Infrastructure Frenzy

Chapter 49: He is like the breeze and bright moon


Seeing the hope of making salt, the Yunmeng clan didn't want to delay for a moment, and Zhuang Yu also told them that the salt yield rate of seawater is very high, which made them feel as if they had already seen the salt.

"Young Master, let's move the volcanic rocks and dig into salt fields now."

Zhuang Yu thought for a while, the salt and stone reserves in Chidi City have always been very small, and it is indeed necessary to get out the salt as soon as possible, and nodded.

However, before going to the volcano to move the lava, he had to do one more thing.

That is to get out the tools for digging salt pans.

If you use a stone gun to chisel it, it will probably be uneven, which will not be conducive to collecting the sun-dried salt. Moreover, digging the salt pan is a large project. No matter how strong the stone gun is, it is still made of stone. I don’t know how much it will be damaged.

After drying out the salt, the seawater needs to be turned over with tools so that it can be dried evenly and the salt will not be in pieces.

Zhuang Yu thought about it, and at least needed an iron drill for hammering stones, a hammer, a rake for drying the salt, and a shovel for collecting the salt.

Their relationship between Chidi City and Ruidi City is not good, that is to say, they often fight, and in fights, can the opponent's weapon be picked up when it is dropped on the ground? They are not stupid, Ruidi City's weapons are recognized as the best among the five major forces.

Therefore, they still snatched a lot of ironware during the years of competition with Ruidi City, and just happened to remelt the broken and unused ironware to make tools.

The rods and handles of these tools still need to be made of wood. After all, they have limited iron, so it is a little bit to save a little.

Zhuang Yu thought about it, and their Chidi is actually not completely without wood. There is a willow tree that does not grow leaves in Chidi. It looks like a dead branch all year round, but it is alive. Maybe it is because of the harsh environment. Trees are much tougher.

And the place where this strange willow tree grows happens to be a tribe called ghost willows under the Red Emperor City.

Let the Ghost Willow Clan help them get the poles and handles of these ironware, and give them some knives for cutting branches, otherwise the willow tree is so strong and it is not easy to deal with.

So Zhuang Yu took people back, ran to the tribe's warehouse, explained to the elders, took a lot of useless discarded irons, and started heading towards the volcano in the south.

A group of little radish heads must also follow to watch the excitement, Zhuang Yu asked them to climb on the back of the big fish.

A mighty group of people, Zhuang Yu and the others were flying in the sky sitting on the back of a big fish, while a huge fish was swimming in the desert on the ground, the speed was not slow at all.

The volcano is not far from their Chidi City, because their ancestor beasts live here, so the Chidi City must be built next to it.

It is said to be a volcano, but it is actually a little different.

Because apart from the volcano, there is hot lava in front of you. Like a huge lava lake, the volcano stands in this lava lake instead.

Why are there ten suns in the sky, but the red land is so hot that there is not even a blade of grass growing, and it is full of wind and sand

The most fundamental desire lies in this huge lava lake. It can be said that the entire Chidi is centered on this lake.

This is the most unique scenery in Chidi.

Zhuang Yu took out the bamboo flute and played it, while the others stood behind Zhuang Yu and did not move.

Like half a song, the entire lava lake boiled, and an unknown how huge firebird rose from the huge lava lake, like a starry sky fortress.

The giant bird covered in flames, hovering in the sky, was even more dazzling than the sun in the sky for a while. It was ancient, primitive, and boundless, and seemed to carry the oldest myth in the world.

A group of small radishes couldn't close their mouths, and their jaws fell to the ground in surprise at the unbelievably huge firebird in the sky.

This is the ancestor beast of Chidi City, the ancient divine beast, Suzaku of Nanming Dynasty, like the Batian Xuanwu of Baidi City, it is the oldest existing ancestor beast in this world.

This lava lake is its home.

Zhuang Yu, as the young master of Chidi City, can communicate with this ancestor beast.

