Infrastructure Frenzy

Chapter 155: cotton coat


A group of radish heads surrounded the flowering weed, "What use can it be?"

"I also cut a lot of this kind of weeds before, and they were piled up in the sheep pen and cattle pen as hay."

These little radish heads usually run around in Chidi City, and they will help if they see anything that can help, and cutting weeds is one of them.

There are small mushrooms, and the crops grow fast, and these weeds are the same. The key is that the weeds are very tenacious, even if they are cut every day, as long as there are some roots left, they will grow again, let alone the seeds after flowering. It's all, no matter how you cut it, you can't cut it all, it's annoying.

But the weeds that were annoying in the past have become useful now, and it is good to harvest and feed cattle and sheep. What's more, the flowering weed in front of me, if Zhuang Yu read it correctly, it should be white dimples .

The scientific name of Baidizi is also called cotton. Zhuang Yu took a flower directly in his hand and observed it carefully for a while. The flower was white and silky, very delicate, and it was absolutely unmistakable.

The seeds of the basilica are very rich, one flower has to produce many seeds, no wonder no matter how much you can cut it, you can't cut it all, just the seeds of this flower are scattered on the ground, so many new ones have to grow.

Zhuang Yu put on a smile on his face, this cold winter, maybe their Chidi City might not be so sad, he said to a group of little carrots, "Do you want to wear warm and thick clothes?"

Although a group of little radish heads stayed in the glass room, because they wore too little clothes, they had to stay next to the stove to keep cool, and they couldn’t go anywhere. Let a group of children who were usually lively like wild monkeys stay in one place, It is also very painful.

The little radish heads kept nodding. Of course it would be nice to have warm and thick clothes. They also had to dress like mushrooms. They walked like a ball. They couldn’t even walk. "Brother Yu, do you have a solution? But none of us have animal skins."

The animal skins in their Scarlet Emperor City are still the old animal skins from before, and they are not enough at all.

Zhuang Yu smiled, "It is not only animal skins that can be used to make thick clothes."

A group of little radish heads were taken aback. That's right, their pants are made of silk, which is completely different from other people's animal skins.

Zhuang Yu started to act, because these children really didn't wear much clothes, Zhuang Yu didn't let them leave the glass room, and ran out by himself.

Once outside, the bone-piercing cold wind blew, and the hot air he breathed turned into white smoke.

Zhuang Yu went to ask his tribe to collect the flowers of Baidianzi, which were originally spread as hay in the sheep pen, cattle pen and chicken pen. Of course, the seeds had to be collected, which required large-scale planting.

The collected flowers are sent directly to the glass room, where it is warm.

Then I went to the Ghost Willow family to study the cotton-plucking machine together. The manual cotton-plucking machine is actually not difficult, and the silk of the spider that is as big as a millstone is used to weave it.

I have to say that the spider weaving is quite useful, and the silk can be used if twisted into a strand, but it is definitely not as durable as the spider weaving silk. Now we don’t need to weave spider silk to make clothes, so we have already stocked it. Quite a lot.

It has been several days since the hand-made cotton cotton machine was produced.

Carried the machine into the glass room, and collected a large pile of flowers from Baidiezi. The little carrot heads have not been idle for the past two days. Although they stayed by the stove, they were all shedding the cotton.

Many people in Chidi City know that Zhuang Yu went to study the cotton-plucking machine in the past two days.

It's cold, and you're not afraid of the cold, so just stand outside and watch. The glass room must not be able to stand up.

"Young Master, what good thing did you come up with?"

"It must be a good thing. When did something that Shaojun made not be particularly useful?"

"But what I collected were the flowers of those weeds. I really don't understand what it can be used for."

"Shaojun said that it is called cotton, not a weed."

They were already used to the curious look on their faces. Every time Zhuang Yu made something new, they couldn't understand it.

Zhuang Yu began to play, and besides a group of little radish heads, he also specially let some clansmen come in to watch, because after the mass production of cotton, it still depends on everyone to play.

