Inside The Black Mist

Chapter 112: Low Tide (Seeking Collection)


The situation in the camp was indeed dire.

Although Wang Liangyi alone held back two Deep Knights, and Adam also took down one, there were still too many Dark People left, especially since there were a group of Deep Followers who were good at attacking.

These things can release a cloud of deep purple mist, and the dark people who inhale the mist will become violent, and their qualities will be raised by three points. In this way, the mad dogs and wanderers are like chicken blood, rushing and attacking the camp.

There are several automatic machine guns on the rooftop, but only one is still roaring, and the rest have already used up all their bullets and have become decorations.

The gunner had no choice but to pick up his rifle and run to the lower line of defense to provide support.

On the camp wall, several War God Ascendants were all covered in wounds. Both the Night Walker uniforms and the Frost Cloud Guards' long coats were torn into strips by the black people.

If it weren't for the defensive armor protecting the important parts of their bodies, they would have retreated by now. Even so, the star energy on the surface of these sublimators was no longer as bright as it was at the beginning.

The hazy silver glow was dim in color, like a candle in the wind that could go out at any time.

As for the several elemental hearts in the wall, they had already drained all the star essence, especially the two level 3 flame messengers. They sat on the ground like a puddle of mud, with several bottles of empty star essence replenisher on the ground beside them. Although the star medicine in their bodies was slowly recovering, it was ultimately a drop in the bucket.

Yunze sat on the steps, his hands trembling. He looked towards the gate with a wry smile.

There, several Ascendants and soldiers were still fighting desperately, but Yunze didn't know how long they could hold on.

During the fierce battle, a soldier ran out of his Star-Element magazine. He quickly removed the magazine and reached into his multi-functional waist bag, only to find that there were no extra magazines in the waist bag.

He was stunned, and in that moment of distraction, a mad dog bit his leg!

The soldier screamed and used his rifle as a club to hit the mad dog's head. But the mad dog didn't let go and bit even harder.

The monster shook its head and bit off the soldier's leg!

The soldier let out a shrill scream, and the Yun Family Guard lost his balance and fell to the ground. Before he could get up, four or five wanderers had already grabbed his other leg and dragged him out of the defense line!

The soldier struggled desperately, leaving bloody marks on the ground with his ten fingers, but he was still dragged out of the defense line by the wanderer. He raised his head and saw terrifying faces filling his vision.

The next moment, wanderers, mad dogs, and monsters opened their mouths and bit and tore the soldiers' bodies apart.

Large mouthfuls of blood gushed out of the soldier's mouth. In a trance, he remembered that when he was in the opposite world, he had promised the girl that he would accompany her to the beach after returning.

But he can never go back...

“Ah!” Seeing his companion being dragged into the dark mass of enemies and then being eaten, a Yun family guard finally couldn’t control his emotions and shouted, “Let me go back! Let me go back!”

"I don't want to stay here anymore, I don't want to die..."

Words filled with despair echoed across the battlefield, but were quickly drowned out by the mad roars of the dark people.

There is no room for negligence on the battlefield, so this soldier soon followed in the footsteps of his colleagues.

The camp was losing manpower quickly, especially the Frost Cloud Guards. Their mental strength was not as strong as the Sun Spears, and they were inexperienced, so their death rate was extremely high.

At present, there are only a few ordinary soldiers left among the guards brought by Yunze.

On the camp wall, a sublimated

The Ascendant held up two followers by himself. But at this moment, the third follower suddenly appeared, raised the distorted weapon in his hand high, and smashed it down on the Ascendant's head.

The Ascendant was no longer able to dodge or defend, and was doomed to die. At this moment, a red light streaked across the battlefield and pierced into the follower's head.

Red Moon Sword!

The blade of the sword glowed with a crimson light, and the hot blade easily penetrated the helmet and head of the attendant like cutting tofu, and pierced out of the mouth of the mummy.

The follower was still alive, but at this moment a silver-white energy jet spurted out and passed through its neck, turning the follower's chin and neck into nothingness!

The monster immediately fell onto the top of the wall, and the half of its head with the sword embedded in it rolled down from the black hill piled up by the wanderers outside the wall.

One foot stepped on the head, and the attendant's eyes continued to roll upwards, and he saw a face that was still childish.

The owner of the foot bent down, grasped the sword, and shook it. The follower's head and the cage of will inside were broken into two halves.

Tianyang took back the sword, leaped a few times, and climbed to the top of the wall by stepping on the body and head of the wanderer.

The Red Moon Saber swept horizontally, and the four arms of the two followers who were suppressing the Sublimator flew into the air at the same time. Tianyang raised his foot again and kicked these things back to the wall.

Without waiting for the Ascendant to thank him, the young man spun around neatly, holding his sword and sweeping across the wall. As the red light passed, more than a dozen Wanderers' heads flew up.

