Infrastructure Frenzy

Chapter 156: The gap with Chidi City


Zhuang Yu was not in a hurry to let these students start class directly, and asked them to take a good soak in the hot spring for a rest.

Moreover, Zhuang Yu now has to spend some time in their glass greenhouse, which is the guarantee of whether they can survive the cold winter.

The previous planting was relatively extensive, but now it needs to be more refined, such as mixed planting of high and low plants, increasing planting density, etc., so as to increase production in limited land.

Their glass house looks quite a lot, but it is still relatively tight to provide enough food for the entire Red Emperor City.

And as their original food reserves are exhausted, the food shortage will become more and more obvious.

So Zhuang Yu began to increase the construction of new greenhouses, but because of the heavy snowfall, the progress was very slow.

In addition, when new greenhouses are built, more carbon needs to be burned to maintain the temperature in the greenhouses, so building more greenhouses will not solve the current problem. When carbon consumption reaches its peak, the extra greenhouses will It is also impossible to supply.

Therefore, Zhuang Yu focused on how to increase the output of a single glass house crop, which can also reduce carbon expenditure and improve utilization rate.

For example, in a glass house, layers of shelves are built, and crops are planted on each layer.

This is why Zhuang Yu transformed the glass room into this according to his memory to improve the utilization of vertical space and make good use of the limited space to the greatest extent.

Zhuang Yu looked at the crops that have grown out. As long as all the greenhouses are transformed into this way, their grain can grow exponentially. The trouble is watering.

Although pipes are made on his shelves, water still needs to be brought into each glass house every day for watering.

Although the pipes in the glass house can be used, the pipes outside can't get water, and the pipes freeze into ice halfway through, so all the water has to be carried by people.

Fortunately, in the winter, their tribes in Chidi City can't do other things, and the manpower to carry water is still enough.

The first greenhouse experiment was successful, and Zhuang Yu asked people to speed up the transformation of other greenhouses, so that they could provide new food in a circular manner before their food stocks were exhausted.

Zhuang Yu's goal is not just barely enough to eat, but to let everyone have a full meal.

What's wrong with the cold winter? Manpower wins the sky.

A group of radish heads in little padded jackets looked up at the shelves, "It's so beautiful, all of them are plants we planted."

They know very well that when these plants mature, they become the food they usually eat.

So looking at the green vegetable rack, I was very happy.

"We can still eat green vegetables in winter."

"Stir-fried with oil, it is very delicious."

"Put a little meat dregs on it, it tastes better."

Their meat diet has been greatly reduced, but they still raise a lot of cattle and sheep, and they can still eat some meat scraps.

The foreign students who have been here for a few days are also surprised to find that the people in Chidi City still eat three meals a day, and the appetite is not necessarily reduced.

Although it was a bit strange to eat, the green vegetable leaves contained some meat inside.

They also ate these these two days, so don't say that the people in Chidi City are eating grass, because the taste is unexpectedly delicious. can still eat

People in Chidi City call them vegetables.

"It tastes best wrapped in a piece of chili." A group of radish heads also commented, and they also just started eating a lot of vegetables.

The ants poked their mouths up, "The ants don't like to eat this prickly ash, their mouths are numb."

Pick the peppercorns out of his bowl, but don't put peppercorns for him, he doesn't want to.

I saw a group of foreign students envious. The vegetables are very rich in taste. Because of the many seasonings, it is difficult for foreigners to eat such delicious food. These children are actually picky.

Moreover, let alone the taste, it is considered a luxury for their tribe to be able to eat.

When they left the tribe, they had already started to eat one meal a day, and they still ate sparingly. Although they still had some food in reserve, the cold winter was too long, so they had to plan to eat.

So when I saw that Chidi City was still eating three meals a day without a limit, my jaw almost dropped.

This gap is too great.

Looking at the big bowls of delicious food in my bowl, and thinking that the tribe is still suffering from hunger, I can't help but feel a little sad.

It would be great if my own people could also have enough food in the winter, but this is just a luxury, because it is impossible for Chidi City to help them for no reason.

After dinner, go to the comfortable hot spring again.

On the way, seeing the people in Chidi City wearing warm cotton-padded jackets, warm hats, and shoes, and thinking that my own people are still enduring the endless cold, I felt sad again. They are all tribes on the earth, but the gap is also huge. Too big, like living in a different world.

In fact, they had already had such an idea before. After staying in Chidi City for a long time, when they came back to their tribe, they felt a strange feeling of being out of reality, but the feeling at that time was not as big as it is now.

Now they suddenly discovered that there is an invisible gap between their own tribe and Chidi City. Chidi City is thriving, but their tribe is still dilapidated and old.

Looking at the current life in Chidi City, there is enough food, there are cotton-padded jackets to wear, and you can sleep on a warm kang at night. Everyone has happy smiles on their faces and is full of hope for the future.

Living here seems to almost make them forget that their own tribe is now in a state of crisis.

The people of the marginal tribes are alright. Although they don’t have a kang, cotton jackets are being sent to them one after another. In addition, every time the food is distributed to them, a little bit is sent to them, so the students of the marginal tribes are happy every day. , I have never been so happy in winter as I am now. Being a tribe of Chidi City is really good.

This made the students in Baidi City, Xuandi City, and Qingdi City even more preoccupied, and seemed to feel that the food in their bowls was not so delicious.

They came to Chidi City, and as students of Chidi City, they were enjoying all of this, but what about their clansmen

When they left, they even saw the helpless expressions of their parents, their younger brothers and sisters, and the fear and despair they couldn't hide. They could think of how their people were suffering from hunger and cold.

