Insect Attractor

Chapter 92: Hebo messenger and Shenshui


Before leaving the city, it was just after the afternoon.

By the time we rushed all the way and arrived at Heishan Town, it was already past eight o'clock in the evening, and the house leaked and snow drifted halfway during the night when it rained.

Qin Ruyu's sports car looked like that, and it was definitely a weapon to go out and show off.

But his grandmother, the person who developed this model, estimated that his brain was smashed by a brick! The roof design was completely abandoned. When the two drove into the town, the entire carriage was covered with snow. It was so cold that Qin Ruyu got out of the car and sneezed a few times and fell softly into my arms. I reached out and touched her forehead, and my heart sank: Yes, this lady has a cold directly!

Black Mountain Town is not as unbearable as I said, at least the basic facilities are still there.

I found the clinic overnight, and the staff in village clinics like Tianxing got off work very late. The doctor on duty went through the process and directly hung up the bottle for her.

By the time the two left the clinic, it was already past ten o'clock. According to the location he heard from the doctor, he directly found the only hotel in the town, and there were a lot of vacancies in it.

But I didn't worry about Qin Ruyu, so I opened a room and the two of them stayed temporarily.

As soon as I entered the room, I first hugged Qin Ruyu and placed it in her arms. It was found that the snow on their clothes had melted, and ice water was dripping onto the mattress all over their bodies.

So, I was muttering in my heart, "There is a reason for it, and there is reason for it," I tremblingly stretched out my hand and unzipped the zipper of the white jacket.

Underneath is a pink loose knitted shirt. The full breast peaks on the chest push up a gap between the two buttons on the front of the shirt. Through the gap, you can see the looming cleavage groove and the lace of the white brassiere.

The black tight-fitting skirt on the lower body is the kind of silky fabric, the hazy white pantyhose sets off the slender legs, and the white leather shoes are simply mixed with the belt, and the white and tender feet are bound.

Sitting next to Qin Ruyu, I couldn’t bear the fascinating scent of meat that kept coming. I kept looking at the looming gap in my chest and the delicate silky legs, wishing to reach in and touch the smooth flesh. Long legs.

In the end, the courage I didn’t know where it came from, I just turned my head aside, tremblingly touched with my hands, unbuttoned the wet shirt, carefully picked up her neck, and put the clothes and shirt on. Aside.

After that, I took a deep breath, trembling the muscles of my arms, moved to the waist of the narrow black skirt, and gently pulled the waistband, a charming pink hollowed-out underwear with a triangle on the right side appeared straight in front of my eyes.

Unconscious Qin Ruyu seemed to feel a little cold at this time, unconsciously clamped two white and tender perfect sex, a deep groove appeared in my crotch that made me dizzy.

This woman, who is regarded as the lover of dreams by so many people, is already lying in front of me almost completely naked.

If I say that I am indifferent to this dreamy carcass around me at this time, then I am definitely pouting and telling nonsense! With Meng Gantang's experience before, I can't wait to pounce on the horse right away and fight for 300 rounds.

However, after careful consideration, I suppressed the restlessness in my heart, bit the tip of my tongue, and dispelled this dangerous and terrible thought. After taking off his clothes and leaving a cover on the bottom of his body, a carp jumped onto the bed and hugged this attractive hot body from the side.

No words for a night.

Early the next morning, I lifted my eyelids groggy. I guess I felt a little bit cold because of the tossing yesterday. He stood up with his elbow on the bed and took a look, Qin Ruyu was inexplicably relieved before he woke up.

The two of them are in this posture and position. If she wakes up before me, I really don't know how to explain it.

I got out of bed like a thief, and touched her forehead with my hand. The fever had subsided a lot, but it was still a bit hot. After thinking about it, he put on his clothes, said hello to the boss downstairs, and went straight to the clinic.

As soon as I left the house, I was stunned for a moment.

I saw that the street with heavy snow was full of people standing in a line tens of meters long, and I didn't know what I was doing.

In the clinic, the male doctor who received me last night was 35 or 66 years old. As soon as I saw me coming in, I frowned nervously, and said grotesquely: "Mr. Yan, I didn't especially tell you last night. Your wife is very ill and has to hang the bottle twice. Why are you here alone? NS?"

When I was about to speak, the doctor scowled again and reprimanded like a blast: "Mr. Yan, are you listening to some rumors? I tell you, those are all feudal superstitions, so you can't take it seriously! A disease can be cured with just a bowl of river water? Then what do doctors like us do?"

"I think you are also a sensible person. Listen to my advice and bring your wife here quickly. I can use my medical ethics as a guarantee. As long as you hang the bottle two more times, your wife will definitely be cured!"

When I heard him say that the river cures the disease, I feel a little weird.

So, when he got to the lips, he immediately changed his words and said to him: "Doctor Wang, my wife is still in the hotel and hasn't woken up! No, I see that she is weak, so I want to ask you to come and take a trip!"

"However, I just heard you say that river water cures a disease, so what's the matter?"

Dr. Wang nodded relievedly and said, "Oh, that's how it is! Mr. Yan, I'm really embarrassed! I was a little upset by that group of people recently! Wait a minute, I'll dispense medicine for your wife!"

As he said, he turned around and felt it on the medicine cabinet.

I took the opportunity to ask him about the river's healing.

Dr. Wang took a few boxes of injections from the medicine cabinet and sighed while preparing them: "This thing... Alas, it was made by a group of fools and women who don't understand science!"

"Look at your accent, it should be from our side too, right?"

I nodded and said, "Dr. Wang’s eyes, my brother, I barely had a meal in the city. A few days ago, Ayu and I took a few days off and didn’t have much money. We just thought about it and wandered around. It's relaxing!"

Dr. Wang nodded at me very understandingly, and said, "Oh, life is not easy now! It's also a good thing for health to come out to relieve some pressure!"

While talking, he grumbled and snorted again: "Huh, what a bunch of idiots, all day long thinking about daydreaming, gold falling from the sky..."

The two talked about chattering, and I gradually learned from him what the river water was about.

It turned out to be related to the missing travel friends.

This incident left the police at a loss, but under the hype by a man named Li Lang, it turned into an absurd tale of'He Bo Xianling'. Moreover, many people really believe it locally!

What's even more ironic is that from Dr. Wang, I learned that Li Lang used to be just a little gangster in the town.

Now he changed his body and became He Bo's messenger. The fans go out and become a magic stick. Changed the way to use He Bo's name to defraud money in the nearby village.

A week ago, that Li Lang showed a miracle in front of many people. Like a fabled volley, he walked a long circle on the river with one pair of feet.

Immediately, while the iron was hot, he announced to the public that he had asked He Bo to show his compassion. Every day, he would give out ten bowls of "Shen Shui" that could cure all diseases and distribute them to those in need.

Moreover, Li Lang actually took a knife and cut a long hole in his body in front of everyone, and drank a bowl of river water in one gulp.

On the spot, the wound slowly healed in front of those people.

This move made those people believe in him and treat him directly as a living god.

According to Dr. Wang, the incident spread quickly, and even attracted many big-faced people in the county town. They rushed to the town early in the morning to buy Shenshui with a lot of money.

What I saw on the street just now was the people who came from the county early in the morning... (End of this chapter)