Infinitely, I Have a Lady in Red

Chapter 88: The sixth game (five)


The dean... the voice seemed to be a man. Well, here...

Jiang Xiaoli carefully blocked the big brick back, making sure that no one would find out before getting up. As soon as she turned around, she saw Wei Qianrong put her hand on the doorknob, holding her breath and listening to the movement outside, to check if there was anyone outside.

"Quick." Wei Qianrong opened the door and rushed out, followed by Jiang Xiaoli. When he was in the corridor, Wei Qianrong took out the mask from his pocket and put it on, regaining his calm expression.

Jiang Xiaoli also put on the mask, but her eyes couldn't help but glance around, "Shall we go to eat now?"

It's been a long time, and she's getting a little hungry.

"Does the doctor have a meal card?" Wei Qianrong asked. If they went directly to the cafeteria, it would be too dramatic to be discovered because they couldn't take out the meal card. She felt that the doctors in this madhouse shouldn't be able to disguise themselves with just one set of clothes... Otherwise, those patients would have been disguised as doctors and mixed in? "Can we replace the role of 'doctor' as long as we have clothes?"

Jiang Xiaoli shook his head hesitantly, if only clothes can replace it, the IQ level of the NPCs in this game is too low. And the funny thing is that she hasn't even seen female doctors here... Fortunately, they don't have big breasts, so they won't be noticed if they lower their voices and speak in a rough voice.

In fact, there is a better way, that is to return to the ward as a patient. But neither Wei Qianrong nor Jiang Xiaoli wanted to be treated by electric shock...

' Or, kill an NPC, ask him for information about himself, and kill him. Li Hongying came up with an idea.

This is what replaces it.

"Those NPCs... are they living people or ghosts?"

"It's a demon." Wei Qianrong said, "Or a believer of a demon, in short, it's not a good thing."

"Then let's catch the two who are alone.... Their vigilance is quite low, and they would not suspect that we are patients pretending to be patients when they meet normally." This is probably a kind of blind confidence of those doctors, who feel that the patients here have already They have all been treated "obediently", so in general, there is no doubt about anything. Today, the patients went crazy, disappeared and ran a few, and even caused an alarm. This is probably beyond the imagination of those doctors.

They cautiously went up to the second floor, and went to the doctor's resting place by luck...


Jiang Xiaoli and Wei Qianrong pushed open the door and walked in, then closed and locked the door.

"Ah? Are you here to eat too?... Hmm? You are..." The doctor was a little dazed. He put the hot meal he had just made on the table, looked back at Jiang Xiaoli and the others, and felt that the two People seem to be... a little unfamiliar.

"Li Hongying!"

"What? My name is not Li..." The doctor was extremely confused, and wanted to ask if they had identified the wrong person, but he saw a mass of red mist visible to the naked eye floating from the heart of the slightly shorter doctor. It condensed into a human form in front of his eyes—the appearance of a young girl.

Yes ghost.

He was so frightened that he stood up and wanted to run, but slipped and fell to the ground. He kicked his legs repeatedly and tried to get away... Li Hongying released her yin energy and "grabbed" the person directly.

Bloodshot eyes appeared in her hands, and she wrapped around the doctor's neck. Before threatening the man, she began to cry, wailing and begging for mercy—without half a bone.

"what's your name?"

"Wang Chengji..." The doctor drew his name on the ground tremblingly, "Don't kill me, don't kill me... I'll say anything, I'll tell you everything..."

"How to identify the doctor's identity?"

"...Identity? Ah, yes, there are clothes, and a magnetic card, a magnetic card for exclusive status... This magnetic card can be used to receive meals in the cafeteria." Seeing Li Hongying's gradually impatient expression, Wang Chengji hurriedly took out the magnetic card in his pocket, bloodshot He rolled up the magnetic card and threw it directly to Jiang Xiaoli.

He took out another booklet, which recorded the symptoms, treatment methods, and daily treatment of some patients in the wards on the second floor. "You, you let me go... We have no grievances, no grievances, no grievances... Even if you kill me, you won't be able to get out of here..." He looked at Jiang Xiaoli and Wei Qianrong, and vaguely guessed the two The man was probably the second of the eight patients who fled and disappeared on the third floor.

He cried and shouted to cooperate extremely, but his eyes concealed a trace of resentment: When they leave... we must report to the dean as soon as possible, the patient actually put on the doctor's clothes? He wasn't afraid that they would take away his clothes, magnetic cards and brochures, rather... If they really wanted to use their magnetic cards for food, they would be in a trap.

"How many people died here?" Wei Qianrong asked.

"... This? Who knows, there are always people who are overwhelmed with suicide, and occasionally have treatment failures. Some young people nowadays can't bear a little blow or suffering, and they are not even willing to cooperate with treatment, and they cry and hope. 'Mom and Dad' took them back—they're all here, so how could their parents be willing to take them back if they don't get cured?" The doctor said a lot, but didn't answer the question, Li Hongying controlled the bloodshot to tighten a little, The doctor suddenly turned pale, and said anxiously: "It's been too many years! They died, hundreds of them?"

"Where's the body?"

"The dead bodies are handled by the dean... Some will notify their parents to take them back, but some parents are unwilling to come and will not take them away. The dean... The dean seems to have cremated and buried them all."

