Infrastructure Frenzy

Chapter 154: Winter is coming (Happy New Years!)


On the 15th, the time for the decisive battle came.

The sky and the earth have changed color. Although the power of the technique has not yet been revealed, but because too many people are agitating their blood, the world has become less peaceful.

The clouds in the sky rolled quickly, forming turbulent cloud waves, which directly blocked the ten suns in the sky, so the whole earth looked a bit dark, and those clouds cast ever-changing shadows on the ground, giving people a sense of grandeur and turbulence. In the clouds, there are countless flying behemoths hidden, among them are some ancient fierce birds and divine birds.

There is also the wind in the air, tearing and making a whining sound, like a sharp blade constantly shuttling through the air. The war has not yet started, and the surrounding trees have been cut one after another by the extremely sharp wind.

The land was not very calm, some huge ravines appeared out of nowhere, and the surrounding rivers were also under the control of the giant beast warriors who were good at water skills, and they were still.

Coupled with the roar of giant beasts, the whole land is desolate, full of primitive, barbaric...

This kind of scene is very vast, so spectacular that it is a bit evocative, but it is also so tragic that it shocks people's hearts.

"Ruidi, are you really going to go to such a point where you can't turn back?"

It was the voice of Emperor Xuan. After this battle, the entire earth will be baptized again. The five major forces may all be history, so even Emperor Xuan, one of the five emperors, couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

The man in the thunder replied with an incomparably firm voice, "The earth has been divided for too long, and I, Ruidi City, will reunify today."

Zhuang Yu sighed, the land was unified, and after this battle, there might be only a broken land left.

But he also knew that the current Rui Emperor had no one to stop him, and this battle was imperative.

He just wanted to let Chidi City survive in this cruel battle.

"Emperor Rui, although our five forces have been in constant friction since the Three Emperors, we have lived in peace for so many years. In order to reproduce the feat of the Three Emperors, you broke the peace that has been maintained for so many years so easily?" Emperor Qing also asked. Speaking up, to be honest, their Qingdi City is the least involved in the struggle of various forces, but they have to participate in this battle, because if other forces are destroyed by Ruidi City, it is impossible for her Qingdi City to survive.

Ruidi snorted, "Isn't it your wish to reproduce the feat of the Three Emperors? It's just that Ruidi City has the strength now, and you don't have it."

In fact, what Ruidi said is not wrong. If other cities have this strength, they may not be like today's Ruidi City.

For example, Baidi City, didn't they dream of dominating the land all day long, and regarded this as their mission of Baidi City.

Zhuang Yu sighed, the history of mankind is a history of war, and it is the same in this world. If this continues, no matter which one of the five forces dominates, there will be a day of war.

But it is not easy to let the five parties develop in a balanced way

Ruidi said, "Whether the feat of the Three Emperors can be reproduced depends on today, don't talk about other nonsense, everything is just a battle."

"Ho Ho Ho!" The people in Ruidi City let out a terrifying roar. The morale of the people who were defeated half a month ago also improved because of Ruidi's words. The time for them to dominate the land in Ruidi City is at this moment. This is countless Can they not be excited about the things they yearn for all the time? Their Ruidi City is the orthodox of the Three Emperors, and it was their long-cherished wish to unify the land.

Every generation of Ruidi, every generation of Ruidi City people have been waiting for this moment, how is it possible to let them stop now

Zhuang Yu thought to himself, Ruidi City's previous posture of dominating everything, and Ruidi City's status as the direct line of the three emperors, is destined to have a battle today.

If they don't wake them up completely, it is estimated that they will have such a dream forever, but it is not easy to wake them up.

If no agreement can be reached, war becomes the only option.

Human beings are so pathetic sometimes. For some inexplicable reasons, innocent lives are bloodied on the ground without even looking at it.

Looking at all this, Zhuang Yu felt a trace of sadness in his heart. This world is still too barbaric and primitive. There is only one way to solve all the problems, and that is war.

But he is also powerless, the time given to him is too little, and it is impossible for him to convey his philosophy of civilization and peace to everyone in such a short time.

He opened the academy in Red Emperor City, not without thinking about making Red Emperor City the center of world civilization, leading the earth to civilization.

