Insect Attractor

Chapter 118: What a ghost!


When I was halfway through, I saw the painful expression on Wang Ling’s face from time to time, and his body was trembling slightly. I knew that what I was talking about had probably touched the scars deep in his heart. It goes without saying...

For a long time, Wang Ling did not speak, which made me feel regretful, and apologized: "Sorry, I brought up your sadness! Are you okay?"

Wang Ling took a breath and shook his head bitterly: "I'm fine! What happened back then... Now that Mr. Yan saw it, did you want to ask, what was the foster father... what was he doing?"

I nodded.

Wang Ling smiled reluctantly: "Foster father only has a real son. After he died, he thought of using the results of half a life of research and using my body's spiritual power to bring him back to life..."

"The spiritual power of your body?" I was shocked when I heard the words, and then I thought of something, and exclaimed: "Are you a psychic? How is this possible? Why didn't I find it?"

Wang Ling recalled: "Speaking of this incident, it will start more than forty years... At that time, the adoptive father was just in his early thirties. He said that he was originally cultivated by an organization secretly. An expert in genetic engineering, specifically for the organization to study some biological genes with supernatural powers."

"Foster father is very talented in genetic engineering. He had been working in that organization for more than ten years at that time. Through long-term work, he learned what kind of supernatural creature is called Zerg, which is longer than human existence. ."

"Each kind of Zerg has different abilities, and there are some'humans' called Gnosis, and they also have various Zerg's special genes in their bodies... Later in the work, the foster father knew I got my parents, and learned that my parents are the kind of Gnostics, but he did not reject them, but often exchanged his work experience with them until one day..."

Wang Ling said sadly: "That day, the organization gave the foster father and my parents another task to crack the genetic code on an'egg'... At first, the research progressed very smoothly. With the cooperation of the three of them, most of the genetic code on that egg has been cracked... But at that time, my parents were called away... ."

"At that time, they did not appear again for a whole year, until a foster father inquired a secret from his superiors. My parents were actually... The group of beasts press on the operating table... Give it alive, give it..."

Wang Ling's eyes were red, and he choked up: "After that happened... the foster father took me, my newborn brother, and the egg, and escaped from the organization, until he fled. Coming from here in Heishan Town... He was hit harder than I was at the time, and his character has since become irritable, and his research has almost gone crazy..."

When Wang Ling mentioned the sad past, his emotions became more and more agitated, and then he said intermittently, I could barely hear it out...

After the three elders fled to Heishan Town, the spirit of Wang Ling's foster father was stimulated. At the beginning, he was afraid that the organizer would pursue and kill him all day. He didn't dare to live in the village, so he took the two of them to live on the mountain.

Later, he couldn't let go of the research in his hands, and gradually went into a bad way, using the research materials he had in his hands to conduct his own experiments.

However, in addition to the environment, the most important task of biological genetic engineering is a variety of high-tech machines. This problem has kept him sleepy for more than half a year, and he can't think of a good way to do it!

Or I always hear people say that geniuses and lunatics are actually a kind of people!

In the end, the depressed and helpless Wangling foster father, when accidentally saw a villager bury the dead, got into a terrible thought-since Lao Tzu does not have a machine, follow the old method! Take the corpses of these dead people for simple genetic breeding research, and complete the final genetic cracking work by contrast!

According to Wang Ling, the passage tombs in the graveyard and the criss-crossing drainage channels under the deep ditch were all made by his adoptive father, which took six years to dig out.

In this way, a secret base for research was finally established, and then his foster father began to steal the corpses buried in the cemetery frequently to conduct his own research.

Having said that, Wang Ling explained to me what the wooden boards and iron chains in the passage do

It turned out that each wooden board had a live button underneath, and the iron rope was directly passed into each tomb, and they could directly use the iron rope to drop the corpse.

Wang Ling said that if he talked about the research process of his foster father, it would be a year and a half, and he jumped to me and said: "In short, the progress of the research of the foster father is not unimpeded. During this period, many things have occurred. Strange things...such as the me you saw at the beginning and the ghost monkeys in the tomb, in a way, can be regarded as failures in the process of adoptive father’s experiment..."

"The most successful part of his research is that the defective product thrown into the drain during his experiment, after fermentation and fusion, has formed a red'**'."

"And this kind of sex is resentment!"

Wang Ling seemed to tremble, and his voice was inexplicably scared: "After this kind of sex appeared, more weird things gradually appeared... in our base... actually... A ghost has appeared!"


My scalp exploded: "Damn, is there a ghost?"

Wang Ling nodded solemnly and said: "Ghosts do exist, but don't be afraid, Mr. Yan, I am actually a ghost now!"

My butt seemed to be pierced with a needle, and I jumped up and yelled: "Damn, you are a ghost? Man, don't scare me, I'm timid!"

Wang Ling shook his head helplessly and smiled, and said, "Don't worry! Ghosts are actually not terrible. According to my foster father's later research, ghosts are essentially a consciousness that has been separated from the flesh! In the real world, fundamentally. There is no such exaggerated and terrifying ability as in the legend, even the roots of the grass can't be blown!"

I settled down, looked at my body with twists and turns, and said weirdly: "According to what you said, then I am now...Isn't it also a ghost?"

Wang Ling smiled: "You can think so too! Let's get back to business. After a long time of analysis, the adoptive father discovered that ghosts appeared in the base because we created that kind of resentment!"

"And that kind of resentment seems to have the ability to enhance spiritual consciousness. The newly dead in the graveyard above, not completely out of the consciousness of the body, after being attracted by the resentment, they came to our base unconsciously. Like the shadow, nothing can be done, it will just wander aimlessly everywhere."

Speaking of this, Wang Ling skipped a large section again, and the topic turned and said: "This incident shocked and excited the foster father. His final research goal became this kind of resentment... . Soon, there was another discovery... .. The water of resentment will gradually eat away the attracted “ghosts” and turn them into a part of itself. The fragile consciousness of the human body cannot absorb this resentment.. . ... ."

"However, he discovered it by chance. The water of resentment combined with the egg that it brought out of the tissue and the specimen of Zerg can make the newly dead animal consciousness return to the body—that is, what we often say— resurrection!"

After listening to Wang Ling said so much, I finally talked about the business, and hurriedly asked: "This thing can really make people die and resurrect? It sounds too mysterious!"

Wang Ling shook his head solemnly and said, "No, this is not surprising! It can be explained clearly from a scientific point of view, besides, this kind of resurrection is actually limited, especially for people... . ."

"Mr. Yan, I heard you once told Xiao Zhang that you came here to investigate the disappearance of those donkey friends, right?" Wang Ling finished speaking, suddenly a big turn of 180 degrees came.

I was stunned, nodded and said: "Well, I did come because of those donkey friends, why are you asking this suddenly?"

There was a deep regret on Wang Ling's face, and he blamed himself: "Oh, those donkeys, in fact, I and Adi... killed them!"

"What?" I stood up quickly, staring at him tightly: "You and Li Lang killed them?"

Wang Ling hugged his head to the point of pain: "Yes, I said, this kind of resurrection comes at a price! After Adi was unintentionally beaten to death by his adoptive father and resurrected, in the first few years he behaved normally... .."

"But in the fifth year, his body showed a lot of strange symptoms, like... he was about to become a monster, and his personality became more and more surly and irritable, and once he attacked one. The old man who went up the mountain to herd sheep, sucked the blood from his whole body... sucked..." (End of this chapter)