Insect Attractor

Chapter 26: Qin Wen


"I don't know..." Qin Ruyu just shook his head.

Suddenly, she thought of something and asked with surprise on her face: "Wait, does he have a square face, thick eyebrows, a sturdy head, and a tall man with a height of 1.9 meters?"

I said, "Yes, yeah, yeah... That guy was as strong as a bear. He hugged me from behind and almost didn't cut my neck. Did you know him?"

Qin Ruyu nodded excitedly and said: "Know, know. His name is Qin Wen, my bodyguard captain. He is still alive, great. I thought that night, he already..."

"Qin Wen?"

Wen Fang repeated the name and solemnly said: "Can you be sure? According to our investigations these days, he is very likely to be a bugger."

Without thinking about it, Qin Ruyu nodded vigorously and said, "Yes! Qin Wen's situation is a bit special. He is a bug man and the captain of my bodyguard. At the same time, he is also my son. Mr. Yan, can you lend me your cell phone? ?"

I'm so weird, that Qin Wenshao said that he is more than 30 years old, how could she be her righteous son

But after thinking about it, Qin Ruyu’s actual age this year is conservatively estimated to be more than sixty. It seems that it is not that strange...

Thinking absently, I took out my phone and gave it to her.

However, my phone should have been flooded. After she picked it up, she didn't respond after pressing it a few times.

"Use mine!" At this moment, Wen Fang handed her mobile phone over.

Qin Ruyu said thank you, clicked the phone a few times on the screen, and then placed it between me and Wenfang.

"Look, this is Qin Wen!"

The screen of the mobile phone shows a photo of the man in black who had dealt with us the other day.

"Is it really him?"

I was taken aback.

Then, he was very puzzled: "But why is he attacking me? He took you and ran to kill an irrelevant lady sitting on the stage?"

Qin Ruyu looked confused and said, "I don't know about this. During my emergence, I was completely unable to perceive what happened to the outside world."

"Feathering?" Wen Fang frowned and looked at her.

Qin Ruyu explained: "You should already know that there is a cicada in my body! Every summer, due to the influence of the cicada, I will enter a state of emergence."

"In this process, my body will change. First, there will be a state of suspended animation, gradually changing from a human shape to the shape of a cicada."

"Then, I will absorb the essence of my surroundings and gradually recover my human form."

"During the emergence period, if I am affected or stimulated by the outside world, I will end the emergence prematurely and become a half-human, half-worm form."

"In this form, my body consciousness is actually dominated by cicadas."

"I myself don't know what happened outside. I won't recover until this form is over."

After Qin Ruyu finished speaking, he added: "That time when I escaped from the banquet, I stimulated the emergence state in advance. I was afraid that the bergamot would chase me. That's why I begged Mr. Yan to take me back to my hometown. Come, try to find a clean environment to spend the time of emergence."

I heard a little understanding, like falling into a cloud.

I thought it was through Qin Ruyu's oral narration and the travel notes. How do I say about this peculiar life of Zerg, I also have some simple understanding.

But now, I know how shallow I am.

However, this does not affect my understanding.

When Qin Ruyu stopped talking, I immediately said, "It's still wrong! According to you, the sign of the end of your emergence state should be your return to human form."

"But, when you were here last time, you clearly recovered!"

Qin Ruyu's face was unclear, so: "Mr. Yan, I don't know what you are talking about... I just woke up today!"

Qin Ruyu's eyes were very innocent, which made me confused. Either her acting skills are too good, or she really just woke up today.

Wen Fang seemed to understand what I meant, and asked with a cold face, "Then I ask you, since you are awake, why did you keep pretending to be dizzy just now?"

Qin Ruyu's pretty face flushed suddenly, and he glanced at me cautiously and said: "I...when I woke up, Mr. Yan was...carrying me... I want to wait for him to put me down, then...and then..."

As she spoke, her voice became lower and lower. At the end, it was almost inaudible.

