Infrastructure Frenzy

Chapter 83: school started!


When the people from Chidi City carried the sign with the enrollment notice out, they felt that they were eight feet tall.

There are no words that can describe their current sense of glory. This is the text that belongs to their Red Emperor City. Although they can't understand what these boxy "paintings" mean, they just know that this is what makes them Nostrils upturned and no one dared to say something.

The sign is placed at the gate of the city.

A group of businessmen from other places noticed immediately, "Why do people in Chidi City feel a little different today?"

"Yeah, the steps are a little fluttering."

Then the merchants spotted the sign that was put out.

Someone asked strangely, "What is this? The square paintings above look pretty good, why does it feel like there is a strange force inside?"

This is how words exist. For example, when Zhuang Yu read Tibetan and Russian for the first time, although he didn’t know them, he felt miraculous.

Words are regular things, so these businessmen instinctively feel that these "paintings" are not random graffiti, but feel the mysterious power in them.

While discussing curiously, a voice suddenly said, "I have seen the magical characters in Ruidi City, but they are somewhat similar to those characters..."

Before he finished speaking, Qi Shushu looked over, causing him to tremble, "I... I just took a look from a distance, and I can't tell if it's right or not."

Text, even if it is just mentioned, will instantly become the focus of everyone's attention.

Everyone looked at the enrollment sign again, but unfortunately no one could understand it, but it seemed to be more mysterious.

At this time, the people from Red Emperor City raised their heads and said loudly, "This... is the text of my Red Emperor City!"

The pride in that voice couldn't be concealed, but everyone's attention was no longer on it.

Quiet, quiet, the air seemed to be stagnant, even people's breathing stopped.

The heart forgot to beat.

Until finally someone couldn't hold his breath anymore and let out a long breath.

Then the whole scene was full of gasps, and they would suffocate if they didn't breathe, but they were indeed out of breath just now.

These days, there has been a lot of news about the text of the Red Emperor City, but the people in the Red Emperor City have not shown any attitude.

They could only take a peek at the children of Chidicheng who went out of the city to help the Jiaokang clan. Even so, the people of Chidicheng stared at them viciously, as if they were being taken advantage of by the boss.

They also understand Ruidi City's cautious attitude towards protecting the text, but they can't help but peek at it, and the people in Scarlet Emperor City even want to cover it tightly.

But now, the people of Scarlet Emperor City just laid out their writing so openly for people to watch.

Even Ruidi City, the number one force, can't do such a generous thing.

But immediately, the people from Red Emperor City said again, "This is the admission notice of my Red Emperor City Comprehensive College."

It looked like they knew the writing on it.

The businessmen were taken aback, Academy? Admissions? What, I don't understand.

The people from Chidi City continued, "We have established a school in Chidi City, as long as the tribes that have signed an alliance agreement with our Chidi City can send some children to our school to study, the school will teach your children characters , Numerology, fighting, etc., the teacher will be the young master of our Red Emperor City and the eighth general of the Four Seasons War Clan in person... "

The people in Chidi City propagated according to what Zhuang Yu taught them.

Then, the merchants couldn't hear what was being said behind them at all.

The words "teach your children words" are all in the mind.

As if Huang Zhong and Da Lu kept knocking on their heads, they probably thought they had been hit by some powerful technique from the Qinghu Zhan Clan.

If it is said that the people of Red Emperor City blatantly showed their words for everyone to watch, they have been shocked so that everyone is stunned and has difficulty breathing, which is beyond imagination.

Now, the people in Chidi City said that they have built some kind of college, and they are willing to teach the children of various tribes to write, and it is like a thunderbolt on a sunny day, bombing people.

Just listening to these words, before they had time to confirm the authenticity, they felt that the sound made their minds go blank.

The sound of breathing stopped again.

This time it took longer to stop. Some people kept patting their chests, and their hearts started beating.

Suddenly, the scene was like a group of demons dancing wildly, all of them were giving themselves first aid.

The people in Chidi City were all stunned, why is the scene different from what they imagined

They still don't know that the shock is beyond their ability to bear.

Of course, there are also those with stronger psychological endurance, who asked with trembling mouths, "You... Are you willing to teach people from other races in Chidi City?"

