Inside The Black Mist

Chapter 108: General attack


On the rooftop of a building, in the swirling black fog, a foot covered with dark purple mucus stepped on the ground.

The foot had obvious human features, but was covered with scales, and had thick, curved nails that gripped the ground like claws.

The mucus is secreted from the scales on the feet...


A low roar like that of a wild beast sounded in the black fog, and a little yellow light appeared in the deep fog, as if a few small yellow light bulbs were lit in the fog.

However, when a wolf-like head emerged from the black fog, it was discovered that the yellow light came from the six animal eyes on this thing's head.

The eyeball, which emitted a faint yellow light and had a dark brown vertical line in the middle, was looking in different directions. A burly figure also stood on the monster with six human-like legs but a beast-like head.

He was wearing armor made of heavy metal. The dark-colored armor plates were stained with various stains, and even had skin tissue of unknown origin hanging on them, as well as unevenly distributed scratches.

The head was hidden under the helmet and visor. The part exposed to the air had obvious purple-red skin. Under the skin, there were raised black blood vessels wriggling like earthworms. No one knew whether it was blood or something else flowing inside...

In his left hand he held a roughly shaped but definitely heavy shield; in his right hand he held a long-handled heavy weapon. The strange weapon that looked like a sword and an axe was entangled with several iron chains.

At the ends of the chains are tied the skulls of certain creatures, the most numerous of which are human.

Two dots of faint red lit up on the visor, like a knight walking out of a deep abyss. When it reached the edge of the rooftop, a ball of purple-red light quietly emerged around it.

This ball of light was as hazy as mist, but it dispelled the surrounding black fog, and it was not difficult to find that the knight was not riding on the beast. Instead, he and the beast were integrated into one, and the two themselves were an inseparable and complete entity!

At this moment, the knight stared into the distance. The fog of the reverse world could not block his sight, and in that scarlet vision, he could clearly see the human camp in the distance.

The bonfires in the camp made the knight feel disgusted instinctively. He wanted to rush into the camp immediately, put out the fire, and kill the living. But he was able to restrain this instinct, which was the difference between high-level black people and those low-level monsters.

In the past twenty hours, the knight has been monitoring the camp. It knows very well that there is a powerful sublimator in the base, which makes them dare not act rashly. They can only rely on those low-level black people to attack the camp and consume the power of humans.

The knowledge that had existed for a long time but came from nowhere reminded the knights that if they organized one or two more attacks, the camp would not be able to hold out.

At this time, the knight saw a figure leaving the human camp. It was a man with eagle-like sharp eyes. He was the human warrior that the knights feared.

For some unknown reason, this powerful human left the camp and ran into a place where the knight could not see.

Without a strong human being in charge, the human camp is like a beast with its fangs pulled out. It no longer poses any threat.

Then the knight knew that it was time to attack!

The warm breath and sweet flesh of humans made the knight hungry, and he suppressed the boiling fire of desire in his chest.

Suddenly, the giant wolf-like head below the waist opened its snout on both sides, and the lower jaw was pulled down to form a triangular mouthpart.

In that mouthpart, layers of yellow light illuminated the space inside, reflecting several thin tongues covered with fleshy thorns and forked at the front like snake tongues.

These tongues trembled at the same time, and then a roar that only the people of darkness could hear sounded on the rooftop.

In a building somewhere in the town, several wanderers were walking aimlessly in the corridors and rooms. When the silent roar sounded, they stopped.

After a moment, the wanderer turned around and walked out of the building through the window and door.

These swaying figures soon merged with other similar ones emerging from the buildings, forming a plague-like filthy river that rushed towards the direction of the human camp.

In the flowing black river, there were bursts of dog barking, and mad dogs with human faces began to join the army. They were irritable and unwilling to walk slowly with the wanderers.

So these evil creatures pushed aside the prowlers, and the larger female dogs would even bite off the prowlers' limbs just because they were blocking their way.

The goat-faced secret shooters are relatively quiet when in action. These monsters, whose limbs have been transformed into guns, possess excellent jumping abilities.

This allows them to easily leap over buildings, whether they are intact or broken.

It was obviously easier to pass over the filthy river, so the stealthy archer arrived at the location designated by the knight earlier than the other black people.

The way forward seemed to be blocked by buildings blown up by humans, but this time, the black river did not have to pass through those narrow windows or scattered gaps in the buildings.

A noisy roar came from behind the Black River, and the Deep Followers were dragging their heavy metal weapons. If the wanderers or mad dogs did not give way in time, they would be swept away by the followers.

