Inside The Black Mist

Chapter 105: Base (seeking collection)


For a moment, Gu Gang's expression was awkward. His eyes were scanning the ground, as if he was looking for something.

After a moment of silence, he explained the reason in a helpless tone: "If we reported it, the base would definitely close the exploration rights of Red Mud Town. Mr. Captain, we also wanted to make more money, so we didn't report it."

Adam's tone immediately became stern: "You have violated the gold digger code by doing this! This kind of behavior is enough to make you lose all rights in Qingtian Castle!"

Gu Gang sighed deeply: "It doesn't matter anything now. All my people are dead and I am the only one left. Something like that happened again in Hongni Town. I am penniless now. Even if I am allowed to stay here any longer, Qingtian Castle, I don’t have the ability to explore the reverse world anymore.”

Adam shook his head: "You are so stupid. Look, just because you entered an unauthorized place without permission, we are now trapped here."

Gu Gang glanced at him: "I can only say that I am very sorry."

Yunze raised his hand and patted the two of them on the shoulders: "You two, it's useless to talk about this now. Let's first find out what happened in Hongni Town."

Several people looked at Gu Gang again.

Gu Gang grabbed his bald head and sat on the steps with an annoyed look on his face: "After discovering the underground space, we conducted a preliminary exploration. Using sonar equipment, we found that the space under Hongni Town was surprisingly large and could be filled. Entered another city."

"Afterwards, several teams of gold diggers who were originally exploring the town held a meeting. Everyone agreed to suppress the underground space for the time being. Before being discovered by Yunxiang Base, everyone should go back to Qingtian Castle. Okay. Prepare supplies and recruit people to explore that underground space.”

Having already come down from the rooftop and leaning against a pillar, Tianyang probably knew their purpose for doing this.

These gold diggers just want to explore it on their own first. After all, if it is virgin land, there should be a lot of valuable things.

If everything goes well, wait for these gold diggers to search first and then report it to the Yunxiang base. At that time, the base would definitely receive much less.

Their wishful thinking was good, but unfortunately, they seemed to have stepped on a landmine.

A member of the Sun Gun snorted: "You are not overestimating your capabilities. If the underground space is really as big as you said, it will depend on you gold diggers. Even if you find something, you will still have to take the lifeless flower!"

Adam raised his hand to stop the team member's taunting behavior. Gu Gang and the others had already paid the price for their actions. At this time, there is no need to add insult to injury to them.

The bald head glanced at Adam with some gratitude, and then said: "Actually, this brother is right. We did overestimate our capabilities. Unfortunately, everyone was dazzled by this discovery before. In short, after some preparations, we , met in Hongni Town and entered the underground space. "

"At that time, we used a sonar system for exploration, and we had no idea. It wasn't until we went in personally that we realized how open it was below. We entered the underground through a vertical cave, which was located in a building. Perhaps because of the previous earthquake, the top floor was The shelter collapsed. Otherwise, we probably wouldn’t have discovered that terrible place.”

"We descended more than three hundred meters vertically from the ground before setting foot on the ground. What appeared in front of us at that time was absolute darkness. It was different from the sky shrouded in black mist in the reverse world, with no light at all. Of course, we

To take adequate countermeasures, lighting tools are naturally indispensable. But after we activated several high-power searchlights, we found that even with these tools, we could not see the whole thing. "

"We judged based on the flow of air and the echo of space that this is a huge space beyond our imagination. This discovery makes everyone very excited, because the vertical cave that came in has shown that this is an artificial creation. Why do certain things To dig out such a large space underground? I think you can guess the answer, yes, they must store something here."

Even now, when talking about that place, Gu Gang is still a little excited. He emphasized with his movements: "There must be something important and of great value stored in that underground space!"

"Have you found anything in the end?" Yunze asked the most critical question.

Unfortunately, Gu Gang shook his head: "No, after we got excited, we started exploring. In order to avoid getting lost in the empty and dark world, we used an electronic compass. It took us about half a day. Found a base."

Everyone was obviously startled, and Adam was the first to react: "What did you mean, base? What kind of base?"

Gu Gang gestured: "It's similar to the Yunxiang base, but it's larger in scale. There are words about the reverse world at the entrance, so we initially judge that this underground base should be built by the residents of the reverse world. Well, maybe it is Maybe a shelter.”

Yunze shook his head: "It can't be a refuge. We have been exploring this area for many years. There are several big cities here, as well as towns like Gem Town, and their building heights are very limited. In addition, some archaeological According to the research of scholars, they all agree that the economic and cultural level of this region was only at a medium level at that time.”

