Infrastructure Frenzy

Chapter 88: The store is open


The name of this small tribe is the Yan Clan. It belongs to a particularly inconspicuous small tribe among the marginal tribes. It usually acts very low-key. It can be said that apart from knowing their existence, no one cares about anything about them.

A small tribe with no sense of existence.

A group of people from the small tribe, with smiles restored on their faces, began to walk behind the other businessmen.

The disdain in the smiles can only be seen by those who carefully observe their expressions.

It's just a barren and dead city. How dare you compare it with them. Some people outside spread rumors about the city of miracles. Does anyone believe it? Only their city is the most majestic, strongest and most prosperous on the earth. No one, their city is directly inherited from the imperial city of the Three Emperors period, and it is the only symbol of civilization on the earth.

However, as the people of these small tribes entered the market, the smiles on their faces slowly froze.

In the market, children with red sleeves are fiercely maintaining order. Along the white line in the middle of the street, everyone keeps to the right.

The stalls on both sides of the street were painted with white squares, and all the goods were neatly placed in the squares, and no one put the goods beyond the line.


In addition to the bustling bazaar, the bustling crowd, the cheerful sound of exchanging supplies, the bustling atmosphere rushed over.

Someone noticed the stiff expression on the face of the small tribe, and a burst of laughter spread, "Is this the first time you come to the market in Chidi City? Tsk tsk, do you feel like a country bumpkin? Don't be shy, the others are the first It was the same when I came here once, this is the city of miracles."


"You'll get used to it after a little shopping. After you change your supplies, go to the food street to eat some unique food in Chidi City. That will be your enjoyment. Remember to sit a little closer to the gate of the city. There will be surprises."

"After eating, go to the river embankment and flower garden of Chidi City, not to brag to you, that place is so beautiful that I have never seen it in other places, even Ruidi City, which claims to be the largest city Not necessarily comparable."

People from small tribes: "..."

Suddenly it was like eating a dead fly, even though they had undergone special training, the expressions on their faces were a little unnatural.

They fell from the sky to the ground just now, and were trampled into the mud by people.

The voice of enthusiastic praise in the ear is the soles of the feet that are constantly trampling, and the key point is that they have to smile in return.

I've never been so frustrated.

But... everything in front of them shocked them more and more.

Perhaps... the ministries of Ruidi City who are still immersed in self-superiority are really blinded by arrogance, and they should really open their eyes and re-examine the earth.

They underestimated the Red Emperor City, which has always been ranked at the end of the five major powers.

A businessman approached secretly, and whispered like a thief, "These are nothing. In the afternoon, students from that comprehensive school in Chidi City will come out to practice writing on the sand, tsk tsk... that scene is the most important thing." It is unforgettable for a lifetime, like the most sacred ceremony, I don’t tell ordinary people, remember to go and see it, otherwise it will be like visiting Red Emperor City for nothing.”

The vases at the gate of the city and the students practicing calligraphy on the beach have now become two must-see sights for businessmen from other places every day.

Although the voice of the speech was low, the surrounding businessmen still listened to it, and began to speak in a low voice.

They were so excited that they couldn't finish talking about any topic about words.

"When some students left, they didn't wipe off the words on the beach. If they were lucky, they could see the complete words. Tsk tsk... Thinking about it, they were so excited that they couldn't sleep for days."

"The people in Scarlet Emperor City are not as stingy as Ruidi City. Even if we read their writing, they will not shout and kill like Ruidi City. As long as you don't disturb those students practicing calligraphy, the people of Ruidi City People don't say anything."

"Isn't that true? Compared with Scarlet Emperor City, Ruidi City still claims to be the number one giant city? It's a bit petty."

The merchants of the small tribes clenched their fists, but they can't be exposed at this time, and they can't return without success.

Trying to keep the smile on his face that can't be maintained, how dare these people from marginal tribes who don't know what to do or what to do dare to hit them in the face in front of them

If it is really a complete text, do you really think that Chidi City will let you read it indifferently? It's just for show.

The current way of doing things in this Red Emperor City is really weird, completely different from the way it used to be silent as if it didn't exist.

