Inside The Black Mist

Chapter 117: Making a mountain out of a molehill (seeking collection)


The girl opened her eyes and saw Tianyang was in a daze. She raised her hand and waved it in front of his eyes: "Hey, what's wrong with you? Am I wrong?"

Tian Yang came back to his senses. He didn't have much experience interacting with girls, so he said shyly: "No, you are right. An elder of mine... um, said almost exactly the same thing."

"Really? I'm so honored."

The girl was indeed as her name suggested. She was as lively as a little bird and kept chirping: "Don't you think we are destined to be together? I fell from a high place and you just happened to catch me."

"Your name is Tianyang, and my name is Xiaoniao. Don't birds like to fly freely and naturally under the sunny sky?"

As the girl spoke, she flapped her wings.

After blinking, the bird suddenly said, "How about you marry me?"

Tian Yang heard a violent cough and he seriously suspected that there was something wrong with his ears. Otherwise, this girl was too bold, wasn't she

The bird laughed loudly: "I'm just kidding. I won't tell you anymore. I have to go upstairs to fix something. See you next time."

She picked up the small wrench that had just fallen from the ground, crawled through some strange trees, and climbed up the solid well of the sensor tower.

Tianyang shook his head, as if infected by the bird's optimism, and his previous depression disappeared.

The communicator rang, and a text message came from Adam: Where are you? Uncle Tie has repaired your gun, and he is waiting for you in the dormitory.

Tianyang quickly replied: I'll go back now.

He walked quickly towards the dormitory area and came to his own dormitory. From a distance, Tianyang could smell the pungent smell of cigarette smoke.

A middle-aged man wearing dirty mechanic clothes and squatting by the door was smoking silently.

At his feet, the death knell was casually placed there. This made people who passed by couldn't help but take a few glances at the exaggerated-looking pistol, then coughed repeatedly because of the smell of Uncle Tie's cigarette, and walked away quickly.

"Uncle Tie."

Tianyang called out, trotting over and opening the door of the dormitory: "Come in and sit for a while?"

Uncle Tie rolled his eyes, glanced at him, and said nothing. He picked up the death knell and walked in. Fortunately, when he entered the room, he threw the cigarette that was only a butt left on the ground, and then put out the fire with his feet before walking into the room.

The door closed, and the middle-aged man casually placed the death knell on the table: "I have repaired two of the three damaged crystal slots for you. There is really nothing I can do about the remaining one. The materials and parts used in this thing are basically obsolete, and this broken place doesn't have any extra materials to repair the last crystal slot, so you have to use it for now."

"Also, I've replaced some of your force-guiding components. They're all new gadgets developed in recent years. They can help you save about half of your star essence. I've also adjusted the recoil. It should be much smaller now. Even you can hold it in one hand and fire."

Tian Yang picked up the Death Bell. There were still many scratches on the surface of the gun, but it felt brand new. He tried to infuse the Death Bell with Star Essence. Sure enough, this time, only less than half of the Star Essence was used to fill a bullet crystal slot.

"Thank you so much, Uncle Tie, this really helps me. What do I need to pay, contribution points?"

Tianyang couldn't let go of the repaired Deathstroke. If Uncle Tie hadn't been here, he really wanted to go to the shooting range to try out the gun.

Uncle Tie shook his head: "I don't have many contribution points, but they are enough. I don't need more contribution points. Just answer me a question. Where did you get this thing?"

Tianyang was stunned

, quickly organizing his words in his mind, and then said: "This is a gift from a friend."

"you are lying!"

Unexpectedly, the middle-aged man roared, his eyes were fierce, and the blood vessels on his neck were bulging. It can be seen that he was very excited at the moment: "Adam was there that day, so I can't say anything. But the fact is, I know this gun. Because I made it, and there is only one in the entire fortress."

"It's called the Deathstroke! Right!"

Tianyang was very surprised that the death knell was actually made by the middle-aged man in front of him. He had never thought of this.

Uncle Tie took a few breaths before lowering his voice and asking, "What is your relationship with Su Lie?"

Another bolt from the blue.

Tian Yang couldn't help but ask back: "Do you know Su Lie?"

Uncle Tie snorted, "It's hard not to know him. That bastard always steals things from me. Even this death knell was taken from me by him."

"That bastard said he would pay me first, but he suddenly disappeared. He and the gun disappeared without a trace. Seventeen years have passed in a flash."

Uncle Tie rolled his eyes: "You haven't answered my question yet."

Tian Yang smiled bitterly: "I don't know what my relationship with him is, but it seems that he gave me this name."

Uncle Tie narrowed his eyes slightly: "Could it be that..."

He hesitated to speak, and finally raised his hand and said, "Forget it. Seeing the Deathstroke again puts my mind at ease. It is the last gun I made, and my last work. Now that it is in your hands, use it well and kill more of the dark bastards!"

