Insect Attractor

Chapter 76: Assembly and


In the midair of the cold wind, I suddenly rose and fell with the parachute, like a sinner sinking into the boundless sea of bitterness in Buddhist legends.

However, the sea of suffering is boundless, but there are still compassionate gods and Buddhas that can be saved. The abyss is endless, but who will reach out to rescue

Amidst the surging water and wind, the tireless noise in my ears is the only consolation in my heart, at least there is strong wind and strong water here.

This is in feng shui, what the hell must be considered a good place, right? Even if I am floating out of thin air and desperate here, it is the heaven that treats me not badly!

I lay on the sophisticated strap of the parachute and measured the wind with the back of my hand.

Gradually confirmed my guess. At this position, it seemed that a strange area of about 30 meters appeared. Whenever the parachute descends to a critical point, there will be wind blowing it upwards.

I am like a rootless ping, being carried by the parachute repeatedly, looking at the abyss below from time to time. The endless darkness makes me unable to make up my mind to abandon everything and jump down.

However, there was another voice in my heart telling me that if I continue to rely on parachutes to survive and breathe, I will die of hunger and thirst sooner or later without food or water. It must be more uncomfortable than falling to death!

Just after two thoughts on my left and right, after interacting thousands of times, I finally got down my mind, gritted my teeth, and decided to untie the strap of the parachute.

Falling to death is only a sudden thing, and starving to death will be a long and painful process.

But sometimes, the turning plane comes so suddenly... I just touched the lock of the umbrella strap with my hand. In the darkness above, suddenly a few white beams of light appeared, front, back, left and back. Shaking back and forth.

The familiar lights made me realize something in an instant. With excitement and tears, I put my hands on my mouth and shouted loudly: "Wenfang... Wenfang, I'm here, I it's here!"

After a mess of light beams, they moved over and hit me.

The dazzling white light made me unable to open my eyes, but I heard Wen Fang's familiar voice: "Yan Zhi, it's you! You're not dead? Where did the parachute come from?"

When I was excited, I screamed, "Wenfang, do you have a conscience? Seeing that I am not dead, I don’t know how to comfort me first! This thing, when I fell, I met... .. . ."

I wanted to name Sun Yong directly.

But then I thought that Meng Gantang should be with her too. So, I immediately dismissed the idea and replied: "When I fell, I happened to hit a guy with a bergamot organization. I drove a glider with that guy, and I jumped in and had a fight. As a result, the glider broke up. I took the opportunity to grab his parachute."

As soon as the voice fell, I heard Huang Shu's loud voice yelling: "Yan boy, that's not bad! You can touch this thing? The murdered Laozi worried for you for a while, thinking that your boy is dead! "

I said loudly and speechlessly: "I said Uncle Huang, can't you miss me when you are old? Just say dead, it's unlucky!"

Uncle Huang laughed.

After that, I heard again, Wen Fang asked curiously: "Yan Zhi, you have been down for more than three hours, why haven't you reached the bottom of the pit?"

I "hey", and said depressed: "Don't mention it, I am in this position, there is a damn ghost! The parachute floats down for a while, then goes up again, his grandma's is like a lift, but it's gone. Bottom! You guys think of a trick so that I can quickly return to the warm embrace of the organization!"

Wen Fang sipped angrily, and said to me: "You have a lot of strange things! However, you are too far away from us. I'm afraid I can't throw the rope over, so I can't get you over!"

When I heard this, I became anxious, and yelled without a word: "No! Wenfang, we are also a husband and wife for a night! How long have we slept under the same roof? This affection. It’s more prosperous than your parents! You can’t let go and let go!"

As soon as he finished speaking, an extremely angry voice came from Wen Fang: "Yan Zhi! You dare to say another word, believe it or not, I immediately turn around and leave!"

I secretly slandered, hey, this girl just can't stand the excitement, you are climbing on the mountain wall, but tell me how to turn around and leave

But I didn't dare to say it, for fear that she was really angry and left me in this horrible place.

