Infinitely, I Have a Lady in Red

Chapter 6: Beginner's Book (6)


Those ghosts were originally living people. Although... Li Hongying didn't think they were much better than ordinary evil spirits. Those who stay here are all people who have been hated and cursed by her, otherwise they wouldn't be in the same instance as her.

Jiang Xiaoli didn't know how to face this "****oss", even though Li Hongying acted very weak and harmless.

Li Hongying seemed to want to promise herself that she would not leave? You have to take the initiative to be willing to "stay"... Is this the point of the fleeing copy? For example, "The player must actively stay in the escape world to stay", or because of the novice book, there are restrictions, so that a certain standard must be met to inspire something...

The two didn't say anything more, Jiang Xiaoli and Li Hongying went back to the dormitory together. This world seems to be mixed between truth and hypocrisy. It is Li Hongying's creation, but it is not completely according to her wishes. Those classmates...should also be real ghosts, and even the relationship with Li Hongying is not a relationship between superiors and subordinates. Judging from the resentment and discourse, the students here probably...had been bullied or watched indifferently during their lifetime.

Humans are really a very strange species. Obviously Jiang Xiaoli felt sorry for Li Hongying at the beginning, and felt that those classmates were going too far, especially when Li Hongying calmly and lightly stated what they did, Jiang Xiaoli felt very distressed. But when she faced Li Hongying, the fear in her heart surfaced little by little, and the cold feeling all over her body reminded her that Li Hongying was a ghost all the time!

Lying in a daze on the bed, Jiang Xiaoli glanced at the word "Red Clothes" shining brightly on the bed next door, and felt his eyes hurt.

She is such a douchebag.

How should this copy go? !

This copy is almost over. But Li Hongying didn't want to open the door.

So she suppressed a plot and never let it go.

If you don't hit the thunder, this novice book is really simple, plus the 7-day novice period, as long as you are a healthy, friendly and good person, 80% of them can pass the level smoothly. Although many people echoed one or two sentences because they inquired about the news in the early stage, they were torn apart by the ghosts as soon as the protection period expired.

Li Hongying has been in this dungeon for a long time, and has seen all kinds of passers-by, but none of them are newcomers, and the last time she was a player who had experienced the novice dungeon. She has come into contact with players of all kinds of smells, some smell disgusting, and some seem to be delicately cooked.

Jiang Xiaoli was indeed delicious, but that was just one of the reasons why she didn't want to let him go. And there is...

Whether it was before or after turning into a ghost, Jiang Xiaoli was really the first "person" who was so close to her. Whether it tastes good, the body temperature is good, or the touch is good, Li Hongying is very reluctant to part with it. She began to complain about the ghost A who violated the rules and disappeared. If she hadn't exposed it, then with her usual pitiful appearance, coaxing Jiang Xiaoli to say "I will always be with you" or "I won't leave" would be nothing. Difficult.

— and the annoying escape game.

If this is not Jiang Xiaoli's first dungeon...

Li Hongying gritted her teeth, and felt that if it wasn't the first dungeon, Jiang Xiaoli might have entered her stomach or a ghost's belly the next day.

Time passed little by little. When doing her daily homework, Jiang Xiaoli was concentrating on watching Li Hongying solve problems for her. Although everyone had already had a showdown, they still had to continue doing what they had to do. Jiang Xiaoli didn't understand the system's judgment, so he could only follow the rules.

Li Hongying also seemed to have forgotten that her identity had been exposed long ago, and she became that withdrawn and cowardly classmate again. When Jiang Xiaoli approached her to ask for homework, he would tell her the solutions and steps over and over again.

Li Hongying is a bit good-looking. Jiang Xiaoli watched Li Hongying put the black-rimmed glasses aside, and her whole body became sharp and strong, but restrained.


"..." Jiang Xiaoli suddenly recovered, only to realize that she was actually attracted by Li Hongying's face. This made her very embarrassed, and she couldn't help coughing lightly: "I'm sorry, I was distracted."

"I know." Li Hongying smiled, and leaned closer, almost touching the tip of Jiang Xiaoli's nose. She said softly, "You can take a closer look."

Get closer? If you get closer... Jiang Xiaoli glanced at Li Hongying's slightly moving lips. The lip color is very light, but it should look very soft. Jiang Xiaoli felt a heat in her heart, as if she was bewitched by something, a crazy voice in her head shouted: Come closer! — No, you can't. Jiang Xiaoli looked away with difficulty, but reason prevailed.

The corners of Li Hongying's mouth drooped, and her eyes staring at Jiang Xiaoli became deeper and deeper. She knew that she was not very proficient in other abilities of ghosts, but she didn't expect Jiang Xiaoli to be really unaffected. She no longer has the intention to kill Jiang Xiaoli, nor does she have the slightest intention to hurt her, so... it is not a violation.

Li Hongying stood up, lifted her hair and leaned down, and lightly kissed Jiang Xiaoli on the cheek, and activated the "suggestion" ability that she hadn't used so well, and everything went smoothly.