But the situation in the land, Ruidi City's family dominates, will not give him this opportunity at all, and will not allow Scarlet Emperor City to provoke the existence of the number one force in Ruidi City.

Even if this battle did not happen so early, I am afraid that this battle will be inevitable after Ruidi City sees the new Scarlet Emperor City.

All things must have a result after all, and what the final result is, just use the most primitive method in this world to decide.

The clouds moved, the wind also moved, and the war began, because everyone knew it, and it was meaningless to go on, since a war was inevitable, then use their lives to write this magnificent epic.

The people of Ruidi City have self-confidence, the self-confidence of winning, which has been built up over countless years, and cannot be easily disintegrated by the defeat of a battle.

The people in the alliance also have hope in their hearts. They won a game half a month ago. The four emperors personally have four of the ancient beasts, plus the beast from West Kunlun brought by Zhuang Yu. defeat.

More importantly, it is impossible not to work hard, because if they do not work hard, they will have no room to survive.

A desperate fight, but that's all.

In the sky, amidst the white cloud waves, a giant claw stretched out and directly grabbed the Qilin beast in Ruidi City, and the dragon in Xuandi City made a move.

The Suzaku of Scarlet Emperor City also flew across the sky, and endless rain of fire began to fall on the entire battlefield. Where Suzaku passed, the magma in the ground rushed out of the ground like a pillar of fire.

The Batian Xuanwu of Baidi City began to advance, and the mountain peak in front of it was directly smashed to pieces, and all obstacles were like tofu.

The ancient white tiger from Qingdi City jumped on the ground and pounced on Ruidi City. Where its claws passed, the ground cracked and was torn into pieces.

The warriors on these ancestral beasts are also connected as one, desperately mobilizing blood, communicating with the world, and jointly performing their most powerful skills.

The unicorn beast in Ruidi City didn't give in too much, the sky filled with thunder fell like a waterfall, and the area around it was instantly covered by thunder.

The whole land was in chaos, the mountains collapsed, the rivers flowed backwards, and the tragic and painful neighing of giant beasts resounded throughout the world.

It is exactly the same as the war in ancient mythology.

Even Zhuang Yu was no longer as leisurely as before. He stood in front of the members of the Qinghu War Clan and led the Qing Fox War Clan to raise their voices to the sky, affecting the entire battle situation with the sound of battle songs.

The little radishheads of the Golden Centipede Division are still young and don't need them to charge forward, but they also stand by with pale faces holding weapons. If an enemy rushes over, they have to rush up and fight.

It was the first time they had seen such a tragic war, and the weapons in their hands were sweating without realizing it.

Gritting their teeth, they stared viciously at the enemies and giant beasts trying to rush in. Although they were small, in order to protect their relatives and friends, they could also swing their weapons at the enemies.

I have to say, how sad it is to stand on the battlefield at such a young age. Children like Ant and Fear, who can barely walk, have to face such a cruel fact.

Zhuang Yu's eyes were also sorrowful, sorrowful for life, sorrowful for the cruelty of this world.

He has always said that war is evil. In fact, more often than not, even he does not understand how evil war is, but now, he understands.

He has always said that to lead the land to civilization, he only wanted to develop the Red Emperor City at that time, but now, looking at the tragic songs and tragedies brought about by the cruel war in front of him, maybe the land really needs civilization.

Zhuang Yu even wondered if he could have these memories because he had a mission to stop the world from seeing the scene in front of him.

Zhuang Yu has never been so determined. If he still has the chance, he never wants to see such a primitive and barbaric tragedy happen again.

No one has ever made Zhuang Yu clear that the earth urgently needs civilization, and civilization can make people understand etiquette, know how to advance and retreat, and cherish peace.

This battle that eclipsed the heaven and earth was more protracted than Zhuang Yu imagined.

Originally, the combined alliance was slightly inferior to Ruidi City, but with the addition of the West Kunlun beast brought by Zhuang Yu and the giant tree of Little Mushroom, it was barely a tie with Ruidi City.

Because of the tie, there is no winner, so the war has continued.

