Infrastructure Frenzy

Chapter 43: I really lost my horse


Today is Zhuang Yu's big meal.

The mutton is cut into rolls, and other haggis is also cut into strips, which are very beautiful.

When a large pot of red bottom boils in the pot, the aroma can literally float a mountain.

The little mushroom ran over with the plate on it, and quickly filled a bowl for the young mushroom, and the young mushroom could drink them all up.

The way of eating hot pot is strange for a group of people.

Sitting in a group, there is a big pot inside, and the cut vegetables are placed around.

A group of little radish heads looked at the red bottom of the pot, and their saliva flowed out without blinking their eyes. "Brother Yu, how do you eat this? Is this soup straight to drink?"

Zhuang Yu scalded the mutton sliced into thin rolls, put it into the condiment bowl, dipped it, and put it in his mouth.

This is the most tender meat of the sheep, other meat cannot be eaten like this, it has to be boiled in a pot.

A group of little radish heads screamed at the sight, so this is how the hot pot is eaten.

I started to learn in a decent way.

Shaohao has been left out in the cold by Zhuang Yu for the past few days, so he couldn't bear it any longer.

When I put the scalded meat into my mouth, I was so moved.

It's delicious too, fresh enough.

I have never tried this way of eating, and I have never eaten such an exciting thing. Yes, there are only two words to describe my current feelings, exciting.

The taste in the mouth is richer than the fried pork before, especially when dipped in the white garlic in the bowl.

Zanthoxylum bungeanum, garlic and bay leaves are all new condiments, and these people are eating it for the first time.

For a group of radish heads and Shaohao who like strong flavors, the taste of the food has risen to an unknown level.

A group of little radish heads also kept yelling, "Brother Yu, is this cooked? Can I eat it?"

A group of people ate with white smoke coming out of their mouths, because it was already night and the temperature dropped.

Such a cold temperature, eating hot pot, that is enjoyment, actually started to sweat.

"Haha, see if I can breathe out white smoke."

The little radish head put the scalded meat into his mouth, and the hot air he exhaled turned into white mist when it cooled.

Delicious and fun.

Mushroom boy has short hands and can't pick up the vegetables in the pot at all, so Zhuang Yu can only pick it up.

The mushroom boy kept pointing at the pot, pinching some more, this is too delicious.

Zhuang Yu glanced at the meat piled up on his plate, he probably wouldn't be able to finish it tomorrow, a model of being careful.

Mushroom boy didn't realize it, and it could finish a pot of soup later.

Under the night sky, a group of people are bustling with excitement. This is the most beautiful time. Zhuang Yu thought that it would be great if time could stay at this moment forever.

Unfortunately, time never waits for man.

"After eating hot pot, I feel hot all over."

The little radish touched the little belly, "The belly is warm, so comfortable."

"Brother Yu, let's eat hot pot every night from now on."

Zhuang Yu smiled. He used to talk about eating tofu pudding every night, but then he changed to eating fried pork every night, and now he eats hot pot.

Zhuang Yu asked a group of little radish heads to wash his dishes, and then let them wash and go to bed.

The weather outside is very cold. I just sat by the pot with a fire under it. I didn’t feel cold while eating the hot pot, but now that I’m done eating, I’m going to get cold right away.

Only Zhuang Yu, Shaohao, Bee Kiss, and Little Mushroom remained in the entire space.

Zhuang Yu also took Fengxiu into the cave, burned the kang, and let him sleep first.

After Bee Kiss fell asleep, Shaohao was waiting for him.

The two were suddenly a little embarrassed.

Zhuang Yu couldn't help laughing and said, "Congratulations, you regretted your marriage and got a new marriage."

Shaohao's face turned dark, "You don't know what's going on?"

Everything is nothing more than interests, and it is not his own will.

Zhuang Yu saw that Shaohao's expression was not good, and comforted him, "At least you are luckier than that Red Emperor Shaojun. Not only did he get divorced, but now his head is still green."

Shaohao: "..."

Why did he feel that he was not comforted at all.

However, they are like this, because the weird atmosphere generated by the cold war a few days ago has dissipated.

