Infinitely, I Have a Lady in Red

Chapter 86: The sixth game (3)


"We may have to find the dean's office first." Jiang Xiaoli said, "There is also the doctor's office... that Doctor Wang seems to be of a higher rank, and he must have more valuable information there."

"There is no map here." Wei Qianrong said. Generally speaking, there will be a list map on each floor of the hospital, telling others what is on this floor and where they need to find it. But this hospital does not. It is too dangerous to search layer by layer.

This building is in the shape of a "concave" and has a total of five floors including the roof.

Wards 1 to 8 and treatment rooms 1 and 2 are on the third floor. Most of the rest of the "patients" are on the second floor. And there is a doctor's lounge on each floor. The lounge is very small, with only a sofa, a table and a water dispenser.

"Then search layer by layer. Didn't No. 1 also run away and not be caught? There must be chaos here." Just as Jiang Xiaoli finished speaking, he heard the siren sound—

was found.

She was a little surprised to be discovered a little late. But thinking about it, running away on the 1st is enough to make people irritated, but they found out that they ran away from the 7th and 8th... If the so-called director of this "hospital" knew about this, he would probably be furious.

Jiang Xiaoli looked at Wei Qianrong, and suddenly felt a little sympathy: If Wei Qianrong is captured by the NPC... I'm afraid he will be electrocuted to death. Because, those doctors might not think that she was running away, but that she was running away with No. 7.

"By the way, will there be surveillance in this kind of place?" Jiang Xiaoli asked suddenly thinking of something.

"Maybe, but here... surveillance should not be used to leave evidence." Otherwise, if the surveillance leaks, wouldn't it reveal how they treat "patients"

Jiang Xiaoli and Wei Qianrong came to the fourth floor while talking. The fourth floor is an office? None of the rooms on the fourth floor had a house number, but now it seemed that there was no one there. Some doors were locked and some were not. Jiang Xiaoli pushed open an unlocked room, and found that there were desks and chairs in the office style. There was a stack of papers on the desk. She hurriedly walked over to take a look, and found that it was all the patient's, name, gender, age, symptoms, suggested treatment methods, treatment cycle, etc. Underneath each list is a waiver written voluntarily by the parents.

— Completely hand over the child to XX Hospital for treatment. If any accident occurs, the hospital will never be held responsible. Signature, handprint.

Just put it on the table so hastily? ! Also, none of them would expect a patient to come into the doctor's office without permission. Jiang Xiaoli pouted, opened the drawer and saw a manual with the name "Zhang Wosong" written on it. Doctor Zhang

... all without effort? Or is it a coincidence? Jiang Xiaoli looked up and looked outside. At this time, the alarm had stopped. I don't know if it was because No. 1 was caught.

"There's no information about numbers 1 to 8." Wei Qianrong looked through the patient's list, but couldn't find any information about the eight players. She went to other desks and rummaged, but found nothing.

"Da da da"

Slow footsteps.

Like a person taking a leisurely walk.

Wei Qianrong and Jiang Xiaoli looked at each other, and they both hid under their respective desks.

"Da da da"

The sound gradually became smaller.

Jiang Xiaoli breathed a sigh of relief, she moved her body and wanted to get out. She was carefully preparing to climb out, but when she looked up, she saw a face stuck to the window—looking into the office!

She was so frightened that she almost forgot to breathe, and her heart beat so fast in an instant. She stiffened and retracted under the desk, and waited for a long time before she heard the sound of footsteps gradually going away.

Is that a doctor? But he wasn't wearing a white coat.

Jiang Xiaoli didn't want to understand, but the face just now was really too scary. Even though she didn't see the man's face clearly, when she saw a head stuck to the window - her heart almost jumped out.

Wei Qianrong didn't stay for long, she pulled Jiang Xiaoli's wrist out of this office, and continued to walk through one room - the dean's room.

Arrived at the dean's room. The door is locked and no one is inside.

Wei Qianrong was silent for a moment and looked at Jiang Xiaoli: "Can your ghost pick the lock?"

"Ah?" Jiang Xiaoli quickly realized that she looked too stupid like this, she hurriedly asked Li Hongying, and got an unhappy "humph" from Li Hongying.

... When she came here, she ignored the ghost again.

Li Hongying floated out, her injuries were almost healed, and she was no longer serious. She separated a thread of blood and controlled it to penetrate the door lock—with a "click", the door opened.

The dean's room is not big. Pushing the door open, one could smell a stuffy smell due to the lack of ventilation for a long time. And what I saw when I looked up was not the mahogany office desk and chair, but the painting hanging behind the chair—the picture of the Crucifixion of Jesus.

"You actually believe in Christianity?" Jiang Xiaoli closed the door, feeling speechless looking at the picture. Doing heinous things, but still a religious person? The suffering of Jesus cleansed people's sins, this dean...

"The Bible." Wei Qianrong came to the table. The table was clean, except for a Bible. She suddenly thought of "The Shawshank Redemption", picked up the Bible and flipped through it, but found nothing different for the time being.

