Inside The Black Mist

Chapter 116: Disaster Compass


Sure enough, not long after, the scene on the screen changed, and Su Lie's team had arrived at the gate of a base.

They seemed to have known that there would be an underground base here, so they brought all the tools and quickly opened a gap in the tightly closed door.

Next, it's exploration and combat.

During this process, the images were either shaky or had been edited in the later stages. Therefore, Tian Yang could not see clearly, he only knew that Su Lie's team seemed to be looking for something.

Moreover, they encountered a group of dark folks including the Deep Knights.

A few minutes later, the screen went black. Tian Yang thought it was over, but when he looked at the progress bar on the screen, he saw that there was more content to come.

He ran his finger across the screen, and only stopped when the image appeared on the screen again.

The next image that appeared was in a room with lights on all around, so the light was quite bright.

When I looked out the window, it was pitch black outside. I didn’t know whether it was night or the filming location was still in the opposite world.

Someone appeared in the picture. It was Su Lie. He moved a chair and sat in front of the camera. In his hand, he held something that looked like a metal plate.

Su Lie sat down, looked at the metal plate in silence for a while, and suddenly sighed.

He shook the metal plate in his hand and said, "I sacrificed many of my brothers for it. In that damn place, only Yin Qi and I came back alive. But Yin Qi was seriously injured, and I don't know if he can make it."

Su Lie held his head with a painful expression: "I now doubt the motives of the higher-ups, so I think it is necessary to record what I am going to say next. After all, we have sacrificed so much for this. And..."

He paused without further words.

His eyes were deep and I didn't know what he was thinking.

After a while, Su Lie straightened his body, raised the metal plate in his hand, and pointed at a line of inscriptions on it: "I am very glad that I learned the language of the anti-world from Jingnan, so I can understand what it says. This is probably something that the top management has not thought about. If they see this video, they will probably regret choosing me to carry out this mission."

"Disaster Compass."

Su Lie read out the words one by one: "Disaster means catastrophe, I understand that. But what is a compass? It seems to be some kind of tool used by the residents of the Reverse Realm. Who cares... The important thing is the following words."

The man in the camera looked at the barrier with a serious expression: "We will record this information on it, hoping that future generations will know what we have done. As for right and wrong, we will leave it to future generations to judge."

"According to the guidance of the Fan Wenzhe-Devil's Tomb Research Report, we found the tomb and are certain that there are unimaginable things hidden inside it."

"Many of our comrades believe that the things in that tomb can help humans resist the invasion of the eternal night. We organized several teams to enter the tomb to explore."

"But the result was disappointing. There were too many unknowns in that tomb, as well as dark and evil keepers. Many of our teams disappeared in that tomb like a drop in the ocean. Only the leader of the last team escaped and came back. He warned us that we must close the tomb."

"There is something terrible in there, he swore, which, if released, would hasten the destruction of our world."

"It's a pity that we didn't take it seriously at the beginning, which led to a series of mistakes later. However, it's too late to regret it now."

"The survivor soon developed mental problems and could no longer work or live normally. Not long after, the thing in the tomb sent out its minions. Those horrible things that shouldn't exist in this world have found us."

"We can only seal off the base, hoping to keep them out. At the same time, we destroyed the data related to the Demon Tomb. That tomb really should not be discovered and cannot be opened."

"But we still have some personnel in another base. We want to contact them, but the communication has been cut off. Now, we can only organize a team to inform them to destroy all the information related to the tomb."

"So we made this compass. In addition to guiding the team to Base No. 2, it also records our actions. I hope the world will not slide into eternal night because of the stupid things we have done."

Having said that, Su Lie put down the metal plate and turned it over to the other side, facing the camera.

On the metal plate on that side, there were some messy lines that made no sense.

It's just a mess.

Su Lie pointed at the lines and said, "This may be a map or something, but it was encrypted by the residents of the Reverse Realm. I personally think that the upper echelons of the fortress should be looking for the demon tomb, otherwise they would not let me lead the team into the base."

"This is damn it! If I hadn't found the 'Fan Wenzhe - Demon's Tomb Research Report' during the previous operation, there wouldn't be so many terrible things happening later."

Su Lie wiped his face and said, "Let's get back to the point. The information recorded on this thing is really terrifying. Humans, the residents of the Reverse Realm also call themselves humans... I don't know if this is a coincidence or what the reason is. But this name makes me feel deeply terrified."

"We have speculated more than once that the monsters wandering around in the Reverse Realm are transformed from the residents of the Reverse Realm. If they were once human, then what about us... Will we also become like them one day in the future?"

