Infinitely, I Have a Lady in Red

Chapter 42: The fourth game (1)


Eating steaming fried rice with eggs, Jiang Xiaoli suddenly felt that maybe he shouldn't care so much about Li Hongying's occasional blunt words.

While eating egg fried rice, she opened Taobao and gave a negative review to the last two charms: "It's useless." After the negative review, she checked Taobao's recommendation, and Jiang Xiaoli was surprised to find that Taobao actually recommended it to her. "IQ tax"

Jiang Xiaoli:

Feeling offended.

Jiang Xiaoli opened the app again, and looked through the forum, but there were players who posted complaints about the naive but lucky players they encountered.

Shaking his head, Jiang Xiaoli finished the fried rice and went to the kitchen with the bowl. After she cleaned up, she saw Li Hongying sitting in front of the computer and opening a page for her to read.

—A man died unexpectedly at home. Then there's a segment of home surveillance.

It should be at night, the man in the surveillance is watching TV on the sofa in the living room, he looks very relaxed. But at a certain moment, he suddenly looked back - the surveillance showed that there was nothing behind him. But the man stood up in horror and looked around nervously. At this moment, the large decorative vase next to his TV cabinet suddenly fell down. The man screamed in fright, and even lost control of everything on the coffee table. On the ground, he began to make a nervous phone call, but it seemed that he failed to make a call. Then he ran outside, and when he was about to leave the monitoring range—he suddenly fell back and fell heavily on the ground.


Jiang Xiaoli touched her yin and yang eyes, she should be able to see ghosts! Why didn't she see anything

Li Hongying didn't explain, but opened the other page she just read, and someone told the information about the deceased. Surnamed Yang, thirty-seven years old, has a wife and children, is said to be a very kind person in front of people, and his relatives speak very well of him. — but after his death, many other things were discovered in the police investigation. For example, the information in the mobile phone was exposed, and it was discovered that he was gay, and there were a lot of... little boy... that kind of videos stored in the phone.

Jiang Xiaoli let out an "Ah", staring at the news in disbelief, he is obviously a serious person looking at the photos, even outsiders' evaluation of him is positive. But I didn't expect...

"What child did he kill, or who?" Jiang Xiaoli sighed, "So he was killed by a ghost?"

"I didn't see the breath of ghosts in the video either." Li Hongying said, she thought it was ghosts, but the video didn't have any dark air at all, it was too clean. "...maybe a player."

"Player? Players can still kill people?... Oh good, pretend I didn't ask." Jiang Xiaoli scratched her head, no wonder the Zhiding reminded everyone not to reveal their identities.

"So, in the future, you should avoid chatting with those familiar people." Li Hongying began to "educate" Jiang Xiaoli. She saw this news by chance, and deliberately read it several times and read all kinds of revelations and information from netizens. That's why Jiang Xiaoli was called over to teach her a lesson.

Maybe it's because Jiang Xiaoli looks too harmless, and players always come to strike up a conversation with her. Although Li Hongying endured it and did nothing, it made her very upset.

Jiang Xiaoli: ...

"Li Hongying, you wouldn't even be jealous of my parents, would you? What if they force me to go on a blind date in the future?" Jiang Xiaoli rolled her eyes and teased Li Hongying with a playful smile.

"Blind date?!"

Seeing that Li Hongying seemed about to lose her temper, Jiang Xiaoli hurriedly changed her words: "Okay, I'm just hypothesizing. Just kidding, kidding." It's clear that she and this ghost are not officially together, but this guy has more control than anything else. Or is it too possessive? Instead of continuing this topic, she liked the parents who posed for a landscape photo today, logged on to QQ to accept the recent copywriting task sent by the boss, and continued to work for money.

Li Hongying floated back and forth in the living room, she was a little irritable, bloodshot out of control, but she endured it.

—What if she is a ghost? She is already lodged in Jiang Xiaoli's heart. Although her yin energy will contaminate Jiang Xiaoli, it will not cause any harm to Jiang Xiaoli. She can touch Jiang Xiaoli, she can do what others can do, and she can even do what others can't do.

Blind date? !

Li Hongying, who was only eighteen years old before her death, never thought about such a thing. Oh, and she hasn't even been in a relationship. Li Hongying glanced at Jiang Xiaoli who was clattering on the keyboard, Jiang Xiaoli and her parents...

