Infrastructure Frenzy

Chapter 151: The strongest bloodline


Zhuang Yu's arrival was also seen by the students who were performing. After all, those twelve big irons were too eye-catching.

However, the students did not stop their program and continued, which shows that they are quite professional.

The entire camp was full of their fierce singing, "Singing the Great Alliance", they are actually not performing, but singing with heart and being on the scene.

Because they have seen the horror of war, they also yearn for peace, so the singing is particularly infectious.

"Unyielding to the iron heel of our enemies, we are brave allies..."

The singing makes people's blood boil, don't look at these students just singing, but I don't know how many alliance soldiers rely on these passionate singing to support the battle.

Zhuang Yu and Shaohao chatted for a while, and Shaohao seemed to have matured a lot, he was no longer the Tie Hanhan he used to be, but his fur monster was still stupid, seeing Zhuang Yu coming, unexpectedly He sneaked into the camp, took an empty bamboo tube and kept moving towards Zhuang Yu.

It has been fighting a lot lately, and it hasn't had its favorite sweet water for a long time.

Zhuang Yu and Shaohao were originally staying in a tent in the camp, but the bear monster directly lifted the entire tent, looked at the two of them with blinking eyes, and looked innocent, as if what are you doing hiding? Make sweet water for Xiong Xiong.

Two big eyes, as innocent as you want.

Where does Zhuang Yu have sugar to make honey water for it now, when the furbolg leaves, he turns around every step of the way, how pitiful he is, next time Xiong Xiong prepares two big bamboo tubes, fill them up, otherwise he will drink them up in a while.

Zhuang Yu: "..."

It is said that people and their giant beasts are carved out of the same personality. Zhuang Yu really can't imagine what kind of funny scene Shaohao will become like this in the future.

Shaohao shrugged, he was definitely not like this.

When the performances of the students were over, a group of students surrounded them.

Now most of them are the tribes of Chidi City, except for the students of Baidi City and Xuandi City, it can be said that they are all students of Chidi City, there is no such thing as Chidi City's own students and marginal tribes. Students, this brings these students closer.

Zhuang Yu looked at a group of students who had obviously grown a lot, and these students seemed to have a lot of determination on their faces. They finally understood what Zhuang Yu said, the importance of their mission.

These days, they have seen too many soldiers who are suffering because of the war.

Perhaps these fighters are very ordinary, so ordinary that no one else pays attention to them.

But their task is to appease the mentality of these fighters, so they can see clearly than anyone else.

If it wasn't for their singing, if it wasn't for their continuous establishment of firm belief in these soldiers, I am afraid that the entire army would be affected by such an atmosphere, so there is no need to fight.

It turns out that war is not just a contest of force. This is the most important lesson the school has given them.

What's more, they have seen too many life and death on the battlefield, which made them grow up in their hearts.

After talking for a while, Zhuang Yu arranged for the students to help erect the twelve irons.

Because they have their own bows, in order to make full use of the advantages of bows, their camp is set up in a relatively high place, which can be regarded as a big mountain.

There are relatively few trees on this mountain, which is also convenient for marching.

The twelve iron rods are indeed very large. When erected, they are taller than those 100-meter giant trees.

On a mountain, if you don't look carefully, it's like some bare tree trunks suddenly appearing.

These iron rods are very heavy, but with the joint efforts of the students, they can still stand up.

"Teacher, what is this?"

Some students looked at the weird iron rods and asked, aren't they fighting on the battlefield? What are these poles for

Zhuang Yu smiled, "This is knowledge, you will learn it if you stay in school longer."

I didn't say much, because there were too many people talking, and before the effect came out, it couldn't be leaked, and it couldn't be spread to Ruidi City.

Although the students can't read it, they already know the value of knowledge.

It took a day or two to get the poles up, and then waited.

During the waiting period, Zhuang Yu pulled together the soldiers who were assigned iron barrel armor and started training.

