Inside The Black Mist

Chapter 107: Everyone's demeanor (please collect)


A few minutes later, a Prowler stepped on a proximity mine that the soldiers had placed in front of the position, and a ball of fire immediately lit up in front of the camp. The proximity mine exploded, blowing a small group of Prowlers to pieces.

Explosions like this continued to occur in front of the camp. The members of the Sun Lance, even the soldiers, could be considered experienced fighters, and the mines they laid were very sophisticated.

With limited ammunition, they accurately calculated the explosive power of the induction mines and cleverly designed the distribution distance to maximize the lethality of the mine array.

However, no one, including Adam, was happy when they saw the Prowlers being blown away.

Only the Wanderers participated in this wave of attack, and the rest of the black people were nowhere to be seen.

It was obvious that the commander of the black people intended to use the Prowlers to consume human ammunition, but knowing this, the camp could not just sit there and do nothing.

After all, if the Wanderer gets past the defense line, these things won’t give up the delicious food right in front of them!

Adam had no choice but to make an attack gesture. So except for the two snipers, everyone else continued to fire at the incoming black tide.

There were more wanderers than last time, but luckily Adam had people blow up the buildings, blocking several streets and alleys. This prevented the wanderers from advancing in large numbers and quickly, forcing them to disperse, climb out through the windows and gaps of the buildings, and then flock to the camp.

As a result, the pressure on the camp was significantly reduced.

This allowed the defense line's firepower to calmly carry out alternating fire in order to save ammunition to the greatest extent possible.

Since he didn't know when the Dark People would deploy truly threatening units, such as the Secret Archer and the Deep Squire, Adam kept the Elemental Heart's Ascendants on hold. He couldn't let them waste their star essence on the Wanderers because they could easily stir up a storm on the battlefield.

Even Tianyang, who was guarding the wall to prevent the wanderers from approaching, tried not to use the star essence as much as possible, and only relied on the rifle or the weapon in his hand to destroy the will cage of the approaching person.

The battle lasted for nearly six hours. When the black slime from the decomposing bodies of the wanderers almost flooded the streets outside the camp, those things stopped attacking and staggered away.

Some who were still wandering on the streets were also cleared out one by one by the soldiers.

In this battle, humans defeated the people of darkness with a complete victory, but no one could laugh.

Because there is less than 30% of ammunition left.

Taking advantage of the retreat of the black people, the soldiers replenished the induction mines, repaired the temporary shelters, and strengthened the defense facilities.

Tianyang sat on the wall, silently replenishing his water with a kettle.

I accidentally saw Yunze jumping down from the family's chariot. Wuwu found Wang Liangyi and I don't know what they were discussing.

But when you see his gray and pale profile, you can tell that this young man from a wealthy family is not in a very happy mood, and something must have gone wrong.

Afterwards, the two went to discuss with Adam. Tianyang withdrew his gaze and checked his waist bag. The rations in it could still support two or three days, so he closed his eyes and took a nap.

After a while, he felt a slight movement in his heart, and when he woke up, he saw Adam's burly figure climbing over the wall with some clumsy movements.

The blond man sat down next to Tianyang, his two thick legs stretched under the wall. The armor was not comfortable to wear, but Adam did not seem to take it off.


“Lost contact.”

Adam shook his head, picked up a stone and threw it out.

Although his words were incoherent, Tian Yang was still able to guess a little: "Why, the sublimator sent out to eliminate the interference didn't come back?"

"Yeah." The sturdy man snorted heavily, and his tone seemed heavy. "The Yun family has lost contact with him, but Yunze is very confident in his people and claims that this should only be a temporary phenomenon."

Tian Yang raised his lips slightly: "But it seems that you don't have much confidence in them."

Adam laughed, with a hint of helplessness in his smile: "I can't help it. After all, they are the Yun family. I can't slap them in the face in public. I still have to give them some face."

Tianyang looked at the building at the other end of the street, which was faintly visible under the diffuse black fog. "If it weren't for the Deep Knight, then if Mr. Wang Liangyi could help, we should be able to contact the base now."

Adam nodded heavily: "This is the headache. There are three ghost riders outside. If we take the risk of sending Wang Liangyi out, if they attack with all their strength, I'm afraid our defense line won't be able to hold for even a minute."

"Is the Ghost Knight very strong? You are also a Level 4 Ascendant, can't you handle it?"

"I can only hold back one at most, but without the cooperation of my teammates, it will be difficult to kill the opponent in a short time. But now, there are three ghost riders outside, so we need Wang Liangyi to take charge."

Tian Yang reminded him: "Although we have to take the Yun family's reputation into consideration, if we don't eliminate the interference as soon as possible, it is still unknown how long we can hold out."

