Insect Attractor

Chapter 60: conversation


"Okay, I slept very well!"

This sentence almost popped out of my teeth.

As of today, I can see it clearly. Don't look at this Wenfang hanging her face all day long, reluctant to speak, and acting vigorously and resolutely seems to be an iceberg beauty. In fact, she is a utterly black man... Fairy, yes, only these two words can perfectly interpret her outrageous nature.

The tense atmosphere between Wenfang and I seemed to have been noticed by Qin Ruyu.

At this moment, she woke up lightly, looked up at me, and then at Leng Coffin. From the sadness of her heart, the red and swollen eye circles, his grandmother's eyes were obviously red again.

The rolling tears of the eyelids may fall at any time.

I shook my heart and cried out: Oops! Lao Tzu is not a person who beats iron. After her tossing like this, let alone other things, just two legs that have been pestering all night, can't help it!

"Miss Qin, stop! You must bear with me, don't cry, the police officer has something to tell you!" I made a sudden change, and did not hesitate to give Qin Ruyu made of water to Wenfang in a half embrace and half.

Immediately, without a second word, he threw his legs into the living room, lay down on the sofa, and fell asleep in a daze.

By the time I woke up dizzy, it was already more than one o'clock in the afternoon.

Everyone was there except Qin Ruyu.

And there are more people, it is Meiling who runs errands for Uncle Huang.

As soon as the crowds opened, I immediately understood that Uncle Huang was ready to go, just waiting for us to pass.

Just about to leave, Wen Fang said, "Wait, there is still someone who hasn't woken up!"

"Who?" I just woke up, thinking a little confused, blurted out and asked.

"You hugged that person all night!" Wen Fang said.

"Qin Ruyu?"

I was startled and asked weirdly: "Why, she wants to go with me too?"

Yu Mingjie gave a dry cough and said to me, "Hehe, is it weird? Also, Miss Meng and I will go this time!"

I looked at Wen Fang, she snorted, and gave me a face that was not going to explain. I looked at Meiling again, and she pointed me out of the door, motioning me to go out.

I followed her out of the living room and heard her say: "Mr. Yan, this matter was actually decided by the boss. You know the situation of the ancient Yunguo ruins we are going to look for this time!"

"A country formed entirely by Gnosticism, what will happen during it, none of us can tell! You three friends, two are Gnostics, and one is an extremely rare inviter. The boss believes that there is They follow us and can help more or less! Please understand!"

I nodded in relief.

Qin Ruyu didn't wake up, and I felt resentful towards Wenfang again. At this moment, I am interested in lesbian relations with this Meiling. He joked: "Miss Meiling, the temperament of Uncle Huang has almost been written on his face! Don't be angry, to put it plainly, he is an old bandit! The share against Gu Yunguo is bound to win. I’m enthusiastic, I’m afraid I can’t think of it. You tell me the truth, did you give him the idea of letting Yu Mingjie and the three go together?"

Meiling looked at me in surprise for a long time, then nodded and smiled: "Mr. Yan, you are amazing! Yes, it is indeed my suggestion to the boss."

I smiled and asked, "Then what you said just now is that you lied to me?"

Meiling frankly said: "It can't be said to be a lie, I do have this level of consideration! But frankly speaking, my main concern is that you, three friends, will leak out our actions. You know, too, It’s not just us who are eyeing Gu Yunguo! Chongping Mansion, as well as the bugger who claims to be the Lord of Buddha, are also thinking about this place."

Meiling will stop here, so I won't continue.

I also heard what she said, and nodded wisely. I immediately took the topic over and asked, this time in the Great Rift Valley, did Uncle Huang call anyone else besides us

Meiling shook her head and said, "That's not true! On our side, it's me and the boss. Together, there are only seven of us."

After understanding the general situation, I didn't ask any more, I just found a topic and talked with Meiling.

About an hour later, Qin Ruyu woke up.

The person was very haggard, and the beauty of her beautiful face was severely damaged by the red and swollen eye bags. She followed Wenfang's buttocks silently, and stopped when she came to me.

He didn't speak, and stood stupidly like a walking dead.

I asked with concern: "Miss Qin, are you okay?"

Qin Ruyu lowered her head and hmmed softly: "I'm fine! Mr. Yan, thank you, last night..."

Seeing her listless, I stopped talking and didn't want to talk, so I didn't say much, just turned around and paid attention to her frequently, for fear that she might do something wrong if she didn't pay attention.

A group of six people got into Wenfang and Meiling's cars.

As soon as the car moved, it quickly arrived at Uncle Huang's side.

This old bandit is indeed a big waist. In less than a day's work, all kinds of expedition equipment are made in appearance, and even a set of diving suits is specially made for everyone.

In addition to these tools for wading through the mountains, what makes me most satisfied is that Uncle Huang also brought in a lot of weapons. Although there are no firearms inside, they are all cold weapons, but it still surprises me.

"Haha, little niece, Yan Xiaozi, come and take a look! These things are still useful?" Uncle Huang wailed his hands and couldn't wait to show off.

I rummaged through this pile of things, and felt that the longer ones would have to be tempered for many years to make them flexible.

So, in the end I chose two sabers.

I don't know much about these things. I just look at the thin blade of paper, and I can hear the hissing sound when I squeeze it a little bit, and I know it's definitely not a market stall.

Wen Fang and the others were not polite, each of them found the weapon they needed contentedly.

Uncle Huang yelled and asked everyone to carry other tools into the car. Seven people and three cars drove on the national highway in a long snake, passing the national highway, and on the highway to the Great Rift Valley.

Under Huang Uncle's years of exploitation and squeeze, Meiling can handle all kinds of things with ease.

This time, our route planning was determined by her.

Our first stop was to Wulingshan Township, a small village called Duobamu, which is adjacent to the Great Rift Valley.

Meiling said that most of the young and middle-aged people in that village are mountain-pickers who can consign our equipment up the mountain.

There is another reason, the Great Rift Valley is a well-known tourist attraction. With so many things on my back, it is naturally impossible for us to buy tickets openly and enter the mountain through the main entrance.

Through her own channels, Meiling inquired about these footmen who went up and down the mountain all the year round, and knew a secret mountain trail that could lead directly to the Qingtian Gorge in the middle of the Great Rift Valley.

Out of these two considerations, we arrived at this small village of Dobham at about three noon the next day.

It is very close to the Great Rift Valley. It is located on the gentle ridge of the Wuling Mountain's remaining veins, and between the land-like dragon-like mountains on the periphery of the Great Rift Valley, there is only a road about 100 meters wide and forty to fifty meters deep. Mountain col.

After getting off the bus, Meiling called Wenfang Fang and Meng Gantang, and the three of them entered the village to make contact, and we stayed outside the village.

Considering what she did, I can guess a bit.

First of all, the three of them are real beauties.

No matter who you meet, you will feel a good impression at first sight.

Second, Wen Fang can be regarded as the leader of our team. Uncle Huang may be careless and careless about this. Anyway, he is his own little niece, not an outsider.

However, Meiling had to think about it. After all, the human heart is separated from the belly, and Wen Fang's thoughts can't be seen through her. It's better to bring them together to prevent gaps between the two parties.

Third, as for why Meiling brought Meng Gantang with her, it is hard for me to understand.

Of course, this is just an extrapolation of my own opinion. She didn't say what Meiling's actual thoughts were. No one could know before.

I watched the three of them enter the village, turned my head and looked at the bottom of the road with interest, the steep and secluded, forested and lush mountain cols came, secretly wondering whether the so-called trails of the porters would go through this. (End of this chapter)