Inside The Black Mist

Chapter 113: Lots of secrets


Tianyang responded with a smile, but the smile was a little tired: "I can't die. It's just that You Qi hit me on the back, and my internal organs should be injured."

Adam changed: "Did you hit You Qi?"

Tianyang nodded: "So now you know why the sublimator of the Yun family didn't come back."

Adam's expression was solemn, and his eyes trembled slightly unnoticeably: "I didn't expect that there were four Youqi in the town. It's so strange why these things came here. If they just chased and killed the gold digger, they should There won’t be so many Youqi moving at the same time.”

Tianyang thought for a moment and said, "Maybe they don't want Gu Gang to leak the information about the underground base."

Adam's face suddenly froze, and after a long time, he relaxed slightly: "It seems that they are right, they are guardians. Naturally, they don't want more people to know, there is something in that underground base. Important stuff!"

There was a stinging pain in his back, and Tianyang couldn't help but let out a soft cry. Adam saw this in his eyes and smiled; "When Mr. Wang Liangyi comes out, I will let you use the Yun family's treatment cabin."

Tianyang was stunned for a moment, then said: "How can this be done? I am not the only one who is injured."

Adam said in a tone that could not be refused: "That's it. I just heard from Yunze that he has contacted the base. You saved everyone's life, so you are qualified to lie in."

"After I go back, I will make a detailed report, and you should get a contribution point. By the way, if you have time, describe the black people who interfered with the signal in as much detail as possible."

"If you can provide newly discovered black information to the fortress, you will also receive rewards, including but not limited to contribution points."


Since Adam was so kind, Tianyang didn't refuse and simply agreed.

Sure enough, as soon as Wang Liang came out, someone from the Yun family arranged for Tianyang to receive treatment.

The young man lay down in the treatment cabin, took off all his equipment, and finally closed his eyes tiredly.

I don't know how long it took, but there was a faint human voice in my ears. Tianyang slowly opened his eyes, yawned, and found himself lying in a room in the small building of the camp.

He quickly touched around him and immediately touched Chiyue's scabbard. After taking a look, Chi Yue, Death Knell, and defensive armor were all placed next to him.

Tianyang quickly equipped these things and felt at ease. He moved a bit, but his back still hurt slightly, and his breathing was slightly troubled.

But compared to before, the injury has improved a lot.

In this state, as long as he doesn't run into the Dark Knight, he can still fight against other black people.

Anyway, no one disturbed him. Tianyang checked his sublimation status, and some information came to mind.

Level 1: Assassin

Abilities: Weakness sensing, instant destruction with one knife

Sublimation progress: 91%

Strengthening area: physical fitness +1

Next level: Obliterator

... ...

Tianyang sighed, the sublimation progress has reached 91%. It seems that the last time in Huanggu Town, the camp defense, and the killing of Zhou Wang have improved the sublimation progress a lot.

From the looks of it, it shouldn't take long to reach full progress and be promoted to the next rank.

I don't know what kind of abilities the Obliterator will have. Thinking of this, the young man is full of expectations.

Suddenly the door opened and Adam walked in. The big man had bandages on his head and hands. Seeing Tianyang wake up, Adam was startled for a moment, then grinned.

"You're awake, that's good. I thought I had to wake you up. Get ready, the base's convoy is coming, and we can set off back to Luo."

Tianyang was shocked: "Have the people from the base arrived so soon?"

"Quickly?" Adam laughed loudly, "Sorry, you have been sleeping for more than a day. It seems that you slept very deeply. Fortunately, during this period, the black people did not continue to attack. Otherwise, you might not be here I was killed by those things in my sleep.”

Only then did Tianyang realize that he had been lying down all day. No wonder when he woke up, reinforcements from the base had arrived.

"Go wash your face and eat something. I don't know if you will encounter black people on the way. In short, it's better to be fully prepared." After Adam finished speaking, he said that he still had things to be busy with and left first.

Tianyang took out water and food bars and ate them to replenish his energy. At the same time, in another room, Kong Zhang and his students were packing various instruments.

When Yunze came in, the old man was instructing the three students: "Take out all the specimens and burn them together. The experiments that need to be done have been done and the data has been collected. These things are too dangerous and cannot be brought to the fortress." go."

A student hesitated: "If we use a sealed recycling container and illuminate it with light for 24 hours, it shouldn't be a big problem. And teacher, although we have collected the necessary data, we still need specimens for subsequent research, right?"

"Absolutely not, Yan Kai!" Kong Zhang's attitude was firm and his tone was stern. "We already know that although the cells of these things stop moving when exposed to light, the activity in their cells has not been weakened. This shows that light can only inhibit They grow, but once given the opportunity, they will take advantage of it to reproduce!”

"If there is any oversight during transportation, once it is leaked outside the fortress, it won't take long for Qingtian Castle to be filled with bacteria!"

The student named Yan Kai muttered in a low voice: "How big is the specimen? What can happen if you take some back?"

"Yan Kai!"