What the hell is going on in Red Emperor City

Zhuang Yu's purpose is actually very simple. If writing is not promoted, it is just writing. It may be very important, but it loses its most important function. The true meaning of writing is not only to record, but also to influence people's thinking and unify thinking...

To a certain extent, writing is a war without gunpowder, cultural invasion, ideological erosion, these things are sometimes more terrifying than war.

Although the merchants of the small tribe are in the same mood as being beaten by a dog, they have to admit that even they themselves have never thought that they will see the Red Emperor City like this.

They glanced at each other, and then started to wander outside the city. They seemed to be no different from the businessmen who came here for the first time, and they were full of curiosity about this place.

If you continue to chat with these excited businessmen who keep praising the Red Emperor City and belittling him for the Ruidi City, if they don't keep it together, they can't help but do it.

Everything about the construction outside Chidi City impacted their brains, even more than other businessmen, because they never believed the inexplicable rumors about Chidi City before, they were arrogant overlooking everything.

At this time, Zhuang Yu was working hard to make handmade soaps and shampoos in the school square. He had no idea that such an inconspicuous little tribe had come outside Chidi City.

Little Mushroom also wears red sleeves and patrols the school. Because of its excellent performance, it has caught several students who did not take a bath. Zhuang Yu has promoted it to be the dean of students, but it is so awesome that it almost floats Yes, I am holding a small wooden stick to block Bee Kiss in the corner, let the Mushroom King see if you took a shower last night, or you will be deducted points.

Bee Kiss is standing in the corner like a little criminal, what should I do? He was lying on the bed last night. He was going to take a bath later, but he fell asleep right away. He didn't mean it, and he was tearful.

Shuangtong, Qinggui, and Chongtong looked at their team members: "..."

How do you feel that this weird team member of theirs is being bullied again

But no one came forward, because recently this little mushroom, which is called the Mushroom King by the students, has been deducting people's points like crazy recently. Its eyes are very sharp, and when you look at it, there are teaching assistants who follow it. Pick up leaks.

Zhuang Yu also took a look. Mushroom boy is really suitable for the position of teaching director. He is not afraid of the sky and the earth. He is not afraid of the arrogant people who are not afraid of being provoked by the students on duty in each class. The mountain spirit Qinggui, because moss grew on his body without taking a bath, was caught by the little mushroom and deducted a full three points.

This is how the title of Mushroom King came about. One of the influential figures that the school can't mess with, Mushroom Boy is definitely one of them.

Zhuang Yu looked amusedly for a while at the poor Fengki who was forced to the corner, and then started to fiddle with his soap again.

He used the oldest method of making soap. He boiled animal oil with plant ash. The plant ash mainly provided alkaline water, then added salt and kept stirring to saponify the oil. It takes shape.

This is the simplest soap.

In the last step, Zhuang Yu specially added the boiled flower essential oil. The flower belts in Chidi City had to be maintained every few days, and there were a lot of cut flowers. As a result, these flowers are too open, so there is no shortage of raw materials for making flower essential oils.

Zhuang Yu had prepared the saponification liquid and put it into boxes two days ago, and today he took out these boxes to see if his soap was formed.

When you open the box, a faint scent of flowers blows over your face. In the box, a square soap is lying in it. The color is a little yellowish. There is no way. impossible.

But the light yellow soap doesn't look ugly, it belongs to the most primitive color.

In fact, it is not impossible to make the soap have other colors, just use the same flower essential oil. The flower essential oil he used is relatively mixed, and different flowers are not separated.

Zhuang Yu took the soap in his hand and looked at it. The finished product was not bad.

Then I looked at a few bottles, which contained shampoo, and the shampoo was a little different. Plant ash was used much less, and the alkalinity was very weak, so it would not damage the hair. Because of the weak alkalinity, the saponified liquid produced Unable to solidify to form a solid, viscous and sticky.

However, this is just right, just like the shampoo, Zhuang Yu also added flower essential oil, it smells like a flowery fragrance, which is very nice.

Zhuang Yu opened the bottle and smelled it, a smile could not help but touch his hair, and finally he could take a bath and wash his hair comfortably.

His soaps and shampoos are all natural and non-polluting.

Zhuang Yu thought for a while, and waved to Feng Kiss not far away, "Come here to pick up soap."