The big pear tree of Little Mushroom is no longer green, it is full of blood, and the blood stained the leaves and branches red.

The little mushroom, who was originally heartless and carefree, opened its mouth wide at this time, roaring loudly, and its big pear tree also broke many branches.

Sunrise and sunset, day after day.

Under the sky and above the earth, the sky was so dark and the sun and the moon were dark.

Killing from rationality to bloodthirsty beasts, and then becoming tired from beasts, because this battle has lasted for too long, and anyone who kills for too long will eventually get tired.

I don't know how many suns and moons, I don't know how many people died, I don't know how many giant beasts can no longer move.

Even the Zu Beast was scarred, Suzaku, Xuan Wu and others besieged the Qilin Beast, and the four emperors besieged Rui Di.

The sky and the earth are white, filled with endless thunder and lightning, and Ruidi is the most powerful person on earth.

There was a sweet red smell in the air, a mist of blood.

Zhuang Yu looked at the man in the thunder, with sadness in his eyes, "Is this the result you want?"

During these times, Zhuang Yu saw too much death, life was trampled mercilessly, and could not be beaten any longer, and if the beating continued, perhaps human beings would disappear from this world.

"Look back at the people of Ruidi City, their corpses are all over the ground, are you satisfied?"

In fact, Ruidi was also tired. He had seen how many people had died in Ruidi City, but he couldn't stop.

Once this war starts, it's up to you to live and die, and it can't stop.

The people of Ruidi City have also become insane from their madness and self-confidence at the beginning, their eyes are full of lupus, and the ground is full of dead people. Is this what they have always longed for to reproduce the feat of the Three Emperors and unify the world? This is what they have been pursuing to stop wars with war, can they truly bring peace to the earth

But what do they see now? Is the peace brought about by endless deaths really necessary

But no matter what thoughts are in my mind now, I can't stop.

The same goes for the members of the alliance. After waking up from the state of fighting, seeing the tragedy of the scene, I don't know how many people were crying and fighting, but they couldn't stop.

The pain of war has never touched the hearts of everyone like this moment.

Zhuang Yu was still yelling at Ruidi, his voice was hoarse, but it was useless.

Having reached this point, there must be a result. In Ruidi's heart, even if it is a mistake, it can only continue to be wrong, and there must be a result.

Next to Zhuang Yu, the children of the Golden Centipede Division were pale, but they had never held their weapons firmly. They also had someone they wanted to protect, even if they died, they had to face it.

Just because each has its own persistence, this war cannot be stopped no matter how much the price is paid.

The war was still going on, and Zhuang Yu was also silent. He knew that no matter what he said, it was useless, and there was nothing but the sound of endless fighting.

Zhuang Yu thought that this might be the end of Chidi City and other forces, and no one could stop this war from continuing.

But amid the sound of fighting, white goose feathers suddenly floated down from the sky.

Zhuang Yu was stunned, catching the snow-white goose feather, what is it

The goose feather felt the temperature on the hand and turned into water...

Zhuang Yu opened his mouth, "Is it snowing?"

In this world of ten suns, it's snowing!

Did even God shed tears when he saw this tragic war

But Zhuang Yu immediately reacted, and then shouted, "Stop beating, stop beating, it's snowing."

Zhuang Yu rode on the big blue fish and kept screaming in the sky, "Stop beating, it's snowing, and winter is coming."

This world is not without winter, it does exist, but the cycle is relatively long.

Calculated from Zhuang Yu's memory, summer lasts for ten years, and cold winter also lasts for ten years. There are ten suns in the sky, and it seems that all the time has been extended ten times. Many people have been born and lived for a long time. Saw what another season was like.

The scariest thing in this world is neither ferocious beasts nor human beings, but nature, such as... cold winter.

The long cold winter can kill everything. There is no food and no life. Human beings are always full of fear in front of the cold winter.

So there is no need to continue the fight, let's think about how to survive the long cold winter. In the face of the test of the cold winter, who can win the world so what? may become extinct.

The fight was still going on, but gradually, everyone touched the goose feathers that fell on their bodies in doubt, watching the large pieces of goose feathers fall from the air, and the cold penetrated into the heart and lungs.