At this time, the Chidi City they are in is like the most beautiful place in the world. They also like it here, but they are not carefree, so how can they enjoy these things with peace of mind when their relatives are in pain? .

After Zhuang Yu arranged the renovation of the greenhouse, the students had already stayed in Chidi City for several days, and it was time to start classes.

The classrooms of the school are a bit narrow for such a large group of students. If there is a stove for warming up the fire, it will probably be too crowded.

Zhuang Yu simply vacated a glass room that had just finished harvesting crops as a temporary classroom. The glass room was built very large at the beginning.

Looking at the students below, one by one has changed into cotton jackets, cotton hats, cotton socks and shoes. These jacket suits are exchanged by them with points. If there are not enough points, they will owe them first, and then they will slowly do tasks to pay back. It will never be possible If a group of students don't have warm clothes to wear, it will be bad if something happens.

It was the first time for the students in Qingdi City to attend class, and they were not used to seeing a group of students sitting upright.

Zhuang Yu also looked at the tightly wrapped students with a smile, thought for a while, and said, "The school has been closed for a while, everyone came back to the school, do you have any feelings compared to before?"

Yi brushed up his little hands, "The school food is not as good as it used to be. There is no boiled fish fillet, fried steak and fried lamb chops that Ant likes. Ant still has a lot of points, which are useless."

The corners of Zhuang Yu's mouth twitched, this snack food, is this what you think? However, it is also true that it is difficult for Scarlet Emperor City to supply these now.

Bee Kiss also raised her hand, "Bee Kiss feels that the school is better than before."

Many students were stunned, how could it be better in winter than before, because of the heavy snow, even their beautiful school could not be seen clearly, it was all white, and the big pear tree, the flowers were all withered. The silvery pear blossoms are flying every now and then, that scene is so beautiful, and the originally lush big pear tree has broken many branches, and now it is resting and resting, waiting to slowly recover.

Bee Kiss continued, "Because there is no war here, the tranquility and peace here makes Bee Kiss feel that the school is even better. I like it here, and I hope that all other places can be like our school."

As soon as the sound came out, the whole scene fell silent.

These students, except for the newcomers from Qingdi City, all participated in that war and witnessed the cruelty and bloodiness of the war.

Thinking about it now, it is true that, as Bee Kiss said, the school is like a pure land in their hearts.

Maybe they were only influenced by Zhuang Yu's words before, thinking that peace is good, but now after going through the war, they truly understand the value of peace that Zhuang Yu once told them.

This brutal war also made this group of students grow up a lot.

"I hope that there will be no more wars in the world, and that all places will be as peaceful and peaceful as our school."

One by one the students raised their hands. This is their heartfelt thought. They never want to see that kind of war again. This is how they feel after coming back to school.

The student's face is very firm, as if expressing some belief.

The students in Qingdi City were dumbfounded. They were new to the school, but they were not sent by Zhuang Yu to watch the cruel war.

So, they were dumbfounded when they saw the behavior of these students. Aren't these children who are as old as them hunted everywhere with their adults every day, like wild monkeys all over the mountains and fields every day

But listening to them, why do you feel different from yourself

Did they think about such profound issues at such a young age? I'm afraid even adults, except for those wise men, few people would think about these issues.

Suddenly, the students of Qingdi City felt that their classmates were completely different from ordinary people. Although they were still young, they felt as if they had met a wise man in their clan.

That feeling is particularly strange, like people who are no longer at the same level.

In fact, their ideas are not wrong. After Zhuang Yu's ideological development, and these students have really experienced the war, their ideological awareness is completely different from ordinary people.

Students may not be aware that they are different, but they are completely different in the eyes of others.

"I hope that there will be no more wars in the world, and that all places will be as peaceful and peaceful as our school."

The firm voices of the students gathered together, and there was an indescribable momentum, which made a group of new students in Qingdi City dumbfounded.

Zhuang Yu was also a little emotional. Speaking of which, the war was not over yet, but it was only a temporary natural disaster that stopped the man-made disaster. It is really ridiculous. It is impossible to say that Ruidi City will come back again after the cold winter.

Zhuang Yu said, "You come from different forces, and if you want real peace, you need to work together."

A group of students glanced at each other, then nodded firmly to each other.

Many of their identities are the sons of the leaders of various tribes, which means that when they grow up, they are likely to become the leaders of various tribes. Only by working together can a tragedy like that war not happen.

Zhuang Yu was also thinking that something must be done, otherwise, although the cold winter is long, it will always pass, and when Ruidi City comes back, how will they deal with it? Is it still like that war, with corpses everywhere

We must find a way to stop the war, not only these students don't want to see war anymore, he doesn't want to either.

Zhuang Yu continued to ask, "Anyone else have anything else to say?"

A student from Baidi City raised his hand hesitantly, "Teacher, I want to ask, how can my tribe be like Chidi City, no longer afraid of the cold, no longer suffer from hunger."

The reason for hesitating is because this may involve the core secrets of the Red Emperor City.

But I couldn't help but ask, these days, looking at the happy life in Chidi City, and thinking about the life of their own tribe, the suffering in their hearts may only be understood by them.

The students from Xuandi City and Qingdi City also gritted their teeth and asked, "Teacher, please teach us how to make our tribe no longer fear the cold and endure hunger."

They felt the same as the students of Baidi City these days.

The students in Chidi City are nervous. These people really dare to speak. Even if they are young, they know that these methods cannot be leaked. Therefore, no matter how good the relationship is, they keep silent. The elders of the clan recorded it on a scroll with the word "secret", hidden on the second floor of their library, and it was the top secret of their Red Emperor City.