Shaohao said, "I haven't thanked you for inviting me to eat such a strange thing tonight."

Before the words were finished, Zhuang Yu said, "This may be the last time we have dinner together, and I will take these children away."

Shaohao was stunned, what

Yu said he was leaving, is this the last supper? That's why it's so rich

"Where can you go? You brought such a large group of children..." Shaohao didn't know why, but he was a little flustered in his heart, and his words became a little hasty.

Zhuang Yu was silent for a while, "Otherwise, what should we do? Baidi City and Ruidi City form an alliance, and these children are the stumbling block and thorn in the side of the alliance."

These children are all members of the Golden Centipede Clan, and those who exterminate the Golden Centipede Clan are from Ruidi City.

Once the alliance is formed, no one knows how they will be dealt with, but the only thing that is certain is that it will be difficult to gain a foothold in Baidi City.

The reason why Zhuang Yu wanted to talk to Shaohao about this matter was because Shaohao was his friend who had known him for the longest time.

Shaohao was a little annoyed, "But where can you go? Without the protection of the ancestor beasts, there is no place for you outside."

Zhuang Yu raised his head, looked at Shaohao seriously, and said, "Go back to Scarlet Emperor City."

Shaohao's heart shrank suddenly, because what Zhuang Yu was talking about was not going back to the Mizusawa Department.

Some things are like window paper, Shaohao doesn't want to expose, once exposed, they can't get back to the way they used to get along.

But some things will eventually come to light.

It's just that he didn't expect that it was Zhuang Yu who exposed it in front of him, and it came so quickly.

Zhuang Yu looked at Shaohao who didn't respond, and couldn't help but be taken aback, "You... you already knew?"

Shaohao nodded, "I know a little bit, there is no young patriarch in the Mizusawa Department, and the envoys from Chidi City are so trying to get close to you."

The air suddenly became quiet.

Zhuang Yu had a wry smile on his face, it turned out that Shaohao already knew that he was the secret agent of the Red Emperor City.

But the strange thing is, since he already knew, why didn't he expose him

Zhuang Yu said, "So, I have to leave even more."

Shaohao frowned, "No matter what you have done, it is a fact that you solved the water source problem of Baidi City and taught us to make pottery. With these two things, Baidi City will not pursue it anymore, and you don't have to leave Baidi City." Imperial City."

Zhuang Yu shook his head, "You don't have to pursue it, but Bai Dile? A small craftsman of Chidi City sat in the position of the great mage of Baidi City. If the news spread, if Baidi City didn't do something, how could there be any face? What's more, even if Baidi can let the past go, the children of the Golden Centipede Clan will still not be able to stay in Baidi City."

Once an alliance is formed, this is an inevitable result, there is no solution to this matter, and there are some things that even Baidi Shaojun cannot control.

The two fell silent again.

Shaohao frowned, thinking about something, after a while, he seemed to have made up his mind, looked up at Zhuang Yu, and said, "Actually, there is no other way."

Zhuang Yu was stunned.

Shaohao continued, "The premise of everything is that the alliance between Baidi City and Ruidi City can succeed, but what if the alliance fails?"

Zhuang Yu opened his mouth, "It's impossible, Baidi's attitude today is very clear, he doesn't hesitate to directly offend Chidi."

The relationship between Chidi City and Ruidi City has always been bad, and Baidi's actions are also expressing an attitude.

It can be regarded as a means of being a leader. As a leader, it may not be wrong.

Shaohao looked at Zhuang Yu, with the corners of his mouth raised, "But don't forget, I am the one involved in the marriage, if I already have a partner, it is impossible for Ruidi to send his daughter here to be a person without a status, right? A humiliation to himself."

Zhuang Yu opened his mouth, if Shaohao had confirmed his partner before the alliance, then the alliance based on marriage would indeed not be established.

This is a loophole.

However, Zhuang Yu said, "Where are we going to find you a suitable partner at this time? It's impossible for us to let you just find one so casually, it's a lifetime thing."

