Infrastructure Frenzy

Chapter 150: lightning rod


Zhuang Yu and the others were discussing the participation of the imperial clan in Ruidi City.

"With Ruidi City's proud personality, a draw is absolutely unacceptable. It is almost certain that the imperial clan will join the battle."

"They have the strongest blood on the earth. Where did the Three Emperors have the help of the Twelve Warriors? Even the twenty-four solar terms were brought together when the Three Emperors ruled the world. At the beginning, the Three Emperors relied on their extremely powerful Ability to bring the world home.”

Zhuang Yu thought to himself, it is really too powerful to be scary.

That is to say, Ruidi City is the direct line of the Three Emperors, and it is very likely that they have inherited that incomparably powerful bloodline.

It's no wonder that Ruidi City is focused on dominating the land, and their people are quite firm in their hearts. It can be seen from the spies who caught the Ruidi City before that they are almost like fanatics. They are the survivors of the Three Emperors, indeed More than any other force, they want to see the unity of the land.

When the students went to Ruidi City to publicize, there was such a big commotion, but it was only the ordinary people in Ruidi City who were shaken. It is conceivable that they also have their own beliefs in Ruidi City, which cannot be easily shaken.

Of course, the root of a power is ordinary people. If the people's thinking starts to change, even if Ruidi City is still as relentless as before, I'm afraid it's impossible. I just don't know if Ruidi City is aware of this situation now.

Zhuang Yu muttered, "Is it the thunder technique of the imperial clan of Ruidi City?"

Both the destructive power and the scope are far beyond the general art. When fighting for the unowned territory of the iron-eating beast, I saw the evil disaster performed. To be honest, it is much stronger than the ordinary art, let alone the emperor. It must be a catastrophe for the earth if the tribes unite to cast spells.

Zhuang Yu blinked, not knowing what he was thinking.

With the return of Chidi and God of War, Zhuang Yu felt a little more relaxed, and he didn't need to continue guarding Chidi City anymore. With these two around, it was safer than him staying here.

It's been a long time since I saw those little carrot heads and his students, and to be honest, I still miss them a little.

Zhuang Yu decided to go to the front line to take a look. Of course, the most important thing is that since it is determined that the imperial family of Ruidi City will definitely participate in the war, then he has to find a way to deal with it. Don't forget, their iron barrel armor is all iron. If the imperial clan in Ruidi City really started to use lightning techniques, they would be the first to suffer. Most of those iron barrel armors were worn by the people of Chidi City.

Zhuang Yu didn't expect that he would leave soon after seeing his parents, but it's okay, there will be a long time in the future.

The two have just returned to Chidi City, and there are still many things they haven't seen, which are probably enough for them to wonder for a while.

After chatting for a while, Zhuang Yu left the Red Emperor City to his parents.

Chidi and God of War also felt a little bit emotional, their child has grown up.

Before Zhuang Yu left Chidi City, he did one more thing, which took him a lot of time.

When he was leaving, there were some strange things in his team. They were twelve large iron poles, which were very big and heavy.

"Young Master, these things are big, heavy, and cumbersome, and they also affect our actions. Why do we bring them?"

Zhuang Yu must bring a lot of people to protect him when he goes out, someone asked.

Zhuang Yu looked at the twelve big irons. He didn't set off immediately these days because he was waiting for these things.

The most powerful lightning technique on the earth, maybe he really has a way to break it.

Zhuang Yu replied, "This thing is very useful. It is used to deal with Ruidi City. Don't lose it."

The clansmen were stunned, this thing looks like an iron gun, but it is too big, no one can use it, right? I'm afraid even Shaohao Shaojun of Baidi City can't use it, so how to deal with Ruidi City

But Shaojun is definitely right to say that it will have a great effect, so hurry up and ask someone to take care of it.

In the sky, a blue cloud flew down, it was Zhuang Yu's big blue fish.

Climb up the back of the fish, sit flat on the flat back of the fish, and start to move.

In the sky, a big colorful bird followed, and on the ground, the nine-tailed white fox just followed with its tail wagging.

When Zhuang Yu went out, his three behemoths would definitely follow.

More than ten days later, Zhuang Yu first passed by the Wuyan tribe, and now the Wuyan tribe has been completely built. In the endless mountains, such a civilized village suddenly appeared, which seemed particularly interesting.

Not only Zhuang Yu found it interesting, but other people also found it interesting. Now the Wuyan Department is overcrowded every day, and they all come to see this brand new and different tribe.

