Insect Attractor

Chapter 2: Run away


Under the clothes is a corpse.

However, this corpse no longer looked like Qin Ruyu.

To be precise, this is a mummy, one meter tall. His hair is nearly one meter, and his long hair seems to have fallen to his ankles. The whole body looked like a dried baby corpse, which looked extremely horrible and weird.

I couldn't believe my eyes for a while. Half an hour ago, how did a fresh and tender person who was still full of youth and vitality become such a strange thing

At this time, two car-colored cars stopped next to my car. I hurriedly put my clothes on the mummy and was about to start the car. Four men got out of the car and surrounded my car.

One of the men looked at me and asked, "Did Qin Ruyu get in your car?"

I already regret that I didn't start the car faster. This man was one of the two men in black who chased and killed Qin Ruyu.

"Qin Ruyu?" I forced myself to calm down and asked, "Which Qin Ruyu?"

"Don't pretend to be stupid," said the man in black. "Where did she go?"

"Did you admit the wrong person?" I said, "I've been here all the time, I haven't gone anywhere, and no one gets in my car."

The man in black looked at the jacket and asked, "What's under the clothes?"

My heart sank and I said hurriedly: "It's nothing, it's just a rag doll."

"Take a look." The black-clothed man said that he was going to grab the coat. I panicked, and suddenly started the car in a hurry.

"Damn!" The black-clothed man screamed. His hand was already in the car. My car suddenly rushed out. His hand was afraid that he would suffer a lot.

And one of the men grabbed the door and yelled, trying to stop my car. I deliberately leaned the car to the side of the road. Seeing that the man was about to hit a tree pole, he quickly let go of his hand.

From the rear mirror, the man fell to the ground and crawled several times without getting up.

The two cars have caught up.

I increased the speed to the fastest.

Turns and turns, I drove the car into a small alley and hid.

I waited fearfully for about thirty or forty minutes, but the two cars did not catch up, and I felt relieved.

But thinking of the mummy under the coat made me shudder again.

I finally understood what Qin Ruyu said to me before his death.

So, do I have to promise her

I looked at the two bank cards and they were big for a while.

I unfolded the memo again, and found that it was written in an extremely remote place, located in a small village in Yunnan.

To be precise, I don't want to go.

I want to throw away the corpse and the card, as if nothing happened.

However, Qin Ruyu's expectant gaze appeared in front of him, and what she had said to me.

I usually sit in the car in a flabbergasted state, until the sky is slightly bright, and then I have a decision. I promised her and swore that I should keep my promise.

At this time, my cell phone rang.

The company called me and asked me where I was and told me to go back right away.

I promised to drive back to the company.

Suddenly it occurred to me that the company would not care where I was at this time, let alone tell me to go back.

Could it be the man in black who went to our company

I quickly turned the car around, refueled nearby, and decided to go directly to Yunnan. However, I have to get something from home. I have three cards, I don’t have much money, and the two main deposit cards are at home.

However, someone in the company knows about my home, and I am worried that I will meet a man in black when I return.

Seeing a bank beside the road, I got out of the car, took a bank card that Qin Ruyu gave me, inserted it into the ATM, entered the password Qin Ruyu said, and checked the balance, and it turned out that it was over one million.

I took some money, got in the car immediately, and drove straight to Yunnan.

From time to time, a car catches up from behind, making my heart beat every time, for fear that the black-clothed man is chasing me.

I don't think this is the way to go, I have to change the car.

After thinking about it again and again, I stopped the car in a remote place. Seeing that there was no one around, he opened the coat and found that Qin Ruyu's body was much smaller, at this time it was only half a meter long!

I went to buy a suitcase nearby, wrapped the corpse with a jacket, and stuffed it into the suitcase.

I took a taxi to a hotel, put the suitcase in the hotel, and then went to the second-hand car market.

However, as soon as I arrived at the second-hand car market, I saw a few people approaching me. I feel bad, I speeded up my pace. Those people also speeded up, and quickly gathered around me.

I ran away.

"Stop!" one of them snapped at me. It was the man in black last night!

I ran only thirty or forty meters and was stopped by them, punching and kicking at me. I exclaimed angrily: "If you hit me again, you will call the police!"

Those people stopped, and the black-clothed man grabbed my front collar and pushed me against a wall, and asked sharply, "Where is Qin Ruyu?"

I had to lie to the end and insisted: "I really don't know!"

"Keep on hitting me!" The black-clothed man released his hand, took two steps back, and said impatiently, "Hit until he says it."

At this moment, a small white car drove over at a swift speed, and stopped beside us with a stabbing sound.

"Stop it!" the man in the car shouted.

We all looked over.

The door was opened and a woman walked out of the car.

The woman was about twenty-five or sixteen years old, with short hair, tall, beautiful face, but her eyes were black, and she seemed to be much darker than the average person.

The man in black looked at the woman with short hair, and asked angrily: "Who are you?"

The short-haired woman said: "Policeman. I want to take him back to the police station. You all get out of me!"

She has a loud voice, with an irresistible aura, without anger.

The black-clothed men looked at each other, and one of them asked: "Do you have a certificate? This person is very important to us..."

"Even if you take him back, you still have to take him to the police station. Why bother?" The short-haired woman walked up quickly, grabbed my arm and dragged it toward the car.

I was forcibly pulled to the front of the car by her, and hurriedly said: "I... I didn't break the law..."

The short-haired woman pulled the car door, pushed me into the car, and said brutally, "Go in!"

The black-clothed man and the others hesitated for a moment, and gathered around. The black-clothed man stood in front of the car and prevented it from driving.

The short-haired woman said: "You should go back and explain to Mr. Yuan's family. Mr. Yuan is dead, I am afraid that you all have a lot of responsibilities. If it interferes with my official business, you will come to the police station by then, and it will be better for you!"

The black-clothed man hesitated for a moment and stepped away from the lane.

The short-haired woman immediately started the car.

Driving out about two or three hundred meters away, I saw the black-clothed man and others not catching up, and I asked the short-haired woman: "Are you really a policeman? What happened? It's inexplicable."

The short-haired woman said: "Last night five minutes past 11 o'clock, you stopped in Jingui Garden for three minutes. Actress Qin Ruyu got in your car. Then, where did you drive her to?"

"I..." I paused for a while.

Why is she so clear

"She... Then got out of the car." I had to say, "I don't know where she went."

I promised Qin Ruyu that I would not tell anyone about what happened last night, and I would send her body back to her hometown. If I tell the truth, the police will definitely ask me to surrender the body, and I am afraid they will not return the body to me again.

Although nothing happened to me in this way, I lost my promise to Qin Ruyu.

The short-haired woman didn't ask any more, drove the car around, and finally stopped in front of a taxi.

It's the taxi I drove!

The short-haired woman looked at me and said, "You'd better confess it honestly. The matter is much more serious than you think. If you deliberately conceal it, it will get worse and worse."

In fact, things are already very bad. I asked: "What happened? Why are you all looking for Qin Ruyu?"

The short-haired woman took out her phone, swiped a few times on the screen, and then handed it to me.

"Look at it."

I took the phone and saw that this was a piece of news.

The news was only halfway through, and my whole body was in a cold sweat. (End of this chapter)