"Also, this metal plate was protected by several Dark Knights at the time. I didn't know why those ghosts were protecting this thing. Now I have a scary thought. Will those knights..."

Suddenly, some noises came from the screen, interrupting Su Lie's words, and he left the screen. After a long time, he came back.

"Good news, Yin Qi is awake. At least she won't die."

"But now, there is a difficult problem before me. I am hesitating whether to hand this thing in. If I hand it in, there is no doubt that I will be greatly appreciated. Perhaps, they will make me the next commander of the Night Walkers as they promised before."

Su Lie shook his head: "But if they crack the map on this compass, find Base No. 2, and obtain the location of the tomb. I am not sure whether the fortress is qualified to open the tomb. If the things inside are released, will the world outside the door be affected?"

"Maybe, I should talk to them first..."

Looking at the camera, the haggard, bearded man nodded vigorously: "That's it!"

The video ends here.

Tianyang took out the chip, checked the card reader, and only after making sure there was no residual information did he keep the chip close to his body.

The boy lay down on the bed, looking at the ceiling, his thoughts wandering.

It is not known whether Su Lie finally handed over the metal plate, but no matter what, it is an indisputable fact that Su Lie disappeared later.

Moreover, this matter involves the top brass of the fortress, and it is unknown which specific people are involved in this matter.

Also, Su Lie is a formation breaker. It’s the first time I’ve heard of such a position among the Night Walkers.

Unfortunately, I have only been a member of Night Walker for a short time, so I don’t know many inside stories. But it seems that no matter whether Su Lie handed over the metal plate or not, Fortress covered up this matter.

Come down.

Maybe the reason why the road to Hongni Town was blocked was because of the fortress. Judging from the reopening of Hongni Town for exploration, it seems that seventeen years have passed, and there are only a few people left who know about this matter.

Otherwise, gold diggers would never be allowed to enter the town.

Even the branch director Shen Mozhu didn't know the inside story, which shows how deeply this matter is hidden!

On the bed, the young man held his forehead with one hand: "Maybe, I have to put this matter aside for the time being."

The water is too deep!

If even the top leaders of the fortress were involved, then even if he held on to the Night Walker, he could not guarantee that he would not be drowned.

Thinking back to what happened not long ago, someone broke into the apartment, apparently looking for Su Lie's diary.

It is very likely that some people have not forgotten this matter and are still looking for the so-called demon tomb. More importantly, how did the other party target me, and why did they know that Su Lie's diary was in my hands

All this showed that he was already involved. If he continued to investigate, he might drown himself.

If he wanted to find out the truth, he had to be either strong enough or have enough power. Unfortunately, Tianyang lacked both of these.

In this case, he had no other choice but to endure and restrain himself.

For the next two days, the young man was depressed. Su Lie's matter was like a thorn in his heart.

He went to the medical center for treatment that day and was in a depressed mood, so he took a walk in the base to relax. When he passed by a few twisted, sick and strange trees.

Suddenly, a soft call came from above, the voice was soft and gentle, like that of a woman.

With the sound of branches being crushed, a dark shadow fell from above Tianyang's head. The boy instinctively reached out to hug her, and then he felt his arms sink, and there was a stunning girl in his arms.

She was a little frail and petite, wearing the clothes of a machinist, and her face was stained with a few stains. But this did not affect her beautiful face at all, but made her even more playful and lovely.

The girl, who looked to be about the same age as Tianyang, had a pair of large, clear and peaceful eyes, so clean that they seemed to have the power to cleanse the soul.

When gazing into her eyes, Tianyang could only think of the world outside the door and the bright moon in the sky that night.

They are equally clear and bright.

When Tian Yang was distracted for a moment, the girl raised her hand and gently stroked the fine hair on the boy's forehead: "Such a beautiful, pure silver. Is this natural?"


Tian Yang finally came to his senses and quickly put the girl down: "Are you okay? Why did you run up the tree?"

The girl showed a row of white teeth, stuck out her tongue and said, "I was repairing the sensor tower, and I missed a step. Luckily you caught me, otherwise I would have fallen badly."

Blinking her big dreamy eyes, the girl held Tianyang's hand and said, "Come to think of it, I haven't thanked you yet. My name is Xiaoniao, what's your name?"


"Tianyang?" The girl who called herself Xiaoniao said with her eyes closed, "It's as vast as the sky and as bright as the sun. It's a really good name."

Tianyang's body trembled slightly. He didn't expect that this girl would interpret the meaning of his name as similar to Su Lie.

PS: It will be recommended on the APP tomorrow. Those who can read this chapter should be more or less interested in this book. If you want to discuss the plot, you may add the reader group 249085350, or my WeChat ID: 1982

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