The cotton is slowly played into cotton wool, and because it becomes soft, the volume looks larger.

Moreover, the cotton, which was not particularly white at first, was whiter than snow after being flicked.

That is, there will be a lot of fluffy cotton threads flying in the air. It is definitely not good to breathe into the nose. It seems that the person who picks the cotton must wear a mask.

A group of people were dumbfounded. The originally shriveled flowers became big, white, and limp after being shot with the rope.

"It's so beautiful to look at, just like the big white clouds in the sky in summer."

When Zhuang Yu smiled, it was not only good-looking, but also warm.

Playing cotton is a very patient thing. It needs to be played bit by bit, and it is also very laborious. On the earth, you have to rest for a while after playing for a while. Of course, people in this world have special physical strength. Labor does not require rest at all.

Zhuang Yu played for a day, and popped out a pile of very fluffy cotton.

After thinking about it, I asked someone to fetch some silk cloth that they used to make trousers. The cloth was woven and was originally intended to be used to make trousers, but now that the weather is cold, the four-season trousers are no longer suitable.

The stretched cotton is sewn into the cloth, and then made into a small padded jacket.

It was already night at this time, but everyone did not leave, no matter how cold it was, they wanted to see the result.

In fact, it is more suitable to sew the small padded jacket with cloth made of cotton, but for the first piece, we should use ready-made cloth first, because it is not easy to weave cotton into cloth.

Zhuang Yu put the newly made padded jacket on Ant's body.

The ant was stunned, and kept touching the little padded jacket on his body with his little hands, because after a while, his body became hot, and even his little face turned red from the heat. Of course, this was also because he was in the glass room. The reason, but even if you walk into the snow, you should not be cold in this padded jacket.

"It's so warm, and it's so comfortable to wear, so soft." Ant said.

A group of small radish heads also kept touching the padded jacket with their hands, "It collapsed after being pinched, and then it recovered by itself."

"Ant, dress me too, how warm it is."

Ant hurriedly covered the little padded jacket tightly, "The little padded jacket belongs to ants."

But he couldn't compete with other people, and soon the little padded jacket was replaced by several people, with a look of surprise on his face, "It's too warm, so comfortable."

In fact, there is no need to try it, everyone knows how warm it is, because after a while, the people who put on the padded jacket began to sweat finely on their foreheads.

In such a cold day, it was so hot that he was still sweating, which was impossible in the past.

A group of people looked at the blossoming cotton in a daze, and then slapped their thighs, "It's a pity, we used to be weeds and threw these cottons away. This is a good thing."

But no, cattle and sheep used to have green grass to eat, these weeds were useless, and they were disliked every day for taking up space, so they were all thrown away, thinking about it now makes my heart hurt.

"It turns out that these things are so useful, it's a pity, it's a pity, I would have hoarded them if I knew about them."

It's useless to regret now, but Zhuang Yu said, "We have a lot of seeds now, just plant them."

Little Mushroom looked at the clothes on his body, then at the little padded jacket, and then joined the scrambling army, ah, ah, the little padded jacket belongs to Mushroom Boy.

In the following time, in addition to planting cotton seeds in the ground, Zhuang Yu also taught the tribe how to draw cotton into cotton thread and then weave it into cotton cloth.

After all, cotton jackets are the warmest clothes sewn into cotton cloth, and silk cloth is a little cooler.

The cotton seeds planted in the ground were specially watered with the bath water of the small mushrooms, and they took root and sprouted and grew tall the next day.

Of course, the little mushroom now uses hot water for bathing, and a small pool was dug for it in the glass room to keep the water temperature at all times. The little mushroom probably enjoys the most in this winter, kicking the water in the pool, it’s simply It's so unrestrained, it doesn't look like I'm spending the winter.

The snow in the sky seems to be getting bigger and bigger. It is a terrible thing to think that this situation will last for ten years.

Their small town in Chidi City also had to remove the snow every day, otherwise their houses would probably be covered in heavy snow.