"So I think it is impossible for the inhabitants of the reverse world to build a shelter in such a place. Of course, I can't tell what it is specifically, after all, I have never been there."

Gu Gang waved his hand: "No matter what it is, in short, that ghost place is a real base. Although we can't understand the inverse text, after entering, there are text and pattern explanations at intervals. Only the base can Is it so rigorous? Moreover, we also found an armed platform that is not found in the ground city, which shows that the building has a planned security system. "

Wang Liang crossed his arms over his chest and agreed: "From this look, it should really be a base."

Adam looked at the bald head and said, "You continue."

Gu Gang's expression began to become solemn, and even his eyes gradually became filled with panic: "We were very excited at first because we knew very well what an inverse base represented. But when we continued to go deeper, we began to find something was wrong. "

"In that base, we found some corpses. These corpses were covered with bacteria, yes, just like those glowing things in Gem Town. But this is not important. What is important is that those corpses seem to be ours. people.”

Yunze looked at him in confusion: "You mean, Bastion has ever explored that base?"

Gugang nodded vigorously: "That's right, because their equipment is the same type as ours, but the model is different. Inside, we even found a three-dimensional weapon that was dismantled into pieces!"

Adam was the first to shout: "This is impossible. I have been coming to Yunxiang Base for a long time, but I have never heard of similar explorations by Al Qaeda, let alone

I've seen reports about the reverse base! "

Gu Gang lowered his voice and said: "It is impossible for us to admit our mistake, but if you say so, captain. There is only one possibility. Bastion does not want others to know about that exploration or the existence of that base."

Tianyang, who was leaning against the pillar, felt a slight movement in his heart. Su Lie hid a suitcase in Gemstone Town, and the base under Red Mud Town showed traces of exploration by the fortress.

Is there any other connection between the two

"But no matter what, even if the fortress has been explored, we still hope to find some valuable things inside. In the end, we did not find wealth, but found a tree." Gu Gang stopped here, seeming to be caught in the mood at that time. In the memory, not a word was spoken.

Yunze shouted excitedly: "Is it the Star Marrow Pillar?"

Gu Gang didn't come back to his senses for a moment. It wasn't until Adam shook his shoulders that the bald man raised his head: "No, it's another kind of thing. It's bigger and more evil. That thing is like a plant, but it's also... Human features. And the light was limited at the time, so I couldn’t see very clearly. I could only vaguely see the outline of trees and... "

"And that thing was covered with bacteria. Some of the bacteria even formed the shape of a human body. It looked like countless people huddled together like worms. What's even scarier is that when we opened the hall , those bacteria are spreading towards us at a speed visible to the naked eye.”

"One of my men was covered in bacteria because he couldn't run away, and he quickly suffocated to death."

Adam looked shocked: "You mean, those things can parasitize humans?"

The ancient steel jaw had a horrifying expression: "Yes, I can even see them trying their best to grow mycelium into the human body. Those things are so evil, they are like wild beasts preying on them. And in the hall at that time, I saw that tree The branches of the strange tree are covered with bacteria and have penetrated into the ceiling of the hall. Maybe they have already grown to the ground!"

Adam took two steps back: "The earthquake happened about two months ago, and not long after, the bacteria in Gem Town suddenly became weird. Could it be that this is related to the base, because the passage to the ground was opened Something has been released?"

Gu Gang looked at the team leader of the Sun Spear blankly: "What happened to the bacteria in Gem Town?"

Wang Liangyi interrupted him: "Don't worry about this for now, go on, how did you meet the Dark Knight?"

Gu Gang smiled bitterly: "We were scared out of our wits in that hall. Several people ignored my orders and opened fire on the strange tree. As a result, there was a strange cry from the tree. Not long after, the Dark Knight and their followers emerged. They chased us in the base, and we fled all the way. In the end, I was the only one who managed to escape from Red Mud Town.”

He spread his hands and said, "You all know what happens next."

Wang Liang's eyes were sharp: "So, you don't even know what Youqi and their retinue are protecting?"

"I wish I knew. In this case, my men would not have died unjustly." Gu Gang shook his head, "Unfortunately, I really don't know. We have only explored a quarter, or even smaller. I ran into that strange tree and was then chased by Youqi and his followers. I don’t think those purple-skinned bastards would tell us what they were protecting!”

PS: Thanks to Lantian ZH for the reward. Please ask for monthly tickets at the beginning of the month. 嘤嘤嘤(?′ω`?)