Although the people in the tribe are barbaric, they are also very casual. People they like can go to bed by themselves, but at the same time they are also very loyal. Many people advocate one-to-one sincere emotions. Of course, there are also many situations where one person has many partners. This It depends on the individual.

At this time, Shaohao suddenly looked at Zhuang Yu, and looked at Zhuang Yu with embarrassment.

Zhuang Yu thought, what is this for? My heart suddenly couldn't help but suddenly, he couldn't...

Shaohao said, "What do you think of me?"

Zhuang Yu: "..."

Oh my god, why is his heart beating so fast? Could it be what he thought? He hasn't even been in a relationship yet.

Shaohao, he is very easy to get along with, and he looks manly, and he has secretly seen him several times, but he is just admiring him, isn't he

Zhuang Yu stammered, "You... you're still... fine, but..."

Before he finished speaking, Shaohao said, "I think you are also very good, and getting along with you is always very comfortable."

Damn, Zhuang Yu's heart is beating like a little deer. Is this expressing his love

Shaohao continued, "So, can I sleep on the kang tonight?"

Zhuang Yu: "..."

Although people in the tribe are very developed, as long as they like it, they can have sex, but if you just ask it like this, how the hell do you want him to answer.

This confession is too direct.

Zhuang Yu looked at Shaohao's strong physique, then at his own, swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and kept reappearing in his mind some small pieces that he had previously hidden in the innermost part of the folder.

Damn, people will die.

Zhuang Yu hesitated, "Either...or else, let's take a long-term plan and find a way to find you a more suitable one."

Shaohao stretched out his hand, holding a piece of jade, which is a natural jade, very beautiful, "According to the rules of Baidi City, I will give you the jade, if you accept it, it means that we are willing to form a partner."

Zhuang Yu: "..."

Shaohao directly stuffed the jade into Zhuang Yu's hands, "I'll take it as your consent."

Zhuang Yu: "..."

No, let him think about it again, this kind of thing is not grocery shopping, it can be done in one go.

Before Zhuang Yu could react, Shaohao stuffed the jade into his hand and walked out without giving him a chance to refute, "I won't sleep on the kang tonight, I'll go back to Baidi City first. Make it clear to everyone that I already have a partner."

Zhuang Yu was left with a flushed face, holding the jade at a loss.

That's the end of it

He hadn't been in a relationship before, it really was a disadvantage, he should have asked Shaohao to say a few more words, and he agreed, just now, listening to Shaohao's words, to be honest, apart from being nervous, there was still a tinge of joy in his heart.

When Shaohao walked out of the cave, the corners of his mouth were raised, and Yu didn't refuse, which means that Yu also had thoughts about him.

Even though he was calm on the surface just now, he was actually very nervous inside. If Yu firmly refused, what would he do.

In fact, not only Zhuang Yu secretly looked at Shaohao, Shaohao would also look at Zhuang Yu from time to time, especially when Zhuang Yu was playing with a group of children, Shaohao felt as if something touched the softest part of his heart The place.

Shaohao touched the position of the heart, it was beating really fast, did this mean he liked it

This feeling... is really good.

When Shaohao went down the mountain, Zhuang Yu sat alone on the kang, unable to fall asleep no matter what.

He seemed to have a partner all of a sudden, and it was the kind of man who was so strong that he could be the cover of a magazine.

No matter how I thought about it, my face was red, but I actually felt pretty good.

Hurry up and cover yourself under the quilt.

I don't know how long I have been thinking about it, when there is a voice from outside.

Zhuang Yu was taken aback, did Shaohao come back

Didn't you say you don't sleep on the kang? Could it be...

Zhuang Yu got off the kang with a thumping heart, and walked outside.

Walking to the entrance of the cave, he shouted, "Shaohao?"


A hand suddenly came in, grabbed his neck, and lifted him up like that.

For a while, Zhuang Yu had difficulty breathing.

It was a middle-aged man with a dark expression, he knew this man.

I saw it at the banquet in Baidi City, and I was standing behind Qiong Wu, Qilinzi of the Rui Emperor.