Yunze happened to see this scene and couldn't help but get excited. Tianyang's return, does it mean that the interference has been eliminated

He couldn't wait to shout towards the wall: "Tianyang, is the mission completed?"

Tianyang nodded, then pounced on the other dark people.

Yunze supported himself with his slightly trembling legs, barely stood up, and quickly got into a car.

He tapped his fingers on the screen of the control platform, activated an icon, and began to communicate with the base.

This time, there was no interference signal.

After a while, the communicator next to the screen rang: "This is the Yunxiang Base, Mr. Yunze? What can I do for you?"

Yunze almost lay on the screen, shouting with all his strength: "Support! Requesting support! We are surrounded, please send someone to support us immediately!"

On the camp wall, Tianyang chopped off the head of another mad dog. Looking at the two followers below whose arms he had cut off and who were struggling to get up, the young man's face was solemn.

Even if he joined the battlefield, it would not change anything at this moment. Looking around, the camp was dark and the monsters were almost impossible to kill.

Look around the battlefield.

Adam was still fighting against the ghost rider, but it seemed that Adam was at a disadvantage.

The Dark Knight was covered in purple-red light mist. He held the heavy weapon in his hand, sometimes wielding it with one hand, sometimes slashing with both hands.

The ghost rider's steps were huge and his movements were agile. His attacks were also very simple, cutting horizontally and slashing vertically, pushing, pulling, swinging and slapping. These simple movements could exert terrifying killing power in his hands.

Adam didn't dare to fight this thing head-on, and he often had time to fight back while dodging its fatal moves.

In this way, under the fierce and raging attack of the Ghost Rider, it was already very difficult for the Western Land man to barely contain it.

As for Wang Liangyi, he dragged the other two ghost riders to the edge of the battlefield to fight. There was a thick black fog over there, and even though there were flames everywhere, Tianyang could only occasionally see Wang Liangyi's leaping figure, and the strange purple light that the two ghost riders occasionally burst out.

Time is so quiet

Time passed, and on the wall, the young man was so numb from killing that he could hardly even lift his arms.

His outward aura had long lost its luster, and the injury from the heavy shield of the ghost rider was gradually worsening. This made Tianyang's breathing no longer smooth, and most of the time, he had to breathe through his mouth to transfer his breath.

Tianyang didn't know how long he could hold on, but suddenly he felt a strong aura erupting in the distance. The aura, like a storm, full of oppression, appeared and disappeared in an instant.

The young man strained to look and saw something falling from the sky in the black fog covering the battlefield.

When it rolled into a pile of fire, Tianyang's pupils dilated slightly. It was a head.

The head of the Deep Knight!

Feeling refreshed.

The ghost knight who was pressing Adam step by step suddenly stopped moving, then he attacked Adam several times to force him back, then turned his head and looked into the distance.

It looked like he was listening to something, but there was no other sound on the battlefield except the roars of the people of darkness.

But the ghost rider turned around and left the battlefield without saying a word, heading in the opposite direction of the camp. In a moment, he crashed into the street with buildings and disappeared in the endless black fog.

Tianyang was stunned. The reaction of the Deep Knight was as if he had received some order.

Could it be that in that thing's ecological system, there is a higher-level ruler above it

In any case, once the Deep Knight left the battlefield, its followers began to retreat, wearing helmets, dragging strange weapons, and wrapped in fabrics or light armor.

They retracted the deep purple mist and staggered away with a strange gait.

The black tide began to recede, Mad Dog and Secret Shooter withdrew from the battlefield one after another, and finally even the Prowler began to retreat.

However, the Wanderers were not very smart, and a small number of them remained on the battlefield. However, they did not seem to have received the order to attack, and no longer attacked the camp, but just wandered around aimlessly.

Only those closer to the camp, still attracted by the human scent, came over, howling.

Of course, these things no longer pose a threat.

Tianyang sat down on the wall, with the Red Moon Sword lying beside him, but he was no longer able to pick it up.

After resting for a while, thoughts began to emerge in my numb head again.

Made it through!

Finally made it through!

I don't know who cheered, and then some people in the camp laughed, while others sobbed.

This battle is really not easy.

A few minutes later, Wang Liangyi returned to the camp. He had a package on him, and when he threw it on the ground, the package opened and some materials rolled out.

Material for Deep Knight.

Several crystallized organs, an eyeball that still moves, three bones that sparkle with deep purple dots, and several thumb-sized sharp teeth...

There were more than a dozen pieces of material in total, which made many Ascenders' eyes widen.

Wang Liangyi was also injured. He said hello to Yunze and got into the treatment cabin of the car. No one objected to his action.

After all, he was the strongest person in the entire camp and made the greatest contribution. If he hadn't held back the two ghost riders, the consequences would have been disastrous, so he had every right to be treated immediately.

At this time, Adam dragged his tired steps to the wall and patted Tianyang's knee: "How are you? Are you okay?"

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