On the left after opening the door is a huge wooden bookcase filled with all kinds of books. Several lines of medical-related books, most of which are in English. There are also translations of the Bible and some books related to Western mythology.

Wei Qianrong raised two books and flipped through them. The pages were clean, without any creases, just like new ones. She suspects that the courtyard is only there to save face. She clicked her tongue, and when she was about to put the book back, she saw something behind the gap.

— is also a book.

was hidden at the back. Wei Qianrong took out the book, and was not in a hurry to look through it, but took out the books in the other rows to see if there was anything hidden in other layers. No.

"It seems that we are very lucky." Jiang Xiaoli couldn't help feeling, she opened the book casually, and what caught her eyes was a magic circle. "?"

The characters in this book...Jiang Xiaoli felt that they were the same as the lines of ghost-drawing charms, ghost-drawing charms, and he couldn't understand anything. "What is this word?"

"Maybe it's an ancient script." Wei Qianrong didn't know it either. "Maybe it's a magic circle like summoning demons, offering sacrifices?"

"People believe that fire can kill demons." Jiang Xiaoli suddenly thought of the last fire in this madhouse, maybe... related to this book. "Of course, I'm just guessing. Could it be that what we're facing in this copy is not a ghost, but something like a devil or a demon?"

Jiang Xiaoli has even encountered werewolves before, so she is not so unfamiliar with these western products. She touched the bracelet on her wrist. Since she got this, she has never met any vampire or werewolf again.

She flipped through it, and suddenly found a diagram surrounded by a red pen. The fine print under it is underlined... is this it

After thinking about it, Jiang Xiaoli tore off the two pages of paper about this formation and put them in his pocket. —If the book is found and handed over by then, at least the important information is still with me. Jiang Xiaoli carefully restored the rest of the books, and put the Bible back in its original place. After everything recovered, she planned to leave here first.

While she was doing this, Wei Qianrong walked to the desk and looked up at the crucifixion picture. She looked carefully at several angles, and suddenly said, "I want to take down that painting."

"Okay." Jiang Xiaoli pushed the office chair over, stepped on the chair and stood up, trying to take the painting down—but he didn't.

Jiang Xiaoli was stunned, she began to pull out with all her strength, but she couldn't pull it out no matter what! She thumped it a little angrily, and found that the painting seemed to be sunken in a little...

"Press it in!" Wei Qianrong vaguely heard the sound of some mechanism. Jiang Xiaoli pushed the painting into the wall little by little, only to find that the painting is completely connected to the outer layer, and there is a card slot at the end connected to the wall, which is a design that cannot be pulled out but can only be pushed in.

The floor under the desk is gradually opened, revealing a narrow staircase.

— This is the fourth floor! Don't the stairs connect the third floor? !

"This location... is where the doctors rest on each floor." Wei Qianrong said in a low voice while thinking. The rest area... Is it to reduce the area of the rest area to make room for the secret passage? Who would have thought of this

"Why do you think there's something wrong with the painting?" Jiang Xiaoli looked at Wei Qianrong suspiciously, she suspected that Wei Qianrong was cheating behind her back.

"The painting is very clean, and there is no dust on the frame." It was so clean that Wei Qianrong thought that there was some letter paper or information inside the painting, so she wanted to take it down and take a good look at what was inside the frame. However... by mistake.

"That's okay too?" Jiang Xiaoli was a little speechless, but he had to give in. When she saw the painting for the first time, she only thought it was mocking, but Wei Qianrong could observe it... Also, a painting hanging on the wall, hanging at such a high place, who would clean it every day? "Shall we go down and see now?"

Jiang Xiaoli was actually hesitant, because the last time they progressed too fast in the Dungeon Village dungeon, they accelerated the progress of the game and made it more difficult. This time... she didn't want to play hell mode again this time. But to let go of the clues he found, Jiang Xiaoli couldn't help his curiosity. She patted the chair to clean up the traces, "Wei Qianrong?"

"I don't know." Wei Qianrong couldn't make up her mind, since she found the clue, it would be better to pursue it, but it's the first day they came to this dungeon, if they were reckless, what would they achieve...

— "Where did the number one go? There are three, seven, eight..."

"They can't leave here, just search carefully in the courtyard. How long can they hide? Heh, let the cafeteria pay attention."

"By the way, Dean, number six is very strange today, he didn't eat anything."

"It means that the treatment has achieved initial results, let's increase the intensity of the treatment."


somebody is coming!

Wei Qianrong smiled wryly, this really didn't make them hesitate. She hurriedly looked at the surrounding facilities, and they had restored all the things... "Go, go down."

The two of them walked down the stairs carefully, and Jiang Xiaoli raised her hand to hold the chair legs, and put the chair back into place. She climbed down little by little, and the light suddenly decreased until it disappeared—the mechanism was closed.

Hope it won't be discovered.

They didn't want to cause any more disturbances. The almost overturned car last time reminded them that it's better to be safe in the game, otherwise it will trigger super S-level hell difficulty.

The author has something to say: Jiang Xiaoli: We must make steady progress and pass the level like ordinary players!

Li Hongying: ...

Wei Qianrong: ...

Ordinary players: ? ?