Bee Kiss ran over tearfully, he didn't take a shower yesterday, and was deducted three points by Mushroom Boy, so sad.

Little Mushroom also ran over awesomely, pointing at Bee Kiss all the time, Mushroom Boy caught another one, not too bad, walking with splayed legs, terribly frightened.

Zhuang Yu took the soap and shampoo and walked to the bottom of the teaching building with Bee Kiss.

There is a row of sinks under the teaching building, and the water pipes directly lead the water here.

This is because before entering the teaching building, the students need to wash their feet clean and wipe the water with animal skins. Their teaching buildings are covered with tiles and wooden floors. These students are barefoot all day long. If you run around and go in without washing, the hygiene of the classroom will not be maintained at all.

Zhuang Yu handed the soap to Bee Kiss, "Try washing your hands with this."

Bee Kiss took it tearfully, still sad about being deducted points, but did he wash his hands very clean

With some doubts, he turned on the tap and started washing.

Zhuang Yu wiped the soap on his hands, and white soap foam appeared between his hands.


Bee Kiss was stunned, how could this thing appear, what is it

Because the soap foam appeared, the fragrance of the flowers became stronger.

Bee Kiss unconsciously put her hand next to her nose and smelled it, her eyes froze, "It smells so good, it's the fragrance of flowers."

His hands were full of floral fragrance, not pungent at all, and his hands seemed to be cleaner after washing.

The little mushroom's nose also twitched, and then climbed up to the sink, what kind of smell, it smells so good, it smells really good.

Like a puppy, he stood his nose and approached the soap bubble, as if it was the smell of the bubble, and then carefully wiped the foam on his hands.

The little mushroom was also stunned, the fragrance of flowers, its hands were full of fragrance of flowers, it turned into a mushroom exuding the fragrance of flowers.

Then he started pointing at Pao Pao and asked Zhuang Yu, what is it? It’s so amazing. Mushroom Boy likes this taste...

If you are so happy, you will wipe the soap foam on your body.

Zhuang Yu stopped him, and used shampoo to make foam, and then wiped the little mushroom, and the foam became more and more. As a result, the whole little mushroom was in the foam, and he was so happy, it was so fun.

Zhuang Yu washed the weed-like hair of Bee Kiss again, and said, "This is shampoo, for washing hair, and the one just now is soap, specially for washing hands..."

Bee Kiss stroked her soft hair, which was like the best animal fur, and it also exuded a pleasant floral fragrance.

How did his hair become like this, it used to be like a scarecrow.

However, the hair is very comfortable to touch, and the smell is also very like.

Zhuang Yu was washing the foam off the mushroom boy with water, and the little mushroom was also very happy, because it smelled like flowers all over, a mushroom that exudes the fragrance of flowers... emmm...

When the fragrance of the flowers spread out, many students gathered around to watch it.

Especially the little radishheads from the Golden Centipede Department couldn't bear it anymore and ran up, "Brother Yu, what is this?"

He kept smelling Bee Kiss's body and hair, his little face turned red with embarrassment.

"The bee's kiss became very fragrant, like a flower."

Zhuang Yu was funny, and taught a group of little radish heads how to use soap and shampoo.

Then, a group of little radish heads whose hair was no longer the scarecrow of Kill Matt, but little guys who smelled like flowers appeared.

Each of them looks like the students of his school, otherwise Zhuang Yu will be under pressure if he teaches a group of killers.

The little mushroom squinted its eyes and held the shampoo bottle and soap. They belonged to it. It liked it so much. A group of little radish heads also had shiny eyes. They became like this because of this thing called soap and shampoo.

Zhuang Yu thought about it, and it seems that a new task can be issued, asking students to collect cut flowers.

It is best to sort them into categories, so that soaps and shampoos with various fragrances and pure floral fragrances can be made, and you can use whatever fragrance you like.

Zhuang Yu put the soap back into the box and put it in a clean place on the sink. Their sinks are all tiled, which is very beautiful. Students like to wash their hands and faces here. There is also a mirror in front of the sink. Don’t look at it. This is just a corner, but it is a place that the students like very much.

Zhuang Yu said, "When you wash your hands in the future, you can put a little on it."

As for the shampoo, it was also placed on the sink. Little Mushroom snatched a whole bottle, and there was no way he would let go of it.