No matter how strong the mental endurance is, he will stutter when he speaks.

The people from Chidi City replied, "Yes, but it must be a tribe that has signed an alliance with our Chidi City. Children from tribes that have not signed an alliance will not be accepted."

"Of course, our college is so big, there is a limit to the number of children each tribe can enroll."

"Also, it's not for nothing to teach you, you have to charge tuition."

These, the merchants can't listen to it at all, as long as... as long as their children can learn to write, no matter how much they pay, they think it's worth it.

No one dares to underestimate the sanctity and status of writing in the hearts of other tribes.

The merchants confirmed the authenticity of the news over and over again, and nothing else seemed to matter.

There was an unprecedented wave of excitement at the gate of the city.

The people from Chidi City pointed to the admissions notice and said, "Of course it's true. It's clearly written on it. Can it be false?"

The corners of the merchants' mouths twitched, they didn't know each other.

The people in Chidi City replied over and over again, "The news is true."

These people are too eager, but if they are themselves, they probably will be so eager.

The people in Chidi City said, "If you want to send your children to our school in Chidi City to learn characters, please register with us first, and our young master will give you a letter of alliance, and you can take it back and give it to the patriarch of your tribe. It is your freedom to sign or not to sign."

How could it not be signed? A group of businessmen flushed with excitement thought, they are not stupid.

"Give me a copy of the alliance agreement, and I'll go back and ask our patriarch to sign it."

The people from Chidi City said, "Register first, and let our young master review how many children you can send."

At this time, Zhuang Yu was indeed preparing a letter of alliance.

The alliance book is still in good shape, a bit like a scroll on the earth in ancient times, with beautiful wooden boards on both sides and a good fold in the middle.

On it were written the terms of the alliance.

The main content is probably that after the alliance is formed, the allies are not allowed to attack each other. If there is a conflict, the Red Emperor City can come forward to mediate. If there is an unauthorized attack, the Red Emperor City can unite with other tribes and punish them.

This alone seems to be maintaining the peace and stability of other tribes, but it also symbolizes that Chidi City is dominating these small tribes.

Zhuang Yu said that the letter of alliance will definitely benefit Chidi City, and his teaching of these tribal characters will certainly not be without the slightest benefit.

This alone can change the situation on the earth.

Of course, this article does not mean that they are completely dominating the small tribes. It is also beneficial to them. At least they are equivalent to having the backing of the Red Emperor City. The tribes that make troubles must first consider the Red Emperor City behind these small tribes, and also consider whether they will be removed from the alliance list by Red Emperor City if they make troubles, and lose the opportunity to study at Red Emperor City College.

Of course, this article has the strongest binding force on small tribes, and it doesn't have much binding force on forces like Baidi City.

If Baidi City picks up trouble, try to mediate and see if it works.

Of course, with the alliance letter, it is also good for Chidi City when troubles are caused by these big forces. At least Chidi City stands on the commanding heights of morality.

Because the alliance letter is clearly written, if you cause trouble, Chidi City can unite with other tribes to mediate and punish.

Feel unfair? You don't have to sign it, just don't come to the academy in Scarlet Emperor City to study characters. Now that you sign it, the big power must also have the responsibility of the big power, otherwise, if you blatantly violate the contract, where is your credibility? How can other tribes trust you again

Then, the alliance book is about the number of years the students will study, the tuition fees that need to be paid each year, and so on.

It is equivalent to an alliance letter and an admission notice.

The blank space above is the name of the tribe and the number of students that the tribe can send in a year. It has not been filled in yet, and he will fill it in after the tribe members hand in the names of the tribes that have signed up.

The alliance letter is in duplicate.

Zhuang Yu looked at the beautiful alliance letter and was very satisfied. Is this the first contract in this world

Previous alliances have been lip service.

It didn't take long for the clansmen to count the tribes that signed up and tell Zhuang Yu.

Zhuang Yu listened to the names reported, and almost all the tribes of the caravan that came to his Chidi City signed up.

Zhuang Yu nodded and began to plan the number of students. The number of students that the college can accommodate is limited. He has to allocate these places to various tribes. Of course, some places must be reserved, because after the news spreads, some tribes will come Sign up.

