Insect Attractor

Chapter 63: Fengyintan


Steep cliffs like swords, waterfalls swooping down by angry dragons, stone steps worthy of footing, just like anything, they are enough to be daunting.

Right now, my gecko is climbing the wall and falling down the cave. Climbing in the air, I only feel slippery and awkward, my ears are thunderous, and my body is awkward, as if I'm in a porch of life and death. A slight mistake is to step into the gate of life and death, and pass the Yangguan Road for the two lives. He hurriedly sank his wrists and reluctantly fixed his body with his only two sabers.

But under the perennial impact of the waterfall, the interior of these stone platforms was abnormally smooth, and it was a saber sharp like a needle, and it could not last for long, and it would pour out at any time.

In desperation, I didn't dare to wait any longer, so I had to search out of thin air to find the next stone platform. The toes slid into it and pressed up and down. After consciously checking the balance of the body, he handed down the other leg tremblingly.

A successful decline gave me a slight increase in confidence.

After calming down, after climbing the rock, he acted again and won the big victory again.

The courage of my heart is getting higher, and secretly said: No wonder, nowadays rich people like to participate in those outdoor extreme challenge sports. This kind of stimulus between life and death is extremely difficult to experience without risking yourself.

If you are proficient in your hands and feet, you will feel a great sense of satisfaction. Thinking about it now, they call themselves "natural conquerors", and they are not purely empty words.

Distracted thoughts were all over my mind, but I was not idle in my hands. The body is not ill or slow, and steadily descends.

As the position of the body gets lower and lower, the weight of the silver water dragon smashed from the top of the head also increases. Fortunately, the human body's adaptability is strong, and it won't be smashed.

But the roaring water mist made my eyes sore and dizzy, and I had to close my eyes temporarily to avoid being splashed by the powerful rolling drops of water.

However, in this environment, the help that the eyes can mention is very small, relying solely on the touch of the legs and feet to climb, it will not cause me so badly.

There is only one bad thing, that is, he can't turn around to observe his current position.

I was in this half-blind state, and continued to climb down the stone steps.

About twenty minutes later, I faintly felt the endless sound of water in my ears, and it seemed that some changes had taken place. How to describe it

It's like... the rumbling rumbling of the diesel engine all the time, it suddenly turned into the rumbling rumbling of the electric motor.

Although the sound is much smaller, the speed has suddenly increased dozens of times.

This reminds me of the kind of black Internet cafes I used to go to when I was in high school. When hundreds of cheap chassis work together, the all-pervasive scale noise is formed.

The pressure of the water falling from the top of the head, like a rolling stone, was suddenly relieved a lot.

However, I could feel that the moisture around me was abnormally mad. It seems that from one aspect, it has become splattered in all directions.

At the same time, a powerful attraction came strangely under him.

An ominous premonition faintly rose in my heart. I was about to fight the consequences of being hurt by the drops of water. When I raised my eyes to observe the surrounding situation, I suddenly heard several anxious voices from above. Come here.

What is helpless is that the sound of the water is too loud, most of which I cannot hear clearly. However, there was a louder sound, the sound of penetrating rumbling water waves, which I heard...

"Hi, awful! Why is there such a wonder of Fengyintan here? What is his mother's surprise, Yan Xiaozi is about to be sucked, save people!"

My brain was a little slow to think: This seems to be... Huang Shu's voice of the old bandit... When did the old bandit run over me

Fengyintan, what is this again

I opened my eyes in a daze, and looked up to see what was going on. Why did some of them suddenly ran on top of my head

At this look, my scalp burst immediately.

I saw, I don't know when, a dark green water curtain of seven or eight meters high rose on the left and right sides of me, and the water and grass within it floated away, like two green walls.

The angry dragon-like waterfall fell in the air, but when it touched the water curtain, it suddenly separated, and each poured into one side of the water curtain, and could not pour down.

I am in the middle of these two walls, behind me is a headless ridge of three or four meters wide. The white waves undulate from time to time, really turning into a silver water dragon.

