Insect Attractor

Chapter 45: Swarm


Speaking of this, Wen Fang sighed with regret.

Suddenly, she changed the topic: "Haha, digress! In short, Mingjie is a genius, you can know it yourself, don't say it."

"His person has a more sensitive temper. Although he never said it, I know that he has always had a deep grudge about his own genius."

"Some time ago, you didn't always wonder why Mingjie always showed strong hostility toward you? In fact, in the final analysis, this is the reason at work!"

After hearing this, I already understood what she meant.

To think about it, I am afraid that the inferiority complex brought by this identity is not only owned by Yu Mingjie, but most of the Gnostics should have this kind of complex in their hearts.

But now, I'm thinking about it again. Wen Fang's remarks raise another question, how did these unknown zergs originate

They are the same as humans, through step-by-step evolution, they gradually evolve various abilities beyond normalcy? Or is it, like ghosts and gods, developed through the practice of profound and profound

The more I thought about it, the more confused I became, but when my forehead was swollen, the phone rang suddenly.

Wen Fang picked it up and heard that Meng Gantang was calling. She had found the tools Wen Fang requested. Let us stay away from the well, fearing to throw it down on us.

Wenfang and I avoided the mouth of the well, and only heard the whirring sound from the sky, followed by a series of various iron tools, one after another, clanging and falling on the river.

This situation lasted for nearly a minute before it finally came to an end.

At this time, that place has formed the shape of a small mountain bag.

I followed Wen Fang to take a look, and instantly bent down silently, grabbed an embroidered shovel, and opened my mouth wide and said: "Good fellow, this Meng Gantang is real enough. She ransacked the entire stockade. Is this a good attitude, but this thing, with a little bit of damn force, has to be broken, can it come in handy?"

Wen Fang gave me a white look, and said angrily: "Okay, it's not bad if you have it, why do you have so much nonsense?"

We pick and choose, and we barely found a shiny knife and an axe. Judging from the smell of the fish above, it is estimated to be used to slaughter animals, with lard preservative, otherwise, it will be so long. Time has passed, it has long been rotten like other things.

On the next thing, Wen Fang gave me another insight.

She stepped on my shoulder first, and untied the silk from the rope. Then, tied one end to the axe, and the other held it in the palm of the hand. As a lasso, with a throw and a hook, the axe stuck in the limbs of the snow spider.

Finally, I took the knife, walked around to the back, and chopped it down, severing the strange limbs of the snow spider.

I have to say that this approach greatly reduces the risk we bear. The snow spider had no time to react, and we cut off his hands and feet.

Not long afterwards, there was a bare ice coffin left in front of us. The snow spiders inside reminded me of the two words Ren Yu. The red eyes made people clearly feel the hatred coming from it.

I turned to look at Wenfang to see what she was going to do with this snow spider next.

Wen Fang beckoned to draw the axe back, thought for a moment, and hit the ice coffin directly, as if he wanted to open the ice coffin. I didn't speak either, but I felt that my body slowed down and helped her ping-pong with a knife.

The two people worked together to cut a hole in the ice coffin. The snow spider underneath seemed to be struggling to death. A mass of white objects shot out from the ice coffin like electric shots.

Wen Fang yelled, "This is a young spider, get away!" After she finished speaking, she had already taken the lead, pushed me aside, and stepped away from the place.

At this time, I could see clearly that what flew out of the ice coffin was a small white spider. Although it is small, it is the size of a walnut, squeaking and staring at me with strange red eyes.

I was taken aback, and subconsciously slashed with the knife in my hand. The thing banged, exploded into a large amount of white sex, it rained on me, and it was disgusting.

Fortunately, there is no toxin in this kind of sex, so I can barely feel comfortable in my heart.

However, following that, a snow spider larva emerged from the opening.

Then there was the third one, the fourth one... In the blink of an eye, it was impossible to count the number of such larvae. The entire ice coffin was covered with such disgusting insects.

These things, grinning, snoring with pale white teeth, lay on the ice coffin, like the scream of a baby when they cry, and they are about to move at us.

"Run!" At this time, Wen Fang turned around and yelled at me and ran away. The whole person had already rushed out four or five meters away.

As soon as my scalp exploded, how could I dare to stop, turned around and chased after me.

The snow spider larvae on the ice coffin, seeing us move, jumped from the ice coffin one after another like rain, squeezing together one upon another, rushing towards us with agility.

Now, neither of us had time to complain about who was responsible, and just ran forward for the dead. Fear of being a little slower, he was overwhelmed by this tide of insects.

Wen Fang looked back from time to time, and suddenly asked me anxiously if I was wearing a lighter.

I couldn't open my mouth out of breath. I reached out and took out the lighter. Wen Fang took it and asked me to quickly take off my clothes.

I immediately realized what she was thinking. Apart from anything else, I lifted my hand to remove the clothes on the upper body. Wen Fang pressed the lighter while running, trying to light the clothes.

But my lighter is just a bargain for a dollar on the market, so I can’t make it faster if I walk faster. What's more, are two people still running away now

It's just that Wen Fang's mind is really good. After many attempts to no avail, I slowed down a bit, and when I ran to her, I jumped on the spot, with my legs crossed around my waist, and my body swayed, almost facing me face to face.

She put the lighter between the two of them, and when she pressed it, a cluster of flames appeared immediately. With a joy on her face, she quickly ignited her clothes. When the flame was a little bigger, she raised her hand and threw it into the swarm of insects behind her.

Immediately, there was a crackling crackling sound from behind.

I looked back and saw that there was chaos in the swarm, and the larvae near the flames were scurrying around, trying to stay away from there. But it was blocked by other larvae, layered on top of each other, and they attacked each other.

I was trembling all over by the wildness of this creature. But he didn't dare to stop, with Wenfang hanging on his body, a big living person, and the speed was faster.

He ran out for forty or fifty meters before he knelt on the ground exhaustedly, panting for breath, and turned around to see that it was completely dark behind him.

The burning fireball of the clothes turned into an orange-red spark, which was jumping and shaking continuously.

I looked up and looked around. The quiet darkness nearby, and the soft and wet feeling under my knees told me that this place was still in the river bed, which made me more or less relax my nervous mood. (End of this chapter)