Infrastructure Frenzy

Chapter 27: I think we can dig a well


In the jungle, the moonlight shines.

Feisha and Poison Warehouse were spitting blood, and their eyes were a little dim. Could they not escape the fate of being killed in the end

Zhuang Yu also lamented, originally thought it was difficult to be ridiculed by people in the Golden Centipede, but now it seems that he was very happy before, at least no one shouted at him.

A group of little radish heads hid behind Zhuang Yu, stretched out their small hands to hold Zhuang Yu, like frightened animals, their faces were full of panic.

The only thing they can rely on now is Zhuang Yu. If it wasn't for Zhuang Yu, they would probably all cry in fright.

Bone Spur was already a little impatient, chasing a few little reptiles that would only escape was meaningless to him.

The bony spur's hand stretched out, and sharp bones protruded from the fingertips, making his hand look like the claws of a beast, but the beast's claws were sharp nails, while his hands were sharp bones.

Zhuang Yu's heart was trembling when he saw it, the bones were protruding from the fingertips, and there were still blood streaks on them, didn't he feel pain

Zhuang Yu glanced at Feisha and the poison warehouse again. Both of them had five finger-thick blood holes on their chests, which should have been poked out by the hand of the person opposite.

What a weird and sinister pervert.

What is even more frightening is that the smile on Bone Spur's face, what kind of cruel person would have a smile, made Zhuang Yu feel sick.

But now is not the time to think about these things, because the bone spurs jumped high, and then rushed over like a hungry and ferocious wolf.

"Die, it's your honor to die on top of my Bone Warrior Clan's natural bone technique."

The body with bone spurs was magnified in Zhuang Yu's eyes, and the little carrot head behind Zhuang Yu grabbed Zhuang Yu tightly, and the fear in his heart reached the extreme.

Zhuang Yu's pupils shrunk into thin lines, he didn't know how to resist, and he couldn't dodge, because at this moment the blood in his body seemed to be frozen.

The speed of the bone spur was very fast, and the sharp claws directly grabbed Zhuang Yu's chest.

There was just a "whoosh", and the sound of something piercing the air came from Zhuang Yu's ear. The speed was too fast, driving the wind, making Zhuang Yu's face hot.

And the sharp claws of the bone spur stopped in front of Zhuang Yu's chest, just a little bit, it could penetrate Zhuang Yu's chest, and he was only one step away from death.

The bone spur lowered his head, and there was a blood hole in his chest, which went directly from his chest to his back.

Zhuang Yu looked over, and behind the bone spur, a three-meter-long stone spear was being inserted into the ground. Because it was inserted very deeply, it was still trembling. It was bloodshot and came out from the bone spur. of blood.

A tall figure came out from under the moonlight, with an indescribably cruel face.

Zhuang Yu opened his mouth, he had never been so looking forward to and happy to see such a person at this moment.

The bone spur covered the blood hole in his chest, his eyes narrowed into a line, "Shaojun Baidi, how could you appear here!"

Bone Spur backed away while talking, and then ran away, how embarrassing it was when he ran, there was blood dripping on the ground.

Shaohao frowned and glanced at the fleeing bone spur, then at Zhuang Yu and a group of children, but in the end it was useless to catch up.

Zhuang Yu forgot to breathe because of the tension just now, and now he relaxed and sat down on the ground. He really walked from the edge of death, and now he is finally alive.

"Baidi Shaojun." Feisha and Ducang also got up and shouted, with something inexplicable in their eyes, now this is their only chance to survive, they finally saw hope.

A group of children responded, "Brother Shaohao."

I cried out as soon as I yelled. To be able to endure until now is already the limit for a group of children.

Behind the big tree in the distance, the little fur hat saw the enemy running away, so he also ran over.

"Great, I finally found you. Fortunately, there was time. The people from the Snake Department actually tricked Brother Shaohao out of the Golden Centipede Department. Fortunately, Brother Shaohao found out in time and beat them all to the ground. Let's go back to the Golden Centipede Department." , went to your original cave to look for you, but you were all gone, we tracked it all the way, and luckily caught up.”