Whether it is soap and shampoo, the quantity is somewhat small, but Zhuang Yu will arrange for the tribe to make more.

As for the use, use the points to exchange it. If the points are not enough, just wait for the part that is put on the sink from time to time.

The students' points must be insufficient again, which just makes them more active in obtaining points.

Before Zhuang Yu left, he also taught him a fun thing, using a small pipe to blow out colorful soap bubbles.

When the bubbles flew into the sky one by one, the students were stunned, so... beautiful.

These primitive society children have never seen such a fun thing. After Zhuang Yu left, the sky was filled with colorful bubbles. Fortunately, they also knew that the bubbles were blown with used soapy water.

It was a chaotic mess below the teaching building. There were people rushing to wash their hands and hair, and some rushing to blow bubbles. The smart kids first collected the soapy water and blow it slowly.

Then, every day, a group of younger children would be waiting in front of the sink in the teaching building. They all held a box in their hands. When others were washing their hands, they would fill in soapy water and have fun all day long.

In the past, tribal people did not have the concept of entertainment, but now children have it.

Walking and blowing all the way, a group of children followed behind, blowing the bubbles in the sky higher, very happy.

School, there seems to be more to it than learning.

When these children grow up, they will definitely not forget those classmates from various tribes who blow soap bubbles with them.

Their most beautiful years, the most beautiful time, will be spent at school with classmates from other tribes.

Qia's classmates are young and in their prime, and what the school brings to them is probably beyond their imagination.

A group of students kept arguing until dark, and Zhuang Yu also went to ask the tribe to produce some soap and shampoo. Let's make sure that the school and they use it first. After all, the manpower is tight now and it cannot be mass-produced.

Who can imagine that the majestic Red Emperor City can't even squeeze out the manpower for soap production. This also shows that the development of Red Emperor City has reached the point where everything is used to its full potential.

As night fell, Chidi City calmed down from the tense construction. Zhuang Yu asked people to move the printed books into the library. He also had to record the making of soap and shampoo before he began to rest.

Outside the Red Emperor City, it was also quiet. At this time, the Red Emperor City looked like a city in the desert.

However, in the silence, a group of people were sneaking close to the city wall. Their faces were all painted with primitive paint in messy lines, and their faces could not be seen clearly.

"Later, we will try our best to create chaos and expose a gap in the unyielding wall of Red Emperor City. As long as one person can sneak in, this mission will be considered a success."

The others nodded. It was beyond their expectations that Chidi City became like this. This is still outside the city. No one knows what it looks like inside the city yet.

They have to find out what's going on in the city, and then pass the news back.

Their news about Scarlet Emperor City is too old, which will affect their plans for Ruidi City. If they had known that Scarlet Emperor City had developed to this extent, they would never have sat idly by.

A group of people began to sneak close to the city gate, and the entire Chidi City seemed to have only one entrance like this.

Then start to sneak in, as long as they can go in, with their professional spy skills, it is not impossible to hide.

It's just that when they were sneaking and preparing to enter the city, suddenly, in the yellow sand wall, several figures holding stone guns shot out from the wall.

"The intruder dies!"

There is no need to ask at all, anyone who dares to break in without permission is their enemy, no matter who they are, if they kill them, they will kill them.

The stone spear stabbed directly at the person who came.

But the people who came stood in a row, and the icy cold light shot out, it was a small iron knife.

"Thousand-handed family."

People from Ruidi City.

The people in Chidi City were angry, this was their old opponent, and they actually ran to Chidi City to act wildly.

There was a tinkling sound, the sound of a small knife being fired from a stone spear.

But the knife that missed it turned a corner and cut fiercely at the people in Chidi City again.

"Thousand hand manipulator?"

Such a brilliant technique, the people who came this time are all masters.

The Qianshou Clan's Qianshou Manipulator is a very powerful technique. Each small knife is tied with a strand of hair, and the Qianshou Clan uses the hair to control these knives to attack.

Even if these knives are missed, it is useless, because they will be pulled by the hair and turn their heads to continue attacking.

Iron knives shot down from the sky, and the people of the Qianshou clan lined up, kneeling on one foot, with cold eyes and hair standing upside down like a lion.