Zhuang Yu was filling in the names of the tribes one by one, and the number of people who could come to study at their Scarlet Emperor City Academy, when Shaohao walked in.

For Baidi City, coming to the school in Scarlet Emperor City to learn characters is also a big deal. This is also an opportunity to connect Baidi City and Red Emperor City more closely. He has to go there himself.

Shaohao said, "I'll sign up for Baidi City."

Zhuang Yu smiled, he already included Baidi City.

Zhuang Yu picked up an alliance letter, carefully wrote down the name of Baidi City, and filled in the number of 50 people in the number of people, indicating that Baidi City has 50 places for exchange students a year to come to study.

Pass the alliance letter to Shaohao, "Let's sign it for your Baidi, um, a fingerprint is also fine."

Shaohao took the alliance letter and looked at it as if nothing had happened.

Zhuang Yu was funny, pretended, continued to pretend, as if he could really understand it, and took it upside down.

Zhuang Yu seriously informed Shaohao of the contents of the alliance letter, but he didn't know whether Baidi would sign it or not.

Anyway, if you don't sign, Chidi City will definitely not accept students from them.

Zhuang Yu said, "This is two copies. Both copies must be signed. After signing, just send one back."

Shaohao gave a solemn hum.

Zhuang Yu thought to himself, this guy can even pretend to be cool.

After a while, Shaohao said, "This time I will personally send the alliance letter back, and then bring the children from Baidi City, you wait for me."

Zhuang Yu: "..."

It's a bit sad that this guy is gone.

Shaohao stayed for a while, and then left. He is the young master of Baidi City, and he had to do some things. He came to Red Emperor City because of differences with his father before, and temporarily ignored the affairs of Baidi City, but now The White Emperor City and the Red Emperor City have reunited, and the courage and responsibility on his shoulders have returned to him.

After Shaohao left, Zhuang Yu called the people from Scarlet Emperor City and asked them to hand over the completed alliance form to the merchants to take back.

Let the people of the tribe pass on the content of the alliance letter clearly, and explain what should be explained clearly. Although the alliance letter is clearly written, it is not because others cannot read.

When the exquisite alliance book was handed over to the merchants of various tribes, the hands of those merchants were trembling.

Especially when you open the alliance book, the densely packed words on it look like the most mysterious words of the gods.

Although I can't understand it, but the goddamn high force is coming, they used to just talk about it, but now the patriarch has to sign it himself.

None of their patriarchs have read the text so closely, it's enough for them to brag about it for a long time.

They can keep a copy of this alliance book for themselves, and this thing can be called the treasure of the clan.

The merchants carefully put away the alliance letter, and their eyes were firm. Even if they paid the price of their lives, they would send the alliance letter back to the clan.

Then, non-stop, they began to return to their tribe at the fastest speed.

As they left Chidi City, Chidicheng established a school to recruit students, and the news that Chidicheng was willing to teach foreign languages spread across the entire land in an instant.

Because the news was too alarming, the speed of its spread was extremely fast, like a boundless heat wave radiating from the edge of the red land to other places.

The earth set off unprecedented monstrous waves for it.

Because Ruidi City bordered Chidi, Ruidi City soon got the news.

The entire Ruidi City can be said to be full of surprise and disbelief, "How can there be words in the Red Emperor City?"

"Even if there is, is Chidi City crazy? It's so hard that they don't know the benefits of writing to a force, and they are willing to teach it to foreigners?"

Zhuang Yu knows better than anyone else that there is something to give up, and he can use words to consolidate the status of the Red Emperor City, so he must use it, especially when the Ruidi City is about to move against his Red Emperor City, he must unite all who can unite. After all, the current strength of Red Emperor City is completely unable to compete with Ruidi City.

Besides, for Zhuang Yu, writing is really the most basic foundation, and what he values is the knowledge recorded in writing.

"Could it be fake news? Or maybe the Red Emperor City just got some fragmentary texts to show off."

"Fake news is not enough. Otherwise, how will they end up with such a big fanfare? But the integrity of their writing is absolutely impossible to be too high. Don't forget that our writing is inherited from the era of the Three Emperors, and we are the only ones who have inherited it."