Seeing familiar people, a group of children crying, some things are not good to hold in the heart, it is better to let them cry.

Shaohao looked at Zhuang Yu, "It's all right."

Zhuang Yu nodded, then stood up again, and then rubbed the heads of a group of crying children, "It's all right, it's safe."

The sentence "It's all right, it's safe" has played a great comforting role for a group of children today.

A group of children wiped their tears, "Brother Shaohao is back, can we return to the land of the tribe, and still be the same as before, playing with water every day, eating delicious food every day, going to show off in front of the tribe every day, and planting devil fruit with brother Yu every day?" Raising chickens and sheep."

The surroundings suddenly became quiet, and the children looked at Shaohao expectantly.

Shaohao was a little speechless, when he returned to the Golden Centipede Club, all he saw were lupus all over the ground, the Golden Centipede Club was gone, and these children could never go back.

Shaohao clenched his hands a little bit, he lived in the Golden Centipede Tribe for a year, everyone respected him and called him Young Patriarch, but now the Golden Centipede Tribe has been wiped out.

Shaohao looked at a group of children, this revenge will always be revenged, Shaohao said, "Follow me back to Baidi Department."

"But all our stuff is in the cave."

"That's right, our socks are all neatly folded on the wooden shelf in the hole, and the salt we finally dried is also there."

"And our people are there too."

Shaohao: "..."

How should he tell these children that everything is gone.

Whether it was the tribe or those things, when he returned to the Golden Centipede, there was no life left. Those caves were turned upside down, and even the flat wooden floors were torn apart, let alone food. Down.

At this time Zhi suddenly said, "Let's go to the Baidi Department. Brother Yu can take us to rebuild the cave with wooden floors, re-dry the salt, and re-plant the devil fruit."

Zhuang Yu glanced at Zhi, Zhi Zhi was the oldest among these children and also knew the most, he knew what they would see when they went back now.

Compared with the ignorance of other children, Zhi is much more sensible.

The attention of a group of children was diverted, and they looked at Zhuang Yu, "In the Baidi Department, can we also dig a pool to take a bath every day?"

"Can we also plant pear trees, wild flowers, and fence the hills for cuckoos and sheep?"

"Can we also be happy every day like before?"

Zhuang Yu nodded, "Yes, and we can make more things, even more beautiful than our original place."

After finally comforting a group of children and letting them fall back to sleep, the little leather hat huddled with a group of children again, even hugging others with his arms.

The people who lost their ancestor beasts and clan land were so pitiful. He had seen them before, and they would all turn into savages like wild beasts in the end.

Feisha and Ducang were standing in front of Shaohao and talking, their voices were a little excited, they didn't even care about the blood dripping on the ground.

Zhuang Yu looked at the three moons in the sky, he had no choice but to follow Shaohao to Baidi City to start a new life.

It might be the Mizusawa Ministry that he still has a little relationship with this world, but he can't go back alone and he doesn't know how to get there. In addition, he is not worried about these children going to Baidi City alone. If they go to Baidi City alone But living the life of the collective cave in the past, it was too hard for him, and he couldn't bear it.

At this time, Shaohao came over, "Follow me to Baidi City for the time being, when you settle down, if you want to go back to the Water Marsh Department, I'll send you back."

Zhuang Yu nodded and asked, "What kind of place is Baidi City?"

Shaohao replied, "You'll find out when you go and see, it's very different from the Golden Centipede Department and your Mizusawa Department."

The night was already very deep, Zhuang Yu began to fall asleep exhausted, Little Mushroom also covered his mouth, lying beside Zhuang Yu, but looked around before falling asleep, strange, where did the big flying fish go

The next day, when Zhuang Yu got up, it was already very late, maybe because of Shaohao's presence, he slept relatively soundly.

A group of children were climbing on a well-behaved big fish. The big fish was lying on the ground leisurely, looking at Zhuang Yu, blinking and blinking.

The little Mushroom stomped its feet in anger. This fish is too scheming. It pleases a group of children and is cute. Yu will definitely be moved when he looks at it. Also not allowed to rob.