This is the blood talent of the Thousand Hands Clan. Their hair can grow instantly, and each hair is tied with a knife, as if a thousand hands are controlling a weapon. This is the origin of their name, and it is also their The origin of a family of well-known and representative hand-operated devices.

The Qianshou Clan has always wanted to replace the Baitong Clan among the Twelve Warrior Clans, which shows how strong they are.

The people who came this time are indeed well-trained people, but this is Chidi City.

When countless knives shot from the sky, figures shot out of the huge sand wall again.

There was a clanging sound.

Those little knives refused to give up, and turned around again to attack the people in Chidi City.

Such a big thing happened at the gate of Chidi City, it must have boiled immediately, and the whole Chidi City was brightly lit.

When Zhuang Yu got the news, he was also taken aback. Are the people from the Qianshou family going to die? No matter how powerful they are, they are still dying. Here... but Chidi City.

Zhuang Yu frowned, what was their purpose

The person from the Huangsha Department who came to report the situation said, "Now the gate of the city is a bit chaotic, they are lining up in a row to cast spells at the same time..."

Confused? Such a big battle is not just for the sake of causing some confusion.

Zhuang Yu moved his eyes and said, "You go to the school and let Feisha and the poison warehouse from the Baitong family come to the gate of the city."

In terms of the sharpness of the eyes, absolutely no one can compare to the people of the white-eyed warriors. They are called the eyes of the battlefield.

Zhuang Yu rushed to the city wall at the first time, and the fighting outside was very lively.

"The weather is bad now, and the line of sight is obstructed, so I can't see the hairs of their weapons." On the city wall, the Huangsha tribe who watched the battle said, "Shaojun, do you want to call the people from the Four Seasons Zhan tribe?"

Zhuang Yu glanced at the knives all over the sky outside, because of his sight, the other party did take some advantage.

Zhuang Yu thought for a while and shook his head. The Four Seasons War Clan maintains the order in the city, so it’s best not to move, then he rolled his eyes and said, "Go and bring some big mirrors, and bring some briquette stoves along the way. "

The people from the Huangsha Department were taken aback, but they went there as soon as possible.

In school, the students also discovered the situation.

"It seems that the Qianshou clan of Ruidi City is causing trouble outside, and they are fighting in full swing now."

"Ruidi City is so defiant, it actually hit the gate of other people's city."

"When did Ruidi City put others in their eyes?"

"You said, if they make such a fuss, will it affect our study at school?" They don't want to leave now, even if it's not for study, they like the school environment and life.

"Who says no, isn't this a problem for everyone? If Chidi City suddenly doesn't believe in foreigners, and the school no longer accepts foreigners, what should we do?"

"But it's been a long time. Who is the Thousand Hands Clan?"

"They were all beaten at the door. If they can't solve the opponent, the Scarlet Emperor City will be ashamed."

Just as the words fell, suddenly, a beam of light across the sky swayed across the sky, because it was night, the beam of light was very dazzling.

"Then... what is that?"

All the students were dumbfounded, and then there was an uproar.

The beam of light spanning the entire sky of Scarlet Emperor City is like a miracle, dazzling.

On the city wall, several person-high mirrors were placed next to Zhuang Yu. In front of the mirrors were burning stoves with straight flames. Because oil was added to them, it was so hot that it was painful to stand beside.

Zhuang Yu adjusted the angle of the mirror, the beam of light just now was caused by the angle difference of the mirror.

Several person-high mirrors together form a concave mirror, and several huge beams of light merge together and shoot towards the scene of the fighting in the city, facing the Thousand Hands Clan.

The strong light dazzled the eyes of the people of the Qianshou clan. Before they could react, the tinkling iron knives in the air fell to the ground, and there was still a strange burning smell in the air.

The people of the Qianshou clan immediately realized that they could no longer control the knives, and their hair broke for no reason.

Burnt smell? Hair is burnt

My heart couldn't help but tense, what a weird fire technique, I didn't see any flames appearing.

Their hearts tightened, and the sudden situation made them panic.

It was this distraction, when the eyes were too busy to see the target clearly, the people from the Huangsha Department who had already prepared according to Zhuang Yu's instructions made the move.

