Insect Attractor

Chapter 62: Being overcast again!


After more than an hour of tossing, the sun has already slanted to the west, and we finally climbed over the vine bridge and came to the secluded fault valley in the forest deep mountain.

Taking advantage of this time, Uncle Huang discovered the footprints left by the gang of Elder Zhang.

We simply walked along these footprints, looking at the terrain ahead as we walked. Not long after, I came to the foothills of the mountains surrounding the Rift Valley.

At this location, a crack appeared in the mountain halfway up to the bottom of the mountain. Looking up, the top is thin and the bottom is thick, like a herringbone'door' opened on the mountain, and the footprints lead straight into the door.

I was amazed by what I saw. The'door' in front of me looked very much like the one-line sky and stone scene often found in the strange peaks of famous mountains. However, the magnificent view of the sky is a broken mountain, with two walls facing each other, and the blue sky seen in the gap is like a line.

But right now, the crack at the top of this door could not be opened up to the mountainside. I have never heard of this kind of stone scenery. I say it was formed by natural destiny. I even believe that it was excavated by man to provide a way through the mountains.

Uncle Huang asked Meiling to give him the flashlight, turned on the switch, and walked in first. We followed, seven people filed in and walked in the door.

In the first door, the light was obviously dimmed by seven or eight minutes, like a tunnel opened in the mountain, and there was a damp wind blowing from the front, and the sound of rushing water could be heard vaguely.

Uncle Huang stopped, ignited the light and took a photo, wrapped in the stone walls on both sides, and no exit was visible.

However, he closed his eyes in place, as if listening to the wind, opened his mouth and judged that the cave was about two hundred meters long.

At the front exit, there should be a water vein like a river or waterfall. Let us prepare in advance and wrap things that cannot see water on our bodies to avoid being flooded.

We believe in Uncle Huang's words. He has been obsessed with collecting primordial larvae for most of his life, and he has visited a lot of deep mountains and wild forests. In such matters, he has an absolute say.

After we were ready to go, we continued deep into this tunnel.

The rustling water is getting louder and louder, and the oncoming wind has almost turned into rain. After walking less than 100 meters, everyone's hair and clothes became damp, and when they were twisted, water could even drip out.

Going further, the water vapor in the air is even more so that the beam of the flashlight can clearly capture the crystal clear water droplets in the wind.

According to this trend analysis, there should be a curtain of waterfall hanging outside the entrance of the cave, which makes me secretly worried. How should I cross that waterfall later

I was thinking about it, the surrounding light suddenly brightened a lot, and the sound of water returning to my ears was also suddenly violent, roaring like the roar of a diesel engine.

"Stop!" As soon as Uncle Huang raised his hand, we stopped and walked straight forward.

I moved my gaze over, and a white-lit upside down hole, like a roaring silver water dragon, the water vapor splashed by the powerful impact, like a speeding stone hitting my body, making me hurriedly guarding the hands. In front of the face.

At this time, Wen Fang's black-bellied character was exposed again. He stretched out his hand and pulled me in front of her, and asked me to make a personal shield to block the drops of water from her.

Before facing the life-and-death crisis, the few remaining people sold me without hesitation, one by one, with their heads down, they quickly hid behind Wen Fang.

My teeth are itching with anger.

But at this time, Uncle Huang had already reached the entrance of the cave. He leaned forward slightly, the top of his head was close to the waterfall, looking left and right, as if observing the situation outside the waterfall. Suddenly, it attracted all my attention, for fear that he would accidentally slip the soles of his feet and fall to the outside with his head down.

After a while, Uncle Huang shrank his neck and turned around sadly. He was slightly surprised at first, probably because he didn't see anyone else at first glance.

Then he shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Boy Yan, we are in trouble this time! This hole is halfway through the mountain, and there is no road on both sides. I visually observed that there is still 30 to 40 meters down from the entrance of the hole, and there is a hole underneath. It's a big water pool, it's not easy to get down!"

