Infinitely, I Have a Lady in Red

Chapter 89: The sixth game (six)


A piece of paper, with a strange formation pattern on the top, and a strange pattern on the bottom... It looks like characters from other countries. Wang Chengji looked at it nervously for a long time, "I don't know... I've never seen this kind of... text?" He looked at Jiang Xiaoli strangely, suspecting that this was some kind of communication text created between these patients.

"That's it..." Jiang Xiaoli nodded, "Which doctor will take care of the singing patient?"

"Ah? I don't know this, this... We each only know which patients are in our care..."

After Wei Qianrong had finished eating, Jiang Xiaoli and Wei Qianrong packed up their things—Wang Chengji's magnetic card, manual, the lighter in his pocket, and the half-pack of unfinished cigarettes, all of which they took, and then opened the door and went out .

Wang Chengji heaved a sigh of relief, got up and wanted to go to the fourth floor, but he found that the female ghost walking at the end... didn't go out, but closed the door. The string in Wang Chengji's mind was tensed for an instant, and he instinctively wanted to call for help, but Li Hongying didn't give him this chance at all! The gray thread entangled him in an instant, and in a moment, he disappeared into the lounge—leaving nothing behind.

"Okay?" Sensing Li Hongying's return, Jiang Xiaoli asked.

'certainly. ' Li Hongying said, 'It's just that I don't have much energy. '

Jiang Xiaoli lit a wax for that NPC, what a pity, being absorbed by Li Hongying and being rejected by him has too little energy... Sigh.

After doing this, Jiang Xiaoli and Wei Qianrong followed suit and arrested a doctor in the waiting room, and asked the same questions as Wang Chengji. The doctor answered tremblingly, and the answer was the same as Wang Chengji's answer. The doctor's name was Yu Chengjin. They wrote it down secretly, and also took away the magnetic card booklet and other things, and then asked Li Hongying to erase the traces.

Now that they got the doctor's magnetic card, they put on their masks and went straight to the third floor. The soundproofing of the treatment room should be excellent, but when they passed by the door, they could still hear the screams coming from inside...

Most of the patients' wards were locked. Perhaps it was because the players wanted to escape after taking over the bodies of the eight patients, so the doctors locked them inside, and brought food in when it was time for meals, and sent them to the hospital when it was time for treatment. Treatment - literally worse than jail.

Those players who didn't escape immediately regretted it to death... What progress can they make if they are locked in the ward

-Five p.m.

Wei Qianrong and Jiang Xiaoli barely maintained their jobs as doctors, and made a record and examination of all the patients they were in charge of on the second floor. As for the electric shock? They didn't "treat" those patients, they just went through the motions to make do. If those patients had any brains, they wouldn't go around muttering about not being called today. It's just that they didn't find the patient who was singing crazy until all the patients were checked. ... Then, that patient does not belong to Cheng Jin's management. It was managed by another doctor.

Really, troublesome.

The two looked at each other and sighed. They planned to go to the cafeteria to see the situation. There are few people in the time now, and even if they were discovered there, there would be time to silence them. Just walked to the first floor of the courtyard, the orange sunset outside gradually deepened...

It stained the building with blood.

From orange to red, deepening... as if being splashed with blood.

"Has it changed again?" Jiang Xiaoli felt that the surrounding environment had also begun to undergo unknown changes, and her intuition made her feel that this was a dangerous change...

"Go back to the ward and get your backpack!"

Regardless of whether it was exposed or not, the current situation is similar to the night escape in the previous dungeon, Wei Qianrong dragged Jiang Xiaoli and ran upstairs. When they reached the second floor, they found that the patients in the ward were walking stiffly in the aisles like ghosts... and when they went upstairs, all the patients turned their heads to look at them in an instant. Everyone is expressionless, but when the pair of black and white eyes without emotion are staring straight at you, this penetrating feeling will flow from the soles of the feet to the back, causing a cold sweat.

The walking dead, a puppet at the mercy of others? Rigid and without self-thinking, zombies who act on instinct? The performance of these people reminded Jiang Xiaoli of zombie movies - "The Walking Dead", "Resident Evil" and the like. As expected, these patients did not live up to her expectations, but after the two sides looked at each other for a second, before Jiang Xiaoli's thoughts could diverge to a further place, these "patients" howled like beasts and moved towards They rushed over!

Fortunately, the action is stiff and the speed is not fast.

"Damn it!!! Why does this dungeon come with zombie elements!—" Jiang Xiaoli suddenly broke out, no longer passively being dragged away by Wei Qianrong, she stepped up two flights of stairs, and then dragged Holding Wei Qianrong's wrist, he ran fast.

Of course, this was just an instant outburst, and she was almost out of breath by the time she ran to her ward.

She and Wei Qianrong didn't pack much, and they didn't have any extra time to pack anything, they even had to run away with their bags on their backs. It's just that Jiang Xiaoli suddenly thought of the players who were locked in the door - if they brought them back and heard the sound of something scratching the door outside, they would definitely be scared to death in the room! As a player with a sense of justice, Jiang Xiaoli will never allow such a situation to happen!

