Inside The Black Mist

Chapter 103: Headshot (please collect)


After closing the door, Tianyang took out the Death Bell and poured the star essence into the gun. The energy-conducting component of the Death Bell made a slight humming sound as it was charging, and the bullet crystal slots on the drum component were lighting up one by one.

But after the crystal slot for the third bullet was filled, Tianyang could no longer infuse more star essence into this huge pistol. It seemed that this gun had some problems after being left in the adverse world for so many years.

But it was okay this way. After refilling three bullets, Tianyang consumed nearly 30% of his star essence. If he refilled the rest, the star essence he consumed would be too much.

Tianyang still remembered that when Han Shu was guiding him, he once said that he should never use up his star energy.

He took out a bottle of Xingyun replenisher, opened the cap, and poured it into his mouth.

The liquid with a faint blue glow was injected into the mouth, and a sweet fruity smell immediately floated in the mouth. But this smell seemed synthetic, and it was a bit nauseating if you smelled it too much.

He drank all the replenishing liquid and felt that the star energy in his body began to recover, but it could only restore the consumption of one bullet.

Throwing the empty bottle aside, Tianyang pushed open the door and walked quickly towards the exit of the building.

When they reached the exit, the team member who had just brought Tianyang back stopped him and said, "You can't go out."

Tianyang pointed outside and said, "I'm here to help."

The team member was embarrassed: "But the captain asked you to stay in the room. If the captain sees you leave, I will be scolded."

Suddenly, a firing point on the small building opened fire. It was a rapid-fire machine gun deployed by the Frost Cloud Guards on the small building. The machine gun using solid warheads roared with a powerful sound, and the entire space in the building was echoing with its roar.

Someone outside shouted, "We saw Mr. Yunze and the others. Come on, support them!"

At several firing points in the camp, the roars of machine guns and rifles intertwined, and the air began to become scorching hot. The flames of physical bullets breaking through the air and the blue light of star element beams competed to reflect each other.

One of the Frost Cloud Guards even launched a guided missile. A moment later, the bright light rising in the distance illuminated the small building as bright as day, and the shock wave of the explosion caused the windows in the building to shatter one after another!

Not long after, a group of people came in from the outer gate. Yunze was supported by a tall figure, whose bald head was very eye-catching in the crowd.

But what is even more eye-catching is the fist shield he wears on his hand!

When Tian Yang saw his appearance clearly, he was stunned. It was Gu Gang, whom he had met once on the high-speed train!

The two Shuang Weiyuns immediately took Yunze from Gu Gang's hands. Yunze's face was covered with blood and he looked injured. Shuang Weiyun helped him get into a car. There was a medical cabin in the car. As long as he was not seriously injured, he could be saved.

After Gu Gang handed Yunze over, he seemed to have lost all his strength. He sat down on the ground and could only gasp for breath for a long time.

Behind them, Kong Zhang had two students carry the old man in. The old man didn't look injured, but his face inside the helmet was pale, and he must have been very frightened.

As for Adam and the others, they immediately closed the gate after entering, and without resting, they turned around and devoted themselves to defense work. At this time, a black tide surged outside the gate, which turned out to be a dense crowd of wanderers!

Those twisted figures, like lepers, staggered towards the gate, but were blocked by the wall and iron gate. Then the rain of bullets poured down from various firing points, harvesting these low-level black people in large numbers.

Whether it's machine gun bullets or blue star element beams, once the Wanderer is hit by them, there will be several fist-sized holes on its body.

Even if the will cage was not hit, the broken body could not do anything.

But there are too many Wanderers. Once they rush into the defense line, this camp will be doomed!

Tianyang pushed the team member away and ran to Gu Gang. The bald man noticed a figure in front of him and couldn't help but look up and exclaimed, "Is it you?"

"It's me." Tianyang looked out the door. "What's going on? Why did you come back with them?"

The young man then discovered that Wang Liangyi was not in the team, and he didn't know where the master was now.

Gu Gang smiled bitterly, got up and said, "It's a long story. We were in trouble. All my companions died, and I was the only one who escaped. In order to avoid those things outside, I ran into the Gem Town, but unexpectedly I met them."

Gu Gang pointed at Adam and the others and said, "Originally, there was a high-ranking Dark Knight following me. He was riding a wolf-like monster and I almost killed him. Fortunately, a man with eagle-like eyes saved me."

When he said this, the bald man had a look of lingering fear on his face.

It turned out that Wang Liangyi went to intercept the high-level black people. However, Tianyang had not heard of the Deep Knight. But it could make a fortress-class ascender so terrified, which showed that the thing was definitely not simple.

"Be careful, the mad dog is here to join in the fun!" a firepower man shouted from the rooftop of the building.

Before he finished speaking, a black and red beam of light suddenly streaked across the sky above the camp and hit the firepower operator.

The firepower operator's whole body shook, and he slowly lowered his head to look at his chest, where a hole had been blasted by the light beam.