Because of lack of oxygen, Zhuang Yu's face turned red, and he spoke with difficulty, "You killed people wantonly in Baidi City, Bai... Baidi will not let you go if he finds out, and your alliance cannot succeed."

The middle-aged man showed a cruel smile, "Do you think Bai Di doesn't know?"

Zhuang Yu's eyes narrowed, what... Could it be that Baidi acquiesced...

So did Shaohao who went to look for Baidi know

The strength in the middle-aged man's hand increased, "If you want to blame it, blame you for being too obstructive. Anyone who hinders our alliance must die. I will kill you first, and then kill those little bastards. Before I know it..."

Before he could finish speaking, there was a sudden "whoosh" sound.

The tingling pain made the middle-aged man loosen his hands.

"Bang!" Zhuang Yu fell to the ground hard, hit his head on the ground, and fell into a coma.

The middle-aged man bowed his head, and a black arrow was actually stuck in his chest, blood oozing out, "Thousand-handed clan, how is this possible?"

On the kang, Feng Kiss' whole body was trembling.

Bee Kiss is so scary, but no one can bully her brother, because her brother said that Bee Kiss is his number one hidden guard, and Bee Kiss is the bravest.

He will never forget that when he was in Chidi City, he was begging every day and was bullied every day, until a person walked up to him and touched his messy little head, "My Chidi people should love each other, from now on From now on, no one will bully you anymore, just follow me and be my number one hidden guard."

Bee Kiss' body was trembling, he was so frightened that he covered himself in the quilt, then opened his mouth tremblingly, and let out a sharp scream.

He is afraid.

"Damn it." The middle-aged man directly pulled out the arrow from his body, "Little reptile that gets in the way."

With a gloomy expression, he walked towards Bee Kiss.

There was just a sound of "swish swish" piercing through the air.


The sound of arrows piercing the body.

The middle-aged man dodged again and again, but he was still pierced by several arrows, bleeding all over his body.

But the pain couldn't compare to the surprise in my heart, why did the Thousand Hands attack him? Could it be that the Qianshou clan betrayed Ruidi City

The middle-aged man began to rush down the mountain, because Qilinzi Qiongwu had people from the Qianshou family around him, he had to bring the news back immediately, and he couldn't care less about killing people.

A group of little carrots turned pale because they saw Zhuang Yu lying motionless on the ground.

Just now, Bee Kiss' frightened cry woke them up, and their cave was just next door, just a few steps away.

Seeing the invading middle-aged men, as they did in training, firing a volley, they were so fond of their new weapons that they didn't take them off their arms at night.

A group of little radish heads were crying and carried Zhuang Yu to the kang.

Zhuang Yu had a dream, a very real but strange dream.

Thousands of miles of red land, yellow sand is long, but in this yellow sand, there is an oasis, and a city is located in this only oasis.

Because there is no life around, the life of the people in the city is very difficult. They don't have enough food, enough water, and enough animal skins.

Everyone looked like a beggar with dry skin and ragged clothes, and the children in the city looked like a group of little beggars.

Until, a child was born, his name was Lie Shanyu, a descendant of the Lie Shan clan of the imperial family, and the young master of this city.

A very naughty but ambitious child, since he was born, he has shouldered the mission of leading this group of suffering people to live a good life, because he is the only successor of this city.

Although he is weak in body, he is very intelligent and has a very firm consciousness.

He went to the mysterious West Kunlun and brought back a ferocious peacock, which made him famous for a while. This was the first time he came into everyone's sight.

He passed by Qingqiu and brought back a nine-tailed white fox. For the first time, he showed the difference in his talent, because others can only have a giant beast.

But these are personal strengths, and they don't have much effect on changing the entire city.

Until, he got his third giant beast, the Lord of the Northern Darkness.

The butterfly of the Lord of the Northern Darkness can make people fall into dreams one by one, and these dreams are the whole life of a person in any corner of this land.

He began to frequently enter and exit the dreamland, experiencing other people's lives, and using this as experience to improve the city's living standards.

But the people on the earth have basically the same life trajectory, relying on mountains to eat mountains, relying on water to eat water, and hunting for a living.

For the city in the yellow sand with poor supplies, it doesn't have much effect.