The lucky ones only had their limbs broken, while the unlucky ones even had their will cages smashed by their entourage!

There were two or three followers at each intersection, and they would arrive at the obstacle and swing their weapons wildly.

The purple-red mist emitted by the followers spread everywhere as the movements became more intense, and the black people who absorbed the mist, whether they were wanderers or mad dogs, became extremely manic.

They joined the ranks of destruction, using their claws, teeth, and any other parts they could use, and followed their followers to destroy the obstacles that blocked their way.

Therefore, in the direction of the human camp, the soldiers began to hear scratching sounds coming from afar, as well as bursts of knocking sounds like thunder!

On the wall of the camp, a soldier took out a telescope and looked outside the camp in night vision mode. On the other side of the street, a wall that had been blocking the intersection suddenly collapsed.

Stones of all sizes rolled all over the ground. From behind the huge gap, he saw three Deep Followers holding their weapons high and roaring in a way he could not hear!

The next moment, the wanderers surged in from around the followers like a black mud stream. Mad dogs ran in this river of black mud, and those wanderers who got in the way were even trampled under their claws.

But the first to launch the attack was the mysterious shooter. A black and red beam of light came towards him from the telescope. The soldier only had time to think of a desperate thought before the telescope and his head were pierced by the shooter's beam of light, and his body rolled down the wall!

"Here they come!

"They're coming!" Adam yelled at the top of his lungs, "Don't let up, this is a general attack! They're going to crush us with all their might!"

"Use all your strength! Don't save ammunition. If you can't survive this time, there will be no future!"

"So!" Adam looked at the black wave approaching the door, drew his sword, and swung it down at the enemy group, "Hit them hard!"

Several machine guns on the rooftop roared first, with long and bright flames spurting out of their muzzles. The incredibly powerful bullets formed a wild metal storm, sweeping across the black people pouring through the streets.

The wanderers and mad dogs were immediately knocked down in groups, and the bodies of the Will Cages that were shattered began to disintegrate. Some of them only had their limbs blown off, or even only half of their bodies left. However, they still used their hands, and even their teeth, to try their best to crawl towards the human camp.

Several Level 2 Elemental Hearts, led by Yunze, threw elemental light guns inside the wall.

Those gray-white elemental spears flew over the courtyard's wall, and after reaching the highest point, they drew a parabola and fell towards the dark group of enemies, exploding into gray elemental storms.

Two Level 3 Flamebringers teamed up to release a powerful explosion of flames. A hot orange-yellow fireball rose in the center of the enemy camp. After reaching the critical point, the expanding energy was released unscrupulously, forming a violent explosion.

The extremely high temperature scorching fire waves devoured those dark creatures, burning their bodies and will cages into charcoal in an instant!

Inductive mines, star rifles, and even star heavy artillery were used. The flashes and flames created by human weapons could be clearly seen in the distance even in this city filled with black fog!

Gu Gang of the Fortress class continuously cast star essence barriers against the Ascendant of the War God class. The star essence in the bald man's body poured out and consumed like running water. When Adam also put on a layer of barrier, only a small part of the star essence in Gu Gang's body remained.

Even so, he took out a bottle of replenishing fluid and drank it, then put on the Star Essence Armor, put on the fist shield, and ran to the front of the defense line with other melee sublimators.

Adam had been guarding the front line for a long time. He was holding the most pressure point in the defense line. The long sword in his hand had never stopped since the first strike.

As the sword shadows flew, a group of black people were lying in front of the man from Western Land. Even so, the darkness before him was still so thick that it was like a mountain pressing down on him, making him unable to breathe.

At this moment, Adam's scalp suddenly exploded, splitting the head of a mad dog. The captain of the Sun Spear looked up and looked at the distant battlefield through the flying flames.

In the distance, a thick shadow rushed into the dark group of enemies, and the floating red light released a cold and cruel murderous intent!

Just then, a star element shell streaked across the battlefield and landed near the shadow. In the flames of the explosion, a dark knight wielding heavy weapons crashed into Adam's sight.

The man with short blond hair immediately shouted a warning: "Attention, the Deep Knight is coming! Heavy gunners, aim and shoot!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a blue cannonball flew over his head and hit the ghost rider straight at him.

The Dark Knight raised his arm calmly, swung the heavy weapon, the sword and the axe, in a circle in his hand, and then chopped the star element shell with a full purple light!

The shell exploded, and a ball of blue flames erupted on the battlefield. In the blue flames, the ghost riders crashed out unscathed...

PS: Thank you for the reward from 我是忘忘! Please vote and support!