Insect Attractor

Chapter 16: Cohabitation


Wen Fang took me straight to the bedroom to the left, and when he pushed the door, the furnishings came into view.

It's very simple. There is no bed, a cupboard, or even a chair.

On the whole of the room, it is not an exaggeration to use the words "Families and Four Walls" to describe it.

"Salute, let go, I'll wait for you outside!"

Wen Fang dropped a faint sentence, then turned and left.

I didn't bring anything with me, so I cleaned up a little bit and walked to the living room inexplicably.

Wen Fang was sitting on the sofa, looking down intently on the book I had seen in the car.

She saw me coming, closed the book and put it aside, and asked me to sit opposite her.

Immediately, she cocked her legs and stared at me with a smile, and said slowly: "Yan Zhi, born on March 21, 1993, a native."

"Six years ago, I dropped out of college! I ran long distances for two years and was expelled by my boss because of a dispute with his peers."

"After being introduced by someone, I went to work in a taxi company."

"What I said...right?" Wen Fang finished speaking in the tone of the inmate, and said with a frown.

"Are you investigating me?" My heart sank, staring coldly at her eyes.

Wen Fang didn't care about my cold eyes, and said in business: "First, I am a policeman! You have a major relationship with Qin Ruyu in this case. It is my duty to investigate your background information!"

"Secondly, you are going to live with me for a period of time recently. I understand the origin of the tenants, it seems nothing too much!"

My heart is very hot, but I also feel very uncomfortable at the same time.

I believe that any person will feel this way when facing someone who knows him well. It's as if you are all over her body in her eyes, and there is no secret at all.

The clay figurine also has three points of fire. Since I met her, I have always been in a passive position. Whether it was forced to go to Yunnan by her, or after coming back in a muddle, she played like a fool like everyone else.

This is the end of my thoughts.

So, I also learned her very rudely, saying: "First, I have nothing to do with Qin Ruyu. If you want to doubt me, you can send someone to the police station for questioning. I have a clear conscience!"

"Second, I didn't ask you to come to your house, but you asked! If you want to go back, I will pack my things and leave immediately, don't need to treat me like a thief!"

As I talked, the more I thought about it, the more angry I got. Get up right now, ready to pick up the gift box.

"Sit down for me!"

Wen Fang let out a loud roar, which made me sit down again subconsciously on the spot.

When I reacted, I was immediately ashamed and angry: Damn, this woman is so evil! Why do I feel my legs become weak when she yells

"Huh! He's still a big man, he doesn't have that much air!"

After staring at me for a while, she suddenly pursed her lips, and then raised her face again and said: "First of all, I'm sorry for investigating your background. Please understand, this is my business. !"

I never imagined that this woman would still say the three words sorry. Suddenly, I felt very strange, and the anger in my heart was not as strong as before.

I glanced at her, and I was silent!

Wen Fang shook his head and said, "Secondly, you have already seen the kind of Gnosis that is different from ordinary people. You should know that your current situation is very dangerous. Believe me, staying with me is definitely your wisest choice! "

Thinking of that kind of monster with a bug face, my heart felt tight, knowing that she was right.

After hesitating again and again, I slowly said, "Thank you, I will pay you the rent by the number of days!"

"Give me the rent?" The expression on Wen Fang's face instantly became very weird: "Then how much rent do you plan to pay me a day?"

At this time, an ominous premonition rose in my heart, and I swallowed: "You guys... what's the general rent on your side?"

Wen Fang raised his finger and said, "I'll do the math... I heard from the owner of the jewelry store next to him saying that he pays about 600,000 yuan for the storefront in a year. If you count it like this... .... You give me two thousand yuan a day is almost the same!"

"Two thousand yuan, you robbery!" Hearing the number, I immediately jumped in shock.

"Why, too expensive?" Wen Fang shook his feet leisurely twice, as if satisfied with my reaction, asked.

I chuckled and looked down at my leg in shame.

I asked her weakly, could it be cheaper

Wen Fang touched his chin and looked at me up and down: "Can't afford it? This is easy to handle. I just have something to ask someone for help. If you want, you can repay the debt with work!"

Self-esteem is causing trouble, so I immediately asked her what's the matter

"Come with me!" Wen Fang stood up directly holding the book, as if to take me there.

I couldn't think of it. There is also a basement here. The entrance is on the ground next to the bathroom. Under a very inconspicuous carpet, there is a staircase that slopes down.

"This is... the basement? What are you doing with this?" I asked as I looked down.

"You'll know when you go down!"

With that said, she has already walked down.

I hesitated for a moment, always feeling like I was fooled.

But the matter has reached this point, it is impossible to go back, and can only bite the bullet to keep up with her.

Entering it, I found that this basement has a sense of age, everything in it is full of the style of the last century, and it should have been a young man.

The light underneath is quite good. There are several large wattage spotlights. What surprised me was that in addition to the decorations such as tables, chairs and benches, there were three old-fashioned bookshelves against the wall in the basement.

One of the shelves is full of various books and notebooks, and the other two are more like weapon racks, covered with a dazzling array of almost all kinds of cold weapons.

Wen Fang led me to the three bookshelves and pointed to them and said, "This is your job! You must sort the books on that shelf into categories and arrange them in order! Also, an outline catalog must be compiled and submitted. Give me!"

"As for the weapons on these two shelves. You are responsible for their daily maintenance to ensure that they can be used normally!"

I suddenly got my head up and smiled bitterly: "The workload you said is a bit...not small! I don't know if I can do it or not. There are so many books that I can't finish in three or five years. ."

"And these two shelves... I said where did you get this cold weapon? It seems quite old, it seems that they are all antiques, let alone you robbed a museum, right? ?"

Wen Fang explained a little bit: "These things were left to me by my father. The origin is okay! If you don't want it, I won't force it!"

"Of course, I won't drive you away!"

I said: "No! Since I agreed, I won't regret it!"

After finishing speaking, I said in embarrassment: "It's nothing unusual to organize these books. I have never touched these weapons. I don't know how to maintain them."

Wen Fang lifted his feet, took a book from the shelf and handed it to me, saying, "This should help you."

I took it with amazement. There is no book title on the cover, only a signature-Wen Yuan in the lower right corner.

I flipped through a few pages at random and found that it was a notebook. The master’s should be the written text, which not only explained in detail how to maintain these ancient weapons.

Moreover, there are many illustrations that show that the purpose of these weapons is to deal with all kinds of Zerg.

Soon, I was fascinated by it and forgot everything around me.

When I looked up again, I found that I was left alone in the basement.

Wen Fang left me a note on the table and said: Mingjie tracked down the suspect, and I want to lead the team to arrest him. If you are hungry, there is something to eat in the refrigerator!

At the end, he wrote: Do not enter my room!

Putting down the message note, I took this book with me lovingly, went up to grab some food from the refrigerator, and planned to sit on the sofa while eating and reading.

At this time, I saw the book Wen Fang brought back from Yunnan on the sofa.

I turned it around and glanced around, and I was surprised to find that this book seemed to be a travelogue. In addition, there are many illustrations inside, all of which are quirky bugs.

Each illustration corresponds to a large section of text, with different handwriting and fonts, so it should not be written by the same person.

However, the contents of the book are surprisingly consistent. They are all stories about how they encountered various zergs and how to destroy them.

I couldn't help shaking my hand, and murmured in amazement: "This... Isn't this equivalent to a'deworming guide'? Where did Wenfang get it?"

Suddenly, I found that there was still a bookmark in the book, which should have been made by Wen Fang.

I turned to the bookmark position, an illustration of a hexapod two-winged beetle that I am familiar with came into my sight... (End of this chapter)