Until... he entered an intermittent, strange dream.

The dream is very broken, maybe it is too far away from his location, because the farther the location is, the less clear the dream is, and it is not known which corner of the earth this dream belongs to.

But even if it is a broken dream, he has seen too many different things and learned too many useful things. This dream is like a brand new civilization. tribe.

With the help of fragmentary dreams, he led the water from the North into the city, which solved the water source problem. He taught the people to grow grass and raise livestock, and solved the food problem...

Even if the city is still not rich, it can support itself and no longer live like a beggar.

The reputation of Juvenile Warriors spread far and wide.

He also longed for that fragmentary dream even more.

But before that, his fate must be in his own hands, and his marriage contract with the young master of Baidi City must not become a shackle to restrain him.

Moreover, Chidi City needs him, and the clansmen of Chidi City also need him. It is impossible for him to go to Baidi City because of his marriage contract.

So he took advantage of the birth of a legendary ancestral beast and left Chidi City with the Lord of the Underworld. Let Shaojun Baidi take the initiative to dissolve the engagement.

He temporarily lived in the Mizusawa Department, and began to approach Baidi Shaojun in the name of the young patriarch of this small tribe.

He went to the Golden Centipede Department and entangled Baidi Shaojun with an image that everyone hated.

His plan was successful.

While making Baidi Shaojun hate him, while looking for the ancestor beast, while letting the ignorant Bee Kiss penetrate into the enemy's interior, bullying this poor little man in front of everyone, but secretly giving all the food to this man who doesn't know What is the little confusion that penetrated into the enemy's interior, while studying that dream.

Things were successful, but accidents still happened.

The dream that could not be seen intermittently was finally complete, and the unique civilization made people ecstatic, but perhaps because the dream was too far away from his position, he was trapped in the dream.

So much so that he forgot that he was the archaeologist Zhuang Yu, or the Shaojun Lie Shanyu of the Red Emperor City in the yellow sand.

Living a strange life in a daze, in a daze, from the Golden Centipede to Baidi City.

The days of being unexamined have been a bit long, and it was only when he felt as if he was about to die and suffocated just now that the dream completely merged with his previous memories.

When Zhuang Yu woke up, there was a group of crying little radish heads around him. Bee Kiss lay on his body, tears streaming down his face, and the little mushroom kept shaking his head anxiously.

Zhuang Yu opened his eyes, it was a strange feeling, he didn't even know whether he was Zhuang Yu or Lie Shanyu, or maybe both.

But Zhuang Yu stood up with an unruly, arrogant, and free and easy smile on his face.

Bee Kiss was stunned, brother, it was his brother who came back.

I am the only one in the world, and I have an invincible elder brother, an elder brother who is unstoppable by any difficulty.

Bee Kiss is timid, but what he is most afraid of is that his brother suddenly seems to be a different person. He was really scared at that time, but now he is fine, his brother who has been protecting him and the Chidi tribe has returned .

Zhuang Yu stretched out his hand to pull out the spider silk that bound his long hair. In this troubled world, restraining himself will only make himself and the people around him suffer.

It's better to act recklessly, chic and unrestrained, and do whatever you want.

He is Zhuang Yu, and he is also Lie Shanyu. No one has ever bullied him so easily without paying the price.

Zhuang Yu stood up, his long hair fluttering, and his thin body actually revealed some wildness. A group of little radish heads were stunned. Something seemed to be different, but Brother Yu like this was too good-looking.

Zhuang Yu said, "Go and pack your things, I'll take you home."

Where is his home here? His home is in the red land in the south, that huge city in the thousands of miles of yellow sand.

A group of little radishes froze for a moment, then ran away, "We will go wherever Brother Yu goes."

"The place where Brother Yu is is our home."

"Bring all our things, our white porcelain bowls, our peppers, beans, peppercorns, garlic, and fragrant leaf seeds."

Bring everything you can.

Zhuang Yu walked out of the cave, looking at the vast sky, his long hair fluttering wantonly in the night wind.

The starry sky is bright and the universe is vast, Zhuang Yu just wants to say, I... am back.