From the looks of it, Jiang Xiaoli seems to have a good relationship with her parents. Can Jiang Xiaoli's parents accept their daughter being with a ghost? ... You can't even tell them about the escape game, let alone yourself.

The bloodshot meandered on the floor, gradually climbed up Jiang Xiaoli's ankle, and then continued to go up. Standing behind Jiang Xiaoli, Li Hongying raised her hand to touch Jiang Xiaoli's face, then lowered her hands to touch Jiang Xiaoli's slender neck.

Jiang Xiaoli flinched, a little cold, "What's wrong?"

"I will kill you."

There was blood dripping on Jiang Xiaoli's shoulder, she lowered her head, only to find that the blood had spread and wrapped around her chest.

"You can only be mine." Li Hongying lowered her head and bit Jiang Xiaoli's neck, saying.

Jiang Xiaoli, who fainted due to excessive blood loss and was sent to the hospital for blood transfusion, expressed regret, very regretful. She shouldn't have said those things to Li Hongying!

Especially after being discharged from the hospital, I still need to supplement iron and eat various health care products. Jiang Xiaoli watched as her balance kept shrinking... She still thought about Double Eleven!

"How about I buy you a blood bag in the future? You come a few more times... I don't think I will survive the next game."

Li Hongying had a guilty expression on her face. She glanced at the hospital's list and took the initiative to contract to make nutritious meals.

"I'm sorry," Li Hongying whispered, "but if you say that again next time, I still won't be able to control it."

" believe everything I say, I don't know when I'm going to die like this, how can I drag others down." Jiang Xiaoli sighed, should I be glad that Li Hongying didn't directly kill her even if she lost control

Li Hongying showed a sad expression, without saying a word, she stared at Jiang Xiaoli eagerly.

"I don't know how to go on a blind date, I don't know how to find others, and I also pay attention to keeping a distance from strangers in the game. Okay?" As soon as Jiang Xiaoli finished speaking, Li Hongying changed her face and agreed in one breath:

"You made a deal, if you violate it... I won't let you go."

Li Hongying didn't know if she would let Jiang Xiaoli go, but the escape game didn't let her go anyway. She was still weak, and the escape game opened the door for her again. It's only been a four-day break. She didn't even go out to relax, since she planned to go out and buy some winter clothes.

[Welcome back to the escape game~]

[Drawing copy... ]

[Di! Welcome to Death Cruise! ]

[Safety period: 10 minutes]

Oh, the name of the game is really unfriendly this time. Death cruise

Jiang Xiaoli opened her eyes again, and she was already in a single room with a white bed next to her. She looked at the furnishings here, and it felt a bit like a hotel room. After moving her body, the feeling of anemia and weakness disappeared after entering the game, which made her feel much more relaxed.

There was a backpack on the bedside table, and a black suitcase by the wall. Li Hongying sat on the bed and looked at the environment, and there seemed to be nothing unusual.

In the backpack is a folding umbrella, a lighter, a small flashlight that hangs on the key, and then there is a pack of napkins and... a meal coupon

"Exclusive meal coupon for a luxury cruise ship, you can have a meal in the dining area once with this meal coupon. Validity period: 6.18—6.24." Luxury cruise ship? This single room looks... not very luxurious. Jiang Xiaoli also found a mobile phone in the bag, but there was no information in the mobile phone, only knowing that today is June 18th. … No, and, number of players: 10

There are ten players on this cruise ship

Jiang Xiaoli didn't think about it any further, and after finding no other information on her phone, she opened the suitcase. The suitcase was full of clothes, and Jiang Xiaoli even saw a one-piece swimsuit inside? — Fuck, shouldn’t she be allowed to jump on a cruise ship to escape? No, no, since it is a luxury cruise ship, maybe there is a swimming pool on it.

"Put the swimsuit in the backpack." Li Hongying said, "Since I gave this, maybe there is something special that needs to be used."

Jiang Xiaoli thought about it for a while, otherwise she might have to come back to get it later, which is troublesome. She put things into the backpack one by one. Just about to see if there is anything special about the bathroom in the room, the horn in the room suddenly rang.

First there was a piercing electric sound, accompanied by the temptation of "Hello?":

"Welcome all guests to the luxury cruise ship. In the next seven days, you will receive the top service! The most perfect facilities! The most unforgettable experience!"

