Insect Attractor

Chapter 35: Return to the ancestors


Yu Mingjie's words also expressed some of our doubts.

Speaking of buggers, they are also different from buggers. Suppose, the relationship between the hunter and the prey is between the attractor and the zerg. The wormman is completely a butcher.

As long as they find Zergs, no matter whether you have committed a criminal offense before, there will only be two ends: either you will be enslaved by them as a slave. Or, they swallowed the spiritual power in the body and killed it directly.

In addition to these two fate, there is absolutely no third possibility.

Therefore, there is no possibility of cooperation between Zergs and worms.

Wen Fang turned his head, looked at Qin Ruyu, and asked, "Miss Qin, you used to be a liberate from Chongping Mansion. You should know more about them than I do. From your point of view, is there any situation like the situation we encountered? Could it happen?"

Qin Ruyu's complexion, frowning, shook his head and said, "It's impossible. As far as I know, the Chongping Mansion and the bergamot have been fighting against each other before me. It's better to let them cooperate. It's difficult!"

As she said, she looked at Meng Gantang and asked in doubt, "Miss Meng, how are you sure that the snow spider tribe's gnome is from Chongping Mansion? Is there any evidence?"

Meng Gantang nodded and said, "Yes!"

Then, she pulled out a tablet from under the coffee table, clicked on it a few times, opened the album, brought up a photo, put it in front of us, pointed and said: "Look, this is a person under my hand. When he was playing in the underground casino, he didn't pay attention to the shots."

We looked at the screen and immediately discovered that this was a black bank card exactly like Qin Ruyu's previous black card.

This kind of card is issued by Chongping Mansion, called Gingzhi Card, and generally only members of Chongping Mansion will hold it.

Could it be that that person is really from Chongping Mansion

Wen Fang touched his chin with his left hand and said that a Gnosis card alone is not enough to prove his identity. Apart from this, do you have any other evidence

Meng Gantang didn't answer, but flicked the screen again with his hand, and reached the second picture.

The image on this photo is very blurry, as if it was taken in a dark place.

We can barely recognize that there are two people on the top, one is a big bald guy with a greasy face, and the other is an old man in tunic suit who looks kind and kind.

She pointed to the old man in the photo and said, "This person, according to my investigation, should be a high-ranking member of Chongping Mansion. I think this can explain everything."

The high level of Chongping Mansion

Wenfang and I looked at Qin Ruyu subconsciously.

At this moment, her complexion changed drastically. The Buddha saw something incredible. He pointed to the old man in the photo and said in disbelief: "He... He is Elder Zhang, how is this possible?"

"Elder Zhang?" Wen Fang asked quickly: "Who is he?"

Qin Ruyu took a breath and calmed down.

She explained to us: "His name is Zhang Ling, one of the nine elders of Chongping Mansion. He rarely shows up. Even I have only seen him three times in all over the years. How could he come to this place? "

Wen Fang looked at Zhang Ling in the photo thoughtfully, and said: "Things are getting more and more interesting. Miss Meng, when did you take this photo?"

Meng Gantang said to wait a moment.

She picked up the tablet, zoomed out the photo, looked at the date in the footnote, and said, "August 31st."

August 31st

I calculated it silently now that today is the seventeenth day of August in the lunar calendar, and it is almost one month in the lunar calendar, which means it will be October soon. That is to say, this photo was taken a month ago.

And at that time, wasn't it the moment when the black market wanted order was issued... ....

Could it be, what is the connection between the two

Wen Fang pondered for a while, glanced at Qin Ruyu, and said, "Miss Qin, there is something, I want to ask you for help."

Qin Ruyu was taken aback for a moment, what did he ask

Wen Fang said: "I want you to contact your acquaintance in Chongping Mansion. Investigate clearly the reason why you, Elder Zhang, came here."

Qin Ruyu's expression suddenly became a little embarrassed.

At this time, Wen Fang suddenly said to Meng Gantang: "Miss Meng, please leave for a while. I have something to discuss with them."

Meng Gantang stayed in a daze, nodded immediately, got up and walked outside.

When she left, Wen Fang sighed and said, "Miss Qin, you are a smart person. I believe you should have guessed something."

Qin Ruyu bit her lip and looked at her.

Wen Fang said: "Qin Wen's wanted order was issued by the Buddha Lord, the leader of the bergamot, who commissioned an underground casino. The person in charge of the underground casino is also from your Chongping Mansion."

"Plus, you Elder Zhang. During that time, you also appeared here."

"I think it is definitely not a coincidence that the heavyweights of the two major organizations appeared in this small county on the border of western Hunan at the same time."

Qin Ruyu's face turned pale, and blood seemed to be bitten out of her lips, and her voice was shaking and asked, "You, what do you want to say?"

Wen Fang shook his head and said, "You are wrong, I don't want to say anything. I just want to remind you that behind this wanted order, there are more than bergamot. It is very likely that there is also the Chongping Mansion that you trust!"

After she finished speaking, she continued: "To be honest, Qin Wen told me that he was just an absconding criminal. If it is caught, it is naturally good. If it is not caught, I have nothing to lose."

"However, if he is found by others first, the consequences...Miss Qin, you should know."

Qin Ruyu listened to her, as if a discouraged ball, her body spread out, softened on my shoulder, and said, "But, but, Elder Zhang, he, he... Okay, I will do my best. ."

I don’t know what she was trying to say, and I don’t care about this. It’s another question, which makes me impatiently ask: "Well, Wenfang, just heard that Meng Gantang said that the snow spider clan’s genius , Brought an original spirit snow spider, and killed all the people in her village directly. Why is that, the enemy of killing your father can't be committed like this!"

Yu Mingjie also added and asked: "Yes, Wen Team, although the Gnosis and the same primordial spirit are somewhat similar to the relationship between relatives. But the living environment of the two is completely different. Where did the Snow Spider Clan’s Gnostics find a Primal Spirit Snow Spider? I think it’s a bit weird here."

Wen Fang looked dignified, and said in a deep voice, "In fact, I couldn't figure it out at the beginning. But just now, I suddenly remembered a terrible thing that my father had mentioned before-return. Ancestor."

"Return to the ancestors?" Yu Mingjie and I were puzzled at the same time.

Wen Fang solemnly explained: "It is said that a long time ago, there were only primitive spirits in Zergs, and there was no such life as Gnosticism. They appeared because the early inviting insects often invited various primitive spirits to their upper bodies. Use their power to achieve their goals."

"If things go on like this, the number of times the upper body of the insects has been invited has caused their bodies to undergo abnormal changes. In today's terms, the genes in their bodies have undergone mutations, which are very close to all kinds of primordial spirits."

"This genetic mutation has been passed on to the offspring of the worms. In addition to causing them to lose the ability of the upper body of the worms, it has gradually evolved into a group of different forms of gnosis."

"This is the origin of Gnosis!"

"Similarly, it is also the main reason why the worms are gradually declining and disappearing in the long river of history."

Yu Mingjie was stunned: "Wen team, why haven't you talked about this before?"

Wen Fang put the empty teacup in front of me again.

I depressedly picked up the teapot and filled it up for her, just listening to her say, "You didn't ask, why did I tell you this? In short, the Gnosis possesses genes that correspond to the original spirit, as well as human genes."

"If the original spirit is willing to give them... how to say, if it is equivalent to purifying genes, their ability will be greatly enhanced. Even to reach the strength of the original spirit, there is so little possibility."

"This situation is what my father said!" (End of this chapter)