The clansmen seldom go out, because it is too cold outside, they all have to hide on the kang of the house, and the whole Chidi City becomes deserted, because there are no traces of people, and sometimes they even doubt whether this is An empty city.


Suddenly, a group of children laughed openly in the deserted city.

In such a cold day, who is still laughing in the ice and snow

Touch it on the glass window, because the outside is cold and the inside is hot, the window is covered with fog, and you can't see it unless you touch it.

Looking outside, I saw a group of children, exhaling heat, playing happily outside.

Isn't it cold outside

It was cold, but these children were dressed extremely tightly, like bulging little leather balls.

In addition to the little padded jacket on his body, there is also a little cotton hat on his head, cotton socks on his feet, and a pair of cotton shoes.

This is Zhuang Yu's achievement these days. This set is the cotton-padded jacket suit he used to make Chidi City survive the cold winter. He happened to try it on this group of little radish heads.

At that time, after the cotton they planted is harvested, they can directly make it according to the gourd painting.

"It's not cold, it's not cold at all." A group of children laughed.

Also touch the hat on the head and the shoes on the feet from time to time.

"This is how good the shoes are, they are comfortable to wear, and they are warmer than just wearing socks."

They knew about the socks, but it was the first time they wore the shoes, so they were extremely rare.

At the beginning, Zhuang Yu didn't get the shoes out. At first, there was no way. After getting out the shoes, he probably couldn't see his nose and eyes for a day.

Now, I finally have shoes to wear, and I have to get them out, otherwise my bare feet will not be damaged by freezing in the snow.

Because the town removes snow every day, there is no need to worry about getting your cotton shoes wet.

"Look at my little shoes, don't they look good?" Ant was still showing off everywhere, "And my hat, it has ears."

The small cotton cap also has a simple style. Although it is simple, it is easy to see in the eyes of these children.

Little Mushroom also kept running behind a group of children. It now has a nice little padded jacket and little padded shoes. The most important thing is that it is wearing a tiger hat.

With a tiger head and a tiger brain, he looks extremely clever.

The entire Chidi City seemed to have come alive in the cold winter.

The clansmen who looked at these children through the windows also had smiles on their faces. In the past, when it was cold winter, how could they have a smile? Their Scarlet Emperor City was all gloomy and gloomy, how could it be like it is now.

Moreover, when their cotton is planted, they don't have to stay in the house every day, and they can go out for a walk, although staying in the house is already many times better than the previous cold winter.

Zhuang Yu also wore a cotton coat, and carried a wooden barrel and walked outside. With this coat, it seemed that no matter how heavy the snow was, it would not be cold.

A group of little carrot heads ran over, "Brother Yu, where are you going?"

Zhuang Yu raised the wooden barrel in his hand, "Go fishing."

A group of radish heads were stunned, the river was frozen into popsicles, where to go fishing

But they didn't care, and followed over laughingly.

A group of people, like the morning sun in the cold winter, is full of vitality and sunshine.

It is true that Zhuang Yu went fishing. The moat was as frozen as a popsicle, so there was no way to fish. But their dam, the water is very deep, and although the top has become ice, the bottom is still flowing water.

When we came to the dam, sure enough, we only saw ice.

"How do you fish here? It's all ice." A group of children poked their heads into the ice and asked.

Zhuang Yu said, "Just smash a hole."

As soon as he finished speaking, Ant picked up the two small axes on his waist, raised them over his head and smashed them against the ice layer.

As a result, only a white mark was left on the ice layer, and the ice layer was too thick. "Is there really water underneath?"

Like their moat, it must have been completely frozen.

"Let me do it." Bee Kiss and Zhi Zhi didn't know where to pick up the stone and threw it on the ice.

A group of children tried their best to breastfeed, and even the little mushrooms held up stones and yelled.

Fortunately, the ice layer was finally broken, Zhuang Yu said, "Don't come by yourself in the future, be careful to fall in."

A group of little radish heads nodded, "We all go fishing with Brother Yu.

