kind of thing is this! I thought it was a murderous ghost like a love letter ghost, but in the end...

"She was already dead when she came in." Li Hongying looked at the water stains on the floor that were gradually disappearing, and said, "It's just... she doesn't seem to know that she is dead." Suicide once.

Turned into a ghost, but still wants to die, is her obsession to die? But the matter of jumping off the building... She was already a ghost, so she didn't die, and the body wasn't here. That's why you die over and over again

This is a bit far-fetched, right? Jiang Xiaoli couldn't figure this out. But what she wants to know more is: what happened outside

The author has something to say: Many people have guessed that I made up today's gossip because of the news I saw.

But in reality, the result of this incident has not yet come out and is still under investigation. I wrote it like this, the result, process, etc. in it are not equal to the truth, so please don’t confuse it with the reality.

This is, fake. In reality, we are still waiting for the investigation results of the task force!