Insect Attractor

Chapter 108: The principle of spiritual space


After Meng Gantang spoke freely one by one, I asked some other questions. She urged one after another, and I couldn't help but sneak a bite on her face, and gathered the courage to walk back to the town.

From the outside, the entire Black Mountain Town is still as depressing and gloomy as before. The deadly streets, the ever-changing lights, are all the sights only found in ghost movies.

I trembled inexplicably, turned around and looked back, and saw a figure in black clothes not far away in the white ice and snow, raising my hand and making an'ok' gesture to me.

At the moment, he took two deep breaths without hesitation, raised his foot and stepped into town.

Suddenly, my eyes lit up, as if stepping into another world from one world.

The snow-covered gloomy streets, suddenly brightly lit, the lifeless town of Heishan, seemed to be rejuvenated. A lot of pedestrians and vehicles appeared on the street, and the houses and shops on both sides were fluttering with colorful lights, and the noise of five and six was endless.

At this moment, a car came oncoming, and the driver honked the horn and "didi" twice, which made me immediately recover. Under my physical instinct, I dodged and ran to the sidewalk of a hair salon.

A big bald head with a full face came out of the carriage and yelled at me: "Fuck, you are blind? Want to die, go away! What a fucking bad luck!"

I didn't say a word, watching him drive the car out of the town with a cold back, and the front of the car disappeared without a trace, as if entering a space-time tunnel.

The driver in the car seemed to be unaware of it, and disappeared directly with the person leading the car....

Except for Meng Gantang's previous reminder, I still opened my mouth unbelievably, a cold sweat broke out from my back, and suddenly heard a woman moaning behind me.

I tilted my head and looked to the side, and the wooden door of the hair salon was closed tightly, and a slit was flowing outward with a pink gleam, full of ambiguity. The sound seemed to come from the crack of the door.

Curiously, I leaned over and looked inward in the crack of the door. In the dimly lit hair salon, there were four or five white-striped bodies, tangled with their shirtless arms, fighting to death. Under the faint light, the heavy breathing and the joyous and painful chants were indescribable.

I couldn't help it after a few glances, and quickly left the corridor door in embarrassment, but secretly envied it: Damn, that buddy is so courageous! How dare to play Lu Bu Zhan Sanying, and are not afraid of being squeezed out

I walked along the curb, stopping for a moment every time I reached the door of a shop to see if there was a shadow of Ah Da inside. After walking half a street, I didn't find him!

At this time, I was not far from Dr. Wang's clinic.

After thinking about it for a while, he turned to the clinic and moved forward. It's all here, if I can save Dr. Wang, I will never be stingy with this time.

It is said to be a clinic, but in fact it is just an old-fashioned shop located in a corner of town.

Dr. Wang was very bitter to me, saying that in Heishan Town, there are generally very few people who come to see the sick, and those who have the conditions have gone to the county clinic. A little poorer and can't afford much consultation fee, the whole clinic is supported by him alone.

While thinking about the situation that I might encounter next, I walked in the direction of my memory. I had already reached the position without knowing it, but when I looked up, I was confused.

I saw that the Laupao Clinic, which I had only visited a few days ago, turned into an extraordinary three-story western-style building. The old-fashioned carved wooden windows reveal a strange smell of a mixture of Chinese and Western medicine.

The clinic, which used to be cold and cold, is now crowded with people. The people who came to see the doctor lined up from the door to the street corner outside the door, and it spread more than ten meters before it could be stopped.

Being cautious, I didn't choose to rush in and squeeze in, bypassing the crowd and stepping aside, looking up into the door. First, a heavy gilt plaque was hung on the Limu gate, and the four characters "Lao Wang Clinic" were written on it, which severely damaged the overall sense of solemnity.

Looking in the door again, Dr. Wang squinted his eyes and sat behind a purple wooden counter, with a hand on a young woman's wrist, her lips twitching constantly, as if she was cutting her pulse.

I stood outside the door for a while, then chose to leave and walked towards the main street.

Before I came in, I had half consulted with Meng Gantang, half discussed the origin of this spiritual space and the specific conditions of its internal operation.

She said that if a spiritual space can be formed, the first instigator must be a stranger who is good at mental attacks. But it was the first time she met her in such a huge area, and she couldn't tell what the situation would be inside.

However, woody water sources.

Regardless of whether the mental space is large or small, it must follow the same rule, the rate of nine palaces or the unique rate of Sudoku.

Simply put, the mental space is like a subconscious microscope. It can magnify the subconscious mind of the people in it countless times to form many different spatial environments.

It is like dreaming. When you are alone, you can dream about any scene as you like.

But if the number of people in the spiritual space is more than two, the subconsciousness of each other will compromise comprehensively, forming an illusion that is psychologically acceptable to all people.

However, this kind of illusion is not static, just like a person's subconscious is always constantly changing. The spiritual space has a lot of weight, just like a Sudoku with invisible end.

Each line and each house are independent of each other.

However, you can only occupy one line forever, and if you want to reach the next spiritual space, you have to go to the palace, and find an exit from the spiritual space where you are.

Thus, over the wall, rush to the next illusion.

I now have two choices to find Ah Da: or, taking myself as the singularity of the spiritual space, "over the wall" to walk through each palace.

According to Meng Gantang's speculation, when I arrived at the last'gong', it meant that I had transcended this'Sudoku' and entered the chassis, that is, reached the outside of the'subconscious microscope'.

All the spiritual space to control it, when the time comes, should be completely empty.

At that time, the town of Heishan will be restored to its original appearance before my eyes, and I will be able to see the people trapped in the spiritual space. As long as I find Ah Da and take his body out of the town, he will naturally get rid of this confinement.

The second way is to find Ah Da in the illusion and tell him the truth of this spiritual space, so that his body left on the chassis can react and wake up autonomously, and thus escape from here.

The two methods each have their own difficulties and benefits. The first one is more troublesome. According to Meng Gantang's thesis, I can find the Zerg's body that created this spiritual space.

However, because I don't know how many illusions have been formed in this spiritual space. The most convenient way is undoubtedly the second.

I thought I was fascinated by the question, and suddenly heard a lot of screams coming from the front. When I looked up, there happened to be a small and handsome woman who ran towards me with a pale face.

She slammed into me and said "Ouch" after she hurriedly said sorry, and wanted to continue running back.

I stretched out my hand and stopped her and asked, "Beauty, what happened in front of you? Why are you so nervous? Is there a gangster chasing you?"

The woman was stopped by me, she couldn't walk away for a while, turned her face full of fear, and said, "Run, kill, kill the devil! Dead... He killed 13 people... Quickly. Let me go!"

As she said, she slammed me aside and fled back quickly.

Killer demon

I scratched my scalp weirdly, and I was not surprised when I looked forward: everyone has negative emotions in their hearts, and out of animal instinct, everyone has the DNA of hunting in their genes.

It is estimated that there is a guy who is usually depressed and twisted in his heart. After the killing intent in his heart is amplified by the spiritual space, he becomes a murderer, releasing the devil in the imprisonment of reason.

I hesitated again and again, raised my foot and continued to walk forward, hoping to see the murderous demon the woman was talking about, was it the big one

Within a few steps, hundreds of people passed by me holding their heads. I raised my eyes and looked squarely, a guy covered with blood and holding a pig-killing knife in each hand suddenly appeared on the street.

The guy was still kneeling at his feet, and the clothes on the back of his neck were lifted up, and his whole body was trembling.

I almost didn't look at his face very much, I had analyzed his laterally developed body shape and judged that this person is not Ah Da.

I was too lazy to do anything, and I glanced at him sideways, and planned to pass by... (End of this chapter)