Inside The Black Mist

Chapter 115: Mysteries of the Year (please vote)


It seems that the relationship between the Yun brothers is far from harmonious. The big family also has its own troubles.

After leaving Yunze's office and walking in the passage of the base, Tianyang's thinking was a little divergent.

Unconsciously, he followed Adam into a passage. The passage sloped downwards, and as it went deeper, the boy felt the surrounding temperature rise.

When he came back to his senses, he realized that he was surrounded by a grid of partitions. Behind the network, there is a world of pipes.

There are all kinds of pipes, large and small, with different thicknesses. They intersect intricately to form a geometric beauty.

"here it is?"

Tianyang raised his own questions.

Adam laughed and said: "Take you to see the mechanic. He is deep in the underground pipeline area. If I didn't lead the way and let you wander here for a whole day, you might not be able to find him."

Tianyang deeply agreed, after walking down the sloping passage and stepping on the ground. The front is a maze that stretches in all directions, with a maintenance portal now and then to allow repairmen to enter and exit.

Although Adam didn't say it, Tianyang roughly guessed that the pipes here should be various transmission pipes in the base. However, it seems that these pipelines are quite old, just like the base facilities above.

Some of the pipes were even patched, which made Tianyang sweat a little. If the energy leaked and there was another explosion or something, would the base still be there

Obviously this was not a problem he was worried about, and Adam, who was walking in this area, walked straight ahead without any worry.

It seems that the personnel in the base have long been accustomed to the problem of aging base facilities.

Thinking of this, Tianyang admired the mechanic who lived here even more. What kind of person dares to live in a place where accidents and disasters can happen at any time.

How great is this feeling

"Uncle Tie is our most skilled mechanic, but he used to be a developer in the fortress weapons development room."

Walking in the maze-like passage, Adam's steps were heavy, and the echo of his boots hitting the ground almost obscured his words.

"But he had such a bad temper that he couldn't get along with others. He once clashed with his boss and was demoted. Uncle Tie was so angry that he simply quit his job and came to our base to work as a mechanic, specializing in maintenance. And look after the pipes down here.”

Adam stopped suddenly and Tianyang almost bumped into him.

The Xilu man stood for a moment, and then said: "I remember, go this way."

He turned down a side road.

The corner of Tianyang's mouth twitched. Who said he was very familiar just now? You don't know the way very well, which makes you feel insecure, Captain Adam.

Fortunately, Adam didn't get lost. When he stopped, a rusty metal door with a dark red background appeared in front of the two of them.

Adam knocked hard on the door.

Not long after, the intercom next to the door frame rang: "Who is it?"

"I, Adam."

There was no response from the intercom, and after a moment, the iron door opened. A middle-aged man with gray hair stuck his head out from behind the door. His eyes were sunken and his skin was dry.

Two nasolabial lines, clear lines. His lips were pursed tightly, looking unhappy.

"What are you here for?"

The middle-aged man at the door seemed unprepared to let people in.

Adam blinked and said: "Earlier, Minister Shen gave me some tobacco. But you know, I don't smoke, so I thought of you, Uncle Tie. I just came back from the mission and came to see you. That’s it.”

Only then did Uncle Tie snort and open the door: "Glib tongue, you want me to do it again?"

What are you fixing? I have to say first, don’t come to me with scraps of steel or scrap metal, and don’t waste my time. "

When Tianyang stepped into the space inside the door, he almost backed out again, if it weren't for the dark red rusty iron door that was closed by Uncle Tie again.

The space inside the door is not large, not much different from the dormitory assigned to Tianyang, but this small space is still filled with an iron shelf, several boxes full of parts, and a workbench.

In the room, Tie Yang couldn't see anything like a bed. Judging from the rolled-up blanket in the corner, it seemed that this middle-aged man was sleeping on the floor every day.

However, what makes Tianyang uncomfortable is not the narrow space. Instead, this narrow space was filled with the pungent smell of smoke.

It seemed that just now, Uncle Tie had smoked more than one cigarette. So there was a mist of white smoke floating in the room, and the smell of low-quality tobacco made the boy cough until his ears turned red.

Uncle Tie glanced at Tianyang indifferently, walked to the workbench, picked up a part and put it on the machine tool for processing; "When did you accept a follower?"

Adam took out an aluminum box from his pocket and opened it. Inside was neatly pressed tobacco.

He put the box of tobacco on the table. Uncle Tie took it and took a hard sniff: "It's okay. Tell me, what do you want me to do for you?"

Adam then pushed Tianyang forward: "I have nothing to trouble Uncle Tie, but my brother's gun is broken, and I want to ask Uncle Tie to take a look."

Uncle Tie stretched out his hand without saying anything.

Tianyang was not polite, took out the death knell and put it in Uncle Tie's hand.

Uncle Tie, who had been staring at the machine tool, suddenly felt his hands heavy and couldn't help but look away.

When his eyes fell on Deathstroke's gun, Uncle Tie's pupils dilated and his face became excited: "Is that it? Why is it in your hand!"