Shaohao also frowned at the sudden giant beast, if it wasn't for a group of children who were not afraid at all and even climbed up, they probably would have started fighting.

Shaohao looked at Zhuang Yu: "This is it?"

Zhuang Yu shrugged, how did he know, "When we were running away, it saved our lives and helped us to run away."

Shaohao was a little surprised, giant beasts would not be nice to people for no reason, it would be a miracle if they didn't fight, and they even helped escape

Shaohao looked again at the little mushroom that was pointing at the big fish uprightly, as if scolding something, and became even more puzzled. It stands to reason that Zhuang Yu had the little mushroom, so other giant beasts would not follow Zhuang Yu. Yu's, on the contrary, will be very repulsive.

can't read.

Early in the morning, Zhi was screaming towards the sky, and Bee Kiss lowered her head and made a strange buzzing sound.

When Zhuang Yu got up, neither of them was finished, they had been calling all morning, but soon Zhuang Yu knew what they were doing.

A red spider the size of a millstone swung over from the woods, and densely packed bees appeared in the sky. Bee Kiss stretched out his hand, and a queen bee landed in his palm, and then all the bees flew to Bee Kiss. , only the two eyes of Bee Kiss were left looking outside.

Zhuang Yu: "..."

Standing in front of him was a man made of bees, which looked weird enough.

Feisha and Ducang actually hunted some prey and brought them over. These two people were so seriously injured and still ran to hunt

As if seeing Zhuang Yu's doubts, Du Cang said, "The moth in the flying sand can silently suffocate the prey to death, and we don't need to take action."

I see.

After eating, they set off.

Zhuang Yu and a group of children climbed onto the back of the big blue fish. The back of the big fish was fairly flat, just like the deck of a ship. It was cold and smooth to the touch. Such a cold place is still very good.

In addition, when fish fly, wind is generated, but it is not so hot.

Little Mushroom refused to admit it, but said in his heart, the fish is quite comfortable sitting, the breeze is blowing on his face, and it is icy cold. If they don't compete with Mushroom Boy, they can still become good friends.

Mushroom boy is lying on the back of the fish, with his little hands resting on the back of his head. Now let Mushroom boy enjoy the flight service.

Zhuang Yu was also lying with his hands on his pillow, and he buried this experience in his mind, because even if he wanted to do something now, it was impossible for him now.

But the things buried in his mind are not forgotten after all, whether it is for him or a group of children, it is the same, the things that should be remembered cannot be forgotten.

In the jungle, a big fish flies in the air, followed by a huge moth.

And in the mountains below, a bear monster, a deer, and a huge toad are running, what a miraculous scene.

They were advancing along a big river, which should be a river of life, countless times wider than the Yellow River, very spectacular, and different tribes lived along the way.

It stands to reason that traveling through other people's tribes is a very taboo thing, but I don't know what method Shaohao used. These tribes didn't care about the time travel of a group of them, and even Zhuang Yu saw a trace of enthusiasm.

Zhuang Yu couldn't help looking at Shaohao, Baidi Shaojun seemed to have a very special status, otherwise these tribes wouldn't have such an expression.

I didn't expect to meet such a person of status in a marginal tribe.

On the way, they also encountered many ferocious beasts, but they were all dealt with by Shaohao without any danger.

They are now bringing a group of children, the most important thing is to rush back to Baidi City, and settle down these frightened children, no one in the mountains knows if they will encounter greater danger.

I kept driving along the big river, the sun rose and the sun set, and the wind and dust were busy, and a month passed like this.

Their speed was not slow at all, which showed how far the distance between Baidi City and the Golden Centipede was.

I don't know if it's Zhuang Yu's illusion, he feels that the weather is getting hotter and hotter.

Looking at the ground, except for those tall old trees that are still full of greenery, the grass on the surface is dead.

It seems that it is not an illusion, the weather is so hot that the moisture on the ground is evaporated, and all the grasses with shallow root systems are killed by the heat.