"Now is not the time to attack Chidi City, otherwise, these tribes who are eager to move for the text will definitely resent us."

The judgment of the entire Ruidi City is probably that the Scarlet Emperor City obtained some incomplete characters from somewhere, and used them to win over other tribes. If it was really a complete character, they would not believe that the Red Emperor City would be willing to take it out.

"I heard that Chidi City also asked these small tribes to sign some alliance agreements. The conditions are very harsh. Just wait and see how these signed tribes regret it."

"Signing such a harsh treaty for a few broken words, after they know the truth, they will have to regret it."

While waiting to see the good show in Ruidi City, the patriarchs of the various tribes had already signed the alliance agreement and sent people to the Red Emperor City with some children.

As for how to sign? Zhuang Yu probably didn't expect that they all cut their fingers and pressed their fingerprints with blood, who told them that they couldn't write.

Zhuang Yu seems to have forgotten that there is no red clay in this world.

However, for the people of the tribe, shedding some blood was commonplace, but this alliance letter became even more sacred because of it.

As for the quota, there is a lot of competition among the various tribes. It is to learn characters, but the quota is limited. Even Baidi City has only fifty quotas. It is conceivable that such a small tribe has no more than five quotas. .

What Zhuang Yu wants is actually such an effect, he wants to let even the children of the tribe know how honorable it is and how difficult it is to be able to study at his Scarlet Emperor City Academy.

Therefore, those who can grab the quota are either directly the young patriarch of the tribe, or a young man with unlimited potential.

This can be regarded as fulfilling one of Zhuang Yu's expectations. Zhuang Yu wants to let the students of the academy far surpass their peers, so as to spread the reputation of the academy. These young people with excellent qualifications are more likely to become the future's favored children.

When the tribes took their children to Chidi City, Zhuang Yu was printing his textbooks.

Yes, after these days of trying, his typography has finally come out.

It is the simplest type of engraving and printing.

Spent some more time engraving and is now printing his textbooks.

There are two textbooks, one "Chinese" and one "Mathematics".

There is quite a lot of content, basically including the content of the first to third grades of elementary school.

So each book is quite thick.

Their paper was originally much thicker than modern paper due to the limitation of craftsmanship, so the two books seem even thicker.

Zhuang Yu also used thick and exquisite wooden boards for the book cover, so the thickness is about the same as a large Xinhua dictionary.

On the wooden board, the names of the big books were printed, "Chinese", "Mathematics".

In order to improve the style, Zhuang Yu also specially carved some patterns and printed them on the cover of the book.

There is nothing on the back cover of the book, but a big "secret" word printed on it.

What's the meaning? The content in this book is the unique secret art of Red Emperor City, especially precious ones.

Even in modern times, such textbooks look more like works of art, let alone in this time when there are no books.

The compulsion is absolutely too high.

Zhuang Yu directly distributed the textbooks and pens to the children in Chidi City first, and of course the homework books.

After a group of children got their textbooks, they didn't dare to reach out to touch them, for fear of soiling the books.

No matter how you look at it, it looks like a baby.

I wanted to see it but was afraid of getting it dirty, so I burst into tears.

Zhuang Yu thought about it, and it was really hard to collect them, so he simply asked their parents to make schoolbags for the children.

The schoolbag is the kind that is carried on the back, and the cutting method is handed over to these parents by Zhuang Yu.

Only with a school bag can these books be better protected.

So, groups of children wearing beach shorts and carrying small schoolbags appeared.

This is definitely the most unique scenery in Chidi City.

Little Mushroom was stunned. It used to run around with a small schoolbag on its back, but now all the children are like it, laughing and rolling on the ground. It's so funny.

The children lined up to wash their hands until they were white and clean, and only after they were dry did they open their thick textbooks.

With the densely packed text on it, even a child can feel a strange feeling.

Is this the book? They will learn the above things in college later.

Some children can even find one or two words they recognize in the book, and then make an exclamation sound and tell the people next to them excitedly.

The adults in Chidi City were so moved that they almost cried when they saw the children flipping through those treasure-like books.

Their Chidi City has never been so sacred as it is today.