I was ashamed of my old face on the spot, and I didn't know when she woke up. Was it before or after my conversation with Wenfang? If it were in the front, wouldn't she be overwhelmed by the stuff that I did with her

However, when I changed my mind, she said, I was carrying her back then, that should be what happened later. I couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief...


At this time, Wen Fang looked at the door fiercely and rushed out of the door with his gun.

Is there someone outside

I was taken aback, and hurriedly pulled Qin Ruyu to chase (saying that the pulling is actually not accurate, it should be Qin Ruyu's cowhide candy sticking to me.).

The old door was violently kicked down by Wenfang. When we reached the door, Wenfang was already standing under the old tree in the yard, as if holding something in his hand.

I dragged Qin Ruyu depressed, and ran over under the rain, and saw that Wen Fang was holding a business card.

However, the printing on the business card is gone, as if it was rubbed off by someone's hands.

Then, in the blank space in the middle, a line of black words was handwritten: "Buddha is here, go!"

These words attracted all Qin Ruyu's thoughts at once. She covered her mouth and exclaimed: "This... This is Qin Wen's handwriting! He just came here? Why didn't you see me?"

Is this written by that Qin Wen? What does he mean

When the bergamot arrives, go fast

Could it be that the bergamot came? He let us run


Wen Fang can always calm down under such abnormal circumstances. He greeted him immediately and walked straight to the door.

When I saw it, I hurried to keep up.

After leaving the house, Wen Fang pointed to the mountain and said: "You go up the mountain first, I will notify the village chief! Go!"

Feeling the urgency of the situation, I took Qin Ruyu and ran to the mountain at the entrance of the village without saying a word.

When I reached the mountainside, I looked down.

Wenfang's work efficiency is extremely high, at the foot of the rainy and foggy mountain. Immediately, a lot of fuzzy figures appeared, and they were climbing up the mountain.

Soon, Wen Fang and the old and strong village chief came here first.

"Let them stop, hide in the ravine, don't show up!"

After stopping, Wen Fang sideways instructed the village chief, pointed at the big rock that had been hiding from the rain before, and motioned me to hide underneath.

I don't know whether I was pulling Qin Ruyu or she was pulling me.

In short, we immediately bent over and hid in.

Wen Fang and the village head also lay in one after another. Fortunately, the space under the big rock was large enough that four people were lying side by side without being too crowded.

The village chief nodded to Qin Ruyu first.

Then, looking at Wen Fang with a gloomy expression, he said angrily: "Yin Chong Ren, what are you doing? Why are we going up the mountain in heavy rain?"

Wen Fang stared at the foot of the mountain and snorted coldly: "If you want to die, go down!"


The village chief's face flushed instantly, and the muscles of his face twisted in terror, like a snake crawling under his skin.

I leaned, thinking I was dazzled.

At this moment, Qin Ruyu leaned his head under my chin and said, "Brother Dalin, you have misunderstood! Someone sent us a signal just now, saying that there are a lot of buggers coming, let us go quickly. ."

"Officer Wen is worried about your safety, so I let you take other people up the mountain to escape!"

The village head's complexion eased, and his entire face gradually returned to normal.

I didn't go to see him again. I pressed Qin Ruyu's forehead, pushed her head aside, and asked in a low voice, "Oh, I said, you Big Lin, he... Isn't it..."

Qin Ruyu pursed his lips: "Yes, he is the Gnostic! The people in the village, except me, are all the Gnostic!"

I said to my heart, it's no wonder that the village head's face just now seemed to be cramped.

Suddenly, Wen Fang kicked me fiercely with her foot, then turned her head and shouted, "Shut up, someone has entered the village!"

I hurriedly covered my mouth, driven by curiosity, craned my neck, leaned on her side, and looked at the hazy village entrance below the mountain. I saw a dozen black figures faintly appearing in the white rain curtain... .... (End of this chapter)