Infinitely, I Have a Lady in Red

Chapter 95: The sixth game (twelve)


'Why is this guy like you? Li Hongying joked in Jiang Xiaoli's heart abruptly, "A complete money fanatic." '

Jiang Xiaoli:

I'm not okay, since when have I been as spineless as him! Jiang Xiaoli strongly denied it.

"Let's talk about it when we clear the customs." Wei Qianrong was extremely helpless. She clearly wanted to continue to observe them for a while, and she just let Luo Mingjie have a general understanding. This is a two-way choice, and it is also for Luo Mingjie to observe them. As a result, when Jiang Xiaoli said this, Luo Mingjie responded...

They were all chosen by the game to die without knowing when, and they were all obsessed with money.

In this case, they simply went to the cafeteria to have dinner together. After the escape time ends, the NPCs will temporarily disappear during this period, which can be regarded as the respite time left for the players in the game.

After eating, they went directly to the dean's office on the fourth floor. Luo Mingjie followed behind with a bewildered expression, watching Jiang Xiaoli skillfully dragging the chair and stepping on it, pressing the painting in and triggering the mechanism...

"This, you can also find this?!" Luo Mingjie was stunned. Are these two teammates still human

Jiang Xiaoli thought that was not the case. She carefully wiped the chair clean and restored it, and after confirming that there were no traces left, she called Luo Mingjie and Wei Qianrong into the secret passage together.

Every time it's time to escape, those NPCs will turn into monsters, and the players don't have to work hard to maintain the character design at this time, so Jiang Xiaoli and Wei Qianrong will carry their backpacks on their backs at this time. They just had a meal and didn't put their backpacks back, so this time Wei Qianrong took out a flashlight from her big mountaineering bag—a general lighting flashlight, and illuminated the dark stairs all the way down.

When the flashlight was on, Jiang Xiaoli and the others saw that there were traces of blood drops on some of the stairs. Judging from the color, it should have been a long time ago.

Jiang Xiaoli couldn't help but think of the way the dean was walking up and down the stairs, smiling, holding No. 5's severed hand and No. 6's stomach... She rubbed her arms, feeling extremely sick.

They went to the secret room.

But the strange thing is that the Chamber of Secrets hasn't changed in any way.

Jiang Xiaoli thought that she would see No. 5's hand in a certain corner, or No. 6's stomach in a certain container, but there was nothing, nothing. The rows of urns in the corner are still there, and their positions haven't even changed.

"Is this the evil formation you mentioned?" Luo Mingjie knelt down to look at the circle, and touched it with his hand. "Over there are the ashes of the dead patients you mentioned? The sacrifice is part of the player?... Doesn't it mean that if I'm dripping some blood in this circle now..."

Jiang Xiaoli froze for a moment, dripping blood into it? "This is obviously an unfinished formation, okay, the sacrifices are not complete, and your blood is useless, right?"

"That's it." Luo Mingjie shook his head and sighed, "But why are the organs of the dead players not here, and not in the dean's office... Where else could they be? Where else can those things be stored? Is there a freezer here?"

Wei Qianrong looked at the circle, and suddenly said, "Give me those two pieces of paper."

"Hmm." Jiang Xiaoli took out the book pages folded into small squares, Wei Qianrong took them and looked at them, what information did they get? Only this picture, and unintelligible text. It is believed that whether the dean is setting up this formation or summoning evil spirits, they are all guessing...

"This madhouse has existed for a long time, according to what the diary says..."

"Is there any problem? That Fang Youwei also wrote a clue to stop the dean on a full moon night."

"What's stopping it?"

Jiang Xiaoli instinctively wanted to answer, she looked at the paper in Wei Qianrong's hand, she paused, and said, "Speaking of which, the attitude of those doctors towards the dean is really suspicious."

They were all lunatics, and when the dean was not mentioned, they acted like normal people who would be afraid and hurt, but when the dean was involved... they were overly fanatical believers. If it were said that these people were bewitched, or that they had been cast under a spell, no one would not believe it. They were guessing from the beginning, following a guess all the way based on the clues they had, guessing all the way... It was all guesses.

This madhouse does not appear to have a cold store.

Jiang Xiaoli took out the silver dagger from his backpack. This weapon doesn't seem to have any special functions so far, but it is sharper than it is. She handed it to Luo Mingjie: "Get some blood and put it in the circle."

The sacrifice may be a sacrifice for the success of the formation. Or it could be a tribute to a stronger, unbound tribute to some already present evil spirit... such a sacrifice.

"Oh." Luo Mingjie was ignorant and didn't quite understand what kind of riddle they were playing, but when Jiang Xiaoli said so, he instinctively followed suit. He took the dagger and put his index finger on the blade, and squeezed it with just a light touch. Blood dripped. He did as he did and dripped the blood in the circle, and then asked in doubt, "Why are you doing this?"

"Drop more and you really only do one drop? Try this and see what this circle is for."