Kong Zhang's voice became stern: "How many times have I told you that you can never be too careful when doing reverse world research. Your temperament seems not suitable for this field. After you go back, you can learn from other teachers. Bar."

The expression on Yan Kai's face in the helmet changed immediately. He hurriedly said: "No, no, no, teacher. I just said that casually. Don't worry, I will definitely be careful. Don't drive me away."

"No, I've decided, that's it."

The student still wanted to beg, but Yunze glared at him and turned back the words that came to his lips.

"Teacher Kong, the base's convoy is coming soon. I'll accompany you to the car to rest first."

Kong Zhang didn't object. He gave the students a few more instructions and then followed Yunze.

The other two students quickly cleaned up the instruments. Only Yan Kaiyi was present. He couldn't believe that he was expelled by Kong Zhang like this

Kong Zhang is an expert in the study of plants in the reverse world. He often goes in and out of the reverse world, so he is in great need of students as assistants.

By following Kong Zhang, you can not only learn a wealth of knowledge. Moreover, the stipends given to students by the fortress are quite generous. The important thing is that they are usually well protected and are undoubtedly much safer than those working in other adverse worlds.

Being able to work safely while receiving a generous allowance is a good thing that cannot be found even with a lantern.

But now, this has become Yan Kai's last work trip.

Moreover, after he returned, once word spread that Kong Zhang had fired him, other experts and scholars would not hire him. This means that Yan Kai can only find another job next.

But no matter which job it is, it will never be as easy as it is now.

"Give way!"

"Really, don't just stand there. Didn't you hear what the teacher said? Help me and burn these things."

a student

He threw all the specimens into an incineration barrel, glared at Yan Kai, shook his head and walked away.

Yan Kai looked at the specimens, and suddenly, an idea came to his mind.

... ...

Two hours later, the base's convoy arrived at Gem Town. Seeing the heavily armed soldiers protecting the surroundings of the camp, the survivors felt a sense of security.

Finally no need to worry anymore.

This time the base sent out almost half of its combatants. After all, the Yunxiang base's troops were limited. Moreover, knowing that there are middle-to-high-level black people like the Dark Knights in Gemstone Town, the base does not dare to be careless.

If the combat power is not enough, it will not be support, but death.

Moreover, Tianyang was surprised to find that Shen Mozhu was also here. Although the head of the base branch looks gentle and doesn't look like a soldier, since he dares to go here in person, he is clearly not a weakling.

This was confirmed next when Wang Liang showed full respect for the branch leader when he saw him.

Tianyang believes that even if Shen Mozhu is slightly weaker than Wang Liangyi, he is definitely a strong man on the same level.

Recalling the first time he saw the branch leader, who was watering the flowers, the boy felt an unnatural feeling in his heart.

After Shen Mozhu met with Yunze, Adam and others, he asked the survivors to get in the car and prepare to leave.

He pulled Adam over again and said in a low voice, "Where is the gold digger?"

Adam glanced toward the east side of the small square: "He is over there, I have people watching him."

Shen Mozhu said happily: "Very good, I will put him in my car. There are some things I want to ask him face to face."

Adam followed his tone and asked, "Director Shen, is it related to the base below Hongni Town?"

Shen Mozhu's expression changed, and the gentle and harmless eyes behind his glasses gradually became sharper: "It seems that this guy has revealed a lot of things. Adam, tell the people below you. About Hongni Town. , please keep your mouth shut."

"If you want me to hear a few words from Hongni Town in the base, you are the only one I need to ask!"

It was probably the first time that Adam saw such a stern Shen Mozhu, and he couldn't help but be surprised. While agreeing, he thought about the couplet in his mind.

Shen Mozhu was not surprised at all that there was an underground base under Hongni Town. Moreover, he was also asked to stick to the matter. From this point of view, the underground base was really not simple, and Shen Mozhu had known about it for a long time.

Thinking of this, Adam became even more curious. What kind of secrets were hidden in that base

Turning around, Shen Mozhu had returned to normal, like a good gentleman who greeted everyone he saw.

When he saw Tianyang, the branch chief smiled like spring: "I heard what Adam said, you eliminated the source of interference, and you also escaped from a ghost rider. Yes, now I kind of understand why Staff Ling has to remind you again and again. Let me look at you more."

"It seems that he thinks you are a good prospect."

Tianyang responded in a humble tone: "What a good seedling, it's just a little bit lucky. Minister Shen has given me the award."

Shen Mozhu laughed a few times, patted Tianyang on the shoulder and said: "The injury is not healed yet. When we get back, I will find you the best doctor in the base."

"Then I'll trouble you, Minister Shen."

"Easy to talk about." Shen Mozhu glanced at Gu Gang calmly, and then went to Yunze to discuss the return trip.

An hour later, Tianyang was sitting in the Falcon Chariot, and Gemstone Town was already outside the window and behind the vehicle.

The young man put his hand gently on his pocket. Inside was the data chip left by Su Lie...