So, hurriedly laughed with her and apologized to her again and again.

Wen Fang finally died down, let me tell her the specific situation.

Except for the primitive insect technique and Sun Yong's part, I told them about the situation in a roar way. The few people over there stopped temporarily, as if they were discussing.

I waited anxiously in my heart. After a while, Wen Fang shouted again: "Yan Zhi, judging from the situation you said, there should be an intermittent right below you." Special environments like'eyes'."

"It may be a deep pool, or it may be an underground lake. All in all, the air hole should be able to jet hot air upwards, causing the air currents to interact at your current location, forming an air exchange zone."

"Plus, your parachute covers too much area and bears air waves that exceed your body weight. That's why you will rise from time to time and drop from time to time!"

I listened to her saying that she was blunt, but basically when I heard the air eyes, my brain was already muddy, and then I didn't understand a word at all.

However, I knew well that she must have a solution to my current dilemma.

So, he yelled anxiously: "Oh, my police officer of the University of Wenzhou! When is this, you don't want to spread scientific knowledge to me. Let's just say, what should I do now!"

Wen Fang hummed heavily and said, "It's very simple! To get rid of this predicament, you just jump out of the parachute! Generally speaking, this kind of airflow interaction phenomenon in confined terrain should be very close to the ground. You The area of the body is smaller than that of the umbrella cover, so it should be able to rush out of the air exchange zone and reach the pit."

Jump down

I frowned. How did her approach the same as the news I heard from the wind before

However, I didn't think too much. Before Wenfang and the others appeared, I was ready for the gap. At this moment, her words undoubtedly gave me a lot of courage.

I stopped hesitating now, took a deep breath, put my hand on the buckle of the strap, and shouted to Wenfang: "Wenfang, if this kills me. Remember to burn me two pillars after I go back. Xiang, set up a tablet, let's live together!"

After I finished speaking, I no longer hesitate at the moment. When I snapped the lock, the strap on my body rattled for a while, and my whole body fell down quickly.

The sound of the wind in both ears poured back, and I vaguely heard Wen Fang yelling something at me... But I couldn't hear it anymore, and a heart stopped beating. I only felt that the pitch black stained with ink was gradually fading away. A faint gleam of green light drifted from nowhere, slowly illuminating the surroundings.

However, without waiting for me to take a closer look, the sound of a'bang' on the back seemed to hit an iron plate, and the ears buzzed, and the body fell into a piece of dark green deep water.

After falling into the water, my first reaction was to quickly close my nose and mouth to prevent the water from rushing into the respiratory system, causing my body to suffocate and coma. After finishing all this, with a white splash, it sank more than ten meters before stopping.

Immediately, I opened my eyes, and when I was about to sneak up, a hot undercurrent rushed out from under the water and rushed directly on my back. The immense power directly forced me out of the water and threw me two or three meters in the air.

Then, I fell to the ground again in embarrassment, and there was no place in my body that didn't hurt.

Looking at his body again, there were many scars, large and small, most of which were burns, which must have been scorched by the weird heat flow from Tan Zhong just now.

I cursed depressedly, wondering why this blood-sucking jellyfish didn't heal these injuries on my body

I grinned and took a few breaths, got up from the ground, and looked up at the place where I was currently. Surrounded by knives and axes, the cliffs stood like buckets, and the black circular "sky" was high above, with a little green fluorescence, flying around, it was actually a stream of fireflies.

Next to it is a deep pool with a mouth of about ten meters in diameter. The dark green water surface is blistering, sometimes bursting, splashing white heat waves and flying upwards. The end of the pool was connected to a wide gap in the stone wall on the right. It poured into it along with the dark river that fell in the sky, and rolled inward.

At this moment, through the faint light from these fireflies, I saw that under the cliff near to the left, there were many glider wrecks, which should have been left by the group of Buddha Lord.

I hurried over to check, and found Sun Yong's glider in it. The fuselage is relatively well-preserved, but there is no his body inside. Instead, there is a mobile phone in the driver's seat... (End of this chapter)