"I know this." Adam crossed his arms over his chest, "And I also know that if we can't contact the base for a long time, even if we defend the camp, everyone will lose confidence. So I have a plan..."

Tianyang looked at him.

Eight hours later, the Dark People came again. This time, there were not only a large number of Prowlers acting as cannon fodder, but also agile mad dogs and stealthy shooters who could provide fire support.

This time, Lian Yunze also went to the battlefield and was responsible for fire suppression with several Elemental Heart Ascendants.

The Deep Knights and their followers still did not show up, which kept Wang Liangyi stuck in the camp. In order to prevent the Deep Knights from attacking, Wang Liangyi was unable to take action during the entire battle.

After the battle, Yunze's lips were a little chapped and there were more bloodshot in his eyes than before.

If he is like this, the other soldiers must be even worse off.

The Sun Lance team was fine, after all, they had experienced the hardships of the battlefield, and although everyone was dishevelled and gray-faced, at least there was still light in their eyes.

The situation of the Frost Cloud Guard was not so good. Adam's evaluation of them earlier began to come true at this moment.

For them who were used to cleanliness and using convenient tools, now they were covered with dirt because of the battle. In addition, some equipment was destroyed by the secret shooter in the battle. The habits they had developed before made them very uncomfortable with the current environment.

The morale of these people was severely hit, and they obviously looked at the gate many more times than the members of the Sun Spear.

All signs indicate that Shuang Weiyun is almost reaching his psychological and physiological limits.

At this time, there was still no news from the Sublimator who had gone out to eliminate the interference.

Three hours later, Yunze could no longer sit still, so he found Wang Liangyi.

"Mr. Wang, you may need to take action."

Yunze looked helpless, he knew very well that Wang Liangyi was the family's trump card. His father Yun Sheng paid a high price to transfer this trump card to his side.

One is to protect himself, and the other is to find a powerful helper for himself so that he can accumulate merits quickly.

Now is the time to use this trump card. Even though Yunze doesn't want to do so, he has no choice.

Wang Liangyi seemed to have been waiting for Yunze to say this: "We really can't delay any longer. Our ammunition is running out, and the makeshift fortifications are completely beyond repair. This line of defense is no longer solid. If we can't contact the base, I can only do that."

Yunze knew what he was talking about. If the situation was unfavorable, Wang Liang would abandon the others and try his best to take himself away from Baoshi Town and return to the base.

If there were two people, the target would not be so obvious, and the chance of returning to the base would be very high. But in this case, the Yun family would definitely be tarnished, and Yunze's future would also be affected.

If the head of the Yun family had a bad opinion of him, it would even directly affect the issue of inheritance rights. Therefore, Yunze would not do this unless it was absolutely necessary.

As the two men were discussing something, they heard footsteps coming towards them.

Yunze had no choice but to shut up and turned around to see Adam and Tianyang walking towards him.

"Excuse me, Mr. Yunze." Adam said straight to the point, "If I'm not mistaken, your people haven't come back yet. Then, we should make other plans."

Yunze forced a smile and said, "Don't worry, Captain Adam, I'm just talking to Mr. Wang Liangyi about this."

Adam was not surprised at all. He seemed to have guessed Yunze would do this and said clearly: "If you want Mr. Wang to eliminate the interference, I don't recommend it. Once Mr. Wang leaves and the Ghost Riders attack, we will be finished."

Wang Liangyi said in a deep voice: "I will be back before the ghost riders attack."

"But that would consume a lot of star essence, Mr. Wang. Plus, there are a lot of ghost riders, so Mr. Wang might end up in a tough battle."

Wang Liangyi frowned and said, "But it will be useless for me to stay in the camp. I might as well take a risk."

Adam laughed and pushed Tianyang forward: "Let Tianyang take care of eliminating the interference. I know Mr. Yunze is a little worried, but I believe in him. He will definitely not hold us back at this time."

Tianyang pulled out a dagger quickly and decisively. This action made Wang Liangyi step forward immediately and slightly block Yunze.

Unexpectedly, Tianyang turned the dagger over and handed it to Yunze: "This is my mother's relic. I'm leaving it with you temporarily. When I come back, be sure to return it to me."

Yunze took it, looked at it for a few seconds, and was silent for a moment. Then he returned the dagger to Tianyang: "Since it is your mother's relic, I dare not accept such an important thing. You can take it. I trust you."

This result was quite unexpected for Tianyang.

At this time, Yunze showed some of the demeanor of a young man from a wealthy family.

Wang Liangyi was still worried: "Even if we let him go to eliminate the interference, he is only a rank 1 Ascender, right? The one Mr. Yunze sent out was a rank 2 swordsman, but he still lost contact. I'm afraid that if we let this kid go, it will be just as dangerous."

Adam nodded in agreement, then changed the subject and said, "So we need to make some arrangements, such as..."