The people of the Qianshou clan only felt a strong force coming from their feet, "Boom!", and their whole bodies were pulled down to the ground.

If the thousand-hand manipulator is the signature and powerful technique of the Qianshou clan, then the signature and powerful technique of the Huangsha clan is the silent assassination technique of beheading in the sand.

By the time the Qianshou clan reacted, a stone spear had already been pointed at their only head exposed to the ground.

The reason why they were not dragged into the ground to kill them was because Zhuang Yu wanted to find out why they made this out.

Just as he was about to struggle, a cold boy's voice came from the city wall, "You better not move, or you will die a miserable death."

The people of the Qianshou clan looked at the city wall, and the young man stood on it expressionlessly, looking at them like a victor.

winner? It's funny.

A member of the Qianshou clan headed by said, "Shaojun Chidi, what is the name of your technique? I have heard that Shaojun Chidi can control hundreds of beasts, but I haven't heard that you have any powerful skills. Today It’s a long-term experience, your technique has broken the thousand-hand manipulator we jointly performed.”

Zhuang Yu was taken aback, and glanced at the huge concave mirror made of mirrors beside him.


He didn't know if it counted or not. Logically speaking, the art is a technique performed by giant beast warriors with the help of blood power, and it is a kind of supernatural ability of human gene mutation, right

And what he used was not blood power.

He said, "It's a new technique, it doesn't have a name yet."

The eyes of the Thousand Hands Clan stared out, no one had ever dealt with them so perfunctorily.

It's just that when their expressions changed, the stone spears in the hands of the people from the Huangsha Department moved closer to their necks. A group of captives dared to show such expressions to their young master.

The tip of the stone spear was pointed straight at the throat.

They are also prominent figures in the Thousand Hands Clan. When have they been so humiliated

Seeing their expressions, Zhuang Yu sneered at the corners of his mouth. Since he dared to make trouble, he must be prepared to be a prisoner, and said, "If you don't want to die, tell me honestly, the purpose of your coming to Scarlet Emperor City."

As if they heard some joke, the members of the Thousand Hands Clan laughed out loud.

Zhuang Yu frowned.

The members of the Qianshou Clan looked at Zhuang Yu, "Do you really think you are the winner? Also, you underestimate my Qianshou Clan too. Since my birth, the Qianshou Clan has never betrayed Ruidi City."

The more he talked, the more intense he became, his face was full of madness.

When they came, didn't they think of such a result? This is the Red Emperor City, where there are so many masters, guarded by the Four Seasons War Clan.

Zhuang Yu frowned, the expressions of these people...

Before they could open their mouths, they heard the group of people from the Qianshou family roaring in a crazy voice, "Glory to the Kingdom of God, even if you die without regrets, I, Ruidi City, will eventually rule the land."

Ruidi City also calls itself the Kingdom of God, and they firmly believe that they are the Kingdom of God and the only existence that can unify the land.

After the sound fell, it became extremely quiet, and blood flowed from their mouths.

Zhuang Yu was silent. It seemed that Emperor Rui was not useless, at least he was good at manipulating people's hearts.

It can make people willingly follow until death. Whether they are good guys or bad guys, it cannot be denied that they have some charisma that others don't have.

Ruidi may be more difficult to deal with than imagined. The only shortcoming may be that he is a little conceited. It should be said that everyone in Ruidicheng is very conceited.

A person from the Yellow Sand Department reported, "Young Master, they are all dead."

For loyal people, Chidi City has no intention of humiliating them, but it is impossible to treat them kindly, just dig them out and bury them, and become one of the countless corpses buried in this Chidi.

Zhuang Yu nodded, but died without asking anything.

It can't be that he was impatient and broke into the city for no reason.

At this time, the white eyeballs of the flying sand and poison warehouse next to them were like cocoons, layer by layer.

Feisha and Ducang looked at each other. They came to Chidi City with the intention of seeking refuge. A tribe like them that lost their ancestor beasts would be impossible even if they wanted to become a small marginal tribe. Without the protection of the ancestor beasts, Their clan land will eventually be occupied by wild beasts, and they will also become displaced wild people, and eventually either die at the hands of wild beasts or become inhuman beasts.

Fei Sha and Du Cang said, "There is a figure, who just took advantage of the Qianshou clan's suicide and everyone was shocked, disappeared in a flash and rushed into the city."