Those books are sacred in their eyes, and those words are also sacred, and their children are learning these things.

Zhuang Yu began to teach the children how to write on paper with a pencil, and the original slate should be thrown away.

A simple homework book and a pen become miraculous in the eyes of children.

"This is really easy to use, much easier to use than slate, and it's written so clearly."

Of course, they can't even hold a pen now, so Zhuang Yu has to teach them slowly.

But today is mainly for distributing books, not for teaching.

After these children "read" the book obediently for a while, Zhuang Yu will let them put the book in their schoolbag and put it away.

It is estimated that today is the quietest time for this group of children, so books really have a strange magic power in them, even if they can't read them, they can make these children quieter.

Zhuang Yu asked these children to take good care of their textbooks. Although he didn't say anything, it is estimated that these children will regard them as their most precious things.

No matter how you look at it, it looks like a treasure. Can they not cherish it? Regardless of the content, just the appearance, this is definitely the most precious thing they got.

It is estimated that their parents will emphasize it again when they get home.

In the following time, Zhuang Yu taught the children how to hold a pen while waiting for the new students from the foreign race to arrive.

Of course, the place of teaching has changed from a small town to a school.

Let these children get used to the teaching method of the college first, and then let them take the children of foreign races, which also saves a lot of effort.

During this period of time, Zhuang Yu asked his tribe to make a lot of desks and stools, which are now placed on the second floor of the teaching building.

A group of little radish heads were sitting on a stool, with an exercise book on the desk, and they were writing with pens in a decent manner. Their schoolbags were all placed in the space under the desk.

Zhuang Yu was correcting the posture of these children holding pens.

At the front of the classroom, there is also a set of very small desks, and Little Mushroom is sitting there in style, learning how to write from a group of children.

It's just that, in the unique little book that Zhuang Yu prepared for it, all the strange patterns were drawn. This is a soul writer, and it is estimated that only it knows what it is writing.

The key is that it is also very serious.

The little mushroom frightenedly showed its small homework book to the ant behind it. The seats were arranged according to height, and the little carrot head of the ant sat behind the little mushroom.

Little Mushroom pointed to its small notebook to see if Mushroom Zai was well written, whether it was as good-looking as Yu's writing, and all the three words Mushroom Zai were written on it.

It firmly believes that the lumps it writes are mushroom boys.

Ant blinked his eyes, he couldn't even write one straight, how could he know what to write.

The two little rookies were pecking at each other there.

While teaching the children to hold pens, Zhuang Yu said, "There will be people from other races coming to the school to study soon. You will be classmates in the future. You should love each other and help each other..."

The children in Chidi City tilted their heads, who are their classmates

But children from foreign races, they are very curious, are they as strong as them? Will you pick up cow dung cakes

They are still young, and their thinking is relatively simple.

Zhuang Yu was in class when people from the Huangsha tribe came, "Young Master, people from other races have brought their children."

Zhuang Yu nodded, and then said to the children in the classroom, "This is the end of today's class. When I go back, I will write everything from one to ten, and fill a sheet of paper."

Then, Zhuang Yu said to the people from the Huangsha Department, "Take them to the school gate and go through the admission procedures."

A group of children, how could they bear it, packed up their homework books and pens, carried their schoolbags, and ran to see the children of foreign races.

Zhuang Yu personally registered these students at the school gate.

The foreign people who led the team were not former businessmen, but basically people with status from various tribes, and the parents of the children who entered school also came in person.

These parents sent their children to other forces. Although they said it was a great thing to learn characters, they were still somewhat worried, so they followed.

To be able to get places for their children, these parents are not low in status in their tribe, and of course it is not ruled out that their children can get places with their own talents.

But when they crossed the red land, the endless yellow sand still caused some doubts in their hearts. Did they try their best to get a place for their children, but they ended up being sent to such a dead place

The children were nervous and excited at first. It can be said that most of them left their clan land for the first time to go to other forces.

There is curiosity and anticipation in my heart.

But these things were obliterated when crossing the red land.

Will they study in such a harsh environment in the future? I knew I would not have worked so hard to get a spot.

The mood is very complicated.

Until they were brought to the school gate.

