Infinitely, I Have a Lady in Red

Chapter 73: The fifth game (twelve)


It was the jade pendant that saved his life, but the jade pendant was broken. If he is carried on the sedan chair again tonight... he may not be able to get off.

Mu Lei closed his eyes sadly. Not only did he die, but he died after suffering all kinds of humiliation, which was too tragic.

"They caught you in a dream, what can we do?" Jiang Xiaoli looked at the struggling male player and asked sincerely.

Mu Lei: ...

——"Dead, dead! Dead man!!!—"

There are screams coming from the front, are they the villagers? Jiang Xiaoli looked at Li Hongying, who held her hand reassuringly.

The death of the village chief...was discovered

Not the mayor. It's a villager. The black dragon struck again.

Wei Qianrong became more and more sure that the black dragon statue must be the medium of the "Holy Spirit", because the dead villagers also knelt under the black dragon statue. Three villagers died, all men. Including the village head and the village head's wife, that's five people.

Jiang Xiaoli thought of Mu Lei's dream, and said, "Will the dead villagers help it catch people and put them on the sedan chair in the dream? The others are paper-stitched people, and only the dead villagers are ghosts."

"If you are still dreaming today, you can observe how many people are not made of paper and are catching you." Wei Qianrong nodded, looked at Mu Lei who was following them, and suggested.

Mu Lei's face turned pale, his eyes widened in disbelief. Is he just a tool man? It's really hard for him to fall back into the dream and come out alive, okay

"There are also conditions for falling into a dream, maybe we will rest together in his room."

That's right, the key to entering the dreamland is the red wind chimes.

... Those people didn't say they couldn't sleep together! feasible.

"It must be you! It must be you strangers! The Holy Spirit is angry, the Holy Spirit is angry... why are you still alive, why!" A villager cried bitterly, and suddenly picked up a sickle by the wall with red eyes and turned towards the outside The players who watched the excitement rushed forward. Several players turned around and ran away when they saw that the situation was not good, but the villager didn't chase out of the house, but continued to cry.

Jiang Xiaoli and the others also retreated, and there is no new news here.

"You still want to follow us?" Wei Qianrong originally wanted to go to the temple with Jiang Xiaoli and the others to see the black dragon statue, and if possible, destroy the largest black dragon statue. But Mu Lei has been following behind, which is very troublesome.

Mu Lei was stunned for a moment, and he didn't have the arrogance of the first day. He smiled cutely, "Sister, I won't hold back... I just want to survive this game. I, I must have a place to If it helps, I still have a few talismans, so you don't have to be distracted to protect me."

"Follow if you want, don't blame us if you die."

This person is still useful at night, if he insists on following Wei Qianrong, he won't be able to kill him. Just follow, but she won't consume props to save people anyway.

Seeing Wei Qianrong let go, the male player hurriedly followed, "Sister, are you going to the temple?"

"Sister, what's in the temple? An important clue? The key?"

"Sister, you..."

"Do you think I'm a bully?" Wei Qianrong finally couldn't take it anymore, she angrily said: "Can you be quiet? Shut up!"

Mu Lei was stunned by the yelling, he opened his mouth and didn't dare to speak anymore, he followed behind obediently, and didn't dare to ask any clue information.

Wei Qianrong glanced at Jiang Xiaoli and Li Hongying, logically speaking, Jiang Xiaoli should be the first choice for players among these people to inquire about news. But Jiang Xiaoli was hugged by the evil god, so the little boy didn't dare to talk to her, he only dared to come and harass her.

— And one sister at a time. Yes, you are tender-faced, you are young, she is not old, okay!

Wei Qianrong didn't think Mu Lei was a young man in his early twenties. She pursed her lips, and after Mu Lei was quiet, she also felt better. Taking out the mahogany sword and the soul-calling banner from the bag, Wei Qianrong took the lead to step into the Yin Qi tainted with the breath of the black dragon.

Mu Lei hesitated for a moment, put his hands in his trouser pockets, and followed suit.

"Hiss, cool down as soon as you come in here." Jiang Xiaoli shrank her neck and felt cold, Li Hongying, a ghost, had no effect on heating at all. Just now the two were hugging each other affectionately, but as soon as they entered here, Li Hongying was disgusted.

Li Hongying: ...

"Has anyone been here?" There were messy footprints on the ground, it should be the last time... The villagers came in? It's really hard for them. Jiang Xiaoli originally thought that they were afraid to come in, or that it was just the village head who came in alone. She clicked her tongue and shook her head, and saw that the wooden door of the temple was actually closed

Jiang Xiaoli stepped forward and was about to push her away, but Li Hongying took her hand to stop her. "I come."

Li Hongying felt that Jiang Xiaoli was getting more and more courageous. She must have been terrified at times like this before, but now she walked forward ostentatiously. —Maybe it’s because there are too many props, and I’m getting fatter? Inflated

Thinking about the little black dragon statue, Jiang Xiaoli took two steps back and let Li Hongying go first.

She may be, confident. Wei Qianrong's eyes swept over the two of them, thinking helplessly. Obviously during the second game, Jiang Xiaoli was still very timid.

