Insect Attractor

Chapter 47: Seance plan


I rarely see this expression on Wenfang's face. I only feel that the situation is serious. I hurriedly asked: "Nothing? Is this bug faulty?"

Wen Fang looked serious, stretched his hand over, and said, "Look carefully at this snow spider. What's the difference between this snow spider and other larvae!"

I looked down at it.

I only saw this thing resembling an ordinary snow spider, with a large ovoid-shaped white belly, a carapace made of ice-like exoskeleton, and the front of the head, with two eyeballs covered by white matter, with opposite sides on both sides. Long claws.

There are pairs of icicle-like chelate teeth under the chelators. The middle part is the hideous mouthparts. In the back, there are three pairs of arthropods lined up at the tail of the abdomen. There is nothing special about it.

I shook my head and said I couldn't see it, Wen Fang asked me to take a closer look.

While she was speaking, her eyes moved away from the end of the snow spider's round belly. This time I squinted my eyes, boldly moved forward, and finally found something wrong.

At the end of this snow spider, there was a pale white tail that was the same color as a shrimp, placed on the left side, tightly attached to the bottom of the abdomen.

Not only that, but on this tail, there are three dented rings. At the end, it suddenly became extremely thin, like a hook.

Seeing this, I was shocked: "Well, this thing, why does this thing have a scorpion tail!"

Wen Fang didn't answer, shaking his hand to throw away the snow spider, stepped on a foot and splashed with juice, his expression was extremely gloomy, and he stared at the "worm man" face to face in silence.

After a while, she didn't say hello, slammed the knife, and slashed straight at the head of the insect.

Hearing a weird sound of "cluck", he cut off the two raised arms of the insect man with a single knife, splashed some white juice, slashed his neck, and a chubby thing fell on the ground gruntingly.

After rolling two laps, it stopped at my feet again.

I yelled "Oh", closed my eyes disgustingly, and jumped back: "Damn, why are you hacking people's heads?"

Wen Fang gave me an angry look and said, "Open your eyes and see, is this a human head?"

As soon as I opened my eyes, I saw an'egg' in Wen Fang's hand.

The egg was about the size of a leather ball, oval and translucent.

Under the egg-yellow epidermis, there is a turbid and indistinguishable **, and in the center, there is a cloud of shadows that seems to be still squirming. More like amber, it looks very weird.

But at the bottom of this amber egg, it is not sealed, but there is a ring-shaped gap.

There are three rings in the gap, and the outermost circle is the size of an adult's fist and occupies almost two-thirds of the area at the bottom of the egg. The innermost circle is very small, not as thick as the thumb, and seems to go straight into the amber. It is dripping with the turbid yellow **, emitting a fishy and unpleasant smell.

Looking at the worm man who was beheaded by Wenfang, he was still stuck in place in a daze. As if from the beginning, my worries were unnecessary. This thing has no life.

It's just that the wormman's neck was chopped off with a knife, and there seemed to be human structures like throat and trachea inside.

At this time, a small blowout is showing outwards, babbling like an egg and egg white. The foul smell in the air suddenly became more disgusting.

Even though Wen Fang seemed to be observing something, he couldn't help retching his pale face twice. He made it bad, threw the head over with his hand, and shouted at me: "Catch it, don't let it fall!"

As soon as I heard this, I hurriedly stopped the dodge action, enduring the stomach acid of tumbling over the river, opened my hand, and bit the scalp and hugged the source of the foul smell.

Wen Fang then waved her hand and motioned to me to go forward with her, and started to move first.

The two of them walked another 20 to 30 meters on the dark river, and a white light flashed by, and a'worm man' appeared right in front of them.

I closed my mouth from ear to ear in surprise, and shouted, "How come there are? Grandma, what the hell is there here, where are so many larvae?"

Wen Fang walked over and couldn't help but say, and pulled out a snow spider from the worm person. After looking at it slightly, he said solemnly, "Sure enough!"

By now, I have 100% certainty in my heart that Wen Fang definitely discovered something.

However, she did not say anything, anxiously I scratched my head.

At this time, I finally couldn't help complaining to her: "Wenfang, just say what you think of it! Don't forget, there is still a living person like me who is standing by your side! You are so old to my appetite, no Intentionally making me uncomfortable~!"

Wen Fang turned his head, glanced at the egg I was holding in my left hand, and said, "That's the Gnostic Egg!"

I wondered: "Gnosis egg? Gnosis will lay eggs?"

Wen Fang sneered and said, "Hmph, I hope that the Gnosis will lay eggs! These things are much more dangerous than that! Have you heard that borrowing chickens to lay eggs and transferring flowers to trees?"

I nodded and shook it twice.

Wen Fang talked about it... She still heard about this from her father, my father-in-law who had never met.

Wen Fang said that in a certain period of history many years ago, a ruler in the south learned of the existence of Zerg, and he was deeply afraid of this kind of creature that transcended nature. A paper edict has been issued to search for capable people in the world and destroy all the insects in the whole country.

This move has led to countless people rushing to respond to the call.

Among them, there are naturally many insect attractors and insect dredgers. With these people as the main force, a huge army of thousands of people was formed, and a vigorous battle of pest control was launched.

However, the powerful primordial spirits in the Zerg are often hidden in deep mountains and valleys, between poor forests and bad waters, hidden in hard-to-find, barren land. Many buggers turned their spearheads and aimed at the easy-to-find Gnostics under the desire for profit.

Because of the age, Wen Fang also heard the words from his father, and the details are naturally superficial.

When I mentioned this, I just mentioned it in one stroke. It is said that in just a few days, thousands of Gnostics died under the butcher knife of the exterminator army.

The remaining Gnostics are scattered and fled. But a part of them lurked in secret, began to wait for opportunities to contact, and brewed a crazy revenge plan-surrender.

The gods spoken by those Gnostics are naturally powerful primordial spirits.

To put it plainly, their so-called plan of descent from God is actually paranoid in the belief that the original spirit and the Gnostics of the same kind have the same root and the same origin, and they can find the original spirit and merge with themselves just like asking a bug man.

In this way, they not only have the powerful power of the original spirit, but also have various human skills, and they are not afraid of encirclement and suppression by the exterminator army. Even, I began to yearn for it to be replaced and build an empire dominated by gnosis.

As the saying goes, the sky is not as good as the people.

The gnome book is to invite bug people, because too many bugs are called, which leads to abnormal changes in the body, and an alternative life is produced. It's because there are many capable people in them, and they have exhausted their efforts, and they ended up in failure in the end.

However, their plan is not completely fruitless.

During this period, they accidentally created a terrible monster...

I was fascinated by it. Wen Fang said this, which made me shiver, and asked: "What monster?"

Wen Fang lowered his head and looked at my hand, and pointed to Gnostic Egg under his chin, and said, "That's it!"

I trembled all over, and threw the Gnostic Egg in my hand directly with the sound of'Ah'.

"what are you doing!"

Wen Fang's face changed drastically. After a loud shout, he fluttered sideways, catching the thing again quickly, but he fell heavily to the ground.

She looked at the thing with an earthy face, and was relieved, then stood up from the ground and stared at me angrily: "You want to die, don't bother me!"

"Fortunately, this egg is not broken, and the contents inside cannot come out. If it breaks, as soon as the monster comes out, both of us will have to die here today!" (End of this chapter)