Pick up a thin bamboo and cut it with a bone knife.

It was a flute, a bamboo flute.

Put it near your mouth, blow it up, and the sound of the flute is faint, sometimes long and sometimes high-pitched.

In the mountain forest, a colorful peacock, a huge white fox, and a leisurely big fish raised their heads, and then quickly went down the mountain.

On the peak next to Tongshan Mountain, Han Heba, Rain Master and Wind Queen, were still angry at Baidi City's breach of contract, when suddenly, the sound of flute rang in their ears.

The bodies of the four trembled. It was the battle song of the green fox, and it was the young master who was calling them.

"I knew that no one could easily bully our young master."

"Our young master has never suffered such a loss. At that time, the young master didn't say anything. I almost thought that our young master had changed."

"Let's go, kill them, suffocate to death, shit Baidi City, let it go to hell."

When the sound of Zhuang Yu's flute stopped, the three giant beasts had already arrived in front of the cave, and a group of radish heads were also covered with things, and they were still holding bags in their hands.

Start to climb up the back of the big fish.

Little Mushroom is also holding his stick, using it as a javelin, with his little head turned upside down, charging the duck!

"Young Master!" Han and Yan, Yu Shi and Feng Hou also rushed over.

The corners of Zhuang Yu's mouth raised, "It's time to let them know that young people can't be bullied. Our Scarlet Emperor City is famous for its bravery. Whenever they step on it."

Han and Yan, Yu Shi and Feng Hou were excited, and they knew that with their young master's character, how could they allow each other to bully and not fight back.

At this moment, in Baidi City, Baidi's face was blushing, and the audience below was full of guests.

This is his Baidi City. The unification of the world has always been their only wish in Baidi City.

The only thing that made him unhappy was that Shaohao said with a cold face that he already had a partner, which was simply nonsense.

Bai Di said, "Today is the day when my White Emperor City and Red Emperor City terminated their engagement, and it is also the day when my White Emperor City and Ruidi City concluded a marriage contract and formed an alliance. Shaohao's mind is confused, please don't mind."

"Yes, we still don't know if Shaojun has a partner."

Qiong Wu, Ruidi's son of a unicorn, also laughed, "Then let us celebrate..."

Before he finished speaking, suddenly, with a "boom", a figure flew upside down into the banquet scene, it was the guard of Baidi City.

Everyone is dumbfounded, what's going on

At this time, a voice came, "I heard that Baidi wants to break off the engagement with me in Chidicheng. I'm not present, isn't it a bit bad?"


There was a sound of bird violence, and a noble and ferocious colorful giant bird flew in.

The giant bird's eyes were fierce, and it was invincible.

On the back of the colorful giant bird stood a young man holding a bamboo flute, standing barefoot, with long hair flying in the air, incomparably wanton.

Behind the boy, there are two more children lined up on both sides, with their nostrils facing the sky, and they are defiant.

Behind the giant bird, there is another huge white fox with nine white tails flying upside down in the air like streamers. The green light in its eyes is like the evil stars in the starry sky, shining green light, like an ancient monster.

Behind it was a big blue fish, and on the back of the big fish stood a group of children with messy things hanging from their bodies.

Everyone in Baidi City was stunned, "Great Master?"

"Master, what are you doing? Today is an important day for our Baidi City."

"Why does the Archmage look like a different person?"

"Also, aren't these the three giant beasts of the Red Emperor Shaojun according to the rumors? The first fierce beast, the Seven-Colored Buddha Mother, Qingqiu Nine-Tailed White Fox, and the Lord of the Northern Dark Kun..."

The most surprised was Shaohao, he had never seen Zhuang Yu like this before.

"Great Master, don't disturb my grand meeting in Baidi City."

Zhuang Yu laughed wantonly, "Even the parties are not present, so how can it be called a grand event?"

what party

Baidi's face is not good-looking anymore, why is their alliance so twists and turns.

At this time, Qiong Wu, Qilin son of the Rui Emperor, spoke, "It turns out that he is the great mage of Baidi City. Why is he so ignorant of the rules? Could it be that he is taking credit for himself..."