Because they disappeared too quickly, they couldn't catch each other's traces again, "There should be some special lurking technique."

The people from the Huangsha Department also looked at Zhuang Yu, and someone actually slipped in while taking advantage of the chaos.

Zhuang Yu frowned, and then let go, "It's nothing, let the people of the secret Siji Zhan clan pay more attention."

The city is full of people from the Four Seasons War Clan. The other party has put in so much effort, even at the expense of so many experts from the Thousand Hands Clan to sneak into the city. He will definitely not be exposed casually, because once exposed, he will undoubtedly die.

In other words, he must not take the risk of exposing himself by hurting the people in the city.

Slowly and secretly search is.

However, what is the purpose of going to the city with great effort

After tossing around for most of the night, it finally became quiet.

The dots of fire in Chidi City were also extinguished.

Behind a dilapidated earthen house, a figure stayed under a collapsed wall, motionless, as if the surrounding cold did not exist at all.

He didn't dare to move, because from time to time a pair of eyes would emerge from the dark shadows, and the people of the Four Seasons War Clan were searching for him in the dark.

This is the territory of the Four Seasons War Clan, who is more familiar with the environment than him, and the Four Seasons War Clan is much more difficult to deal with than the people from the Huangsha tribe outside.

The cold wind was howling, and he didn't dare to enter the houses of people in Scarlet Emperor City, let alone kill people. Even if he made a little noise, he would die. This is beyond doubt.

They sacrificed so much to get him in. Those who died in the Thousand Hands Clan were not ordinary people, they were the pillars of the clan. Even if it was a big family like the Thousand Hands Clan, it would take a long time. Killing a few ordinary people will expose the fundamentals Not worth it, and anyway, he's going to get the job done.

Looking up at the cold moon in the sky, for the great cause of Ruidi City, all the sacrifices are worthwhile, they firmly believe.

Nothing happened overnight, Zhuang Yu was even more sure that the person who sneaked in must have some kind of conspiracy behind him, and he will not be exposed easily.

Last night, when Zhuang Yu asked Feisha and the poison warehouse, many people heard it, so the news spread quickly, and a spy from Ruidi City sneaked into their city.

The people in Chidi City also became vigilant and looked at the people around them. They lived in one area of each tribe, and they all grew up with their neighbors. They were very familiar with each other. If outsiders mixed in, they would immediately can be distinguished.

It is estimated that this spy is also struggling every step of the way.

That's true, the spy was burying himself in a dark, smelly ditch in the old city, looking at the crowd outside without blinking, his palms were sweaty, and the dagger in his hand was embedded in it. He doesn't know it in his flesh.

"How dare you run into our Scarlet Emperor City, see if we find this stinky mouse, we must kill him and hang him at the gate of the city."

"It's too cheap to hang him at the gate of the city. Make him a mummy and give it to Emperor Rui. It's disgusting to death."

Not to mention adults, even children are not afraid, and dare to poke everywhere with a stick, which shows the fierceness of the people of Chidi City.

The school also announced a new task, providing the informer of the intruding spy, plus 50 points.

A group of students looked at each other in blank dismay. They didn't want to be involved in the conflict between Red Emperor City and Rui Emperor City, but fifty points are really tempting, how many boiled fish fillets have to be exchanged.

On the other hand, the student from Chidi City, with his hips on his hips and bright eyes, said, "For fifty points, how many cow dung cakes do we have to pick up? Let's go find mice."

Zhuang Yu knocked on the heads of these little radish heads, "Go to class."

"Combat class is not fun at all. The teacher is very fierce and doesn't let us blow soap bubbles."

"We only like taking lessons from Shaojun."

Zhuang Yu shook his head, there is no fun in combat class.

Although these children complained a few words, they still went to class obediently. Although they were young, they also knew that they would be bullied if they had no strength.

Zhuang Yu stood in the corridor on the second floor and watched. A group of younger students were running around the outer circle of the playground. As they ran, soap bubbles appeared behind them. They were having a great time.

But don't take it easy, because they will run until they lose their strength, and this is just the first step.

When the time comes, go and see the little radish heads who are sweating profusely, exhausted and lying on the ground, and you will know how hard they work every day.