Before they approached the volcano, they needed to let the ancestor beast leave the huge lava lake. Otherwise, if the Suzaku turned over a little bit, the lava in the lake would churn out of the lake, which might hurt people.

The sound of Zhuang Yu's flute stopped, and he asked Shaohao to help put the iron implement into the lava.

Then let the people of the Yunmeng family go to the volcano to move the volcanic rock.

A group of little radish heads stood far away, this is really not a safe place.

Zhuang Yu directly dug up the tool model on the sand around the lava.

After the iron is melted, it can be directly introduced into these abrasive tools and wait for forming.

The huge and friendless Suzaku of Fire hovered in the sky, and the crowd on the ground was also busy without stopping. This is Chidi.

The lava in the lake is very hot, and the iron melted into molten iron in a short while.

Zhuang Yu asked Shaohao to help dig a ditch, allowing the molten iron to flow into each membrane.

Shaohao glanced at Zhuang Yu, the people of Chidi are indeed the best at fire art, and there are people in Baidi City who can do some fire art, but none of them can do this.

It takes a lot of time for the molten iron to cool down. Zhuang Yu then went to see the Yunmeng family members carrying volcanic rocks. These rocks formed by high temperature are very strong, and after high-temperature sterilization, no bacteria will grow. They are the best container materials for drying salt.

The people of the Yunmeng clan were not small, and the rock-moving team extended from the lava lake to the dam.

In this way, they moved from morning to sunset.

The molten iron in Zhuang Yu's membrane has also completely cooled down.

Zhuang Yu picked it up and looked at it. The iron drill, hammer, rake, and shovel were all in good shape, but the knife for chopping wood needed to be sharpened.

Then began to return with a mighty crowd.

That night, Zhuang Yu recruited members of the Guiliu clan, gave them the knife, and asked them to help them get some wooden poles and iron ax handles.

Once people get busy, it is like forgetting time.

A group of radish heads have been sleeping for an unknown amount of time. Zhuang Yu is still chopping wood with members of the Ghost Willow clan, and then inlaid with the iron parts to make complete tools one by one.

Zhuang Yu was going to stay overnight, but Chun Tu ran over to let him rest with a face of disapproval, "Young Master, you don't need to do these things in person, just let the Guiliu people do it."

Don't look at Aunt Chuntu's fierce look, Zhuang Yu is not afraid of her, "I have to watch it, don't look at these simple things, if not done well, these tools will not last long."

The final result was that Shaohao directly took him away with his shoulders.

Zhuang Yu blushed, why did this man always resist him in public, making him look like a spoiled child.

"You are not allowed to resist me in front of others next time."

Shaohao nodded, "Yes, resist secretly."

Zhuang Yu: "..."

Because he was too busy at night, once Zhuang Yu fell asleep, he would wake up a bit late the next day. The consequence of unreasonable arrangement of time, of course, was also because this was Chidi City, so he could sleep with peace of mind.

When he got up, a group of little radish heads had finished exercising and were playing with rakes and shovels in the yard. They were sent by the Guiliu family early in the morning.

Seeing Zhuang Yu coming out, a group of little radish heads ran over against the rake and shovel.

A group of little radish heads holding rakes and shovels looked so interesting that Zhuang Yu couldn't help laughing.

"Brother Yu, what is this? It looks fun."

Zhuang Yu took it over and looked at it. He was very tired. He didn’t expect that the members of the Guiliu family had the potential to be carpenters. He might ask them to help make some beautiful furniture in the future. In the past, the wooden shelves Zhuang Yu made by himself were all used directly. Inlaid with wooden boards, it can only be said to be simple and durable.

Iron drills and inlaid hammers were also sent over. Zhuang Yu looked at them and found that they were all unexpectedly good.

As people from Chidi City, they heard that this was a tool for making salt, so how could they not care.

Zhuang Yu directly asked the Yunmeng clan to carry these tools, and then walked to the dam in a mighty manner.

