Inside The Black Mist

Chapter 118: Gift pen (please collect)


The next day after returning to the fortress, Tianyang got up early. He gave a command with words, and the home smart housekeeper automatically opened the curtains to both sides, so the boy saw the sparse rain falling on the window, splashing a winding trail of water.

The fortress has entered the rainy season, and the weather will be mainly cloudy and rainy in the coming period.

There will be sunny days occasionally, but they are short-lived, only two or three days at most, before the weather returns to the embrace of wind and rain.

Tianyang still remembers that when he lived in the downtown area, during the rainy season, the water level in the canal behind the shack would rise, and then the canal water would overflow the canal and invade the house where they lived.

At this time, Tianyang would work with his mother to fill the gaps in the shed with various things.

But even so, the ground will still be covered with a layer of water stains, bringing many inconveniences to life.

Compared to that time, now I live in an apartment in the upper city and enjoy all kinds of convenient services. Life is much more comfortable than before.

Unfortunately, my mother will never be able to enjoy it.

With a slightly heavier breath, Tianyang jumped out of bed and decided to go to the cemetery to visit the graves today and report to the team barracks tomorrow.

The food customization machine prepared a simple but calorie-rich breakfast for him.

After eating, Tianyang took a shower and changed into his old clothes. When he opened the closet, he realized that maybe he should buy some casual clothes.

You can't always wear the Night Walker uniform at any time, right

When going out, Tianyang casually took the Red Moon Sword with him. Ever since the last infiltration incident, he dared not be careless anymore.

As for the Deathstroke, the gun has a very unique shape and will attract attention if carried on the person, so it is better not to use it casually in the fortress.

When we got downstairs, the rain seemed to have been much lighter, but the sound of raindrops hitting the dome of the fortress was still loud.

Tianyang drove his unicycle out of the apartment, went to a nearby flower shop to buy a bouquet of flowers, and then went to the cemetery.

Even on such a rainy day, Tianyang could still see a procession of dozens of people passing through the streets of the upper city, holding high banners demanding the reduction of the rights of the sublimators and shouting slogans loudly.

Even the sound of rain on the fortress dome could not drown out their voices. The procession was led by several nobles, and the rest were civilians.

The only thing they have in common is that they are all ordinary people.

There have been more and more voices against the sublimators occupying most of the resources in recent years, and Tianyang has also heard about it. But today was the first time I saw the parade team, and I felt quite curious.

When passing a community square, the boy also saw a rally organized by the Church of the Lord of War. In the square, several black-clad priests of the church were preaching the doctrine to the residents of the fortress.

In the fortress cities in this area, including the Skyfort, most people believe in the Lord of War.

This church can be said to have a long history. It emerged hundreds of years ago and has countless believers.

It is said that a hundred years after the appearance of the Klav Gate, a great empire appeared in the world. At that time, there was no such thing as a fortress city, and almost all people were under the rule of that empire.

Along with the Empire, there also emerged a church called the Reverse Light Church that worshipped the culture of the Reverse World. That church later became the state religion of the Empire, but the Empire did not last long, and after a few decades, it went from prosperity to decline.

The disappearance of the empire triggered a century of turmoil, and the Niguang Cult also fell apart.

A hundred years later, another church quietly emerged, the Lord of War. This church, which rose in the turbulent times, was said to be the predecessor of the Reverse Light Church.

But no matter what, the Church of the Lord of War has been passed down and has become one of the four most famous sects in the world today.


Not to kill, but to protect. When you go to the battlefield, never forget why you are going to the battlefield..."

In the square, a priest with his face hidden in his hood was preaching to the people.

The voice is soft but full of infectiousness, and sounds like that of a lady.

The priestess raised her hand, drew a straight line between her forehead and chest, and then tapped her chest three times with her fist: "May the Lord of War protect you..."

When Tianyang passed by, she looked up, and the boy saw a pair of determined black eyes.

The two people's eyes met and then looked away in an instant.

Tianyang had already moved away from the community square, and soon arrived at the fortress cemetery.

Maybe because of the rain, the cemetery looked very quiet. Tianyang put his sword behind his back and walked into the black gate of the cemetery with a bouquet of flowers.

Inside the door, a straight passage extends forward, passing by the solemn black tombstones.

There were only a few vague figures in the cemetery, scattered in various corners.

It seems that when you come here, even the sound of the wind seems particularly low, as if it is sobbing and whispering above the cemetery, carrying heavy thoughts for the deceased.

Tianyang lowered his head, walked on the aisle holding a bouquet of flowers, and quickly headed to the location of his mother's tombstone.

Suddenly his eyes blurred and he stopped quickly to avoid hitting someone again like on the train.

When he looked carefully, he found that the person in front of him was someone he knew.

He was wearing a dark-colored long gown with a stand-up collar, his gray hair was messed up by the wind, and there were obvious lines around his mouth, but his eyes still looked like a young man.

Steady and elegant.

It was Tianqing College’s tutor, Liu Jinglin!

"It's you? Teacher Liu, are you here to sweep the graves too?" Tianyang raised his voice slightly, and in this silent occasion, his voice spread far away.