As it continues to move forward, the big river begins to narrow, not the river bed narrows, but the water in the big river narrows, until it becomes smaller and smaller, and finally there is only a wide river bed left without the river flowing.

Zhuang Yu couldn't help being stunned. It's incredible that a river with a long history has stopped flowing like this. This river is countless times wider than the Yellow River. How could it stop flowing like this.

Zhuang Yu thought about it, and according to what he saw along the way, it should be due to the change of the earth's crust that a gap appeared under this big river, forming an underground underground river. The river water turned from the ground to the ground. The path of the water has changed.

It can be seen how many gaps there are if such a big river can be stopped. It is impossible to repair it under the huge waves. The power of nature is sometimes irresistible.

Zhuang Yu and the others continued to move forward. Fortunately, when the river stopped flowing, Shaohao let them fill up enough water.

As for their giant beasts, they can replenish water by eating hunting prey. The blood of wild beasts is their source of water, and it is impossible for humans to drink blood like giant beasts.

Zhuang Yu's big fish is even simpler. It seems to be an omnivorous animal. It also eats leaves and tree trunks, and directly replenishes water through the liquid in the leaves.

After walking like this for more than ten days, Zhuang Yu and the others could no longer be described as busy and dusty. They were so sloppy, mainly because they couldn't take a bath.

Zhuang Yu thought that when they were about to reach the end of time, Shaohao stopped and said, "Here we are."

Zhuang Yu was taken aback, looking from a distance, there were still endless mountains in front of him, but in the endless mountains, a huge ancient and vast city made of stones could be seen from a distance.

On that boulder, there are traces of time, traces of vicissitudes left after wind, rain, sun and moon eclipse.

This is an ancient city that does not know how many years it has gone through.

Moreover, this is a huge ancient city that is moving.

Zhuang Yu let the big fish fly a little higher, and only then did he get a rough look at the situation of the ancient city.

Under the ancient city is a huge tortoise, and the entire ancient city is built on this tortoise.

How big is this turtle? From Zhuang Yu's point of view, those lofty mountains and mountain ranges are nothing but small dirt bags around this giant tortoise.

Zhuang Yu couldn't help covering his buttocks. There was such a picture on his buttocks. He opened his mouth and muttered to himself, "This is the giant beast recorded in the book... Batian Xuanwu."

The vast land, Xuanwu Tuocheng, moves day after day according to a fixed route.

The pictures of wildness seem to explain how ancient and vast this world is.

In Zhuang Yu's heart, there was a soul-stirring feeling. Just seeing such a huge city, one can imagine how long its history is.

Is this... the White Emperor City

Even the group of little natives around Zhuang Yu opened their mouths wide and couldn't close them.

Not only that, around this huge basalt, there are also countless giant beasts guarding it, each of which is unknown how many times bigger than the golden centipede in the golden centipede.

Simple buildings were also built on these giant beasts, and tribes lived on them, guarding the White Emperor City in the middle.

Among them, the white deer on the ground is the biggest. Only when the white deer lowers its head can it eat the leaves of the giant tree hundreds of meters in the mountains.

In the sky, there are also countless huge birds, and the backs of the birds are also simple buildings. Among them is a huge nine-headed dove bird, with nine huge heads, just like myths and legends.

These gigantic behemoths guarding them are all ancestral beasts.

Baidi City is such a prehistoric city surrounded by ancestral beasts.

The little leather hat was all excited, pointing to the huge white deer on the ground and said, "Did you see it? That's my tribe. The White Deer War Clan under the White Emperor's seat. My father is the God of War in the Earth Tribe. In the future, anyone who dares to If you bully you, report the name of my little fur hat."

Then he pointed to the nine-headed dove in the sky and said, "You are with me, you are not allowed to play with the people from the Ministry of Heaven, they are the worst, always flying above our heads, annoying people to death."

He, the little fur hat is finally back, outside, no one knows how powerful his little fur hat is, this is his territory.

Feisha and Ducang were also extremely shocked. Did the white-eyed warriors live in a similar place before? Thinking about the small area of their white pupils, their complexions can't help but dim. Their white pupils have indeed declined, and now it's even more...

