Inside The Black Mist

Chapter 104: Perseverance (seeking collection)


“Stop them!”

Adam roared, and he led the way, running to the side of the wall. There were two Deep followers knocking on the wall. These followers had purple-red skin and held different weapons in their hands, all made of rough metal.

They may not have any special function, but their only feature is that they are heavy enough! When wielded like this, they are very destructive.

While the two followers were destroying the wall, those unintelligent wanderers still squeezed over, so if these unlucky guys were not careful, they would be hit and flew away by the followers' weapons.

But considering the number of dark people, this amount of accidental injuries can be almost ignored.

Adam simply climbed over the wall, his eyes surging with red light of fighting spirit, and his sword was emitting star energy, which turned into a bright but not dazzling silver light.

The man from Western Land slashed in mid-air, and the silver light on his sword rushed like a torrent, sweeping not only the two followers but also the group of black people behind them.

All the black people were swept away by this silver torrent and torn apart.

The two followers were the first to be hit. After the flood, their bodies became stiff and they soon turned into a pile of powder!

With one strike of his sword, Adam cleared a vacuum zone among the dark people, greatly boosting the morale of the human warriors in the camp.

But the sword just now also consumed a lot of Adam's star energy. He quickly took out a bottle of replenishing liquid and drank it, then pounced on another Youshen follower.

Tianyang retracted his envious gaze. What Adam had just released was an ability called Shatter. That was a power that only a Level 4 Shura could control. Wherever the Shatter force field reached, it would destroy the molecular structure of objects, causing them to "fall apart".

Most importantly, its coverage area is not small, which can achieve the tactical goal of quickly and massively clearing out the enemy.

This is why Level 4 is the watershed for any class. Take the War God class as an example. Before this, the Ascenders of this class did not have the means to clear the battlefield on a large scale.

Other Ascendants also joined the ranks to intercept Youshen's followers, but unfortunately their ranks were not as high as Adam's, and the remaining followers began to release a strange dark purple mist.

The purple mist could not be blown away by the wind and gradually spread. Looking down from the rooftop, there were several more purple air masses around the camp.

Within the range of the purple mist, the will cages of the Wanderer and the Mad Dog glowed brightly, and their desire to attack reached its peak. Not only did the Mad Dog's attack speed become faster, but even the Wanderer was no longer slow, but trotted towards the defense line and collided fiercely!

"Be careful!" Gu Gang shouted, "These mists can suppress our star essence, and they will make the dark bastards in it even more violent!"

Sure enough, a Sublimator who was organizing an attack was covered by purple mist, and the star energy on his body immediately became dim.

This phenomenon is just like the Star Marrow Pillar's suppression of the dark people, but now it is reversed.

This result was obviously not so pleasant. The attack power and reaction speed of the sublimator were significantly reduced.

The follower was immediately beaten back step by step.

Gu Gang took out a bottle of supplement liquid and poured it into his mouth, threw away the bottle, and put his hand on his chest.

The aura of the stars turned to earthy yellow, and a virtual image of armor was constructed. The virtual armor was put on the bald man, and Gu Gang's aura suddenly had a sense of solidity.

After putting on the immortal armor, the unique ability of this fortress seems to have the effect of resisting the purple mist. The bald man shouted

Climb over the wall.

He stretched out his hand and threw the exhausted Ascendant out of the purple mist, then raised his arms to protect the front, lowered his center of gravity, and slightly bent his legs.

After using his fist and shield to withstand a blow from the Deep Follower, Gu Gang roared like a lion. Spiral ripples emerged from his fists, releasing a vortex force field of the Fortress Class!

Tianyang controlled the machine gun to shoot at the black people outside the camp, and took the time to look in the direction of the bald man. Gu Gang's force field was far smaller than Han Shu's, and its power seemed much smaller.

But the fists covered with the vortex force field continued to attack in a rigorous combination. Every time a punch hit the attendant, although it could not kill him in one blow, it would make the attendant sway left and right. The fabric and even the flesh on his body were pulled, torn, and crushed by the vortex force field!

After throwing out more than ten punches in a row, Gu Gang used a heavy punch to knock the follower into the air and land on the position behind.

Tianyang was not polite either. He immediately adjusted the muzzle of the gun and fired a series of powerful solid bullets at the follower's head.

Even though the attendant's head was protected by a helmet, it could not withstand the machine gun's bombardment. After more than a dozen bullets, the humanoid monster's head and the cage inside had turned into a pool of purple paste!

Gu Gang glanced at the rooftop, nodded, replenished the star barrier for a sublimator next to him, and then pounced on another follower.

The battle situation was gradually brought under control. When the last follower was hacked to death by Adam, the attack speed of the dark people gradually slowed down.