Not long after, the entire land turned white, large patches of dense goose feathers danced in the sky, and the ground was also covered with a thick layer.

The eyes are all these white goose feathers.

The war has finally stopped, and all the living are muttering to themselves, "Winter... is coming."

It really didn't come at the right time. For the sake of the war, all their resources were spent on the war, and they didn't prepare enough food to survive the ten-year cold winter. How could they live like this

A protracted battle also came to an end due to the arrival of the cold winter. Perhaps this is also to be thankful, because if the fight continues, they probably will die before the arrival of the cold winter.

The five parties retreated tacitly. As Zhuang Yu said, it’s snowing, so there’s no need to fight anymore. Winter is coming, and they still think about how to survive the cold winter, otherwise so what if they can win the world. Everyone died.

The corpses on the ground were still blood-stained, and they were quickly buried in the heavy snow, as if the great war that changed the color of the world just now had never happened.

Apart from mourning the death of their comrades-in-arms, the members of the alliance also looked at each other in blank dismay.

No one thought that this life-and-death battle would end like this.

But I couldn't help but feel a little more relaxed, and it's finally over.

The end of the war also means that the time has come for their four-party alliance to separate, and each of them will go home to lick their wounds and find a way to survive this cruel winter.

The people from Qingdi City left, so did the people from Xuandi City, and then Baidi City.

Shaohao and Zhuang Yu left after saying a few words, "I will go to Chidi City to find you after I settle down the White Emperor City."

After the war, there were still many things he needed to deal with, and he couldn't leave Baidi City for the time being.

The world is in depression, and now only Chidi City is left.

A group of children from the Golden Centipede Department still held their weapons firmly in their hands, and they couldn't believe it, "It's... is it over?"

Zhuang Yu nodded, "Yes, it's finally over."

The children of the Golden Centipede Department raised their hands in a daze to catch the dense snow, "What is this? It's so cold."

Many of them have not seen the cold winter.

"Some are like the ice frozen in our freezer, but how come it fell from the sky, and there are a lot of them."

Yes, there are too many. Just for a moment, the earth is covered with a thick layer.

The other forces went back to lick their wounds, and so did their Scarlet Emperor City.

The Red Emperor City set out and headed for the desert.

"It's so cold." Along the way, a group of children were already shivering from the cold.

In fact, this is not a big deal, the cold winter has only just begun. What is really frightening is that after the cold winter lasts for a period of time, all the green plants will be covered under the snow, rot and wither, and all the prey will be buried, and a large number of them will die. A small number of animals found a place to spend the winter and hid to barely survive.

As for the tribe people who live by hunting, in the cold winter, because there is no prey to hunt, they have to face the test of life or death. In the face of the mighty power of nature, human beings are so weak and vulnerable.

When I came, the ground was covered with sand that burned my feet, but when I went back, it turned into knee-high snow.

Because the people in Chidi City are all wearing beach shorts, it looks even colder.

After a long journey of more than ten days, the feet of a group of little radish heads were blackened from the cold, and their lips were also blackened. This is the result of their Chidi City being good at fire skills and being able to warm up the fire from time to time. If ordinary people, I'm afraid I froze to death as early as these ten days.

Fortunately, back to Chidi City, every household has a kang.

A group of people couldn't care about anything else, they hurried home and hid on the kang.

The same goes for the little radish heads of the Golden Centipede. As soon as they got home and burned the kang, they huddled together, "It's too cold, how can we go out in the future."

"It's snowing all over the door, and I can't get out."

"We are not bad, we have Kang, other forces don't have this, and I don't know what they will do."

"It's still warm on the kang, I thought I was going to freeze to death outside."

When Zhuang Yu came back, he didn't have time to rest. He found the animal skins that had been kept under the box for an unknown period of time, wrapped them around his body one by one, and then went out to find his father and the leaders of other tribes.

When he entered Chidi City just now, he saw that the whole market was empty, and no one would come here in such a cold weather.

Their food is obtained by exchanging with foreigners, and now no one comes because of the cold winter, that is to say, they can no longer obtain food as before, and when winter comes, they want to obtain scarce food from foreigners, It's not very possible, they still have to rely on themselves.