Zhuang Yu brought a lot of hooks, asked the children to find tree trunks, and made them some simple fishing rods, and then a group of people surrounded an ice hole and started fishing.

As a result, the fish hadn't been caught yet, but because the fish under the ice layer lacked oxygen for a long time, two of them shot up from the ice cave.

"There are really fish." But a group of radish heads were overjoyed, and picked up the fish into the wooden barrel.

The fish under the water were actually starving after so many days. Once the hook was thrown down, the fish frantically competed for the food on it.

Even the little radish heads with particularly poor fishing skills can be lucky enough to pull up one or two, and I am very happy.

Only the little mushroom didn't pull the fish up, but was almost pulled down by the fish, stomping its feet in anger, the fish was too strong, it dared to bully the mushroom boy and eat you all at night.

Now in Chidi City, apart from the small amount of cattle, sheep and chickens they raise, the only meat they can get is these fish.

Singing and laughing, when they brought back a bucket full of fish, many people were surprised. In the winter, they actually caught fish.

Day by day, the winter is getting colder and the wind and snow are getting bigger and bigger.

Chidi City began to cut down on food and clothing, but even so, the cattle and sheep they started slaughtering were slowly exhausted.

Fortunately, although they eat a lot less meat, at least there are foods made of beans to make them full, which is unimaginable before, and they can also eat a meal of meat every now and then , very satisfied.

When cotton is harvested and cotton clothes are produced one after another, more and more people will be able to leave the house.

Looking at the heavy snow all over the sky, feeling the warm sun on the body, that feeling is completely different from before.

They can actually face the cold winter directly, and the previous panic and fear don't exist at this moment.

Touching the cotton coat on his body, his face was full of joy.

Zhuang Yu asked the clansmen to break open the ice hole to fish, and told them to be careful not to fall into it.

Fish is now their rare meat in winter, and of course they cannot let it go easily.

It has to be said that the richness of the sea is unimaginable. The entire Chidi City is too small for the sea, so no matter how you eat it, you don't have to worry about eating up all the fish in the sea.

Bringing a bucket of fish home every day, the people of Chidi City found that they were not so short of meat.


In fact, for Chidi City, which is good at fire, the most terrifying thing is not the cold in winter, but the lack of food.

After all, no matter how cold it is, Chidi City still has a way out, that is, the huge lava lake where their ancestors live. Although they will be imprisoned around the lava lake, at least they will not die of cold.

At this moment, Zhuang Yu was standing outside the lava lake. This was the last retreat for their Chidi City. In the past, their Chidi City could survive the winter because of this place. Because it was too close to the ancestor beast, even those who could not feel the The coercive cattle and sheep dare not come over.

In other words, apart from Suzaku, this place is really a place where everything is extinct, so if their whole family moves here, the food will be even tighter. This is why Zhuang Yu didn't let people move here as soon as winter came. It's not just that animals can't be raised here, plants can't grow, which is very inconvenient.

Fortunately, after they have Kang, it seems that they don't need to move here.

"It's a pity." Zhuang Yu said standing next to the lava lake. Although it is impossible to raise animals or grow crops in such a place with extremely high natural temperature, it seems too wasteful to be so empty.

A group of radish heads also stretched their necks to probe into the lava lake, "It's hot, I'm sweating."

"It would be great if our Chidi City was closer to here, so we could come here to warm up every day."

"However, if it is too close, the summer will not be able to pass, it will be too hot to die."

In fact, this lava lake is not too far from Chidi City, and of course it is not too close, because it is really hot in summer if it is too close.

Zhuang Yu said, "Do you want to take a bath every day?"

A group of radishes shrunk their heads and necks, shaking their heads vigorously. It's winter, they don't need to take a bath, and they won't be cold to death.

Now the water pipes in their home are frozen to the bone, and the tap water system is paralyzed. Every day, they have to dig out ice and bring water back in buckets. It is very difficult. The water is scarce, and the water is really cold. If you can't wash it, don't wash it.