I was taken aback and interrupted: "No way?"

"But, how did those people go on?"

"Is it possible that they jumped directly? It's impossible. I jumped down 30 meters from the sky. The surface of the water is almost the same as a rock. It can directly throw people into meatloaf!"

Uncle Huang scolded Shengniang and said, "What is your urgency? Damn it, I haven't finished it! It's not that there is no road. There are stone steps down the entrance of the cave, which are directly excavated on the mountain."

"I observed it and it was about 30 centimeters. But it was very shallow, barely able to settle down. The group of people in front of them should have climbed down the stone steps."

I listened to him swearing and swearing, and I felt a little light in my heart, as long as there is a way!

However, when he later described the stone steps, he suddenly murmured again, thirty centimeters? Can barely fill both feet, or are they lined up in a row

Just listening to these words made me lose my confidence.

What's more, there is a waterfall constantly impacting.

Once it goes down, it will definitely be under strong water pressure. Although we are equipped with special tools for climbing the peak, the difficulty is no less than that of climbing Mount Everest by bare hands.

I didn't dare to make a decision on such a terrible thing, and wisely threw this hot potato to Wenfang.

Wen Fang didn't even think about it, and resolutely said: "I opened the bow without turning back the arrow. I have all arrived here. There is absolutely no reason to give up halfway."

After that, she went to the entrance of the hole and looked out, then turned her head and said, "You take out all the ropes and tie them in two strands. We can send one person down first. In this way, even if someone has an accident in the middle, The people below can also respond."

A few people saw that Wen Fang had made up his mind, so they didn't say much. He took off the climbing ropes he was carrying, tied them together, made a rope ladder, and decided to let Uncle Huang go down first.

Uncle Huang is like an old monkey, with flexible hands and feet, holding the rope ladder, stepping down a little bit, stepping on the shallow steps on the mountain, and the body can fall four or five meters.

Basically, he completely ignored the powerful impact of the waterfall.

In a short while, the old bandit descended into the quiet lake.

I was lying at the entrance of the cave, my eyes straightened. This skill is truly amazing!

Next, Wen Fang let the four Qin Ruyu and the others, holding the rope ladder tremblingly, carrying the strong pressure of the waterfall, and descending smoothly.

At this moment, there is something weird in my heart that can't be said, what seems to be wrong

Wen Fang patted me on the shoulder, handed me the rope in his hand, and said, "Stay steady, don't be distracted!"

I subconsciously nodded "Yeah", fearing that my hands would slip, so I simply tied the two thread ends of the rope ladder to my waist.

Seeing her holding the rope with both hands, she gave me a tricky smile, her body turned backward, and she disappeared into the white waterfall...

My mind was like a cloud and fog, and I suddenly understood the source of that weird feeling.

My hands and feet were instantly cold: they were broken, and they were overshadowed by this damn girl!

Why is she asking Uncle Huang to go down to meet other people first? Obviously from the beginning, I didn't feel at ease, so I made a bottom human pillar.

What kind of rope ladder, it's all fucking tricks. The last one to go is also to stabilize me.

When I thought of it, I could only hold those stone steps helplessly.

I couldn't help but crawl to the entrance of the cave and yelled: "Fuck, Wenfang, do you have a fucking conscience? Everyone says it's the most poisonous woman's heart. This is really true! You touch your chest and say it all counts. How many times does Laozi, I, I... I'll go to your mother!"

Wen Fang descended to Tan Zhong, and raised his head proudly and mocked: "Haha, who calls you the dumbest! Don't talk nonsense, throw things down first!"

I scolded her a few words in a puzzled way.

But that's the end of the matter, and I can only throw away the equipment on everyone's body one by one.

Finally, he took a deep breath, drew out two sabers, and held them in his hands.

His trembling hands clasped the slippery ground, and slowly stepped his feet on the stone steps. Both ears were buzzed by the impact of powerful water waves.

I don’t know what the other people below are. I only have one thought in my heart. Don’t get stuck... (End of this chapter)