However, the other people in the cemetery were quite far away and couldn't hear what Tianyang was saying at all.

After being surprised, Liu Jinglin quickly recovered and responded with a polite smile: "Yes, I came to visit a friend. An old friend."

He paused before asking, "What about you?"

Then he laughed at himself: "Listen to what nonsense I am saying. Of course I am here to visit the graves."

Tianyang nodded gently: "My mother is buried here."

Liu Jinglin's expression slowly became heavy: "I'm very sorry."

Tianyang shook his head to show that he didn't mind. Then he walked to the side and lowered his head slightly: "Then I'll go first, Teacher Liu. I'll come to your class next time."

Liu Jinglin responded with a gentle smile: "You are welcome to attend the class at any time. To be honest, young people like you are usually not very interested in the anti-world civilization."

Tian Yang said casually: "Don't be afraid of you laughing at me. At first, I wanted to learn the language of the reverse world. But I found that there was no such subject. But I saw your history of civilization, so..."

"I see." Liu Jinglin's eyes moved, and he reached into his pocket. After a moment, he took out a fountain pen and said, "I'll give this to you as a souvenir. You can use it to practice writing. Of course, I mean the words of the Reverse Realm."

Tianyang looked at the fountain pen. It had a round belly and a deep main tone, but the pen cap was decorated with silver patterns, which was very beautiful.

"This... How can I..."

Tianyang fell in love with the pen at first sight, but since he had no relationship with Liu Jinglin, he didn't dare to accept it.

Especially since his mother Nan Fei taught him since he was a child not to accept gifts from others casually, so he was even more hesitant.

Liu Jinglin smiled and put the pen into Tianyang's shirt pocket: "It's not worth much, don't take it to heart. Also, if you want to learn the anti-world language, come to the academy to find me when you are free, and I will teach you."

"That's great, thank you, Teacher Liu." Tianyang expressed his sincere gratitude.

Although Lao Xu lent him a book about the writings of the opposite world, it would definitely be much more effective if he could get guidance from a mentor like Liu Jinglin.

"You're welcome. Bye."

Liu Jinglin patted his arm gently and turned away.

Tianyang glanced at the pen in his pocket, his heart filled with joy, and even his steps became lighter.

... ... ..

When I came out of the cemetery, I received two text messages on the communicator.

The first one is the reward distribution notification.

'You received a mission reward distribution notification.'

'Bonus item: Gem Town Defense Battle.'

'Reward content: Contribution point reward.'

'Contribution points: 500 points for eliminating interference signals, 300 points for killing interferers, 500 points for assisting in camp defense, 500 points for submitting interferer reports, a total of 1,800 contribution points.'

'All rewards have been issued, please check.'

1800 points!

It's not a lot, but it's not a small amount either. At least before Tianyang went to Baoshi Town, he didn't expect to earn some contribution points by the way.

Adding this contribution point, Tianyang now has 6420 contribution points left, not counting the 2,000 points lent to Yanbing.

If his mother were still alive, perhaps he would use the contribution points to open a small shop so that his mother could pass the time.

But now his mother is gone, and Tianyang hasn’t figured out how to use it, so he just put it aside.

Looking at another text message, it was sent by Yanbing: Commander, are you back

Tianyang told him that he was back, and walked to his motorcycle. Unexpectedly, Yanbing quickly replied: "Sir, do you have time tonight? I have finished the operation and I want to treat you to a drink tonight."

Tianyang smiled and agreed readily. He decided on the time and place with Yanbing and left the cemetery.

Nighthawk Bar.

This is a bar located on Amber Street in the Upper Town. Amber Street can be said to be the most lively street in the Upper Town. It not only concentrates various shopping malls, but also entertainment venues like the Nighthawk Bar.

Tianyang came to the door of the bar and looked up. Above the door was a sculpture of an eagle with spread wings.

When the boy was about to go in, a bar security guard stopped him: "Sorry, we don't allow weapons in here."

His eyes were clearly on the Red Moon Saber behind Tianyang.

Tianyang took out his ID card. After the security guard identified him, his attitude changed 180 degrees: "So you are the commander of Night Walker. Please come in."

In the bar, the air was filled with the smell of alcohol and perfume.

Tianyang was no stranger to this smell. He had frequented the Volcano Bar in Kaidi quite a few times and had long been accustomed to this strange smell.

Tianyang looked around, searching for the figure of Yanbing, and soon found that the sergeant was at the bar not far ahead.

Next to the bar, four or five men were sitting or standing, talking to a pretty female bartender behind the bar.

One of them, a handsome man under thirty years old with a flamboyant expression, picked up a glass of wine and handed it to the bartender.

At this time, Yan Bing stood up, put on a smile, said something to the man, then took the wine and drank it all.

Unexpectedly, the man's face fell, and he suddenly kicked Yan Bing in the stomach. Amid the screams of the female bartender behind the bar, Yan Bing fell to the ground and vomited out the wine he had drunk.

Seeing this scene, Tianyang's originally peaceful expression gradually turned gloomy...