Buried? Jiang Xiaoli sneered, no matter where it was buried, it was obviously hidden... It was hidden to make that evil formation that didn't know what it was used for.

"Why are the eight patients treated alone on the third floor?"

"Ah? This... It is said that it is because...the parents of these eight are rich and powerful, so they need to focus on and focus on treatment." After Zhang Chengji finished speaking, he felt the female ghost's displeasure, and hastily added: " I don't know, really, that's what the dean said!"

What did the dean say? Wei Qianrong didn't say he believed it, nor did he say he didn't believe it. She pondered, thinking about what else she could ask from such an ordinary doctor. Jiang Xiaoli was also thinking together at first, but then his attention was gradually attracted by the steaming food on the table - this doctor hasn't eaten yet!

Zhang Chengji was so scared that he didn't dare to complain when he saw Jiang Xiaoli sitting on the sofa picking up his bowl of rice and eating his food.

"..." Wei Qianrong looked helpless at Jiang Xiaoli's actions, but her instinct made her swallow. "Who do you think your dean is?"

"The dean makes all the deficient children make up for their deficiencies, heals them, and turns them into normal and qualified people!" When the doctor talked about the dean, there was a bit of admiration and admiration in his eyes, and these words together with His demeanor made Jiang Xiaoli sick.

"Your dean, can you speak many languages?"

"I don't know, Mr. Dean is very powerful. He seems to know everything."

Wei Qianrong stared at the doctor, this guy answered so quickly...

"Have you ever heard a song?"

"What song is it?"

Wei Qianrong stared into the doctor's eyes without blinking, and sang in an emotionless tone:

"Number One is a violent maniac, violent and insane.

Number two is a crybaby, crying and fainting three or four times a day.

No. 3 is a liar, and he doesn't say a word of truth.

Number Four is a coward, crazy and meets ghosts.

Number five is a murderer, who kills and drinks blood without blinking an eye.

Number six is a big eater, and his mouth is never idle.

Number Seven is a psychopath who keeps talking to himself.

Number Eight is a homosexual who cannot be cured by electrocution and water torture. "

She didn't sing the whole song, but she saw the doctor's pupils contract suddenly, and noticed that the doctor became tense for a moment.

Li Hongying's blood thread slowly tightened, leaving a red mark on Zhang Chengji's neck. Zhang Chengji waved his hands in the void indiscriminately trying to break free. When the bloodshot slowed down, he gasped and said quickly with lingering fear: "I have heard, I have heard... I have no intention of hiding it, really..."

"It was sung by a crazy patient, he sang it... no, no he wasn't crazy before, he was, he disappeared for a while, and when he got back, he was totally crazy, out of his mind. All day long Shenshen is holding something in his mouth, just like number seven."

Jiang Xiaoli, who temporarily became number seven:? ?

"Where did you find him?"

"... The men's room on the first floor." Zhang Chengji pursed his lower lip: "Really, I don't need to lie to you... I actually searched all of them, but I don't know why I finally found him in the men's room... Maybe he wasn't there in the first place , I hid in later. But why is he crazy, why is he singing these... I don’t know, I don’t know.”

Zhang Chengji said he didn't know. Seems to be true. Wei Qianrong and Jiang Xiaoli had already made up their minds when they heard the location. Why is that patient crazy? Probably entered the dean's office. But they didn't know how the patient triggered the mechanism, was able to enter the secret room, and finally crawled out from the corridor to the toilet. What's more, he's crazy.

"crazy. What a delicate word.

It can be real crazy, it can be fake crazy. And this... Wei Qianrong and the others had to find the patient to be sure. But it's a pity... They don't remember what the patient looked like, and it's still very troublesome to really find it out.

When Jiang Xiaoli was eating, he threw half of the rice into the vegetable bowl, and then picked half of the food from the vegetable bowl and put it in his own bowl. Then he pushed the vegetable bowl to Wei Qianrong, so that it was fair for one person and half. Wei Qianrong had almost understood the rough information, but still couldn't see the plan behind it. She sat down beside Jiang Xiaoli, Jiang Xiaoli had already finished half of her bowl of rice, handed the chopsticks to Wei Qianrong, and she got up and came to Li Hongying's side.

"What else do you think you can ask?" Jiang Xiaoli asked Li Hongying.

"Show him that piece of paper?" Li Hongying thought in her heart that such an NPC probably wouldn't have access to those important clues, and asking these things was good enough. But when Jiang Xiaoli came to ask her, she said something casually. Then he took Jiang Xiaoli's hand and hugged him in his arms, rubbed his lips behind Jiang Xiaoli's ear, and said in a low voice, "I'm talking nonsense."

"... But you can try." Jiang Xiaoli took out the two pieces of paper from her arms, but did not hand them to the doctor, she was afraid that the man would go crazy and tear them up. It was a little distance away so that he could see clearly what was on the paper. "Do you know these?"

The author has something to say: I want to apologize, I fell asleep when I was too sleepy while typing. Then I fell asleep until almost ten o'clock before waking up to code words...

well. I don’t know if you know the Xiaozhuan of Shuowen Jiezi, the Xiaozhuan + Chinese characters + pinyin + explanation for the homework copy. After copying for a day, I was very tired and still haven't finished copying.

Advice: College students should not put off homework until the last week! With five or six papers left, I burst into tears