Zhuang Yu chose the location of the salt field, which is probably in the upper middle. If you go further up, there will be water monsters in the water. It may be dangerous when drying the salt, so it is ruled out.

In addition, the sea water here has been filtered once, which is just right.

Zhuang Yu began to teach people to break rocks and make salt fields.

In addition to strength, hitting a stone requires a little skill, otherwise the stone will either be broken or it will be uneven.

There are many people and strength, and huge washbasins appear around the dam, lined up in rows. This is the so-called Yantian.

The salt field should not be too large, otherwise the drying will be uneven, and it should not be too small, otherwise there will be too little salt to collect. A salt field is about four to five square meters.

By the time hundreds of salt pans lined up next to the dam, it was already several days later.

This amount is actually not enough. There are too many people in Chidi City, so they consume more salt. What Zhuang Yu wants is an endless salt field.

However, there are hundreds of salt fields, and the first batch of sun-dried salt can already be started.

Salt pans are layered, from top to bottom, and there is a connection between the upper salt pan and the lower salt pan.

Zhuang Yu led people to lift the seawater into the top salt field, let the seawater settle slowly, and after the precipitation was complete, he opened the connection port to let the seawater flow into the next salt field.

In fact, the function of the first salt pan is to filter. For example, what is left in the first salt pan is sediment and impurities.

The second salt pan continues to settle and expose to the sun. After most of the seawater has evaporated, the connection is opened to allow the seawater to flow into the third salt pan. This step is still filtering impurities and drying the seawater into brine.

After two sedimentation, filtration and exposure to the sun, the seawater in the third salt pan is already brine, and the impurities are basically cleaned up due to different melting points. This time, it is only necessary to completely dry the brine and wait for the salt to come out.

The model of the three salt pans is also the most used model of drying salt in ancient times on the earth.

Because the sun is bigger than the earth, each salt pan must contain a lot more sea water, otherwise it will dry out too quickly, and the impurities cannot be cleaned out.

On the first day, the salt water settled in the first salt pan, and a group of people watched it without blinking for a whole day. They probably never thought that one day they would keep their eyes on the water slowly dwindling.

Don't look at it, but feel very nervous in your heart. This is salt.

Zhuang Yu didn't say anything, because they will have to do the next steps, and it's good to be serious. The remaining silt in the salt pan still needs to be cleaned up so that it can continue to be dried next time.

On the second day, when the seawater entered the second salt pan, it had already been reduced by half, and the impurities precipitated from the second salt pan were much less.

On the third day, the seawater was reduced by half again, and the seawater began to become thicker.

Three days a cycle, everyone is waiting quietly.

Until the afternoon, a voice suddenly came, "Look at that salt field, is there anything white on the water?"

This sound startled everyone, and they all ran over to watch.

The white on the water is salt, and the salt is beginning to crystallize.

"It's salt, I know it, it's salt." Zhuang Yu, who had shown them salt, rubbed his eyes and kept shouting, even if he didn't shout so loudly, they still couldn't believe it.

The water started to turn into salt.

A group of little radish heads were even more straightforward, letting go of their voices and yelling, "Salt is coming out, salt is coming out."

Joy goes to everyone.

The dam, which was waiting quietly, suddenly became lively, and everyone laughed heartily. The joy is indescribable.

After waiting for a while, the other salt pans also began to turn white, and then the water became more and more viscous, and it could not be called water anymore.

Zhuang Yu also asked a group of children to turn over the salt with a rake, so as to prevent the bottom of the salt from drying out and forming pieces.

A group of radish heads washed their feet white and tender, and then ran into the salt field with a rake, and began to turn over the salt.

The Yunmeng clansmen were still in surprise, rubbing their eyes vigorously, "Well... a thick layer of salt."

The salt production rate of seawater is very high, and because of the high sun, the seawater in the salt pans is filled a lot, so that each salt pan is a thick layer of salt after drying.

A group of small radish heads turned over vigorously with a rake, their little faces blushing.