Until she put her arms around Jiang Xiaoli's waist and pressed her on the table and cabinet to kiss [Harmony], her cold fingertips pierced through the hem of the school uniform and probed straight up, almost touching..., that damn escape rule appeared He glanced at Li Hongying.

Does that count as damage? Can this count as damage

Li Hongying's eyes were scarlet with anger, and she accidentally showed her original shape, and Jiang Xiaoli's whole body was stained with blood. Jiang Xiaoli hadn't even recovered from the dizzy feeling, and in the blink of an eye, she saw that the person she was kissing passionately just now had turned into a red-clothed red-clothed ghost.

Jiang Xiaoli was so frightened that the bumping deer was frightened cold in an instant. She looked at Li Hongying with a pale face, and there were tears in her eyes from the too intense kiss just now. Li Hongying lowered her head, blood and tears dripped from the corners of her eyes onto Jiang Xiaoli's face along the tip of her chin. She raised her hand to wipe away the drop of blood, and it stuck to Jiang Xiaoli's lips, "Stay here with me, okay?"

Bewildered. This idiom suddenly appeared in Jiang Xiaoli's mind, and she felt that she was really "ghost obsessed" just now. Otherwise, why would she suddenly and Li Hongying... "I want to live."

alive? Li Hongying turned cold, wouldn't it be good to stay here? Wouldn't it be nice to stay as an NPC? She won't let Jiang Xiaoli die, she only needs a little flesh and blood every day... Li Hongying suddenly thought of something, and lowered her head to press a kiss on Jiang Xiaoli's forehead, a kiss soaked in blood.

"Then, shall I accompany you?"

Jiang Xiaoli had a long dream.

In the dream is the first perspective opened by Li Hongying.

I don’t like to move around at home, I like to watch anime, I am addicted to games, and I like to play with my mobile phone when I go to school. Because I was addicted to these things, I was a little short-sighted, so I started wearing glasses in junior high school. He doesn't pay much attention to study but has a smart mind and learns quickly, so his grades are so-so. — A very ordinary student.

He is tall, doesn't make much of himself, is lazy and somewhat inarticulate. In junior high school, he had many like-minded friends, but they didn't go to the same high school, so they separated.

Li Hongying originally thought that high school was a new beginning. She really likes girls, and she has seen a lot of lilies on campus, and she is full of secret expectations for her future life.

As a result, she didn't know anyone well at the beginning, so she accidentally exposed her watching Lily. She thought it was nothing, and the roommates also said they understood and did not discriminate. But in a blink of an eye, I was afraid that I would fall in love with them, hiding one by one...

Li Hongying couldn't speak at first, and she didn't know how to explain it, but gradually she stopped being with them. It's just that I don't know which roommate was the gossip about it, so it spread out, and everyone knows about it.

Not a big deal.

But Li Hongying was too withdrawn and introverted, and she couldn't bear other people's curious eyes, and gossip and gossip often reached her ears. She didn't know what to do, so she started to keep a distance from everyone, and later, it seemed to get worse.

At the beginning, they deliberately asked her some homosexual questions and then laughed, and even some girls deliberately approached her and pretended to be close to her, and then yelled and said that you don't like me. From the beginning, the jokes became more and more excessive, but later on, he felt that this person was withdrawn, boring, weak and easy to bully, so everyone stepped on him.

The world seems to be divided into two parts, Li Hongying is in the shadow, and the rest are in the sun. Everyone laughed and shouted, playing tricks on people in the shadows like watching a play, so as to gain new fun in boring learning.

There were many rumors, and parents and teachers knew that Li Hongying was gay. Li's parents even took Li Hongying to see a psychiatrist. The psychiatrist said it was not a disease, but Li's parents felt ashamed. Li Hongying was often beaten, and all the books at home were torn and sold. Her grades began to decline, the teacher disliked her more and more, and the students were unwilling to bother about some fights. Li Hongying became more and more withdrawn, she didn't understand why she became like this, why everyone began to reject her, but she seemed unable to change no matter what she did.

She became a sinner and was nailed to the pillar of shame, and any passerby could spurn her at will.

But she didn't know what mistake she had made, and she didn't know who she had hurt.

Days passed, placement tests passed, and Li Hongying went to the worst class, but the situation did not change at all. Everyone in this school seems to know her, no matter where she goes, she is rejected and unwilling to approach her. The roommates even submitted applications one by one and were transferred out of the dormitory. The original four-person room was empty, leaving only Li Hongying alone.

Jiang Xiaoli thought that Li Hongying must have been depressed for a while. Because on the screen, Li Hongying hid under the quilt and wept silently many times, and she didn't know that sometimes her tears wet the pillow unconsciously when she fell asleep.

Jiang Xiaoli looked at the big one huddled under the quilt on the screen, feeling a little stuffy and uncomfortable.

Did Li Hongying do something wrong? To be precise, there is none. But if she could... change her personality, or hide it better. You won't be ostracized or bullied by comments, right? But when Jiang Xiaoli had such thoughts, she felt guilty. Even if Li Hongying is withdrawn and likes girls, that is not the reason for others to laugh at her.