What is written on the stone more than ten meters high? Like the most magical spells.

This one stone alone instantly makes people unable to move their eyes away, and a unique mysterious atmosphere blows over them.

The originally decadent mood seemed to be ignited again at this moment.

The eyes of adults from other races were full of indescribable shock. There were definitely words on the stone, and this was the first time they saw such imposing words.

And the eyes of the children of foreign races are full of light. Will they learn such characters in the future

At this time, the children in the school were coming out one by one.

A group of clean, white and tender children were wearing beach shorts, carrying small schoolbags on their backs, and holding a large book in their hands.

They are imitating Zhuang Yu's usual way of holding books, and they feel very stylish, and that temperament can be said to be unique in the whole world.

Children are good at imitating, that's right.

People from other races stared straight at such a group of unique children approaching.

These kids look so strange, but no matter how they look at them, they are much more civilized than these "barbarians".

It was a very unique and strange feeling. If Zhuang Yu knew what they were thinking, he would definitely tell them that this was just like a student, full of books.

It is said that there is a poetic spirit in their stomachs. Although these children in Chidi City have not learned anything yet, just the books they are holding and the schoolbags on their backs have changed their temperament a little bit.

Although this little change is only a little bit, it is completely different from everyone around him, so even a little change will be infinitely magnified in the eyes of others.

At this time, the adults and children of the foreign races saw the completely different things in the children of Chidi City.

It seems that they can see civilization in these children, and they are themselves representatives of savagery.

And the things these children are holding are too delicate and beautiful. Their eyesight is good, and they can vaguely see the patterns and words on the book cover.

Each of these children from Chidi City actually holds a very magical treasure in their hands.

Zhuang Yu looked at the foreigners with straight eyes and said, "They are all students of my academy in Chidicheng."

Learn... students

It's the first time I hear this term, but it just feels so damn high.

Zhuang Yu set up a table and chair under the stone at the school gate, with a pencil in his hand and a notebook on the table.

Even if the school's current regulations are still very vague, he still has to register the names of the students, otherwise the school itself doesn't know who it has recruited, and it will be embarrassing.

Zhuang Yu said, "Now go through the enrollment procedures here."

People from other races are confused and don't understand.

But it doesn't prevent them from asking, "Shaojun Chidi, we send the children of our tribe to you, can we really learn to write?"

Although the clansman who brought back the alliance letter had already told them, they still had to inquire clearly, the relationship was too important, otherwise, who would be willing to send their children to foreigners.

Zhuang Yu smiled and said, "Yes, not only words, but also simple mathematics. Of course, the battle will not be left behind. The Eight Great Wars of my Four Seasons War Clan will guide them to fight..."

Hiss, after getting the confirmation, the foreigners still couldn't help hissing. They really know how to teach characters, but they don't understand any numerology.

But as long as they teach characters, they are already satisfied.

Zhuang Yu looked at the sky, it was getting late, and said, "Give me the alliance letter first, and after I confirm that the alliance agreement has been signed, I will go through the enrollment procedures."

The foreigners nodded their heads in bewilderment, looking at them, the entrance procedures, they all looked good at first glance, unlike they used to, they just talked about it verbally.

The admission procedure alone seemed to let them see the difference of this school.

In fact, the more Zhuang Yu is like this, the more at ease these foreigners feel, and the importance of compulsion can be imagined.

Zhuang Yu looked at the alliance letter handed over, which is actually equivalent to the admission notice, and then waved to the child behind the foreigner, "Come here for enrollment registration."

The adults of the foreign race were all stunned, not to mention these children who left the clan land for the first time.

Some "introverted" walked up to Zhuang Yu. Now these children look very "inner", so maybe, after a while, they get used to it, and it's time to reveal their nature.

Zhuang Yu asked blankly, "Name..."

That is, simple registration, including basic information such as tribe, name, age, gender, etc.

It's just that when Zhuang Yu was scribbling and writing in the notebook, the whole alien was trembling with excitement.

It's text! Really words! A lot of words! And not just some broken text.

They also heard some news from Ruidi City, saying that Chidi City just got some damaged texts and showed them off.