Then the body fell from the roof and landed not far from Tianyang.

Tianyang yelled, "It's the secret shooter, find cover!"

He dropped the ancient steel and ran towards Adam: "Where's my equipment? Give it to me!"

Adam didn't answer. A Frost Cloud Guard came over and handed the Red Moon Saber and the Assaulter to Tianyang. "Mr. Yunze asked me to bring them here. He said he might need your strength now."

Tianyang immediately took the equipment and rushed into the building. A moment later, he came to the rooftop of the small building and received the automatic machine gun.

He fell to the ground, operating the machine gun to sweep the area below the camp. Only then did he see that the camp had been surrounded by the people of darkness.

Thousands of wanderers filled the streets outside the camp. Among the black people, mad dogs ran for their lives, attacking the defense line under the rain of bullets from the camp.

Farther away, black and red beams of light whizzed in, and a mysterious shooter with a goat face hid in a building and fired at the camp.


Tianyang operated the machine gun, a long flame spurted out from the muzzle, and the flying bullets formed a red whip of fire.

When the fire whip swept through the black tide outside the camp, it would definitely clear a "ditch". Unfortunately, this ditch was filled by the black people behind it not long after.

But the biggest threat to the camp wasn't the prowlers or the mad dogs. At least, not right now.

The biggest threat was the secret shooter who attacked from a distance. Fortunately, the Sun Spear Squad and the Frost Cloud Guard each had a Level 3 Sniper Master.

These two Ascendants used their skilled techniques to manipulate their beloved guns and continuously harvested those cunning shooters.

Every time the unique sound of sniper equipment sounded in the camp, a secret shooter was killed. This boosted the morale of the personnel on the camp's defense line and allowed the sublimators who were good at close combat to appear at ease.

On the wall, kill the mad dogs that try to cross the wall.

When Gu Gang recovered and began to provide star barrier to the melee Ascenders, Tian Yang breathed a sigh of relief.

Although we did not have the advantage in numbers, we had the advantage in terms of better equipment and better coordination among our personnel.

As long as the number of the dark people does not increase, it is only a matter of time to repel them.

Suddenly, a scream came from the side of the rooftop. Tianyang turned his head and saw that the head of the soldier operating the machine gun in a firing position over there was smashed to pieces.

The rooftop was covered with blood and brain matter.

The "murderer" who smashed the soldier to death raised a scepter-like weapon in a slow and strange movement.

The twisted hammer head made of metal was still stained with some hairy scalp. A purple-red hand tightly grasped the handle of the stick.

He was wearing clothes made of a mixture of fabric and metal, and the face inside the tattered helmet, which looked like a mummy, had its mouth wide open, gasping like a wanderer.

Black blood vessels emerged on the purple-red skin, and dark red light gushed out of the empty eye sockets, as if a horrible creature had crawled out of the abyss, making strange crackling sounds from its body, and walked towards Tianyang dragging the scepter.

In the small square, Gu Gang's voice came: "Be careful, those are the followers of the Deep. They are incredibly strong, and their wills are imprisoned in their..."

Before he finished speaking, a deafening gunshot rang out above the building. The sound was so loud that it was like a bolt from the blue!

The bald man saw that the head of the Youshen follower on the rooftop exploded, and the broken helmet fragments, shattered skull and the things inside splashed out all at once.

Even a few broken bones stained with purple blood fell on Gu Gang's face. He wiped his face and uttered the unfinished words: "It's in their heads. Well, you've already blown its head off, so there's nothing for me to do."

Next to the machine gun, Tian Yang had already stood up from the ground and was half-kneeling on the ground. He raised his arm high, holding the huge pistol called Deathstroke, with a wisp of hot smoke rising from the muzzle.

Now Tian Yang knew why Su Lie carved the word "death knell". He did not expect that the gunshot of this pistol would be so loud and the destructive power would be equally brutal.

With one bullet, the head of that Youshen follower was blown off.

Now, the monster, with nothing above its shoulders, fell straight to the ground, its body quickly decaying and disintegrating. After a while, only the clothes and the scepter were left, and the rest had turned into a pool of black mucus...

When he put down the pistol, Tianyang felt the pain in his palm and the numbness in his shoulder. He was shocked that the recoil of the Death Knell was too strong.

Fortunately, he had strengthened his physical strength, otherwise, the recoil alone would have torn his palm and dislocated his shoulder.

If Su Lie could use the Death Knell so well, then he must be at least a Level 4 Ascendant. By extension, if even a mid-level Ascendant could find it difficult to use, then the secret must be something extraordinary.

At this time, more followers of Youshen were crowding in from all around the camp, using the Wanderers for cover. Once they approached the wall, they swung their scepters and smashed it down hard!

These things were just as Gu Gang said, they were very powerful. With one smash, a gap was immediately created in the wall.

The camp’s defense line suddenly became precarious!

… … …

I recommend a book called "Mecha of Doom". Those who like mechas fighting monsters can take a look.