Inside The Black Mist

Chapter 101: Stairs


Yunze's face was ashen and his expression was gloomy as he strode into the hall from the door.

Beside him, Wang Liangyi, who had sharp eyes like a falcon, raised the sword with the word "night" engraved on the scabbard higher.

Several Frost Guard Cloud soldiers behind him dispersed, all the guns in their hands pointed at the sky. Zhou Wang was dead in the hall, and it was obvious who the dangerous person was.

Finally, Kong Zhang, who was wearing protective clothing, and Adam, the captain of the Sunshine Gun, also walked in.

Seeing the scene in the hall, Adam's expression changed and he couldn't help but look towards Tianyang.

After the flora in Gemstone Town began to glow, Kong Zhang planned to go back to the town to collect specimens, so Yunze brought people and horses to accompany him.

When they arrived nearby, the trees occupied by bacteria attracted Kong Zhang's attention, and they turned into this street. As a result, the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground was heard from this strange building.

The team was naturally attracted, but as soon as they entered, they saw Zhou Wang dead.

In fact, Yunze didn't like Zhou Wang. This guy was full of misdeeds. Just the way he got involved with Xun made Yunze feel shameless.

Zhou Wang was exiled to the base. He was originally going to be thrown into the mine, but he was fished out of the mine by Yunze's father Yun Sheng and thrown to Yunze to act as his bodyguard.

Yunze did not need such a guard, but his father believed that Zhou Wang would be helpful in Yunze's pursuit of that glorious lady.

Their status in the Yun family is not high, otherwise Yunze would not need to go into the reverse world from time to time to take care of the mine not far from the base.

If Yunze can tie the knot with Xun, through this glorious wife, Yunze's ranking among the younger generation will jump up, and he will hopefully inherit the family.

Although Yunze didn't think that Zhou Wang would help him pursue Xun, he still kept this person at Yun Sheng's insistence.

But now, Zhou Wang is dead.

Even though he was just a dog, it was the Yun family's dog after all, and Yunze was somewhat embarrassed about it.

So he looked at Tianyang: "Aren't you going to give me an explanation?"

Tianyang stared at Wang Liangyi. From the moment he walked into the hall, this man had a hidden aura surrounding him.

The invisible feeling of oppression came over me one after another like a wave.

Tianyang felt a touch of hostility from Wang Liangyi, and the young man had to pay a lot of attention to this person with sharp eyes.


He wanted to have a grudge against me. When he saw that I was alone, he made a killing move, but I counterattacked. That's what happened. Tianyang tapped his left eye gently with his hand, "This is an electronic eye with a recording module inside." If you don't believe it, you can use the instrument to read it when you return to base, and you will see the whole thing. "

Yunze remained silent. After a moment, the expression on his face changed. The gloom disappeared and sunshine appeared. He smiled: "I believe you."

He lightly kicked Wang Wang with his foot: "This bastard is really capable of such stupid things."

"but... "

This word with a turning tone made Tianyang's heart sink slightly.

Yunze's eyes fell on the mechanical lockbox in the young man's hand: "You have to hand over the weapons and things in your hand, and I will keep them temporarily. When you return to the base and prove your innocence, you can get them back."

Almost without thinking, Tianyang shook his head: "I'm sorry, but I obey."

This suitcase contains Su Lie's secret, which is the reason why Tianyang comes to Gemstone Town. Now that it was finally found, how could it be given to the Yun family

As for weapons, since the precedent of Qin Wu, the young man will no longer hand over the weapons in his hands casually.

Yunze sighed: "I'm not discussing this with you..."

He looked at Wang Liangyi calmly.

The eagle-eyed man had already charged forward with all his might, and like a cannonball piercing the air, a terrifying roar sounded in the hall!

Just as he was about to approach the sky, the young man's whole body was filled with shimmering light, and with a sense of agility, he suddenly moved sideways, causing Wang Liang to jump away.

Wang Liang let out a sigh, stopped, changed direction, and accelerated suddenly.

Tianyang still wanted to move, but felt an invisible force coming from both sides. His expression changed greatly, but he reached out and touched the Chiyue sword.

Wang Liang snorted, gently touched the hilt of the sword with his right hand, and flashed in front of Tianyang.

choke! The Chiyue sword was unsheathed, drawing a dark red trajectory and slashing towards Wang Liang's door.

Wang Liang drew his sword three inches away and hit Chi Yue's blade with the hilt.

The boy's pupils dilated slightly, and his whole body trembled uncontrollably. There was a strange force attached to the hilt of Wang Liangyi's sword, which was first strong and then fierce, causing his sword to float upward slightly.

Tianyang barely managed to hold the sword tightly to prevent it from flying out, but the blade vibrated violently again, causing his whole body to tremble.

Even the Xing Yun within the body was affected by this shock and became difficult to control.

The last bit of yin

Rou's power took advantage of the situation and quickly traveled through Tianyang's body. Beyond that, the stars in the sky became dim and dull.

When that force swam around inside the young man's body, Tianyang felt his hands and feet become weak, and the sword and suitcase fell to the ground.

Wang Liangyi then pushed the sword back into its sheath, turned around and walked back. Several Shuangyun guards trotted over and wanted to arrest Tianyang.


Adam shouted loudly, drew out his sword, and laid it in front of Tianyang.

Wang Liangyi stopped, turned around, and held the hilt of his sword.

Yunze frowned even more: "Captain Adam, what are you doing?"

Adam said solemnly: "Mr. Yunze, I can guarantee that Tianyang definitely did not mean to kill Zhou Wang. Even now, I am not afraid to tell you that Tianyang went to Gemstone Town because the headquarters assigned him a special mission."

"I believe that this suitcase is the content of the special mission. This may be related to Night Walker's strategic deployment in the reverse world, so I can't let you take him away, including this suitcase."

"If necessary, Mr. Yunze can ask our Minister Shen for confirmation."

Yunze looked unhappy: "Even so, Zhou Wang is still a member of the Yun family. Now that he is dead, Night Walker must give me an explanation, right?"

Adam nodded: "Let's do this. Before returning to the base, restrict Tianyang's movements. His weapons are temporarily under the care of Mr. Yunze, but the suitcase must be kept. If anything happens again, I am willing to take full responsibility. Mr. Yunze ,What do you think of this?"

Yunze's eyes moved and fell on Tianyang.

This time the young man simply took off his sword and assaulter and handed them to the Shuangyun Guard next to him.

Now that Adam has stood up to vouch for him, if he continues to refuse to cooperate, it will be too difficult for others.

Seeing Tianyang hand over the weapon, Yunze secretly breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't care whether Zhou Wang died or not. And he also believed that what Tianyang said was probably true.

But he needs a step up, otherwise, how can he, a descendant of the Yun family, convince the public in the future.

Now Adam stands up as a guarantee, and Tianyang also hands over the weapon. Although it was somewhat inconsistent with his request, it was still acceptable.

Nodding lightly, Yunze said generously: "Then I'll leave him to you, Captain Adam."

Adam accepted this favor generously and called a team member to take Tianyang back to the camp first.

A storm is over for now.