Zhuang Yu said, "Hot bath?"

A group of little radish heads were taken aback, "Of course it would be nice to have hot water to take a bath."

Then I was a little embarrassed, "I feel a little uncomfortable after not taking a bath for too long."

They take a bath every day in summer, so they are not used to being unable to take a bath suddenly.

Zhuang Yu smiled, "How about I build a hot spring for you? Then you can wash whatever you want, and you can soak in the hot spring every day."

A group of little radish heads with their mouths wide open, soaking in hot springs every day in winter

Although it is the first time I hear the word hot spring, it is still easy to understand.

Eyes lit up, oh my god, if they can still take a hot bath every day in winter, they will be so happy.

Zhuang Yu looked at the lava lake, and as long as he built some pools at a good distance, the water in the pools could be directly heated to an appropriate temperature. In addition, these places smelled like sulfur, so they were hot springs.

Sulfur sterilizes and kills viruses on the skin of these children.

Now that he had this plan, Zhuang Yu took action and began to measure how far away from the lava lake it was suitable to build a pool.

Then dig up with a group of hard-working kids.

Digging a bathing pool, especially the children of the Golden Centipede Department, is very familiar with it, they have dug it by themselves before.

It took many days to dig the pond and pave the stones.

Then I carried buckets of water and poured it in. I had to use buckets to bring the water in, because the water would freeze to ice halfway through the pipes, and it would not flow at all.

Even if you use buckets to carry water, the water in the buckets along the way will turn into ice cubes.

It didn't take long for it to become smoky after being poured into the sink, though.

A group of children think that they can take a hot bath, that is, they are working hard and don't feel tired.

After finally filling the pool, I stretched my hand into the water, "It's warm, the water is warm."

A group of people are so happy that they are actually mixed with warm water and cold water now, and the temperature will be higher after a while.

After a while, a group of little radish heads began to take off their cotton clothes, plopping into the pond.

When I started to take off my clothes, it was still a little cold. After all, the hot and cold winds are blowing here, so the feeling is really like ice and fire.

However, after jumping into the pool, it is warm, the water temperature wraps the body, and it does not feel cold at all.

Small heads emerged from the water, spitting bubbles, "It's so warm."

"Hee hee, we actually take a bath in the cold winter."

The water mist evaporated under the heat, and the whole pool became white.

A group of radish heads are like small animals, swimming happily in the pool.

Zhuang Yu also took a bath, it was so comfortable, this kind of warm happiness was something that Xia Tian couldn't experience at all.

"Happiness." A group of children also shouted loudly.

"I can spend a day in water."

Mushroom Boy also kept kicking the water in the hot spring. Although a pool was dug for it in the glass room, the water there tends to be cold, and the water needs to be heated from time to time, but the temperature fluctuates from time to time.

Besides, it is the only one in the glass room to take a bath in the small pool, so there is no way to have fun with everyone.

Mushroom boy still puffed up his small shoulders, watching me flood all of you with a big wave, but he was swept away by a big wave, and he got out of the water, screaming and going to revenge, Don't think it didn't see it, it was the waves that Bee Kissed that insidious little guy secretly hit.

Zhuang Yu leaned his head on the shore, and lay comfortably in the pool, comfortably.

The little luotou next to him also followed suit, lying in a row by the pool, "Happiness."

Zhuang Yu and the others had built the pond, and the other children from Chidi City looked enviously at it, and dug it up enthusiastically.

Zhuang Yu specially went to guide and guide how to build hot spring pools, and then built a circle of large-scale hot spring pools.

When the water is brought in, outside the entire lava lake, there is such a large circle of hot springs, smoky, like a fairyland.

The pool was full of children from Chidi City, and it was extremely lively.

In the end, even the adults in Chidi City couldn't help coming over to take a bubble bath, it was so comfortable.

There are smiles on their faces, they actually took a bath in the cold winter, if they had never thought about it before.