The members of the Yunmeng clan couldn't help but ran to the edge of the salt field, stretched out their hands and grabbed the salt, "It's so white and clean."

Such beautiful salt is really beautiful.

Then put it in your mouth, "It's so salty, and it doesn't taste bitter."

Sea salt is the very top salt.

The members of the Yunmeng tribe looked at the fields of salt as if they were dreaming.

Then he looked at Zhuang Yu, "Young Master..."

No words can express their feelings at this time. Salt stones have always been the shortcoming of their Red Emperor City. Unexpectedly, now, they not only have their own salt, but also have better salt than others. The North Sea is not exhausted, so they have an inexhaustible supply of salt.

Fuck the salt stone, they don't need it in Chidi City, go to the **** Baidi City and Ruidi City, and want to ask them to exchange salt at the same high price as before, there is no way.

Zhuang Yu also showed a smile. His sea salt was produced. As long as they work hard in the future, the extra salt can be sold to improve the life of Chidi City.

Zhuang Yu said, "Go and turn the salt for these children. From now on, all the processes will be handed over to you Yunmeng clan."

Everyone in the Yunmeng Clan clenched their hands tightly, and their eyes were firm.

It is not an easy task to turn over the salt. In just a short while, a group of radish heads are covered with sweat.

By evening, the salt had already turned into grains of sand and was piled up in every salt field like small hill bags.

The white hill bag looks very nice.

The Yunmeng people were already using shovels to shovel salt into the hides.

The hands that shoveled the salt were still a little trembling. They used to use one piece of salt stone for a long time, and they were very reluctant. Unlike now, they are all shoveled with a shovel.

Zhuang Yu waved his hand, "Go, go back and distribute salt to the tribes."

Nineteen tribes, one tribe can divide several animal skin bags, although it is far from enough, but he wants to let everyone know that they have their own salt in Chidi City, and they will no longer be restrained by other forces.

For such a happy thing, it is better to be alone than to be happy.

A group of people happily started going back with the animal skin bags one by one.

Before they got close, they saw a large group of people waiting at the gate of Chidi City.

In the past few days, the leaders of the various tribes have not been idle, and they come to ask them when the salt will be available every day. Even if it is a salt stone, they want to take a look at it first. We are all waiting.

Groups of eyes stared intently at the returning crowd, with expectations and some worries in their eyes.

The leaders came up, "Young Master..."

Even on the battlefield, I have never been so cramped.

Zhuang Yu smiled and said loudly, "Come up and divide the salt according to the population of each tribe."


As soon as the voice fell, there was an uproar. What did Shao Jun say about dividing the salt

Did the salt they make succeed? It's only been so long, it's not enough for the caravan to go out.

A group of leaders also looked at Zhuang Yu with fiery eyes.

The Yunmeng people came forward with a big bag of animal skin bags.

Zhuang Yu roughly counted the quantity, there are hundreds of salt fields, and hundreds of bags of salt have been dried out.

Zhuang Yu shouted, "Who is the leader of the Four Seasons Zhan Clan today? Come up and get twenty bags of salt..."

"Huangsha clan, come up and get eighteen bags of salt..."

"Qingsang clan, come up and get fifteen bags of salt..."

They are issued according to the number of tribes.

Before Zhuang Yu could finish his sentence, someone eagerly stepped forward and took animal skin bags one by one from the Yunmeng tribe.

Then, before mentioning their clansmen, he opened the animal skin bag, and couldn't help being stunned, it wasn't Yanshi.

Puzzled, he put the snowflake-like salt into his mouth, and then his eyes almost popped out, "It's salt, better salt than salt rock."

The entire gate of Chidi City fell into crazy cheers.

Did you hear that? It is better salt than salt stone, the salt that belongs to their Red Emperor City.

Every tribe carried the salt back, and the cheers couldn't stop at all. People who weren't from Chidi City might not understand this excitement at all.

"We in Chidi City don't have to suffer from those sons of bitches anymore."