What Zhuang Yu can give them is to provide a wide runway.

There is suffering but also happiness, the little luotou who fell to the ground and couldn't get up was still asking others, "Is there no fragrance of flowers on my body, and is my hair not fragrant?"

Very smug.

At this time, the little mushroom will run far away, and the young mushroom is the most beautiful, and his body is fragrant all day long.

The older children all fought on the grass in the middle of the square, fighting with different people from different tribes every day until they exhausted their last bit of strength.

This can cultivate their combat experience, so that when they encounter different combat methods and different strange techniques in the future, they can stay calm in the face of danger, and have more ways to deal with it, which can also continuously improve their strength.

Moreover, after they fell, they could still see how the Proud of the Earth fought.

The strange thing is that most of these Tianjiao fight hand-to-hand and rarely use magic.

On the one hand, they don't really want to expose their abilities. On the other hand, when fighting, they spend most of their time in hand-to-hand combat. Art is just a means to be interspersed in hand-to-hand combat and to use it at the right time.

But even if it was hand-to-hand combat, the students were dazzled and gained a lot. The combat tactics, some fancy and some simple, are the most suitable fighting methods for them anyway.

The most powerful in hand-to-hand combat is Luming from the White Deer Zhan Clan. Every punch and every kick is just right. He can shuttle through other people's techniques and defeat others with just his fists.

The usual battle class also made these outstanding characters stand out and become the targets of everyone's attention, and they were the influential figures on campus.

Talented people can always attract everyone's goals.

At this time, those young students who had finished running the circle struggled to get up from the ground again. They began to practice moving on the trees around the teaching building, jumping from one tree to another. He fell straight from the tree and screamed, thanks to the good health of people in this world.

The students who fell have to continue to climb the tree and continue to practice.

It seems that planting trees along the school wall is also useful, and this is not just used.

A group of children kept moving along the school tree, which looked very interesting.

Zhuang Yu looked at it for a while, and then ran to a building next to the teacher's building. He planned to use this building to open a small shop. The first products on the shelves were of course soap and shampoo.

Soap and shampoo are now things that school students can't put down. Everyone has a love for beauty. It seems that even primitive tribes can't escape this law, especially after using it and returning it to the state of no use. Very uncomfortable.

As soon as the students were out of school, they got the news that the school's canteen was open.

What is a commissary? It attracted a group of students to inquire after sweating profusely after training.

Then they screamed, and the commissary was full of soaps and shampoos.

The soaps and shampoos put on the washrooms of the teaching buildings are simply not enough, and they are always unavailable.

Just looking at the price, you have to spend points again. Moreover, a bar of soap is 16 cents, and a bottle of shampoo is 22 cents.

Damn, who can afford it.

In the end, just thinking about it, I saw a student whose face was covered up like a mask and bought a bottle of shampoo.

"Isn't this the pride of the earth from the Wuyan Department? I didn't see how he did the task. Where did he get the points to buy it?"

"In normal battles, he also performed mediocrely among a group of earthly prides."

In a strange way, Yan grub without a face came into the sight of all the students.

A lot of expressionless people also frowned and looked at Yan Yu, who has seen him do the mission

It seems that there is no such person except for class.

Then, many people came forward to buy it one after another. It seems that some people have more points than they thought.

Feisha and the poison warehouse must also be affordable, and the two went back to the dormitory with the shampoo.

Before I went up to the dormitory building, a little mushroom ran over excitedly with its nostrils raised, pointing with its little hands, you... didn't take a shower yesterday, why does it smell like a stinky sewer.

The little mushroom is also a little puzzled. It doesn't smell so bad without taking a bath, just like a dead mouse in a stinking ditch.

Feisha and Ducang were also taken aback, how did this little guy find them

The little mushrooms circled around the flying sand and the poison warehouse, it was strange, it didn't seem to be their smell, so where did the smell of dead mice come from

Little Mushroom reluctantly let the two of them go. Oh, what a pity, they didn't get their points deducted, otherwise it could go to Yu to show off.

Feisha and the poison warehouse started to go upstairs inexplicably, but just stepped into the small building, the two turned their heads almost at the same time, and the two white eyes in their eyes turned into cocoons again.