Before he finished speaking, Yu Shi and Fenghou behind Zhuang Yu stood upside down with their eyebrows upside down, and scolded, "Presumptuous, my young master and Baidi are talking, when will you interrupt?"

Poor Wu was dumbfounded, he was the dignified son of the Emperor Rui, who was usually scolded by people in public.

The others were also dumbfounded, it was Ruidi's son who was scolded.

But wait, what the Master of Rain and Queen of the Wind were talking about was their Shaojun

Aren't they the left and right servants of the Red Emperor

Everyone's eyes turned to the ferocious peacock, and then to the young man with flying hair on the peacock, their hearts couldn't help but tremble.

Zhuang Yu looked at Baidi, "Didn't Baidi want to break off the engagement with me in Chidicheng? Please continue, and continue in front of me, the client."

And the bottom has become a mess.

So, their archmage is actually the Red Emperor Shaojun

Baidi publicly terminated the engagement without even notifying Chidicheng. With such humiliation, is Young Master Chidi planning to make a big fuss

No one thought that the Red Emperor Shaojun, who had disappeared for more than a year, reappeared under such circumstances.

Shaohao opened his mouth, he was too dazed to react, what kind of situation disrupted all his plans.

Didn't Yu say that he is the secret agent of the Red Emperor City? Why did he become the young emperor Chidi who had a marriage contract with him again? Well, there was a marriage contract.

No, Yu accepted his jade.

Damn, my mind is so messed up.

Baidi's face turned darker than the bottom of the pot, "So, you have become the great mage of my Baidi City again as the Red Emperor Shaojun, are you playing with my entire Baidi City?"

All the voices stopped, that's right, playing with everyone in the palm of your hand, this is a great shame to Baidi City, Baidi City will lose all face.

Zhuang Yu smiled, and the laughter was full of sarcasm, "Playing with you Baidi City? Didn't Baidi also break off the engagement without notifying me of Chidi City, and play with my Chidi City? Are you only allowed to leave Baidi City?" Face, don’t allow me to be shameless in the Red Emperor City? What face does the White Emperor City have to accuse me of the Red Emperor City, it’s really funny.”

If you say shameless, you are also shameless together.

Hiss, everyone's hearts shrank, and they actually accused Baidi face to face.

This man is so arrogant, doesn't he know what fear is? This is Baidi City.

Master Yu and Fenghou raised their heads even higher, hum, our young master is not easy to bully, so why not just play tricks on you

How ugly Baidi's face is now, "Presumptuous.

But Zhuang Yu acted as if he didn't hear it, "Speaking of this great mage, after all, I helped you solve the water source problem in Baidi City and taught you how to make pottery, but I treat you Baidi City like this. So ungrateful and broke the engagement with me, and formed an alliance with Ruidi City, my deadly enemy of Red Emperor City?"

"I want all the creatures on the earth to tell me whether I owe you Baidi City or you Baidi City owes me."

"This… "

The people in Baidi City looked at each other in blank dismay. The matter was so complicated that it could no longer be simply summed up in the word "face".

Even the angry Baidi was gagged, unable to speak, let alone move.

In order to solve the water source problem, he knew the difficulties better than anyone else, and he couldn't get around it no matter what. It was he, Chidi Shaojun, who helped them solve the water source problem in Baidi City, let alone taught them how to make pottery.

If he did it now, wouldn't it make everyone think that it was shameless for him to kill donkeys in Baidi City.

At least no one in Baidi City dared to refute Zhuang Yu's accusation, including him, Baidi.

At this time, Poor Wu spoke again, "Who knows what you are thinking about in Chidicheng? The majestic young master actually came here to work carefully, and he is not afraid of embarrassment."

People in Baidi City said, yes, even helping them solve the water source and teaching them how to make pottery, the picture is probably not small.

The corner of Zhuang Yu's mouth twitched, it wasn't because he was muddleheaded at the time, if he was really sober, instead of teaching them the Red Emperor City, he came to teach the White Emperor City instead? He is not stupid.