Of course, the water quality still needs to be well controlled, and the water needs to be changed every once in a while, but it’s not too troublesome, because it seems that the snow outside can be put directly into the pool, and it doesn’t have to travel so far, but the melting is a little slower.

Zhuang Yu thought to himself, maybe they can start a hot spring business in Chidi City, a tourist holy place in the cold winter

However, this idea is impossible to realize after all, because...

Compared with the days when Chidi City was so happy, other forces were not so happy.

A lot of their supplies were consumed in that protracted war, and because of the war, they didn't have time to store food for the winter.

Now that the snow is getting bigger and bigger, watching the heavy snow completely cover their hunting grounds, they are terrified, and they can't hunt anymore.

Worry is all over their faces, what will they do after they finish eating the rest of the food

The weakness of the tribes that live by hunting is manifested. Once there is no prey, they can't even survive.

They are not Red Emperor City, they don't have cotton clothes, they don't have greenhouses that can be planted in winter, and they don't have the huge dam project to catch some fish, and they don't have the unique lava lake.

It was gloomy, and they knew what would happen to their tribe as the winter continued.

In fact, the fringe tribes also began to worry, because they also had no prey, and even the beans that Chidicheng taught them to grow were impossible to continue planting because of the heavy snow.

But when he was worried and didn't know what to do, the food delivery person from Chidi City came, "This is your food for this month, come and get it soon, we have to go back in this severe winter."

The fringe tribes looked at a group of people from Chidi City who were dressed like a ball, and they were stunned. Isn't this animal skin? What is this wearing? It looks thick and warm.

Then there was another burst of emotion, now that the cold winter is coming, there should be no food in Chidi City, but it is still given to them.

The people in Chidi City looked at the moved expressions of these people, and thought to themselves, what are these people doing? "They are all tribes in Chidi City, of course they have to be treated equally. The other tribes have distributed food, so why are you still missing?"

Equal treatment

The hearts of the people are fleshy, and there is an indescribable centripetal force in the hearts of the people of the marginal tribes. Yes, they are now from the Red Emperor City.

I have never felt that it is so correct to take refuge in Chidi City.

They all saw what the Red Emperor City did, and a sense of belonging spontaneously arose.

Looking at the large amount of food, I was a little embarrassed, "Why did you send so much food? Let's eat sparingly, just eat one meal a day. It's better to save some food. The cold winter is still long."

People from Chidi City: "...there isn't much meat, but it's okay to have a little food, so you can eat at ease. If you are really missing, I can't explain it to you, Shaojun."

A little full of food

A group of people were stunned and stunned. In the cold winter, who can eat enough, let alone them, even Ruidi City can't do it.

The people from Chidi City said, "Tsk tsk, others can't do it, but we can do it in Chidi City. Our tribes in Chidi City will distribute food every once in a while, and I will send it to you next time..."

Speaking of this, the waists are straight, and only they dare to say this in the cold winter.

The people of the marginal tribes are really confused, why don't they give it away next time

If it is true, then all their worries are unnecessary.

"By the way, there is also this kind of padded jacket, which is warm enough to wear. Seeing that we have traveled so far to deliver food, we don't feel cold. It's just that the number is a little less now, and each tribe can only be divided according to the population. , there will be more in the future.”

People from marginal tribes: "..."

This kind of thing happened among all the fringe tribes who took refuge in Chidi City. Zhuang Yu said that he would treat them fairly, so he would not break his promise. What treatment did he receive from the various tribes in Chidi City, and they did the same.

The fringe tribes, which were originally gloomy and gloomy, began to express joy. They have never been so proud of being born as a Red Emperor City citizen like they are now.

Their Red Emperor City is amazing, who can make it look like their Red Emperor City.

So far, the fringe tribes have sincerely regarded themselves as a Chidicheng people, and there is no estrangement. Everyone is dedicated to becoming a family. As long as everyone has this heart, it will be very easy to integrate.

It is not so easy to fully integrate a brand new tribe, and Zhuang Yu has worked hard to achieve this step.