Luo Mingjie stared at his fingertips and sighed, then carefully slashed his middle finger with a dagger, squeezed out a few drops of blood, and watched the blood beads roll down, drop by drop in the circle. After a few drops, the wound stopped bleeding.

Jiang Xiaoli wanted to tell him not to be petty again, but there was a slight lavender light in that circle. A pattern lit up in an instant, and the light of the pattern was very dim, but Jiang Xiaoli and Wei Qianrong looked at the picture and studied it eight hundred times, and at a glance they found that this was what the picture looked like!

It was just a momentary reaction, the lines disappeared, the faint light disappeared, and the blood also disappeared.

"... Sisters, is it important to tell me what's going on? After all, I'm also bleeding. Okay~ I want to know, I want to know~"

Because it was safe time, Jiang Xiaoli and the others didn't climb the aisle, but returned by the stairs. This section of the road should have been silent - if there hadn't been a male player shamelessly pulling her backpack and acting coquettishly.

"It's just that we might have guessed wrong. We thought it was going to be a one-time sacrifice at the end, but it turns out that every player who dies will help that." But whether the thing specifically summons evil spirits or strengthens the power of evil spirits... They don't know yet . It was only the second day, and they hadn't completely met the dean.

"Anyway, you just need to survive." Wei Qianrong said lightly.

When the patron spoke, Luo Mingjie obediently kept his mouth shut. "OK!"

On the morning of the third day of the game, Jiang Xiaoli and Wei Qianrong wanted to ask Fang Youwei what he meant by blocking. They wanted to know whether the thing the dean wanted to summon had already been summoned. - The dean looks like an ordinary person on the outside, and Li Hongying didn't smell anything else about him. This may be hidden, or he is really just a summoner. Or, the dean is possessed

Once the previous speculation is overturned and guessed again, various possibilities will emerge again. At this time, the clues provided by key NPCs are particularly important.

However, Fang Youwei died. Yesterday afternoon, he committed suicide by jumping off a building. According to the doctors, he climbed up to the roof alone—no one knows how he got the key to open the lock, or how he got out of the ward. In short, the conclusion is that he went up to the roof alone, and then jumped down. died.

The shortcut is broken.

Jiang Xiaoli was a little sad, Fang Youwei seemed like a real person, and his deeds were embarrassing, but when she heard the news of his death, her first reaction was "the clues are gone" .

It is as if here, the status of the patient is subjected to the torture of "treatment", and the status of the doctor is subjected to the torture of "treatment". They took out the ward to replace the doctor's identity, every day in this damn treatment room mercilessly "treat" every patient, watching the patients struggling and crying... Jiang Xiaoli heard the screams in some Sometimes I feel dizzy or even numb.

They don't want to be patients, which is what they have to do to maintain their status as doctors.

No one was killed during this day's escape time, and the escape time did not end until eleven o'clock in the evening. Jiang Xiaoli and the others went to the cafeteria to have a quick meal and go back to their room to rest. Twelve o'clock was the time for the doctors to "round the room". In other words, if no players die...they only have one hour to rest. It is almost impossible for those players who are still sick to eat, bathe and fall asleep quickly in just one hour.

And this is to test the players' acting skills of pretending to sleep at night.

The time in the game passed just like that. Jiang Xiaoli and the others went to Fang Youwei's ward 120 to search the situation many times, but found no clues. They felt that it was impossible for Fang Youwei to commit suicide at this time. How could he suddenly... ? The reason could only be that they approached this NPC and were discovered by the dean or someone else, who killed him to silence him. But committing suicide by jumping off a building... This is a suspicious point. Jiang Xiaoli and Wei Qianrong didn't see it with their own eyes, so they didn't believe it either. That time period should be the time when all the patients turned into zombies, and once the escape time was over, the madhouse was emptied, and naturally there were no traces, so they couldn't find Fang Youwei's body even if they tried to find it! They even went to the secret room to search for the urn, but they didn't find a new urn to put on it.

They went to the dean's office and the doctor's office again... but there were no traces of these places. Jiang Xiaoli flipped through the thick, incomprehensible book at a safe time at night, but found no other marked page inside.

Their exploration has come to an impasse.

But the game process will not stop, it is still going on. Even if they get nothing.

"No, it's not good! Players 2 and 3... She, he, and No. 2 said that the doctor put her in the water to suffocate her, and collected tears when she cried. No. 3... No. 3 was electrocuted when she was paralyzed The saliva was collected when I pulled out my tongue!" Recently, Luo Mingjie got close to the other players and kept getting close, so he got... It was a "complaint" for those players, but it was very important information for them.

Both No. 2 and No. 3 are still alive, but the things they need... have already been collected. Jiang Xiaoli looked at Luo Mingjie, Luo Mingjie's blood was also tested last time. So, so... It's just that they get nothing these days, even if the player doesn't die! Even if the player is not dead, the progress is still advancing? !

Because No. 5 just broke his hand and didn't have to die, but the criminal record of his death gave Jiang Xiaoli and Wei Qianrong a misunderstanding, making them think that they had to sacrifice the player's life in order to collect material—but, it wasn't.