Zhuang Yu was still in shock and did not recover, Shaohao asked, "How is it?"

Zhuang Yu still remembered that he asked Shaohao what the Baidi City looked like, and Shaohao replied that he would know by letting him see it for himself.

Now it seems that you really have to see it for yourself, and it is impossible to describe this shocking feeling just by describing it.

Shaohao said to a group of children again, "Let's go, this will be your home from now on."


A group of children have the timidity of country children going to the city. Looking at Zhuang Yu, can we really call this place our home in the future

Zhuang Yu rubbed Little Luobotou's head, "Let's go."

Zhuang Yu doesn't know if he can treat this place as his home, but it should be much safer here, and it won't be wiped out in an instant like the Golden Centipede.

Zhuang Yu really planned to regard the Golden Centipede as his family. He lost his family once, which made him a little sensitive.

Shaohao arranged Zhuang Yu and the others into a mountain called Tongshan, and Feisha and Ducang were arranged into a nearby mountain.

This mountain is not bad, with green trees, the only bad thing is that all the plants on the surface are dead, making the ground look a bit bare, and the mud on the surface is also cracked by the sun, but the surrounding peaks are also It's like this.

Zhuang Yu knew why this mountain was called Tongshan, because the mountain is full of tung oil trees, and the trees are full of fruits. The tung oil fruits can't be eaten, they can only be used to extract oil, so these fruits are not touched by anyone.

There are some caves on the mountain, but they are all empty and contain nothing.

Shaohao said, "The Tong people have now moved into Baidi City, and this mountain is now vacant. You can live here from now on. I will send some necessities over here."

Some rules of Baidi City and Golden Centipede Division are the same, you must be a giant beast warrior to live on the back of the ancestor beast, and Baidi City is above the ancestor beast, Shaohao is not easy to break the rules and let Zhuang Yu lead a group of beasts The child lived directly in Baidi City, not to mention that Zhuang Yu and the others were still foreigners to Baidi City.

However, the rules of Baidi City are different from those of the Golden Centipede Division, they are much more open, Shaohao said, "If you are interested, you can also visit Baidi City."

Although you can't live in Baidi City, you can go in and have a look.

Zhuang Yu didn't care about these things. For homeless people, it would be great to have a place to stay.

Zhuang Yu looked at the empty caves. Although there was nothing there, he was quite satisfied. These caves were solid, big enough and dry.

A group of children, who had lived a rough life before, patrolled their new cave.

"Brother Yu, let's pave the cave with wooden floors sometime."

"Yes, we have to roll on the wooden floor as before."

"We're going to keep the wood floors spotless."

These kids are all arranged.

Shaohao looked aside for a while, and said, "There is a big difference between this place and the Golden Centipede Department."

Zhuang Yu listened carefully, he still knew about going to the countryside to do as the Romans do.

Shaohao said, "You have also seen along the way that the big river flowing to our Baidi City has inexplicably stopped, and now it has become extremely difficult to get water."

Baidi City is actually a tribe living beside that big river. Now that the river suddenly stops flowing, they are trying to find a way. If they migrate to a place with water source, their tribe plus the guarding tribe is so huge, it is bound to destroy the original It was enough for the tribe to drive them out to survive.

Shaohao continued, "To fetch water now, everyone wakes up early in the morning and goes to the leaves in the mountains to collect water. A little saving is enough."

The weather is cold at night, and there will definitely be a lot of dew on the leaves. As long as you work hard in the morning, there is still water for domestic use, which is very troublesome.

Zhuang Yu opened his mouth, he didn't expect that the majestic Baidi City and tribes he saw just now were actually trapped by the problem of insufficient water resources.

Zhuang Yu looked at the sun-cracked ground around him, and then at the huge green 100-meter-long trees. Thoughtful, these trees with well-developed root systems were not affected much, and it seemed to be the same along the way. The tree doesn't seem to have changed in any way, that is to say, only the plants on the ground died due to lack of water

Zhuang Yu couldn't help thinking, maybe the underground river that the stagnant river flows to is just under this land

When Shaohao came back, all the chiefs of the tribes who got the news came and waited at the foot of Mt. Tong.