Tianyang was startled and thought, does this person know Su Lie? Otherwise, why would seeing Deathstroke be so exciting

The middle-aged man took the death knell and looked at it carefully. After a moment, he regained his composure: "Oh, I saw it wrong. I thought it was the gun I designed, but this one is not bad, and the shape is fierce enough. It is not like the guns today, which are light and small, and look like a girl Similar."

Adam laughed along with him: "Who says it's not the case? Uncle Tie, can you fix it?"

Uncle Tie rolled his eyes: "If I can't repair it in this base, then no one can repair this thing. But it will take some time, after all, this thing is an old firearm that has been eliminated."

He casually placed the death knell on the workbench, stopped talking, and continued to sharpen the parts.

Tianyang didn't understand what he meant and looked at Adam.

Adam smiled and said, "Then I'll bother you, Uncle Tie."

He pulled Tianyang and motioned for the young man to follow. The two of them walked out of the iron door. After the door was closed, Tianyang felt that the air in this pipe area was fresher than Uncle Tie's small room.

"Um, what is this, Uncle Tie?"

"Don't worry, since he didn't refuse, he will definitely help you repair the gun."

Adam patted the boy on the shoulder and told him not to worry.

When they returned to the ground, Adam went back to the dormitory and lent Tianyang his card reader.

After the young man thanked him, he returned to the dormitory alone. He couldn't wait to know the contents of the data chip.

After closing the door, Tianyang took out the chip and inserted it into the groove of the card reader.

Some information quickly appeared on the screen of the instrument. It was parsing the contents of the chip. The whole process only took a few seconds.

But for Tianyang, every second is so long.

When the words "parsing completed" appeared, Tianyang didn't want to waste a second and tapped the read icon.


After a blur of light and shadow, a voice rang out: "See clearly, Weiyang."

"Okay, Brother Lie, it's quite clear."

At this time, the picture becomes clear, and you can see that the picture is the internal space of a certain building. Tianyang saw the windows in the distance and the ground full of debris.

The camera flickered and someone appeared on the screen. It was a man who looked about twenty-seven years old, with messy hair and bloodshot eyes.

There is even a circle of green stubble on the chin, which has not been trimmed for who knows how many days.

He was wearing a Nightcrawler uniform, but the color of the uniform was dark red, and the markings on the uniform were a little different from Tianyang's.

It was also a silver crescent, but instead of the silhouette of a traveler, there was a silhouette of a sword-holder.

Finally, Tianyang's eyes fell on his waist. On his waist hung a gun.

Death knell!

Tianyang took a heavy breath, he finally saw Su Lie! This man who may be his biological father appeared in front of the young man with a vivid impression for the first time.

On the screen, Su Lie nodded: "Then we will go down after taking a rest."

The camera turned and several people appeared on the screen one after another.

Among them, there was even a woman with black hair and a mole at the corner of her mouth.

The person taking the photo said at this time: "Brother Lie, why did you ask me to take this photo?"

Su Lie was standing at the window. He took a cigarette and bit it between his lips. He lit it and took a breath and said, "The superiors said that this is an operation that does not exist in the files. But I think it is better to record it, just in case." It will come in handy one day..."

The photographer laughed: "Brother Lie, are you overthinking it? Every action of our formation-breakers is not top secret and has been recorded in the files."

"This time is different." Su Lie shook his head, "Believe me, I have a feeling that this operation will not be that simple..."

The picture blurred, and when it returned to clarity, the screen was completely black. There was a piece of cyan light sweeping, and in the light was the rugged ground, and there seemed to be an open space all around, with no reference objects visible.

If it weren't for the shadows walking by in the blue light from time to time, Tianyang would have thought that the other party's shooting equipment was broken.

From inside the building, it suddenly jumps to a dark open space. It seems that the video must have been edited.

At this time, Su Lie's voice sounded on the screen: "Stop, Yin Qi seems to have discovered something."

A sound of footsteps came from the screen, and the black-haired, slender woman appeared on the screen.

She pointed forward and said in a low voice: "An unknown number of mad dogs have been found. The eyes of those things have degenerated. But I suspect that their sense of smell will become more acute."

As soon as he finished speaking, the sound of a dog barking faintly sounded on the screen.

Su Lie smiled and said: "No doubt, they are!"

He picked up the death knell hanging at his side and pointed it into the darkness. Others took out their weapons one after another, and a moment later, the huge gunshot of the death knell sounded from the screen.

After the screen paused for a moment, when it was played again, the battle was over.

Su Lie and others seemed to be resting, and the photographer sighed: "I didn't expect that there is such a large space under Hongni Town, and there are black people living underground. Brother Lie, how big do you think this place must be?" , I think it’s almost like a city..."

Tianyang trembled all over.

Red mud town!

Underground space!

Isn't that where Gugang and the others have been? It turns out that Su Lie had already taken people there seventeen years ago!

What was he doing there