The supply of baked rabbits from Wuyanbu is almost in short supply, and a lot can be sold every day.

Zhuang Yu passed by, and the head of the Wuyan tribe and Wu greeted him, but Zhuang Yu didn't go in.

"The battle is busy now, and I will go to the Wuyan Department when I am free."

The patriarch of the Wuyan tribe and Wu then nodded. Everyone knows what is going on now. To be honest, their alliance and Ruidi City tied, but many people's jaws dropped in surprise.

Zhuang Yu didn't go directly to the front line with his people, but went to the top and source tribe of these marginal tribes. Little Mushroom was in that tribe and bathed in the top river every day.

When Zhuang Yu first arrived, the little mushroom opened its mouth and barked like crazy, shaking its little head with excitement.

Then put your hips on your hips and stomp your calves, if you don't come, Mushroom Boy will become an orphan.

This little showman.

Zhuang Yu quickly grabbed it and put it on his shoulder, comforting him a bit.

Mushroom Boy pointed to his skin and looked at it, the color had faded.

Zhuang Yu saw that the color was really a little lighter.

In order to allow their army rations to be produced earlier, the little mushrooms were soaked in the river for almost a day, almost turning into water mushrooms.

Zhuang Yu looked at the fertile fields. The first batch of beans had already been harvested, and the second batch of beans seemed to be bearing fruit.

Zhuang Yu thought about it, and their military rations were enough for them for a long time, but there was no need for Mushroom Boys to stay in the river every day.

And Mushroom boy probably couldn't stay still when he saw him coming.

This little guy is hugging Zhuang Yu's face with both hands and feet, and he won't let it go, it's basically impossible to keep it.

Zhuang Yu thought, in the future, let the marginal tribes plant according to the normal steps. In this way, the military rations are almost enough. After all, the alliance does not only eat the military rations provided by them.

Zhuang Yu said, "How about taking you to the front line to find those little carrot heads?"

The little mushrooms fell off Zhuang Yu's face, raised their heads, really? No need to grow those beans

Zhuang Yu smiled, bid farewell to the tribe, and walked to the front.

The little mushroom was overjoyed, and left it here alone. It thought it was about to get moldy, and it still had fun with the group of little radish heads. On the balcony on the second floor, I teased the little dinosaurs, and the little dinosaurs screamed so much that I just refused to feed them.

Zhuang Yu was also very happy to receive the little mushroom. For him, the little mushroom is like a member of the family.

It took some time to get to the front.

A group of students are performing a program for the people of the alliance. It is a chorus titled "Singing the Great Alliance".

I heard this group of students singing with enthusiasm from a long distance away.

Listening to the singing, I simply feel that the Alliance is the greatest existence in this world.

It seems that this group of students is doing very well.

The battlefield seems to have become a little calmer, and this kind of calm was bought at the cost of huge casualties.

Because the two sides are evenly matched, the recent battles have been extremely difficult, and the casualties have been much heavier than before.

After these few battles, both the Alliance and Ruidi City felt extremely heartbroken, so the two sides reached a temporary truce with a tacit understanding. Otherwise, it would be impossible for students to perform in the camp in broad daylight.

But everyone knows that after this calm, there will be a huge storm, because now both sides are looking for a breakthrough to break this balance. Once the balance is broken, it means that one party has found a way to win.

Ants and bees kissed Zhuang Yu and the others first.

They were looking around with a binoculars slung to their chests, which they had brought with them when they came out.

Ant, Bee Kiss, Weaving, and Fearless are a few little turnip heads who are watching with binoculars for a while. They are having a lot of fun and can't put it down. Obviously they used to play like this every day in Chidi City, but they never get tired of it. , I feel very strange.

A few little radish heads ran outside screaming.

Shaohao and several leaders of the alliance also came out to welcome them, because the spies had reported to them just now, and Zhuang Yu came.

Zhuang Yu looked at Little Luobotou who was running over, and Mushroom Boy kept screaming on his shoulder.

This is definitely a brother who has been separated for more than ten years.

Mushroom boy crawled down Zhuang Yu's arm, then turned his head to the sky, screaming and ran towards a group of little radish heads.

Looking at these playwrights, Zhuang Yu shook his head helplessly.

Zhuang Yu asked, "How does it feel to be on the battlefield?"

A few little radish heads blushed, "It's good or bad."