Because once Ruidi City's thunder technique is activated, they will suffer disaster if they continue to charge desperately like before.

Among the people in charge of guarding the alliance, there are people from various forces, but the people in Chidi City are definitely the most effective, because they all have binoculars hanging on their chests.

This thing is not easy to make, and the craftsmanship is more complicated, so except for some left in Chidi City for personal use, all the others are brought here and distributed to those clansmen in Chidi City who are responsible for guarding and inquiring about the enemy.

The ants and bees kissed their telescope. It looked like they were taking turns playing with it, but in fact they also had missions, and they were also responsible for guarding against it.

When other forces look at these good things, they should be more envious.

In the past, only the white-eyed war clan could do this kind of thing, but now with a magical tool, everyone can see as far as the white-eyed war clan.

There is no doubt about the role of the Baitong Zhan Clan on the battlefield, and thanks to Ruidi City's own severance of siblings, it actually forcibly wiped out a Zhan Clan of its own.

With the telescope, the alliance can fight and retreat. It can be said that if they hadn't taken advantage of this thing, they might not be able to resist now, and they collapsed under the attack of Ruidi City.

People from other forces will definitely ask what this thing is, but the people in Scarlet Emperor City smothered it tightly.

Of course, as an alliance, others want to see it, and they are not good and always refuse to give it.

A group of students did not forget to publicize, "This is the power of knowledge."

The magic of the school basically spread throughout the alliance, and even the people from Qingdi City came over, "When the war is over, we will also send a group of students to the school to study."

Now there is no one in Qingdi City at the school.

Every time they heard other people showing off in front of them how many children they had learned in the school of Chidi City and how many characters they had learned, the people of Qingdi City would look depressed.

Zhuang Yu couldn't refuse Qingdi City's request, and the conditions for admission were still the same as those of other forces.

So far, on the land, it is estimated that except Ruidi City, all the forces have sent a group of people to the school to study.

The peaceful time passed day by day. Although it seemed peaceful, the scouts and those in charge of security never dared to stop their work.

Lian Ant and Bee Kiss a few radish heads, hold their binoculars every day, climb up to high places, and keep patrolling. Being able to see opportunities first is their advantage and must be brought into play.

A few days later, the imperial clans of the alliance arrived one after another.

The Imperial Clan's participation in the war can be said to have pushed the war to its highest point, a war that concerns the life and death of all forces.

Not long after, the spies reported that the Emperor Clan from Ruidi City had also arrived.

Beneath the calm surface, a storm is imminent.

Zhuang Yu, Shaohao, and the leader of the alliance also began to feel nervous.

If the alliance can't resist it, it may really collapse completely, because the place where they are stationed has reached the point where they can't retreat, and behind them are the mines used to make weapons. If they retreat, that is to say, the ore Handing over to the opponent, they can no longer replenish their weapons one after another.

They are very clear about the consequences, without these weapons, it means that they will lose.

Therefore, they can no longer fight and retreat like before, they must hold on here.

Several leaders of the alliance began to arrange defenses. The terrain here is not bad, and they have some advantages in defending here.

"I will never retreat." Everyone showed determination on their faces, and the importance of this battle was beyond doubt.

The sky was so rare that it was so dark that it seemed that even the sky had changed its color for this war.

In the tense atmosphere, some spies came to report in a panic, "The army of Ruidi City is pressing in on our side."

Finally... started

The leaders nodded and began to take charge of their own part of the fortifications.

Shaohao also went out with his gun in hand. He needs to set an example for all fighters and charge at the forefront.

Zhuang Yu chose a high ground, and a group of students followed him with white faces, because they knew that this battle was different from the past. They could retreat if they couldn't win in the past, but they couldn't now.

The blackness of the sky became even lower, as if a pair of big hands were pressing on the heart, making it hard to breathe.

"Boom boom boom."

Before seeing the enemy's army, there was a sound of shaking from the ground. This was the sound of marching troops trampling the ground together.