After a while, they began to retreat, and finally even the Wanderers retreated into the complex alleys, as if they had received a call from something.

Regardless, the camp was saved for the time being.

Outside the small building, the slime left behind by the dead black people made the ground outside the small building look like a rolling layer of black mud. The air was filled with a disgusting smell, and people even had to pile up stones at the big iron gate to prevent the black mud filled with the smell of corruption from pouring in from outside.

When Tianyang got up from the rooftop, bullet casings fell from his body. It turned out that his surroundings were full of metal bullet casings ejected from the machine gun.

They even piled up into a small hill!

The young man shook his head. The battle just now must have consumed most of the convoy's ammunition.

Moreover, the camp's wall was not as strong as it had been at the beginning. There were several gaps in the stained wall caused by the smashing of Yousui's followers.

Now Adam is ordering his team to plug the gap and assigning personnel to stand guard outside the camp.

Yunze finally got out of the car, his head was bandaged and he looked good. He was busy comforting the wounded and asking people to count the supplies.

In the battle just now, there were no casualties among the Ascenders, but five soldiers from the Sun Spear and Frost Cloud Guard died in total.

To prevent their bodies from being invaded and corrupted by the black fog, the dead were cremated immediately and their ashes were buried in the land in the backyard of the small building.

After the battle, the members of the Sun Spear were fine, but most of the Frost Cloud Guards were in low morale. Especially the ordinary soldiers, some of them kept their heads down, occasionally looking around, their eyes full of fear.

It is estimated that if this happens a few more times, the combat effectiveness of the Yun family's guard will be greatly weakened.

Perhaps Yunze also realized this. He nodded to Tianyang on the rooftop and walked to Adam's side.

"Captain Adam, the situation is not good. My people have never experienced such a battle. Now they are physically and mentally exhausted.

We are all exhausted. If we stay here any longer, if the Dark Ones organize another attack, we may not be able to resist, or even be defeated on all fronts. "

Adam was wiping his sword: "What does Mr. Yunze mean?"

Yunze said in a low and serious voice: "I suggest you leave immediately. Besides, Mr. Kong is not in a good condition. I am worried that something might happen to him. As for Wang Liangyi, I will notify him separately. I believe that with his strength, it won't be a problem for him to leave Baoshi Town."


A cold voice sounded.

At some point, Wang Liangyi came back. He half-crouched on the wall, then jumped in: "We can't leave now."

Yunze was puzzled and asked: "Why, Mr. Wang, our current situation..."

Wang Liangyi gestured to stop Yunze from continuing: "I know the situation is very bad, but I still don't recommend leaving Baoshi Town. Because there are still three Deep Knights."

Yunze was shocked: "What? There are three more monsters like that!"

Wang Liangyi looked solemn and nodded, "After I killed one, I was going to come back. But then I discovered the whereabouts of the other knights. I wanted to chase them, but they were too mobile."

"I chased them around Gem Town but couldn't catch up with them. Those creatures are very cunning. While I was chasing them, they were still gathering their forces and might organize the next wave or even more attacks."

Yunze shouted somewhat uncontrollably: "Then we should leave even more."

Adam smiled bitterly. "If it is true as Mr. Wang Liangyi said, there are still three Deep Knights. Then we will definitely be attacked on our way back. Those high-level Black People are very mobile. I am afraid that even our Falcon Chariot cannot get rid of them."

Wang Liangyi agreed, "That's right. If they catch up with us and destroy our vehicles, we will be left with no safety in the wild. Then, we will be slaughtered."

Adam stood up and put away his sword. "We have to stay here and use the building as support. If Mr. Wang Liangyi can hold back those ghost riders, we should be able to hold out for a while."

"On the other hand, we asked for help from the base. Only when rescue arrives can we have hope of survival."

Wang Liang nodded heavily: "That's it."

The two looked towards Yunze.

The latter took two steps back and said with a helpless smile: "Since you all say so, I have no objection. After all, you two are more professional than me in this area."

Adam immediately called a team member and asked him to contact the Yunxiang base. Then he discussed with Yunze and asked him to dispatch the Frost Cloud Guards to build roadblocks and dig traps outside the camp to prepare for the next stand.

After doing all this, Adam's eyes finally fell on Gu Gang: "It's your turn, you have to tell us where you provoked these monsters!"

Tianyang, Wang Liangyi, and those who were still able to move in the camp all turned their eyes to Gu Gang.

Gu Gang touched his bald head and sighed: "Hongni Town, we found something there."

Now even Tianyang became curious, and the others stared at Gugang closely.

The bald man continued, "As you know, Hongni Town was only opened to us gold diggers not long ago. A few days ago, we discovered an underground space in the town."

Adam narrowed his eyes slightly: "Underground space? Why haven't we received any relevant reports?"