The people from Chidi City continued, "By the way, our Chidi City has now passed the chaotic period of the beginning of winter. After the rectification is completed, the young master means that the students of your tribe can return to Chidi City to attend classes again."

When the war ended and winter came, the students went back to their tribes to figure out how to survive the winter.

Now that Chidi City has passed the panic period of winter and has stabilized, these students can come back and continue their classes.

The people of the marginal tribes were taken aback for a moment, and the school continued to resume classes. If they were busy with the winter before, they would not have the time to spend on other things.

It seems that their Red Emperor City really didn't worry about not being able to survive the winter, so they felt more relieved and nodded quickly, "Then let the students in the clan go to school in Red Emperor City."

The humanity of Chidi City said, "Then we won't stay any longer, we have to go to Baidi City, Xuandi City, and Qingdi City to inform their students to go back to school."

In addition to delivering food to marginal tribes, they also have a task, which is to inform students to go back to class, and of course students from other forces are also included.

There were students in Baidi City and Xuandi City originally, but Qingdi City had promised them during the war that they could also send a group of students to the school. Now that the school is open, they will be notified together.

After the people from Chidi City left, the marginal tribes also discovered that not only their tribe received food, but all the marginal tribes who took refuge in Chidi City were the same.

Really treat everyone equally and fairly.

People from marginal tribes met each other. In the past, as tribes who took refuge in others, they always felt a little ugly in face, but now it is different. When they get together, they start to praise how Red Emperor City is. They look good, and now they can only be proud of being Chidicheng people.

"I heard that Shaojun made something called a greenhouse. With this thing, you don't have to worry about being hungry in winter."

"I was still thinking about how many people in our tribe would die this winter. Now it's over. The person who delivered the food told us that we don't have to worry about such things at all."

"I was also worried that the whole tribe might not be able to survive. You don't know that our tribe really doesn't have much food left. Now our whole tribe is saved by the Red Emperor City. We are willing to do whatever the Red Emperor City asks us to do. What's more, Scarlet Emperor City is very fair."

"Shaojun is really unparalleled in the world, and he actually made the entire Scarlet Emperor City fearless of the cold winter."

"Among the grains delivered, there are actually some fish. I don't know how they got them in the winter."

"There are also those clothes called padded jackets, even if you run outside in the snow after wearing them, they are not cold."

"That's right, look at those clansmen who delivered food to us, they were all wearing padded jackets, they traveled such a long distance, and they didn't seem to have anything to do at all. This is a good thing."

"I heard from them that there will be more and more in the future, and each tribe can get more. It's great."

The food deliverers went to Baidi City, Xuandi City and Qingdi City to send their students back to school.

The people in the three cities who were anxiously worrying about the lack of food were stunned, "What are you doing in Chidi City?"

At this time, shouldn't they be like them, all worried about the food problem and how to survive this long winter

Although the school is good, it must have a life.

I can't understand it at all.

"Besides, the food in Chidi City used to be obtained by doing business with us, and now the market can't be opened. Shouldn't they be more worried about the food issue? Why are there still time for our students to go to class?"

At the beginning, they didn't take it seriously, but within a few days, news spread that the marginal tribes had received food from Chidi City.

"Is the Red Emperor City crazy?"

They didn't think about how they would spend the winter, but gave food to marginal tribes instead

"It seems that there is something wrong with the situation. No matter how stupid Chidi City is, it is impossible to give away food at this time."

I was really confused by a group of people, and I couldn't figure it out no matter how I thought about it.

"Does Chidi City have enough food for the winter?"

But with this thought, he quickly shook his head, this is impossible.

It is true that Chidi City cannot produce food for the entire winter at one time, but their food can be produced one after another.

"Our students seem to have paid their tuition fees. Why don't they send them over to see what's going on? Could they still let our students starve to death?"

The situation is unclear now, since Chidi City let the students return to school, they just sent people over to see what's going on.

The students are very happy, anyway, they will go hungry everywhere, so it is better to let them stay in the school they like.