What's more, he also looked at the moat outside. It was frozen, and the whole river was frozen into popsicles. The lotus roots in the river would probably die. It's a pity, but while the snow is not too thick, I can still rush to dig some out.

The berry trees on both sides of Heti were also covered with snow, and some of the berries were not yet ripe, so they were probably destroyed.

The most serious thing is that the grassland they planted outside to feed cattle and sheep is all under the snow. Without continuous green grass, they probably cannot support so many cattle and sheep.

With the sudden arrival of severe winter, the Red Emperor City is also hard to guard against, and many things must be dealt with.

Zhuang Yu found his father and the leaders of various tribes.

"Now that we are back, we have enough manpower. Those who can be rescued will be rescued first."

"First let people dig out the snow layer that is not too thick, and dig out all the lotus roots in the river."

The lotus root that has been planted for so long cannot be wasted.

"Then there is the lawn we planted. We also dug up the snow layer, harvested some grass, and harvested the roots. These grasses can be fed for a period of time no matter what."

Zhuang Yu gritted his teeth, "The grass is definitely not enough to support as many cattle and sheep as we used to, so the older cattle and sheep are all killed and stored, leaving only some calves and lambs."

Fortunately, they repaired a lot of cattle pens and sheep pens in the past. Although it is impossible to hold all their cattle and sheep now, but most of them are killed, and the calves and lambs left should be barely able to fit them, but these cattle and sheep cannot be the same as before. , ran around on the wide grass.

Now that it's snowing heavily, other things can't be done, so there's no need to worry about not having enough manpower.

"There is also the glass house we built for planting crops. Every day, people have to remove the snow from the roof, so as not to be crushed."

In the past, the sun was too big, and weaker plants, such as their beans, seasonings and so on, could not grow in the sun like berry trees, so he built a lot of glass houses at that time to block the sun. these crops.

Now it seems that these glass sunshade houses have to be turned into large sheds in the cold winter, and whether their Chidi City can survive the severe winter smoothly depends on these glass houses.

It was prescient to build these glass houses without any effort at the beginning, otherwise it would take a long time to build them now.

"There is also the problem of heating. I guess we have to consume more carbon. It is just now that it is snowing heavily, and the tribes can't do anything else, so we send more people to dig carbon back."

It is also thanks to the discovery of carbon, otherwise this winter would not freeze to death.

In fact, freezing to death was a common occurrence in the past, regardless of which faction.

To survive the severe winter, the population of many factions has to be reduced by several levels. Some small tribes, it is said that the entire tribe froze to death in the severe winter, which shows the cruelty of nature.

Chidi nodded straight when he heard that, his son is amazing, and everything is arranged in a logical manner. To be honest, he doesn't know what he is talking about in many things.

The tribes took the task and started to act.

A large number of people dug deeply buried lotus root and green grass in the snow.

There are also a large number of people who kill cattle and sheep, because it takes a lot of supplies to feed them for one more day.

The sheep pen, the cattle pen, and the chicken pen also have to be repaired. They must be repaired airtight to keep warm, and the hay collected before is covered. Otherwise, even if a heating stove is placed in the pen, it will not be able to support them. It is too cold. The survival of lambs and calves The rate is not high.

Those unripe berries were also picked, at least they can be used for barbecue, and a little sour juice is poured on the barbecue. The taste is excellent, so we can't waste it like this.

Zhuang Yu ran to the glass room to have a look. The glass room had to keep the temperature for a long time, otherwise all the plants would freeze to death.

Carbon consumption can be said to increase exponentially, so a lot of people are dispatched to dig carbon.

The people in Chidi City are also afraid at first, especially the elderly. They have experienced severe winters and know what it means.

But seeing that Zhuang Yu arranged things in an orderly manner, and each of these things arranged, in their opinion, was the hope of getting through the severe winter.

So the originally panicked mood calmed down so inexplicably.

Thinking about it, it seems that this should be the case. With their young master, their Chidi City is very hopeful that they can survive the severe winter safely.

Zhuang Yu carefully calculated everything.