However, for the people of the tribe, even if it is a broken script, they still want to learn it.

but now…

No matter how stupid they are, they can still see that the things written by the Red Emperor Shaojun are not broken words at all!

His eyes were burning, and his body was trembling with excitement.

Zhuang Yu took a look at Wei Nuo Nuo standing in front of him, looked at the child he recorded curiously without blinking, and said, "This is your name, tribe, you will write these when you become a school student, this It’s the most basic, don’t feel amazing…”

Children are all at a loss, and if they become college students, will they also do this? He looks so powerful, just looking at the writing, it's like having infinite charm, and there are little stars in his eyes.

The charm of writing can be seen from the envious eyes of these foreigners.

Zhuang Yu's words made the adults of the foreign tribe even more excited. The hateful thing is that their tribe's quota is too small. They can't wait to send a few more children over. Some places?"

Zhuang Yu raised his head, "Even Baidi City has only 50 quotas, and our Red Emperor City already gives preferential treatment to small tribes in terms of quota allocation."

Do you know the importance of quota? In the future, bring up the children of the clan before sending them over.

If there is a fair competition, it is indeed difficult for the children of these small tribes to compete against Baidi City, so it is not wrong to treat them preferentially.

After Zhuang Yu recorded the information of the first child, he said to him, "Go to the side to pay the tuition fee and get your school supplies."

The adults of the foreign race took the children to the side in a little bewilderment, and the people from Chidi City were already waiting there.

When it comes to tuition fees, people from other ethnic groups still feel a little distressed. It is really expensive, and it is only for one year. If you want to continue studying in the next year, you have to pay it again.

With some heartache, they paid the tuition fees they brought, because the clansmen who brought the alliance letter back had already made it clear, so they all brought enough tuition fees.

Just as my heart ached, at this moment, Chidi City handed over two books, a schoolbag, some homework books, a pencil, and a pair of beach pants...

Handed it to the students, "These are the learning tools and daily necessities that will be used in school. Remember to cherish them and don't break them. They are very precious."

Both students and parents are stunned.

Isn't this what happened to the children in Chidi City just now? By the way, those children from Chidi City are all students of the school, also... In other words, this is standard equipment

The aliens who were still distressed at first stopped feeling distressed in an instant. They just saw what the group of children from Chidi City looked like with these things.

Especially looking at the textbooks at close range, there are extremely exquisite patterns on them, no matter how you look at such treasures, they can't buy them with that little tuition.

Zhuang Yu glanced at it. What he wanted was that the school's reputation would spread far and wide. No matter what, it would satisfy the parents of the students, right? The tuition is expensive, but it's worth the money.

Curious students have already opened the textbook, and the densely packed magical symbols inside seem to be full of unknown magic power, instantly conquering the students and the adults next to them.

The adults of the foreign race are trembling, and the people of Ruidi City say that the Red Emperor City just got some damaged characters? Shit! Fortunately, they were not influenced by the rumors from Ruidi City, otherwise they would have fought desperately with the people of Ruidi City.

In particular, the person who distributed the textbooks in Red Emperor City said proudly, "At school, students learn from these things."

The body of the foreigners trembled even more, and they were so excited that they couldn't speak. Although they couldn't understand the things in the textbooks, their children were going to learn these things in the school in Chidi City.

For the first time, the word "school" was deeply imprinted in these people's hearts. The place where their children studied, the school in Chidi City, Chidi City Comprehensive College, they will never forget.

And the curious children who flipped through the book stopped flipping because the paper was too white, and they were afraid of getting it dirty. Some shyly asked the people from Chidi City who distributed the textbooks to help them pack the books into their schoolbags. They signed up as soon as they crossed the Chidi, and the dust on their bodies can be imagined.

The people in Red Emperor City are also like this. Although this book was distributed to these students, it was carefully made by the people in Red Emperor City, and I hope others will cherish it.

To be honest, if Shaojun hadn't asked people to distribute these things to students of foreign races, they would still be reluctant to part with them, what a wonderful thing, and the "point" tuition fee, they all felt that it was too little.

Zhuang Yu just shook his head helplessly. In fact, the cost of a treasure in the eyes of others is really not high.