She called Li Hongying, and asked Li Hongying to open several locked rooms of the players with bloodshot eyes. Then he and Wei Qianrong quickly fled the scene.

"You're going to do bad things too..." Wei Qianrong felt a little emotional, she looked at Jiang Xiaoli who was panting while running, her eyes were deep and relieved, like an old father seeing his ineffective son finally succeed.

"W-how can I... I'm not, I'm afraid they're in the room, I'm scared, and I can't run away... Ah. I am, help them..." Jiang Xiaoli was panting heavily, but she tried hard to refute after hearing this, There is a lot of pride in the words.

Wei Qianrong: ...

"They don't have to run away in the room, can those ordinary patient zombies still break through the door?" Wei Qianrong's gratified look gradually dissipated, and finally turned into an idiot's eyes: "I thought you let them out because you want to let them out." They distract the zombies so we can relax!"

"... Uh, there must be some reasons for this." Jiang Xiaoli was stunned for a moment, feeling that Wei Qianrong had spoken out what was hidden in her heart: "Yes! That's what I thought!"

A feeling of exhaustion hit her heart, and Wei Qianrong suspected that if she teamed up with Jiang Xiaoli a few times, even if she didn't play the game, she would be pissed off by Jiang Xiaoli.

"Be careful, ordinary patients turn into ordinary, slow zombies, but there are not only patients here." Li Hongying did not show up, but said in a voice that Wei Qianrong and Jiang Xiaoli could hear: "Doctor, hospital Long. There is no danger during the day, and this copy cannot be so simple and easy."

Wei Qianrong nodded her head to express her understanding, and then thought comfortingly: Although Jiang Xiaoli is not very reliable, her red-clothed ghost is very reliable.

"Fuck! What, what's going on!—"

"Isn't it a hospital? Zombies? The end of the world is coming???"

"The game didn't say that!"

"Cooperate! Run upstairs... No, no, go downstairs, leave this hospital first!"

"Are you sure we can get out?"

Those players who were unlocked were still a little puzzled, why the lock was suddenly opened? — After unlocking the lock, Li Hongying directly pushed the door open with gusts of Yin Qi, which is why these players found the lock open so quickly. And when they came out, they saw the players on the opposite side of the ward at first glance—they met each other during the safe period, so they could know that the other party was still a player. Everyone was very vigilant, but before they started testing each other or asking each other for any information, they saw a large group of screaming, stiff sick zombies walking crookedly up the stairs.

After a brief moment of shocked silence, the players erupted.

Apart from their discussions and quarrels, there was also the sound of heavy objects rolling down the stairs—they probably knocked down the zombies, and the zombies rolled down by themselves.

"Why isn't this frank mahogany sword useful? Why is it like a stick?"

"Zombies are not ghosts!"

"But these are mahogany swords! They are evil spirits!"

"They don't seem to be dead..."

— "Which turtle grandson opened my door!!!"

The players worked together to guard the stairs on the third floor, and it was the first time they discovered that there were so many patients in this hospital! They were still trying to use the mahogany sword as a stick, beating and stabbing the zombies down the stairs. The player next to him suddenly saw something scary, and burst out "Run!" and scrambled to run upstairs.

"What are you afraid of? Isn't it just mourning... ah!!!" I didn't care about the zombie patients at the top of the stairs. On the other side of the treatment room, two tall and thin "stick men" who looked like pieces of paper came over. They were wearing a white coat, but it couldn't even cover their legs. This floor is more than three meters high, so two sticks occupy about three-quarters of it, and you can touch the ceiling with your hands!

This is not important, the important thing is that if you look at the ceiling curiously, you will see "people" in white coats lying on the ceiling, about three or four, they stick to each other like spiders and geckos. On the wall, when players see it, they will turn their heads 360 degrees excitedly... Of course, if you want to turn 720 degrees, it is not impossible.

When they saw the lovely players, their excitement was uncontrollable, their saliva dripped on the ground, and they rushed towards the players quickly.

"Help, help!—What kind of background game is this—"

The players rushed upstairs one by one, and the stairs were blocked by zombies, and there were stairs on the other side, but there were even more terrifying monsters on the other side...

"It's, it's like, it's like "Resident Evil"..." a player gasped.

"Shut up!" the players around him yelled viciously.

"It seems very lively." Jiang Xiaoli and the others had already reached the rooftop, Li Hongying opened the lock, but they didn't throw it away, and Jiang Xiaoli locked the door with the lock after they got on the rooftop. Safety.

She looked down through the crack of the door curiously, and saw a group of players rushing up in a panic, and then met her eyes behind the door.

Jiang Xiaoli felt a little guilty when she saw the appearance of this group of people, she raised her hand in embarrassment:


The author has something to say: Players: XXX! (unlucky swearing)