"Now, all guests, please come out of the room and gather on the deck within three minutes. We will send a professional tour guide of the luxury cruise ship to take you to understand the various facilities on the cruise~ In the next seven days, all guests need to experience the facilities on the cruise ship In order to get the 'meal voucher' ~ this is also the characteristics of our cruise ship~"

"Okay, the countdown starts now~ late guests will get a little punishment~"

This delicate ending made Jiang Xiaoli get goosebumps all over her body. She rubbed her arms, picked up her backpack and rushed outside. Since that guy talked for three minutes... She didn't want to experience any "punishment" when she first entered the game.

As soon as she opened the door, the person opposite also opened the door, but this person was a little impatient and swearing.

"What, I spent a lot of money to live in this kind of ghost place? Fuck, punishment? Back then it was advertised..."


Jiang Xiaoli didn't look much, there were people walking in front of her, she hurried to catch up, and ran quickly in the direction of the flow of people. The deck was already full of people, only then did Jiang Xiaoli realize that this cruise ship is really big.

too big.

A woman wearing a tour guide's clothes held a horn and raised a hand, "I have ten people here." Several people rushed over.

The guides raised their hands one by one, and Jiang Xiaoli didn't know which one to choose. Li Hongying dragged her to a tour guide at random, and stood still.

"Three minutes! It's here! ~ Whoa, whoa, whoa, someone is late, you know, I hate late guests the most~ Hee hee, since you don't want to experience the service, then..." The broadcast stopped for a while, and suddenly Let out a series of laughter, extremely thin. He paused every word: "Go, die, go."

The author has something to say: _(:з」∠)_Again! Thanks for the rewards from all the benefactors in recent days!

The cute tiger sniffs the rose and throws a mine. Throwing time: 2019-10-11 20:37:30

Doudou threw a mine Throwing time: 2019-10-12 01:55:42

Fengling shallow singing threw a landmine Throwing time: 2019-10-12 02:02:02

Doudou threw a landmine Throwing time: 2019-10-12 10:27:09

Dr. Fei threw a landmine Throwing time: 2019-10-14 20:21:32

The cute tiger sniffs the rose and throws a mine. Throwing time: 2019-10-14 20:42:38

The cute tiger sniffs the rose and throws a mine. Throwing time: 2019-10-15 12:45:13

Dr. Fei threw a landmine Throwing time: 2019-10-15 21:13:12

Doudou threw a landmine Throwing time: 2019-10-15 21:55:44

Smog 0.0 threw 1 bazooka throwing time: 2019-10-15 23:50:37

Haze 0.0 threw 1 bazooka throwing time: 2019-10-16 01:56:22

Smog 0.0 threw 1 mine Throwing time: 2019-10-16 03:54:18

Smog 0.0 threw 1 mine Throwing time: 2019-10-16 05:15:09

Haze 0.0 threw 1 grenade Throwing time: 2019-10-16 08:18:21

Immortal Mao Yu is omnipotent and threw a landmine. Throwing time: 2019-10-16 21:05:17

Dr. Fei threw a landmine Throwing time: 2019-10-16 21:29:16

Smog 0.0 threw 1 bazooka throwing time: 2019-10-17 07:28:22

Luo Dapao threw a landmine Throwing time: 2019-10-17 20:17:24

Smog 0.0 threw 1 mine Throwing time: 2019-10-18 00:27:25

Fresh clothes angry horse threw a landmine when he was a teenager. Throwing time: 2019-10-18 22:21:02