So, in addition to the students from the marginal tribes, the students from Baidi City, Xuandi City, and Qingdi City also started to set off.

When Zhuang Yu's students returned to school, Zhuang Yu was taken aback.

Each student was as cold as a dog. Although they were all wrapped in animal skins, their noses and eyes were red from the cold, and their lips, hands and feet were all black.

It's almost freezing, and fortunately they are relatively powerful giant beast warriors, and most people will lose half their lives if they walk this distance to Chidi City.

Hurry up and ask people to take these students to the hot spring to soak in the hot spring, soak the cold air in the body before talking, otherwise the cold air will penetrate into the bones and leave some bad problems.

The students in Chidi City are the most active. Looking at their classmates, it is too miserable. It is really cold without a padded jacket. Walking outside is like losing half your life. "Let's go, let's take you to a good place .”

Pull people and run.

The foreign student looked at the person who was pulling them and was also in a daze. What are his classmates wearing? The hats on their heads are actually all kinds of small animals, which are so cute, and what are they wearing on their feet? It looked so warm, not at all like they shrank from the cold.

When I realized it, I had already walked a certain distance, "No, isn't this the way to school?"

Although it was snowing heavily, the location of the school was firmly engraved in their hearts, and they could never forget it.

The students in Chidi City all laughed, "We have another good place in Chidi City, I guarantee you will be satisfied."

The students who came here, as well as the people from Qingdi City who came here for the first time, now they also followed behind with a confused face.

They entered the city just now, why are they running outside again now? They haven't had time to take a look at the incomparably magical Scarlet Emperor City in the legend.

But after a while, everyone fell silent.

what did they see

There are pools with white smoke, and there are little red-faced children soaking in the pools.

In the winter, you are actually taking a bath

My jaw dropped to the floor.

Ant and Bee Kiss were dragging Shuangtong, Qinggui, and Chongtong from their study group into the hot spring, "This is a hot spring. It's very comfortable. It's not cold at all."

When the students were pulled down from the pool and the warm water enveloped them, their frozen bodies felt extremely comfortable.

Ant and Bee Kiss also wrapped a veil on their heads, which they learned from Zhuang Yu, and it looked ridiculous, "Comfortable."

Shuangtong and the others were all stunned, it was more than just comfort, it was simply enjoyment.

After a long journey, my body was extremely cold, and now I was soaking in the hot spring. This feeling of happiness is indescribable.

Ant and Bee Kiss also took out two hard-boiled eggs, cracked the shells on their heads, and handed them to Shuangtong reluctantly, "It's very interesting to eat eggs while soaking in hot springs, but it's a pity that our Cuckoo Birds in Chidi City didn't There were too many in the past, and we couldn’t get eggs to eat every day like before, these are specially reserved for you.”

Shuangtong and the others said, "..."

It would be nice to have something to eat, but I still hate it.

The other people who took a bath together were also stunned, this place is too good, there is such a holy place in the winter.

Holy shit, they'd love to stay here all winter.

Especially the people from Baidi City, Xuandi City, and Qingdi City, looking at these happily playing students, thought to themselves, why don't they worry about not having food for the winter

Also too heartless.

Then, I saw a group of students take out paper bags one by one, took out the bean cakes inside, and distributed them to the classmates, muttering, "Now life can't be compared with before. We used to have a lot of snacks, like this We didn't eat bean dregs cakes before, and the bean dregs were used to feed the cuckoo birds."

"Now we can get this kind of bean dregs cake as a snack every day, so let's just eat it."

The students of Baidi City, Xuandi City, and Qingdi City were all dumbfounded. Can the children of Chidi City still get snacks every day in winter

They must have heard it wrong, now all the forces have to save money, one meal a day is a luxury, let alone snacks.

"In fact, it's not just bean dregs cakes. You can still get one or two Cuckoo eggs every few days, but it's completely incomparable with before."

A group of foreign students: "..."

My own people are worried about whether they will starve to death, and these students are worried about snacks.