I stood at the end of the water dragon, in front of me was a stone wall full of algae. There are also flat stone steps that support my body.

However, when I looked down, the water dragon was sleeping under my feet, sinking rapidly.

But the stone steps on the mountain wall have come to an end, and further down, there is a black outline like a deep sea, like a big mouth leading to hell.

In an instant, I reacted and yelled: No, damn it, why has this pool of water suddenly changed like this? I'm really a poor boy to go to the market. Everyone dislikes it!

Wenfang's black-bellied woman could go down to Tan Zhong unharmed, so how come I was so disgusted when it came to me? Look at this posture, this gutan, his grandmother clearly wants to swallow my whole person!

I was so frightened that I had no time to wonder, what kind of weird suspense was in this pond

Just take a sigh of relief, use both hands and feet, and use the strength of feeding, pierce the stone steps above the head with a saber, and climb up desperately, trying to get out of this dangerous place before the two'water walls' are not smashed down. .

"Yan Zhi, rope, grab it, grab it!"

At this moment, a scream came from the top of the head.

I quickly looked up and saw Wen Fang leaning out of the water wall on the left, holding a rope in his hand, and pushing hard to my side.

After a little distraction, I guessed that they probably formed a human ladder, with their hands holding their feet, so that Wen Fang could stay on the water wall.

Suddenly, I couldn't help but feel moved. This black-bellied lady can still be trusted at the critical moment!

I stopped temporarily, turned my head to look at the rope dangling by Wenfang, I looked at the opportunity, the world jumped, my hands suddenly grabbed, and the whole person hung in the air.

Wen Fang and others above immediately pulled me up.

I watched the water walls on both sides get lower and lower, and felt a little relieved: Hey, this little fate is saved!

Unexpectedly, when the water wall was less than two meters high, the rope suddenly shook.

I staggered in the air, before I could look up to see what was going on, my body lost the center of gravity first, as if the person above loosened the rope, I flipped backwards and fell straight down.

The heart is cold, and when it's over, it is a blessing or a curse, but a curse that cannot be avoided. Is it right for me to die here today? The last hope is gone... ... ..

The moment before I entered the water, I vaguely saw a figure falling from the top of my head, and my ears buzzed. The whole back seemed to hit an iron plate. The soul flew for nine days, the soul was separated from the five aggregates, and the eyes were getting darker and darker, and gradually lost consciousness...

I don't know how long I have passed, I opened my eyes dimly and found myself lying on the ground, gray and dim all around, and there seemed to be a sensation of water next to me.

What is this place

I raised my hand, my back hurts terribly, but I could barely sit up with gritted teeth.

Turning his head and looking around, there is a river bank under the buttocks, and the one on the right hand side is invisible. I don't know if it is the flowing veins of the river or the stream, it is surging forward one after another.

I took a deep breath, and the cold air passed through my bloody throat into the scorching lungs, bringing a hint of coolness and letting my dizzy brain slowly recover its function.

I slowly remembered that when I was climbing down from the cave, the pond underneath suddenly had a vision. Uncle Huang seemed to say... what Fengyintan is

I don't know what this Fengyintan means.

But at this moment, after thinking about it for a moment, I think that it is probably nothing more than the strange change of water flow similar to the dragon taking water, which has caused a vacuum zone in the ancient lake.

At that time, I fell into the bottom of the pool unluckily from that place.

Could it be that the place where I am now is under that pool of water

But it's not right! With such a large water vein next to it, the space here must be extremely wide, and it may even be larger than that ancient lake. How could it be at the bottom of the lake

Could it be that I'm already dead, this is coming to the Yin Cao Netherworld

I stretched out my hand nervously, touched my waist, and twisted it hard.

At the moment, my heart felt cold, and my body limply collapsed into a ball, desperately lamenting: Grandma’s, no, no feeling! Me, I'm really dead...

"Fat! It was my hand that you pinched!" (End of this chapter)