Doudou threw a mine Throwing time: 2019-10-19 21:58:14

Spider threw 1 mine Throwing time: 2019-10-19 22:43:29

Smog 0.0 threw 1 mine Throwing time: 2019-10-20 10:36:02

Mo threw a mine Throwing time: 2019-10-20 18:48:45

Dr. Fei threw a mine Throwing time: 2019-10-20 21:24:21

Love Freedom threw 1 mine Throwing time: 2019-10-21 09:29:27

Mo Yufeng threw a mine Throwing time: 2019-10-21 11:57:35

Love Freedom threw 1 mine Throwing time: 2019-10-21 20:14:14

Dr. Fei threw a landmine Throwing time: 2019-10-21 20:29:26

Work makes me happy I threw 1 mine Throwing time: 2019-10-21 23:09:56

A landmine was thrown in the sky Throwing time: 2019-10-22 23:36:26

Smog 0.0 threw 1 rocket launcher Throwing time: 2019-10-23 03:29:06

Smog 0.0 threw 1 rocket launcher Throwing time: 2019-10-23 04:08:42

Haze 0.0 threw 1 rocket launcher Throwing time: 2019-10-23 04:08:46

A person surnamed Gu threw a landmine Throwing time: 2019-10-23 23:00:52

Haze 0.0 threw 1 grenade Throwing time: 2019-10-24 04:46:11

Throwing a landmine at any time: 2019-10-24 23:56:09

Throwing 1 mine at random Throwing time: 2019-10-25 01:09:43

Smog 0.0 threw 1 mine Throwing time: 2019-10-25 02:46:41

Throwing 1 mine at random Throwing time: 2019-10-25 08:54:06

Reader "ayi", irrigation nutrient solution+102019-10-24 13:19:02

Reader "I can't see Chang'an", irrigation nutrient solution+12019-10-23 16:35:24

Reader "Baiyang Qianxi", irrigation nutrient solution+12019-10-23 12:44:03

Reader "natto 320 diced beans", irrigation nutrient solution +18 2019-10-23 00:13:13

Readers "wait", irrigation nutrient solution+32019-10-22 19:58:59

Reader "Socialist Jia Zhengjing", irrigation nutrient solution +18 2019-10-22 13:35:24

Reader "BckゝSkyづ", irrigation nutrient solution+102019-10-21 23:11:23

Reader "...", irrigation nutrient solution+52019-10-21 15:47:31

Reader "natto 320 diced beans", irrigation nutrient solution+102019-10-21 07:45:38

Reader "Moyufeng", irrigation nutrient solution+202019-10-21 00:34:06

Reader "BckゝSkyづ", irrigation nutrient solution+102019-10-20 21:13:38

Reader "Naibao God Push", irrigation nutrient solution +10 2019-10-20 00:42:51

Reader "Dr. Fei", irrigation nutrient solution+102019-10-19 22:17:05

Reader "Corn Rib Soup", Irrigation Nutrient Solution+7 2019-10-19 20:37:14

Reader "", irrigation nutrient solution +12019-10-19 00:37:19

Reader "Baiyang Qianxi", irrigation nutrient solution+32019-10-19 00:16:35

Reader "Feng Qing", irrigation nutrient solution+102019-10-19 00:12:56

Reader "The fleeting years seem like a scene", irrigation nutrient solution+12019-10-18 18:47:18

Reader "Weixiao's Xiaolan Boy", Irrigation Nutrient Solution+52019-10-18 15:23:51

Reader "Doudou", irrigation nutrient solution+12019-10-18 00:00:50

Reader "Agou Meow Meow", irrigation nutrient solution+62019-10-17 16:42:40

Reader "Mao Yu is omnipotent", irrigation nutrient solution+12019-10-16 21:05:17

Reader "One Can Xiang", irrigation nutrient solution+12019-10-15 21:09:23

Reader "Koi", irrigation nutrient solution+52019-10-15 04:22:34

Reader "BckゝSkyづ", irrigation nutrient solution+302019-10-14 23:26:21

Reader "My sister Qiao", irrigation nutrient solution +13 2019-10-14 06:55:59

Reader "Si Xiaoxi who touches fish", irrigation nutrient solution+102019-10-13 23:46:00

Reader "Don't big girls eat melons", irrigation nutrient solution+202019-10-13 20:17:55

Reader "Youyouzi", irrigation nutrient solution +16 2019-10-13 19:02:29

Reader "He Xiang", irrigation nutrient solution+22019-10-12 20:37:01

Reader "Spider", irrigation nutrient solution+12019-10-11 22:30:10

Reader "", irrigation nutrient solution +12019-10-11 21:36:08

Reader "Don't big girls eat melons", irrigation nutrient solution+202019-10-11 20:58:22

Reader "Chuanchuan is super cute", irrigation nutrient solution+42019-10-11 17:16:40

Reader "Doudou", irrigation nutrient solution+12019-10-11 10:37:32

Reader "Zen", irrigation nutrient solution+42019-10-10 23:42:56

Reader "Dr. Fei", irrigation nutrient solution+102019-10-10 20:30:43

Reader "Jin Yuan", irrigation nutrient solution+52019-10-10 00:08:22

Thank you guys for your rewards! ~Wow! ~