Insect Attractor

Chapter 111: The corpse smells


The shackles that Uncle Huang and the others hit on the ground were very firm. For the sake of caution and safety, the two of us did not hold onto a rope and slide down independently.

Instead, I was underground while holding two ropes at the same time. Meng Gantang almost sat on my shoulders, illuminating the bottom with his mobile phone, and carefully falling into the depths.

I didn't wear special non-slip gloves on my hand. The weight of the two people could not be slowed down at all. It only took about ten seconds to reach a height of fifty or sixty meters.

"Wait, there seems to be something underneath!" At this moment, Meng Gantang suddenly called me nervously.

Looking down, the rope seemed to be about to end. There was a thick black darkness underneath, and the light became very faint after the light went down.

But it was also enough for me to barely see. About three to four meters below, there was a vaguely long black outline that appeared abruptly directly under the body.

"Go down a bit!" Meng Gantang pinched his legs, seeming to think of me as a horse, and whispered.

I smacked my lips depressed, and leaned my head to bite on the inner side of her tender thigh. I cautiously grasped the rope and slid down for more than one meter.

At this location, it seemed that it was very close to the bottom of the cave, and there was a foul-smelling wind, and under the light, the whole picture of this thing instantly appeared in our sight.

To our surprise, the thing underneath turned out to be a pool of black chains. It was so thick that it could match Meng Gantang's little finger, and it was covered with red and green rust.

The wire rope was coiled on a black wooden board, and there was a faint gap the size of a head on the board next to it. The light couldn't get in, and I didn't know where it was underneath.

At this moment, when I saw the iron rope, I immediately thought of the scene where I saw Li Lang crawl out of here last night, so I let my mind go, let Meng Gantang light me up, and carefully slipped onto the board along the nylon rope.

This board is very strong, but it seems to be hollow underneath, and the sound of water waves can be faintly heard, and the smell here is already strong and can be suffocating. As if there was a stinking ditch flowing under the feet, there was a solid earth wall on the left, but there was a passage for one person on the earth wall on the right.

The end is also pitch black, making it difficult to see where it leads.

After I checked out the danger, I endured the nausea and greeted Meng Gantang to come down, picked up the iron wire and checked it, and found that it extended from the hole in the wooden board with a strong fishy smell on it.

Meng Gantang covered his mouth and nose in disgust, waved his hand in front of his face, and said, "Quickly throw it away, this thing seems to have been immersed in corpse water! With such a heavy corpse smell, is there a river of corpses under the wooden board?"

Smelly corpse

I was a little surprised when I heard the words, and soon recovered my composure. This is under the mass graves, and there may be dead bodies everywhere, and it is not surprising that there is a smell of dead bodies.

Seeing Meng Gantang's nausea and wanting to vomit, I reluctantly took the phone, knelt in front of the small hole with my nose, and took a photo with curiosity.

Unfortunately, the light intensity and penetrating power of the mobile phone couldn't reach the bottom at all, and could only be seen vaguely. The bottom seemed to be a dark red water vein.

After only two or three glances, I was dizzy by the pervasive stench. I quickly got up and left the hole. With a stomachache, I followed Meng Gantang and walked into the passage on the right.

Entering the passage, the suffocating smell of corpses still hasn't diminished, and there is a road paved with red bricks underneath, but there are bumpy soil walls on the left and right sides, and the traces of artificial axe chiseling are very obvious.

We walked forward for more than ten meters, and suddenly a deep hole appeared in front of us. Meng Gantang and I looked at each other and speeded up and walked over.

At a glance, on the ground of the passage here, there is actually a vacant wooden board in the middle, and a thick iron rope coiled on the wooden board.

Meng Gantang frowned and said, "What are these iron ropes and planks used for? Why do they appear twice in a row?"

I shook my head blankly, and the two of them took photos of the surroundings. Except for the wooden planks and the iron ropes, there were only two steep, high earth walls that went straight up and down.

We continued to move forward, and then encountered thirty or forty such vertical deep holes one after another, as well as the wooden boards and iron ropes at the bottom of the holes, and the doubts in our hearts grew more and more.

At this moment, a faint voice suddenly appeared in my ear, and I suddenly startled.

However, after I heard the master of this voice, I immediately became excited and said to Meng Gantang, "Have you heard? This is the voice of the old bandit Huang Shu! Let's go, they are ahead!"

No, Meng Gantang stopped me with a face of fear at this time, and said to me with shaking lips: "The situation is not right, you, listen carefully, this, this voice is from me, before us, coming.... .. ... or came from behind?"

I was stunned on the spot, as if being poured down by a basin of cold water, I was frightened and calmed down, concentrating on identifying it carefully. Suddenly, the whole body was cold, and he turned back horribly and stared at the road behind him... Uncle Huang's voice turned out to be from there...

How is this possible

This kind of evil situation immediately made me confused. The two of them were silent for a while. You look at me and I look at you, and they all feel chilly in the back.

After a while, Meng Gantang lowered his voice and asked, "How about it, do you want to look back?"

I tried my best to calm myself down, looked around before and after hesitantly, and said, "Don't worry about it! Damn, I don't believe it, can we make a mistake with our four eyes? Go, keep going! Damn it! , I want to see what this ghost place is really famous for!"

The two of them continued to move forward. It is strange to say that when we arrived at the next'patio', Uncle Huang's voice suddenly disappeared unexpectedly.

I was taken aback, looking at the feet that had just stepped on the plank, my back was filled with air-conditioning and thought: No, the voice of the old bandit was definitely not blocked because of the distance too far, as if he had entered here with me. related!

Could it be, is there really a ghost behind us

There was no turning back arrow when I opened the bow. I didn't dare to think deeper, took a deep breath, worked hard to get rid of the distracting thoughts in my heart, and continued to move forward with Meng Gantang without saying a word.

Not long after, there was another whispering voice in the faint passage. This time I heard it very clearly, and it was definitely coming from right in front.

Moreover, judging from the clarity of the sound, it is definitely not far away from us.

We speeded up our pace, and after passing through the two'atriums', we suddenly lit up, and an open and gloomy space appeared. Combined with the environment here, it was like an extra-large tomb.

The tomb is surrounded by brick walls, and the top can be more than three meters high. It is densely covered with many'patios', and the iron cables are vertical from above, swaying strangely.

The tomb was very empty, but there was a long horizontal ditch at the end abruptly. I don't know what it was inside, and it was emitting a magnificent red light, which seemed to be the source of light here.

At the same time, after the smell of corpses arrived here, it almost reached its extreme. I breathed for a while, and I felt dizzy and black in front of my eyes.

The whispers that I heard before were already very clear here, and after a little bit of meditation, I found that the sound came from that ditch.

Moreover, the voice seemed to be Qin Ruyu's cry for help.

My heart was tight, and I walked directly into the tomb before thinking about it. Meng Gantang quickly followed up with his nose and mouth blocked. The two of them dodged from left to right from time to time, avoiding the chains hanging from the upper patio.

As she walked, she was shining around with the light. When the light swept across a patio above her head, she suddenly photographed something and was startled on the spot: "Ah, what is that?"

She screamed and shot the light straight through, and that day, a dark head appeared from the well, which was so big that it was about to block the huge skylight.

The five senses are twisted together, like a fat monkey who has gone away, grabbing the iron rope with his head down, and crawling into the tomb below... (End of this chapter)