Zhuang Yu continued, "I'm also reasonable. Since Baidi wants to dissolve the engagement, I just came to listen to it, so that in the future, someone will say that your Baidi City climbed a high branch and kick my Chidi City. No one's reputation is good if it gets out."

"you… "

What is Pangaozhi? Although the five major forces are the strongest in Ruidi City, they are all on equal footing. They are forming an alliance.

The seemingly emotionless words seemed to be pointing at Baidi's nose and scolding, with no sense of shame.

Yu Shi and Feng Hou snorted, their young master is reasonable, but when he is unreasonable, he is simply inhuman.

Bai Di was so angry that his head was about to smoke, "Okay, it seems that this engagement has to be annulled today. Since Young Master Baidi came here in person, it happened to announce to the world that the engagement is hereby annulled."

Shaohao suddenly looked at Zhuang Yu.

Zhuang Yu didn't even blink, "Okay."

Shaohao's heart didn't know why, he was flustered with boredom, why didn't Yu even hesitate

Master Yu and Fenghou muttered, saying they were muttering, but they were afraid that others would not hear the same thing, "It's like saying that we care about this engagement, how many times we Chidi have mentioned to you to cancel it, I don't know who is unwilling, now But it looks like it's finally broken, who is disgusting? Our young master has suffered so much for breaking the engagement, and we still have to pretend to be close to your young master, trying to get him to take the initiative to break the engagement."

Shaohao's heart is cold, because Baidicheng has been unwilling to dissolve the engagement, so Yu deliberately approached him and tried every means to get him to dissolve the engagement on his own initiative

So everything before is false

So Baidi City broke off the engagement, so he doesn't have to hide his identity anymore

But why accept his jade again.

Doesn't the word partner have the slightest weight in Yu's heart

The people in Baidi City didn't look good either. After all, they were the ones who were unwilling to break off the engagement before, but now they suddenly want to break off the engagement.

Every word and every word is slapping them in the face of Baidicheng, and it is impossible to refute. Does this young emperor of the Red Emperor never care about other people's face? To be so in front of everyone, to expose people's shortcomings, poke people's scars, and let the bloody wounds be exposed under everyone's eyelids.

But what can they say

Red Emperor Shaojun played tricks on them in Baidi City, but others also helped them solve the water problem and taught them how to make pottery. No matter how you look at this kind of trickery, their Baidi City is also willing.

Besides, the dissolution of the engagement was brought up by Baidi City. They were timid before, but now they are happy. The young master Chidi is the victim.

All sounds seemed to stop.

Because everyone knew that no matter what, after tonight, the White Emperor City and the Red Emperor City were considered to be broken.

No matter how you feel or what you think now, there is no way to recover when things have gotten to this point.

In front of the Red Emperor Shaojun, in front of everyone, Baidi City was completely ashamed.

What a red emperor Shaojun who exposed people's scars, never backed down, and didn't know when to stop.

Baidi took a deep breath. Although Baidi City's face was a little ugly, it was considered successful in resolving the dispute with Chidi City, and said, "What else is there for Young Master Chidi? If there is nothing wrong, please leave me." Baidi City, my Baidi City is not large enough to tolerate a small job staying here."

Zhuang Yu smiled, and the aura on his body suddenly became fierce, "I am also generous, and the entanglement with Baidi City can end here, but..."

Zhuang Yu looked at Qiong Wu, "The grievances with Ruidi City have to be resolved here today."

They robbed and killed him time and time again. If it wasn't for Bee Kiss and a group of children tonight, he might have died for no reason. This debt must be recovered no matter what.

Zhuang Yu snorted coldly. He was originally a character who would retaliate. Although Baidi City had disgusted him recently, no matter how Baidi City took him in when he was in a daze, he also thought about using this place as his family, plus... For Shaohao's sake, he can just make a clean break.

But what kind of people are the people of Ruidi City? Today, they had to fight so hard that their mother didn't know each other. Let them know what it would be like to bully him.

That young man, standing on top of the ferocious peacock, was rebellious, reckless, and aggressive, and he had no fear even in the face of people who stared at him without anger.

What a boy Wushuang.