Spies kept coming to report, "The enemy army is approaching and seems to block us on the mountain."

It seems that Ruidi City is also preparing to put all their eggs in one basket, wanting to use this battle to lay the foundation for their victory.

It can also be seen that they have great confidence.

The army of Ruidi City has already appeared in sight.

The densely packed giant beasts, the people of Ruidi City standing on the giant beasts, no matter whether it is the sky or the ground, are advancing here like a torrent, endless, with no end in sight.

There are enemies in the eyes, and the aura like waves makes people feel shocked.

Even Zhuang Yu clenched his fists, it was impossible not to be nervous.

This is the largest war on earth.

A group of students also looked lifeless. Facing such an enemy, can they really win? But no matter what, they must try their best to resist, because if they fail, their home and their friends may be gone.

I have never hated war so much, but I am not afraid of war either.

Only death.

"Boom boom boom."

The sound of trampling the ground was deafening, and it became louder and louder, making it impossible to hear any other sounds.

The headless behemoth keeps advancing.

Zhuang Yu looked up, and there were a lot of black clouds in the sky.

In fact, there is no need to raise your head, because the dark clouds formed one piece, just above the huge army in Ruidi City, and everyone could see it clearly.

The huge dark cloud blocked the sun in the sky and cast a huge shadow on the earth.

With the movement of Ruidi City, the shadow is approaching here.

Zhuang Yu thought, has it started yet


Finally, another deafening sound sounded, this time from the Alliance side.

It was a stone wall, like the Great Wall, majesticly rising from the ground, majestically blocking the direction of Ruidi City.

The continuous stone wall, I don't know how thick it is, just formed a natural moat.

The spectacle of the scene is jaw-dropping, and it is definitely not something that can be achieved by individual strength. Sure enough, in the alliance army, a group of people pressed their palms on the ground, and the meridians on their faces were exposed due to excessive force.

Combined technique, this is the technique formed by the mighty power of countless people.

At this moment, it is not an exaggeration to call them gods. Even Zhuang Yu saw such a grand scene for the first time. Personal power has no effect in front of it.

Ruidi City's army finally stopped in front of the continuous Great Wall.

On the alliance side, I don't know how many people raised their bows, and as soon as the opponent broke through, they would enter their range.

But after so many battles, Ruidi City has almost figured out the characteristics of these annoying bows, and the army just stopped outside the range.

The people of the alliance couldn't help being stunned. In the past, Ruidi City had always been crushed without stopping. This time...

Zhuang Yu raised his head. Although the army in Ruidi City had stopped, the dark clouds in the sky were moving towards this side.


A white light streaked across the sky and fell from the dark clouds.

When it fell on the standing Great Wall, the stone wall was torn apart, and the mud was blown up.

"Boom, boom, boom." Lei Guang didn't stop, and kept bombing, even wanting to blow up the majestic city wall.

And they really did it, the stone wall continued to crack, and it was as dilapidated as ruins, and the sky was covered with gray layers.

Lei Guang didn't stop, and bombed all the way to the alliance's camp, leaving deep holes all the way on the ground.

Is this the Emperor Art of the strongest blood on the earth? It seemed that the whole earth would be shattered under this imperial technique.

In the alliance, I don't know how many people were so shocked that they forgot everything. In front of Ruidi City's Emperor Art, they looked so weak and vulnerable, could they really resist it

Apart from the huge thunder, there was nothing else beside his ears, and there were streaks of white light in his eyes.

Every time a white light falls, it will definitely leave a huge deep pit on the ground, and then there will be smoke and dust everywhere, and the land will be torn apart.

Zhuang Yu clenched his hands without knowing it, and watched without blinking his eyes. The thunder light approached. Whether his arrangement will be effective or not depends on the present. Either he will be bombed into scum under the thunder light, or there will be something that turns the whole battle situation around. turnaround.