Li Hongying's wrist was covered with blood threads, and the red blood threads made her complexion whiter and whiter. She raised her hand to press on the door, and felt it with a little force. There was no barrier like a barrier, but it seemed that something was pressing against the door. Li Hongying pushed the door open with all her strength, and instinctively leaned over, and saw a figure standing upright. Fall down and fall to the ground.

Rigid, skeletal-thin, blood-drained corpses.

Is it a villager

"This, this is a player! Li, Li Xiangjin?" Mu Lei chatted with many players, so he recognized this person as a player for the first time!

"Player?" Li Hongying frowned, the temple was pitch black, and the burning incense and candles were all extinguished. This smell is very bad. Jiang Xiaoli handed her the lighter, and Li Hongying went straight into the temple and lit the joss sticks and candles under the black dragon statue. Then light the lamps specially lit with candles on both sides of the gate.

One, two, three, four, five...

There are still five corpses in the temple, but these five corpses all worshiped piously under the black dragon statue. The arm bones of one of the female corpses protruded from the skin, as if they were forcibly twisted into this shape.

Li Hongying stepped forward to take a look, and said in a low voice, "It's the villagers who died last night and this morning."

That woman is the wife of the village chief, and the one kneeling next to her is the village chief.

Isn't it just that the dead body is in the village? It was moved here? Did the villagers do it or did the black dragon move it himself

Li Hongying looked up at the black dragon statue, thinking probingly.

"This is... too unbelievable." Jiang Xiaoli looked at the tragic situation of the player and the devoutly kneeling villagers, and felt a chill rushing down his back. She bit her lower lip, "Destroyed the black dragon statue?"

Destruction must be destroyed. Li Hongying nodded, and raised her hand to release the blood threads, which wrapped around the black dragon statue one by one. The black dragon image flashed black light for an instant, before Li Hongying even exerted any strength, the black dragon image turned into black ash and scattered in the air.

-how? !

"It ran away?" Wei Qianrong didn't have yin and yang eyes, but she also captured the change of breath at that moment. This room was different, the feeling of being watched and shadowy was gone.

"There was a flash of black light just now... It just ran away like this?" How about a head-on confrontation? Actually hid? Obviously, in a direct confrontation, Li Hongying would need a lot of strength to destroy the Black Dragon Statue. But that guy just gave up? Abandoned the largest black dragon statue.

Their guesses were all overturned. Jiang Xiaoli and the others thought that this statue of the black dragon was the most important one, but... Judging from how quickly the black dragon abandoned it, this statue doesn't seem to be that important. Compared with this big black dragon statue, the black dragon seems to care more about the power it has absorbed recently.

"What's wrong? It's obviously weird here..." Wei Qianrong frowned, looking at the black ash floating in the air, she became more and more depressed. Guess wrong? The black dragon statue is not the key. Where else can the black dragon hide...? Baby cry river? But aren't there countless ghosts in the river

She gritted her teeth, and with a flick of the mahogany sword, she swept the offerings on the desk to the ground. The candles and joss sticks rubbed against the soil, and went out after a while. Wei Qianrong turned over the table, squatted down and touched the place where the black dragon statue had visited before, there was nothing but a layer of black ash.

"Crack, creak..."

what sound? Wei Qianrong turned around, and saw that the leather bag and skeleton body that was kneeling down was moving stiffly little by little...

"What the hell." Li Hongying cursed with some disgust, and dragged Jiang Xiaoli away from the temple, blood streaked out and rushed towards the six corpses in an instant.

Wei Qianrong didn't go out, she felt that there must be something and some guidance here! clue? It is impossible for the game to leave no clues, and it is impossible to obtain clues only through the mouth of the villagers.

The soul-calling flag flew up, and the female ghost appeared from the soul-calling flag. Without any hesitation, she rushed directly at the village chief who had turned into a dead body. Surrounded by Yin Qi, her nails suddenly swelled, tearing the corpse in half.

Not a single drop of blood flowed out.

The village head, the village head's wife, and then the three villagers who turned into corpses, the female ghost stopped after tearing all five of them apart, and looked at Wei Qianrong who was squatting still groping for something.

After Li Hongying took care of the player's corpse, Jiang Xiaoli took a candle from the ground and lit it, holding it to illuminate Wei Qianrong. "snort."

"What are you looking for?" The female ghost stared at Wei Qianrong for a long time but couldn't find anything, and finally asked.


The female ghost seemed to be choked, she looked at Wei Qianrong's hands covered in black ash, and said in a low voice, "About the Holy Spirit?"

Wei Qianrong stopped, she patted the ashes and stood up, took Jiang Xiaoli's candle, there were no clues here.

"The black dragon sleeps in the baby crying river to restore its ability and imprison the children's grieving ghost." The female ghost said, "The statue of the temple is different from other statues. It can maximize its ability, but it is not the place where its body resides. .”

"You know..." Wei Qianrong was also stained with black ash and was dirty all over. She looked at the female ghost, as if she wanted to get angry but didn't know how to get angry, "You know... why didn't you say it earlier."

Just watching her pick up ashes like this? !

The author has something to say: I want more collections and more comments~