They have actually been on the battlefield, which was almost unimaginable before. Although they stayed at the rear of the troops every day and would not charge to kill the enemy, the feeling was completely different.

The bad thing is that you can see death every day, and life has never been so weak.

If they lost one of their golden centipede's radish heads, their eyes would be swollen from crying, and it was scary to think about it.

War is indeed the most evil thing, and I have never felt so deeply as I do now.

Even in the past, when they stayed in the collective cave, although they lived very hard and could not eat, it was better than war. People who were fine yesterday were never seen again the next day. People are so depressed that they can't bear it, and there is an urge to escape here immediately.

If it wasn't for them being a group of little radish heads together, comforting each other, if they weren't for important tasks, they might have something wrong in their hearts.

Zhuang Yu also sighed a little, these children have to face this at such a young age, but they are born in this era, it is impossible to stay in the greenhouse forever, that will only lead to their own destruction, what Zhuang Yu can give them is to keep them safe Growing up, one day, they will be able to face difficulties alone and survive in this world well.

If you want to blame, blame this damn war-torn era, no one understands the value of peace.

This is a brilliant era, but also a sad era.

Zhuang Yu rubbed the heads of a few radish heads, "Just be safe."

Little Mushroom kept gesticulating to a group of radish heads, probably planning how they would play later.

It is estimated that only the little mushroom is the most carefree.

At this time, Shaohao and several leaders of the alliance came over, and they were also very surprised to see the twelve big iron rods brought by Zhuang Yu. No matter how you look at it, it seems to be of no use, right? Might as well be forged into a weapon.

Speaking of weapons, the weapons provided by Red Emperor City are really good beyond expectations. Now that there is a balance, these weapons are indispensable. If the alliance can win, Red Emperor City has made great contributions and made outstanding contributions.

Now at the front line, Zhuang Yu didn't have time to reminisce about the old days, so he asked a group of little radish heads to take the mushroom boys to play, and Zhuang Yu and several leaders came together.

Zhuang Yu asked, "How is the situation now?"

"They are all standing still, but Ruidi City should be waiting for the arrival of the imperial family."

Zhuang Yu thought, it seems that the leaders of the alliance have also thought of it, Ruidi City cannot be satisfied with a draw, and the appearance of the imperial clan on the battlefield is almost a certainty.

"Do we have a solution?" Zhuang Yu continued to ask.

The expressions of the leaders of the alliance are not very good, "Only let the imperial clan of our four forces join the battle, but you should also know that the imperial clan of Ruidi City is the direct line of the three emperors, and the strongest blood on the earth is probably our four forces Even if the Imperial Clan participates in the battle, they may not be their opponents."

When Zhuang Yu came, he actually represented the imperial family of Chidi City.

It's just that he came by himself before the alliance decided to let his own imperial clan fight, and the imperial clan of the other three forces should still be on the way now.

The corner of Zhuang Yu's mouth rose, "The strongest bloodline, I need to see it."

Several leaders were stunned for a moment. Maybe ordinary soldiers didn't know what they were going to face next, but since Young Master Chidi already knew, why did he still say that

To be honest, even though they are so peaceful now, the leaders of them are so worried that they can't help it, but they dare not show it on their faces, for fear of affecting the morale of the army.

Zhuang Yu pointed to the twelve big irons he brought, and said, "Maybe they can help us a little bit."

"Also, if it's really the emperors from Ruidi City who come here, be careful with the iron bucket armor I provided..."

The iron barrel armor is basically worn by the people of Chidi City. These people are well arranged and will obey his orders, but there are still some armors in the hands of other forces. damn.

Zhuang Yu, Shaohao, and several leaders of the alliance started a secret conversation, "You guys have the final say on how the alliance will fight, but I will also make some changes here, just let my students help me, I will not call the alliance The strength of the... ”

Several leaders nodded.

As the young emperor of the Red Emperor, they also provided the alliance with such good weapons and rations, etc., without using the alliance's troops. They can still agree to such a small matter.

Zhuang Yu also nodded. Now everyone is fighting against Ruidi City wholeheartedly, and if they can tolerate each other, they tolerate each other. This kind of atmosphere is not bad.

Then he looked at his twelve huge iron rods, Ruidi City's lightning technique, the most powerful imperial technique, but he didn't know how effective his lightning rod would be.

Maybe it can give the proud imperial family of Ruidi City an unforgettable memory for a lifetime.