"Who cares about their salt stones and cheated us of so many supplies."

These salts, not only the salt, but also the grievances they have held in for so many years, are released at this moment.

Zhuang Yu didn't stop the boiling crowd, and waited until the sound became a little quieter before Zhuang Yu stretched out his hand to suppress the sound.

Said, "This little salt is not enough for our various departments in Chidi City, but this is just the beginning. After a while, we will not only use endless salt, but also have enough salt to sell outside."

Selling out to...

This time there was no cheering, because the news was too surprising.

Zhuang Yu said, "Is our salt okay?"

A group of people came to their senses this time. They all squeezed forward and tried a little bit. It was definitely good salt, and it was a good salt that had never been seen before. People are ashamed to reach out to touch it, for fear of getting it dirty, even if it is like a salt stone, you can lick it with your hand, anyway, you can't tell if it is dirty.

"Salt as good as snowflakes."

The weather in this world is hot, and snow is so rare. To say that it is like a snowflake is an extreme compliment.

Zhuang Yu said loudly, "Okay, from now on our salt will be called Snowflake Salt, as beautiful as snowflakes."

"Snowflake salt." Everyone muttered to themselves, the salt in Chidi City was called Snowflake Salt.

Looking at the salt in the animal skin bag, it looks like snowflakes.

Then there was a loud echo, "Yes, our salt has to be called Snowflake Salt."

"Only our salt dares to call this name."

Zhuang Yu said, "Why don't you sell such good salt to the outside world? They will beg to buy our salt at that time, otherwise let them continue to lick the salt stone."

Everyone was taken aback, yes, their salt is so good, why can't they sell it? Such a good salt has to be exchanged for how many good materials.

In the past, they used to exchange other people's things, but now it's up to others to exchange theirs.

Everyone's eyes lit up.

Then he looked at Zhuang Yu above Kun, this is their young master, turning the impossible into possible, making their Chidi City look better every day, getting better and better.

On the big blue fish, Zhuang Yu's long hair is fluttering, like a clear wind and bright moon, like a bright moon in his arms, like a Yushu boy between heaven and earth.

A salt distribution ended in a festive atmosphere.

Zhuang Yu also ordered the Yunmeng clan to let them continue to build more salt fields as soon as possible while drying the salt every day.

With the previous experience, it will be much faster to follow the gourd painting later. I believe that it will not be long before you can see a large area of salt fields appearing, and the salt not only meets the needs of Chidi City, but also can be used for more sell.

How can there be a lack of salt when guarding the sea of attraction.

Then take people back to the residence.

A group of little radish heads also received a bag of salt, because their Golden Centipede Clan is also from the Red Emperor City.

"How long will we have to eat such a big bag?"

Zhuang Yu smiled. It stands to reason that with such a small number of people in the Golden Centipede Department, there would be less than one bag, but at that time, the bag was the unit, and one bag was the minimum amount.

A group of little radish heads also smiled and hugged the salt, as if they could feel the happiness of other people.

Zhuang Yu called Mrs. Chuntu again. Although the salt has been handed out, it is different from salt stone after all, and it has to be explained how to use it correctly. It can be regarded as improving the food level of Chidi City.

Zhuang Yu taught Aunt Chuntu a simple method of grilling meat with salt. After all, there are the most barbecues in Chidi City, and the simpler the method, the easier it is to circulate. As for cooking and the like, they don’t even have a pot now, so let’s not do it for now. carry.

Zhuang Yu could even imagine what kind of surprise the people of Chidi City would have when they ate roasted meat sprinkled with salt at night. Let them discover the beauty of it by themselves.

At this time, the people from Baidi City and Ruidi City were still waiting high above for the caravan from Chidi City to find them. They all thought about how to treat them like a joke when the time came.

In their minds, the people in Scarlet Emperor City will definitely not last long, they are just holding on.

What they don't know is that a salt revolution is on the way, and the people who will see the joke will not know who it is.