Shaohao glanced at the crowds who were gathering at the foot of the mountain, and then said, "I'll send some daily necessities later, so you guys get familiar with the environment first."

After saying goodbye, he walked down the mountain and left surrounded by a group of leaders.

"Brother Shaohao is really majestic, even more majestic than when he was in our Golden Centipede."

Zhuang Yu thought to himself, yes, being surrounded by so many people is indeed awe-inspiring enough, but it also shows that Shaohao can't have so much free time as before, and do whatever he wants, even if it's time to see these children, I'm afraid It will be less.

Zhuang Yu sighed, people still have to rely on themselves to live.

With a group of children, quickly sort out one or two caves, otherwise they will have to sleep on uneven ground tonight.

In the whole of Tongshan, only Zhuang Yu and a group of children were left, and they began to tidy up their caves after wiping off their sweat.

Although tired, the group of children felt more at ease after the constant rush, "Brother Yu, we will build this place to be as beautiful as the cave we used to be."

"No, brother Yu said, we want to build more beautiful than before, we are so diligent, we will definitely be able to."

Everyone's face is full of longing for the future.

Zhuang Yu also had a smile on his face. However, looking at the empty mountain peak and the bustling Baidi City and tribes in the distance, he still had the feeling of being under the fence of others. With a group of children ran to Baidi City to live under the fence.

Zhuang Yu shook his head, when did he become so sad? Maybe it's people who have left their hometowns that feel this way.

After tidying up the cave a bit, Zhuang Yu walked out of the cave wiping the sweat from his forehead, and sat under a big tree. The mud under the tree was yellow, and it turned into sand when pinched. It was sprinkled too dry. reason.

But the big tree is still green. If it is said that there is no water in the ground, Zhuang Yu would not believe it, otherwise the tree would have died long ago.

At this time, Baidi City.

Shaohao also had a group of tribal leaders discussing it.

The supreme ruler of Baidi City is Baidi, but Baidi is not here.

Then there are the two gods of war, the earth and the sky, and the two gods of war are not there.

Then it is the leaders who belong to Baidi City.

All the leaders were congratulating Shaohao on his return, and while they were chatting in full swing, another group of people came in suddenly, and most of these people had strange feathers on their bodies.

"It turns out that Shaohao is back, no wonder all the ministries have moved abnormally just now."

The leader is somewhat similar to Shaohao, but looks a little older.

All the leaders hurriedly met, "I have met Shaojun."

There has never been only one Shaojun in Baidi City. The person who came here was named Shaoyu, who was the eldest son of the current Baidi. He was in charge of all the tribes in the Heavenly Tribe, while Shaohao was in charge of commanding the various tribes in the Earth Tribe.

Shaoyu continued, "Shaohao came back at this time, did he find the ancestor beast? Congratulations to Shaohao, I believe father and the two gods of war will definitely praise Shaohao."

The leaders of the earth department frowned, they saw clearly just now that Shaohao didn't bring back any ancestor beasts.

Shaohao replied, "That's not true, it's just that something happened to the tribe I live in, and I brought them back to settle down."

As soon as the words fell, Shaoyu said in surprise, "Just because of a small marginal tribe, you left such an important thing and ran back empty-handed? I don't know how disappointed you will be when father and the two war gods come back. .”

After finishing speaking, he continued, "I heard the news that you had an indistinct quarrel with the young patriarch of a marginal tribe there. You must not have come back because you wanted to settle down that person, right? My silly brother , don't you forget what's going on in our Baidi City now, how can you tolerate such nonsense?"

Even the leader of the local tribe frowned. They had heard about this matter from the news that came back, and they didn't take it seriously at first, but it was just the young patriarch of an inconspicuous small tribe.

But if Shaohao brought everyone back, it would be different.

"What should we do? Right now, our Baidi City is already cloudy. If the Red Emperor finds out about this news, we won't be able to launch a war."