After receiving the things, the child was brought to Zhuang Yu again. Zhuang Yu hung a sign tied with a rope around the student's neck. The sign said the student's name, student number, and accommodation.

Zhuang Yu said, "This is your student ID card. Don't lose it. In the future, you will need this student ID card when entering and leaving the school, borrowing books from the library, and eating in the cafeteria. This is your identity proof."

Especially when entering and leaving the school, the school will definitely not allow unrelated foreigners to enter, and students of foreign nationalities can only enter and exit with this student ID card.

It doesn't matter whether they understand it or not, let's get used to it slowly in the future.

Then Zhuang Yu called the children from the Golden Centipede Department and asked them to bring the students into the school and their dormitories.

The children looked back at their adults, which meant that they would stay here to study in the future.

Although they are still young, they still have the emotion of parting, but besides the emotion of parting, their hearts are full of infinite expectations.

What kind of school will they live in in the future

As for the adults who watched the children walk into the school, their moods were also complicated at this time, and they were secretly looking forward to it, hoping that everything would be worthwhile.

But even if the school has walls, they can still see some things, such as the two-story building that is as white as an ivory tower.

It is separated by a wall, but it is as beautiful as a mythical existence.

Their children will study in such a place in the future.

Seeing this, even if it was just the tip of the iceberg, I seemed to feel relieved a lot.

In fact, apart from these children, there were also older students who came here.

For example, in the team of Baidi City, Zhuang Yu saw two familiar people, two people with no kernels in their eyes and white pupils.

Zhuang Yu was stunned for a moment, isn't this the poison warehouse and flying sand of the Baitong Zhan Clan

Really long time no see.

Zhuang Yu's sense of these two people is quite good. Although they came to the Golden Centipede to provoke them, they did not cause death. Instead, they helped them escape when the Golden Centipede was in trouble.

When Ducang and Feisha saw their old acquaintances, they also had rare smiles on their faces. To be honest, their life in Baidi City was not as easy as they imagined, especially during the period when Baidi City and Ruidi City formed an alliance Don't forget, although their entire white pupils were once part of Ruidi's warrior clan, they all died at the hands of Ruidi City.

A lot of previously hidden news has begun to surface. Their White-eyed Warrior Clan's Sichen War God died at the hands of the Bone Warrior Clan who was also a warrior under Ruidi's seat. The last remaining adult giant beast warrior was also done by the Bone War Clan and other tribes...

Even so, the Baitong tribe who didn't know the truth declined and went away to become a weak marginal tribe. They never thought of betraying Ruidi City, especially the juniors like Ducang who just grew up, didn't even know The real truth behind it.

But their White Eyed Warrior Clan was finally destroyed by the former fellow White Bone Warrior Clan.

The sadness in Baitong's body, the resentment of being betrayed, it can be said that the only two remaining in the Baitong warrior clan have a stronger hatred for Ruidi City than anyone else.

Their situation in Baidi City is very bad. They originally came to seek refuge with Baidi Shaojun Shaohao, but even Shaohao left Baidi City. It is conceivable what they will encounter... even always Worried that Baidi City would hand them over to Ruidi City as chips.

This situation continued until there was a crack in the alliance between Baidi City and Ruidi City. However, the unhappiness that had already occurred between them and Baidi City could not be ignored.

So this time when Shaohao returned to White Emperor City, they talked with Shaohao for a long time, and then they followed Shaohao to Red Emperor City.

Ducang and Feisha are actually about the same age as Zhuang Yu.

Zhuang Yu didn't strictly limit the age of enrollment, so there were students big and small.

Du Cang and Feisha said, "We came to learn characters, and we also came to find a way for Bai Tongbu to survive."

A simple sentence, but the heaviness in it, I am afraid that only Zhuang Yu, who has experienced some things together, can understand a thing or two. They are still two young people, but they shoulder the burden of the survival and continuation of the tribe.

A smile appeared on Zhuang Yu's face, "One of the twelve warrior clans, with the sharpest eyes on the battlefield, there is no reason why I would not welcome him in Chidi City."

Other forces may have to take into account Ruidi City's attitude, but his Red Emperor City and Ruidi City have long been in the same situation, so there is no need to consider such issues.