They will definitely not be able to feast on fish and meat every day like before, and they have to save some meat. The crops in the glass house must be paid special attention to, because they will have to live on these crops for most of the time in the future. There are small mushrooms, and they can grow enough to eat. The crop should be no problem.

Sighed, "How can there be a feeling of going back to before liberation, even the eggs of the cuckoo bird may not be provided to the children every day."

In fact, what he didn't know was that people from other forces would envy such a life.

This is just the beginning of the severe winter, and other forces still have some food in reserve, but what will happen when the food in reserve runs out

They are not Chidi City, they don't know how to breed, and they don't know how to grow crops. They all live by hunting. Now that the prey is gone, where are they going to hunt? Although the food in Chidi City has been reduced, it can be sustained. People with discerning eyes know that as long as there are no accidents, there will be no problem for them to survive the severe winter in Chidi City. This is why those old people are relieved.

The problem in Chidi City now is that they have few animal skins, so it is not easy to go out in such cold weather, but it is not bad to stay at home, staying on the kang every day to keep warm.

Even though Zhuang Yu put on all the animal skins he could wear, it was still cold, so he simply ran to the glass room. Because the glass room had to keep the temperature, it was actually very warm.

As a result, not long after Zhuang Yu ran into a glass room, a group of children from the Golden Centipede Department also ran over.

Looking at the little luotou running in the snow in shorts, Zhuang Yu felt cold.

Quickly opened the door and let a group of radish heads shivering from the cold come in, "Go and stay by the stove, it's such a cold day, why are you here, don't you take it with you at home?"

"When we come to the glass house, we can burn less carbon at home and save money."

These little radish heads are quite sensible.

"Other tribes stay together in several families, burn a stove together to warm up the fire, and go home to burn the kang at night, and some just stay in the glass room, so we have to save money."

Now in order to keep the crops in these glass houses, the carbon is used up too fast, and the newly sent carbon diggers are not so quick to produce results, so everyone saves a lot.

Zhuang Yu saw that there were indeed people in the other glass rooms, and they probably came to take advantage of the temperature.

Everyone in the glass room can also control the temperature of the glass room at all times, which is good, and everyone is careful not to step on the crops they planted. These are the guarantees for them to survive the severe winter, so I cherish it very much.

A group of people chatted about nothing, and the content was roughly the same.

"Our young master is still the best. With these crops, our Chidi City's winter will be easier this time."

"No, the previous winter was as cold as a dog, how could it be as warm as it is now, and there was nothing to eat before."

"Can our young master be an ordinary person? Tsk tsk, I think that once this winter is over, people from other forces will probably die almost as well. I guess our Scarlet Emperor City is the most powerful."

"Your mouth is really poisonous."

The little mushroom is also in the glass room now, and Zhuang Yu has to dress it even if he has no clothes, so the little mushroom is now dressed like a ball, just like a funny ball.

Little Mushroom was warming up with a group of children, his mouth was raised high, and the little Mushroom was cold to death. Fortunately, we have a fire to roast, and the Mushroom will have to wear more clothes tomorrow, but the clothes are not as good as my old ones. The sweater looks good. If it weren't for the warm clothes, Mushroom boy wouldn't be wearing such ugly clothes.

There was no way, there were too many things, and Zhuang Yu didn't have time to make good-looking new clothes for it, which were temporarily made of animal skins.

Zhuang Yu was thinking about something.

It is impossible for these children to stay in the glass room all the time, so they still have to find a way to get warm clothes for them.

And warm clothes, and now there is no way to exchange animal skins with foreigners, what should we do

Zhuang Yu's eyes couldn't help looking at a strange plant among the crops planted in the glass room. It looked like a weed that hadn't been cleared yet, and the white flowers on it were already in full bloom.

Seeing Zhuang Yu's gaze, Zhizhi also looked over, "I've been busy fighting these days, and when I came back, I was busy with the harsh winter, so I didn't have time to weed the field. If it was before, such weeds would have been weeded many times without knowing it. It’s already blooming, and it’s growing too fast.”

After talking, run to get rid of the weeds.

Zhuang Yu raised the corners of his mouth and said, "Wait a minute, this weed is good and came in time."