Tianyang quickly said, “I will, Uncle Tie.”

Uncle Tie walked to the door and said, "If it breaks down, you can always come to Yunxiang to ask me to fix it. As long as I'm not dead, don't mention that bastard Su Lie to anyone. Remember, don't tell anyone that you know Su Lie!"

At this moment, Tianyang could feel his kindness: "I'll listen to you, Uncle Tie."

The middle-aged man with gray hair then left.

The next day, Tianyang bid farewell to the Yunxiang Base and boarded the high-speed train back to Qingtian Castle.

His injuries have almost healed, so he has no problem fighting with others now. It has been ten days or half a month since he left Skyfort, so it is time to return to the team.

After getting on the train, Tianyang headed towards the carriage indicated on his ticket. As he walked, his thoughts wandered, thinking about what Uncle Tie had said to him yesterday.

When passing a carriage, he bumped into someone without paying attention.

The man was knocked back by Tianyang and snorted coldly: "Don't you use your eyes when you walk? If you don't need them, just donate them. It's a waste to keep them anyway!"

Although the man was rude, Tianyang was the one who bumped into him first, so he looked up and apologized: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do that."

When they saw each other clearly, they both exclaimed, "Is it you?"

It turned out that the person he bumped into was Yunze’s second brother, Yunfeng!

"Mr. Yunfeng, what happened?"

Several guards from the Yun family stepped forward quickly, surrounding Yun Feng and looking at Tian Yang with hostility.

Among them, an Ascendant who was not wearing protective clothing took a step forward, and a sense of oppression arose from him.

However, this person should be a Level 2 or even Level 3 Ascendant, even though he put some pressure on Tianyang. However, Tianyang had faced a high-level expert like Wang Liangyi, and compared with Wang Liangyi, the pressure brought by this person in front of him was not as great as that of Wang Liangyi.

This is not enough.

Yunfeng straightened his clothes, looked at Tianyang and said calmly: "It's nothing, just let this kid bump into me."

The Ascendant shouted, "Do you know who Mr. Yunfeng is? He is of such a noble status. If you hurt him, can you bear the consequences?"

Tian Yang said unhappily: "I have already apologized."

The Ascendant sneered: "I offended Mr. Yunfeng, how can I solve it with just an apology?"

Tianyang raised his eyebrows: "Then what do you want to do."

Yun Feng raised his hand and gently patted the Ascendant's shoulder: "Forget it, I'm fine anyway, don't make a fuss, lest people think that the Yun family is that kind of overbearing and rude family."

The Ascendant immediately lowered his posture and stepped aside: "Yes."

Tianyang thought that the matter was over, nodded to Yunfeng, and was about to leave.

"Stop." Yunfeng deliberately dragged out the tone.

He didn't need to take any action as several guards blocked Tianyang's way.

Yunfeng smiled and said, "I just said don't make a fuss, but I didn't say I won't pursue it. How about this, I think your pistol is quite interesting, leave it and you can go."

Tianyang turned around and said in a deep voice: "Impossible!"

The Ascendant sneered, "What treasure do you think of a piece of scrap copper and iron? It's your honor that Mr. Yunfeng likes it. Don't refuse a toast and drink a forfeit!"

The youth's eyes sparkled with silver light: "What if I have to drink this glass of punishment today?"


The Ascendant shouted, and the carriage was immediately filled with a fiery aura: "If you don't take off your gun today, I will do it for you!"

Tian Yang responded sharply: "Then let's see if you have the ability to do it!"

Just at this moment, footsteps were heard and a female guard rushed in.

Yunfeng frowned, raised his hand and made a gesture. The Ascendant immediately understood and restrained his aura to avoid hurting the female guard.

The female guard ran straight to Yunfeng and said something to him, but she saw that the expression of the second young master of the Yun family became strange.

After the female guard finished speaking, Yunfeng showed a helpless smile and coughed dryly: "Well, let's go. I have something else to do and don't have time to tangle with him."

The Ascendant who was confronting Tianyang was stunned for a moment, thinking that he had heard wrongly. He had been following Yunfeng for a long time, so when did the second son of the Yun family become so easy to talk to

"I'm saying let's go. Are you deaf? Do you want to donate your ears too?" Yunfeng raised his voice, snorted, and left.

The Ascendant could only glare at Tianyang with a look of unsatisfied feeling: "You are lucky."

Tianyang smiled and responded: "My luck has always been good."

The man was so angry that he rolled his eyes, and Tianyang parted ways with the Yun family.

After finding his seat, the boy sat down and breathed a sigh of relief.

Although he didn't think Yun Feng would be so reckless as to deal with him on the train, it was still a problem. This was the best outcome for now, but he didn't know why the second son of the Yun family suddenly changed his mind.

Thinking of the female guard, Tianyang thought, maybe she suddenly received some important news, so she had no time to deal with a small character like me

It seems that my luck is really good!