"No, the Red Emperor is not like our White Emperor. There is only one Young Lord in their family, like a baby bump."

"At the beginning we formed an alliance with Chidi, who knew that Chidi couldn't have a daughter, and had only one son. Shaoyu couldn't wait for Chidi to have a daughter, and married with the daughter of the God of War in the Heavenly Division. Now it's Shaohao's turn to wait, But if this situation continues, it is estimated that Chidi will not be able to give birth to a daughter."

"With the current situation in Baidi City, even if Chidi only has a son, we have to admit it with shame."

"Our Baidi City can't stand a war right now. If the news gets out, whether the Chidi wants to fight or break the contract is not up to him."

"Breaking the contract is absolutely impossible. The other emperors are not eyeing it. Our White Emperor City is in a special situation. If we don't have such a marriage contract with Chidi, it can be regarded as an alliance. Others would have troubled our White Emperor City."

Shaohao frowned, wondering why this matter was brought up, "Okay, I did bring back the person you mentioned, but I have a very clear relationship with him, and there is nothing involved."

Everyone thought, you think there is nothing involved, but other people may not necessarily think the same way, you are the majestic Baidi Shaojun, it is strange that the young patriarch of a small tribe has no idea, otherwise he will follow you eagerly White Emperor City

Shaohao continued, "Besides, Chidi is just such a son, so precious, do you think it will be possible? Chidi wants to break the contract and it's not a matter of a day or two. Others can't look down on me."

A group of tribal leaders said in their hearts, so it’s okay to be stubborn. Chidi is so face-saving, there is no reason why he would not take the initiative to break the contract, so, young patriarch, you must not find Chidi at this time. Excuse.

Shaohao said again, "As for my early return this time, what do father and the two war gods think, let's wait until they come back."

Next to him, the corner of Shaoyu's mouth raised, "That's right, anyway, no matter what you do wrong, father will not punish you, but father and the two gods of war went out to find a solution to the water source, but you are obsessed with these things. Among them, don't you feel guilty?"

Shaohao frowned, "I've said it all, I have nothing to do with him, it's just that he had to come to the Baidi Department because of his suffering."

"It's a good one who has to come to the Baidi Department. As far as I know, he is from the Mizusawa Department. Why don't you go back to his Mizusawa Department and follow him to the Baidi Department."

"Say it without seeing if anyone believes it."

The leaders of the tribes thought, yes, what does it mean that he came to the Baidi Department instead of going back to his Mizusawa Department when he was in trouble

Everyone can see that there is a problem, and only they, Shaohao, are too easy to trust people, really thinking that it doesn't matter if the other party says it doesn't matter

At this time, Zhuang Yu's Tongshan.

The little mushroom is patrolling its new territory, and the little splayed steps started again. A group of little radish heads also followed the little mushroom, walking in a row, looking around, this place is still very strange to them.

In the sky, a big blue fish flew back and forth leisurely, rubbing against Zhuang Yu from time to time.

The little mushroom ran around with its little stick, you are not allowed to fly down, you are shameless, you know how cute you are if you don’t nibble on your leaves, the mushroom boy fights with you, jump up and poke, what a pity it Small head, can't poke anything.

Zhuang Yu came over, thought for a while, and let the group of children pick tung oil fruits.

"This fruit is not edible, Brother Yu, why should we pick it?" asked a group of little radish heads.

Zhuang Yu replied, "Don't you want to make the cave more beautiful? Just use it."

This is tung oil fruit. No matter how you grind the wooden boards before, it will be the same, but with tung oil, it can make a nice and smooth patina. Tung oil has good gloss, strong adhesion, heat resistance, acid resistance, Alkali-resistant, anti-corrosion, anti-rust.

There is nothing better than using it as paint.

In addition, no matter how dry the cave is, there is actually moisture. With the patina of tung oil, it is different. It can completely isolate the moisture, which is a good thing.

However, Zhuang Yu carefully ordered not to get the pulp of tung oil fruit on his body. Many people are allergic to it, and it will make the skin red and swollen.

