Insect Attractor

Chapter 8: Jungle ghosts


Wen Fang stared at me silently.

For a long time, he shook his head: "No! I'm talking about Gnostics, the prophet's "knowledge"!"

"However, if you want to eat, I can go out and wait for you first!"

After that, she turned and walked out of the cave.

"Wait for me!"

I don't want to stay with the corpse of an old woman who doesn't know whether it is a man or a ghost.

I hurried to catch up with her, and asked with lingering fear: "Wenfang, what about the corpse of the old... thing? Do you leave it alone? Do you just throw it into the cave?"

"Why, do you still want to do things for her with great fanfare?" Wen Fang walked forward on her own, without turning her head sarcastically.

I listened to her with anger, and wisely chose to bypass this topic, and asked her, what is the Gnosis that I just mentioned

At this time, the two had already walked out of the cave.

Outside the cave, there are hills overgrown with weeds.

The moon in the sky is so big that it will illuminate the whole hills as bright as day.

Wen Fang's book and the suitcase containing the compass and nine wooden birds were placed on a smooth stone not far from the entrance of the cave.

She walked over without saying a word, picked up the book, sat directly on the suitcase, opened the book in the moonlight, and read it attentively. It seemed that she had no intention to explain it to me, nor did she intend to go down the mountain.

I was in shock, and followed her step by step.

When she walked to the stone and habitually wanted to sit next to her, Wen Fang coldly raised her head and looked at me.

I was so scared that I hurriedly braked and stopped.

Squatting in the air, keeping his body in an extremely awkward posture, he asked tremblingly: "That... can I sit here?"

Wen Fang pursed his lips, and said noncommittal: "As you please! This stone is not mine. You like to sit down and ask me what I am doing!"

I secretly said, if you hadn't looked at me with murderous eyes just now, I would have sat down! Dare not to ask you

Sit down like on pins and needles.

I looked at her cautiously again, looking forward to her reply.

But Wenfang didn't even look at me, just immersed in her book.

To be honest, I was a little scared of her in my heart.

At this time, seeing that she didn't want to say it, I didn't dare to ask her in a mild manner.

I can only, while rubbing my stomach, alleviating the pain, while looking at the hills, dreamily thinking about what happened before... She said that in the cave, I don’t know what demon method is used, and it almost made me have a relationship with her. What kind of gnosis is this old woman.

But, what is this gnosis

Monster or ghost

After thinking about it, I couldn't help but think of the cicada swarms that came here during the day today, Qin Ruyu who turned into worms, the wooden bird that came alive...

All of this can only be imagined when I was dreaming before.

But today, it did indeed appear before my eyes... ... ..

The mental impact this has brought to me is unimaginable by outsiders. It can even be said that it has subverted my worldview that has been formed for more than 20 years.

I was thinking about it like a numb, and gradually discovered a very weird thing.

That is: the mountain is terribly quiet at this moment, and you can even hear Wen Fang's slight breathing around him. Looking around, I couldn't see a mosquito flying by in the moonlight.

This is not right!

In the first two years, I often came to Yunnan to run long distances, and I also stayed in the mountains.

I know that every time this season, as soon as the night falls, the insects, ants, spiders and scorpions on the mountain will come out one after another. The sounds of cicadas and spiders are endless, and the level of liveliness is not worse than that of the most prosperous cities.

Those who want to go up the mountain at night must wear an airtight leather coat and carry things like insect repellent and common detoxification medicinal liquor with them.

Otherwise, before taking two steps, the mosquitoes and spiders that come one after another will not be able to suck your blood, and they will be able to poison you to death.

However, the hills are quiet now, let alone larger animals, even mosquitoes can’t be seen...

Thinking of this, I couldn’t help but look at the focused Wenfang... If I remember correctly, I didn’t seem to see a mosquito on the way when I came here... She

She... what kind of person is she

The villagers at the foot of the mountain called her the "Chong Chongren", and she carried a compass for Feng Shui on her body. She was obviously a wooden bird carved from wood, and it could come alive in her hands....

The sum of all these things together is no longer what Feng Shui masters or Taoists can explain.

It seems... Only one possibility is left... Is she the omnipotent god in the legend

But where is the fairy in this world

I stared at her in a dream, probably because my heart was at fault, the moonlight below the profile of the face, a dreamlike hazy white light faintly appeared...

"looks good?"

Suddenly, a faint voice rang in his ears.

I didn't even think about it and said: "It looks good, just like a fairy from the sky!"

After that, I came back to my senses.

I regret it now: it's over, it's over! Yan Zhi ah Yan Zhi, are you fucking tired of life? How to speak without thinking, even this domineering woman dare to provoke

The face I had been hit by her faintly hurt again. Moved his butt calmly, and slowly moved away from her.

Unexpectedly, Wen Fang was not angry. Instead, she smiled: "Ha ha, Yan Zhi... Are you teasing me?"

"Don't dare, absolutely not!" I was startled, her smile fell in my eyes, it was more terrifying than the evil spirits from hell.

"Forgive you for not dare!"

There was just a touch of pride on Wen Fang's face, and it was fleeting. He stood up abruptly, looked coldly at a tuft of grass in the distance, and sternly shouted: "What is it, come out!"

Is there anyone else here

I immediately became nervous again and hurriedly looked over.

In the moonlight, ten meters away, there was a cluster of half-human bluebells. It was shaking from left to right, as if being grasped by the roots, shaking vigorously, making a crisp sound of'bells, bells,'... ....

In the silent hills, the cluster of bluebells moved, accompanied by the crisp sound of wind chimes, and the haystacks everywhere seemed to have a chain reaction.

Suddenly a piece fell on this side, and then another piece collapsed on the other side. It was like a creature in the grass. It was moving at a very fast speed from east to west, causing the grass to undulate.... ..

My back is cold, what is in the grass

Is it a human

However, the grass everywhere is only half a person high and low, and a person can see through it at the first glance. Besides, can a person have such a ghostly speed

Not a person, could it be a ferocious beast like a jackal

But it's not like it.

If it is a beast such as a lone wolf and a leopard, it should choose to take advantage of our unpreparedness and brazenly launch an attack. It would definitely not be like this, moving back and forth in the shadow of the grass, wasting energy.

The unknown is the greatest fear.

I looked back and forth at the cruising grass with horror, nervously guarding the surroundings.

At this time, Wen Fang took out a pistol.

With a click, the insurance was put on, the muzzle swung, and I retreated to the cave.

I looked back at the cave behind me. Under the moonlight, it looked like a beast from hell's open mouth. Thinking that the old woman's body was still inside, I couldn't help but shudder. I immediately shook my head and vetoed it.

Wen Fang frowned. When the situation was unknown, she didn't care to say more to me, but solemnly asked me to stay where I was and be careful.

Then, with her rifle stock in both hands, she approached the rushing grass step by step.

As soon as Wen Fang moved forward, I was left standing alone at the entrance of the cave, unavoidably feeling lonely and timid.

However, I knew it well. It's best not to move around at this time, so as not to be distracted by Wenfang and get in by something that doesn't know whether it is a human or a ghost.

I tiptoedly picked a stone from the ground and held it in my hand.

Staring at Wen Fang's back intently, the stone can be thrown out immediately to help Wen Fang with a slight movement.

Just as we were approaching the abyss, the bells and bells of bells and bells suddenly stopped, like the grass that snakes and wanders, and the grass gradually stopped swaying, but there was nothing around it. I couldn't help wondering, did the things in the grass leave?

But at this moment, Wen Fang turned around suddenly, with a pale and scary face, and his eyes were full of fear, and shouted to me: "Lie down!" (End of this chapter)