Zhuang Yu also has a lot of things to do. For example, Bee Kiss is still covered with bees, so he needs to make a beehive.

But now I don't have any tools, even if I want to get out the planks.

It seemed that he couldn't do anything. Shaohao said that he would arrange for some daily necessities to be brought over, but he didn't know that the bag didn't include tools.

Zhuang Yu thought for a while, since he had nothing to do anyway, he just found a stick, picked up a stone, ran under a big green tree, and started digging. He wanted to see if there was any water in the ground.

His wooden stick is quite thick, and he directly smashed it into the ground with a stone, just like smashing a nail, and then pulled it out, and continued to smash it next to it, so the speed of digging the hole was not very slow, thanks to his good strength, If I had the same body as before, I would be tired after a while.

In fact, it is not necessary to dig too deep to determine whether there is water below. He had experience in digging wells during his previous archaeology.

Zhuang Yu dug for a while, then nailed a long stick into the ground with stones, sank very deep, and then pulled out the stick.

Zhuang Yu looked at the soil picked up by the stick, it was already a bit wet, that is to say, if you continue to dig down, there may be water. Even if there is no underground river below, it is no problem to dig a well here to get water. .

The corner of Zhuang Yu's mouth started to smile, why go to pick up the dew every morning, just watch him dig a well and it will be solved.

Just as I was thinking, someone came up the mountain at this time, and there were quite a few people who came, carrying some things.

There are animal skins, meat, and tools such as stone axes.

Zhuang Yu was overjoyed, Shaohao is still very good, unexpectedly sent so many practical things, what they lack now is these.

Zhuang Yu hurriedly thanked someone for moving the things into the cave.

It's just that these people looked at Zhuang Yu very strangely.

"Is that him? The young patriarch of the marginal tribe brought back by the young master looks like a vixen."

"Shh, what nonsense are you talking about? The mother of the Red Emperor Shaojun is the God of War of the Qinghu Warrior Clan. You say that like you look down on the vixen. If it reaches the ears of the Red Emperor, you will think that we look down on the Red Emperor Shaojun. It's bad." The alliance will see how Baidi punishes you."

"I... I'm just talking casually. Look at him like this, isn't he similar to those of the Qinghu Zhanzu."

Zhuang Yu wondered, what are these people muttering about

The person who came to deliver the things coughed and said to Zhuang Yu, "Are you satisfied with these things?"

Zhuang Yu nodded, it was what they needed urgently now, and it was enough for them for a long time.

"Young Master ordered us to send it here. Young Master treats you very well."

He hesitated to speak, but still said, "But in our Baidi City, not only Shaohao is a young master, but everyone is watching Shaohao's every move, especially the people from the Ministry of Heaven, who are now talking bad things everywhere. "

Zhuang Yu was taken aback, was he trying to express something

The man continued, "Having these things is enough for you to be self-reliant, so don't bother Young Master about anything in the future, so as not to be misunderstood by others."

"Since you came, the young master arranged a mountain for you. This mountain is very close to Baidi City. Many other tribes who have followed Baidi City for decades did not arrange to go there. The young master has already done the utmost benevolence to you."

Zhuang Yu understood, this was specifically for him, and he could not help but smile wryly.

In the final analysis, they relied on Shaohao to gain a foothold here, and this mountain was also directly arranged by Shaohao.

Shaohao probably still has competitors, and he is probably talking about it.

In fact, Shaohao, as Baidi Shaojun, arranging a mountain for them was just a trivial matter. If Zhuang Yu and Shaohao's messy relationship hadn't been introduced to Baidi City, no one would have paid any attention to them.

What this person said was just to make him and Shaohao clear his relationship.

Zhuang Yu thought to himself, it's really bad to live under the fence, and it's not easy to retaliate when people make irresponsible remarks. It would be great if I could make this mountain peak my own, so that I really have my own home and land on the ground. Take root, and see who dares to say anything on their own territory in the future.

Zhuang Yu's eyes flickered, looking at the hole he dug just now under the tree, wondering what he was thinking.