Inside The Black Mist

Chapter 12: She told you to let go


"Downtown, Shadow Street Station has arrived. Passengers who are getting off the bus, please get off in order after the door opens..."

When the soft announcement sounded in the carriage, Tianyang was already standing in front of the yellow line of the door. He stepped out of the train only after the door slid open.

As soon as we arrived at the platform, a cold wind blew over us, making us feel as if we were deep in a cave.

On the ground, an aluminum can was blown by the wind and rolled straight, and then stopped next to the trash can. The trash can fell to the ground, and several homeless people wearing tattered blankets were rummaging in the box for food that did not exist at all.

Tianyang walked quickly and came out of the station, which led to a wide but messy street.

Shadow Street!

It takes 40 minutes to walk home from here. It is said that there are public trams in the city center and upper city.

Unfortunately, there are none in the downtown area.

This place is located at the bottom of the city. Even on a sunny day, the streets are still dimly lit, giving Tianyang the illusion of returning to the opposite world.

The Lower City was synonymous with chaos and filth, as the fortress had placed almost all the factories here. Various factories, machine rooms, unprotected units, and a large number of transmission pipelines were piled together with the iron houses and sheds built by the lower people.

The people living here are like parasites of the city, humble and helpless.

The streets were full of passers-by, most of whom were workers in various factories. They worked hard every day, but the contribution points they earned were only enough to support their living needs for one or two days.

There is no light in their eyes. They just mechanically repeat the boring and monotonous work every day driven by instinct.

When passing through an alley, Tianyang saw that it was crowded with homeless people. They were either lying or sitting, and when someone passed by, they would beg the other person to give them a job opportunity.

Many times, such pleas go unanswered.

Some kids will chase you and pass by you sometimes. They are probably the most lively group in downtown. But if you are not careful, they may steal your wallet or food.

At the door of those bars, there would be more or less a few scantily clad girls standing there.

They are unable to engage in heavy physical labor, and their lack of knowledge makes it hopeless for them to sit in an office, even as an ordinary clerk.

So in order to survive, they have no choice but to sell their bodies, but the only ones who patronize them are gold diggers who have their heads tied to their belts.

They have the money to enjoy such luxurious services.

... ...

Volcano Bar.

This place is famous for a strong liquor called Huoshan. Tianyang did not go home, but came here, not to drink. It's just that at this time, his mother Nanfei will do cleaning work here.

It was one of the few decent jobs suitable for women that she could find in the downtown area, so she cherished it very much.

In fact, Tianyang knew that the reason why she could work here was because the bar owner, Kaidi, liked her. That sturdy, rough man with thick chest hair was once a member of the collection team.

But after losing a leg in the Reverse World, he retired and used his pension to open a bar in downtown.

The business can’t be said to be booming, but it’s much better than others.

What surprised Tianyang was that although the rough man Kaidi liked his mother, he never said it out loud. But whenever his mother was in trouble, he was always willing to help.

Speaking of it, it was Kaidi's effort that enabled Tianyang to join the collection team, so Tianyang still likes that rude guy quite a bit.

When I pushed open the door of the bar, I saw that there were not many customers in the afternoon, and they were sitting sparsely in the dim corners.

The air was filled with the smell of cheap alcohol. Tianyang looked around but didn't see his mother. Instead, he saw Kadi, who was wiping glasses behind the bar with a pipe in his mouth.

"Kate, where's my mom?"

Tianyang came to the bar and asked directly.

Kaidi's thick eyebrows twitched: "You little bastard, I've told you eight hundred times to call Kaidi uncle. Be careful that your mother will beat you up if you don't respect your elders. Hey, why did your hair turn white? What's with this eye patch? Don't tell me that you lost an eye just after going to the Reverse Realm?"

Tian Yang didn't care: "It's okay, the higher-ups have arranged an electronic eye surgery for me. It will be installed in a few days, and I won't have to wear an eye patch anymore."

Kaidi sighed: "That's what I said, but seeing you like this, Nan Fei will be unhappy for several days."

Tianyang smiled and said, "No, I have prepared a surprise for her this time. She will be happy."

"I hope so." Kadi glanced in the direction of the kitchen. Just then, the door of the kitchen opened and a figure came out. "Nan Fei is here. You can go over there by yourself."

Tianyang looked over and saw that it was indeed his mother. She had her long hair tied up and her pretty face was slightly sweaty. She was dressed simply and was carrying a garbage bag. It looked like she had just finished cleaning the kitchen.

Tianyang was about to go over, when suddenly, a hand covered with black hair reached out and grabbed Nanfei.

The muscular man, wearing only a tactical vest, smiled and said, "Miss, would you like to have a drink together?"

Nan Fei's face changed, and she said coldly

He said, "Please be respectful. I am not here to drink with you. Please let me go."

The big man laughed: "Then do you want to sleep with me?"

As the laughter faded, a silver light flashed in the corner of his eyes. Then a dagger stabbed into the big man's other hand on the table, nailing his broad palm to the table!

A faint light drifted down from the silver-grey hair, and the star-like glow penetrated the skin, shining dimly in the dim bar.

Tian Yang's one eye was filled with rage, but the words squeezed out from his teeth were icy cold: "She told you to let go!"

Behind the bar, a wine glass fell to the ground and shattered into pieces.

It happened so fast that Katie didn't even know when the boy passed away.

After all, the bar and the table are at least ten meters apart.

But Kaidi didn't see clearly how Tianyang moved.

"Damn it, my hand!" The big man screamed, let go of Nan Fei, and reached for the holster on his waist.

"Stop it, Tieshan!"

His companion, a thin man, stood up and looked at Tianyang cautiously, saying in an extremely respectful tone: "Dear Ascendant, please forgive my companion's rudeness. I am willing to apologize for his recklessness and give the lady appropriate compensation."

The man named Tieshan just saw the faint light emanating from Tianyang's body and couldn't help but shudder.

The Sublimator.

No matter how weak the Ascendant is, he is not someone that an ordinary person like him can deal with, especially when he does not have a weapon with heavy firepower.

If his companion had not stopped him, the dagger might have already pierced his heart.

Tian Yang snorted, pulled out his dagger, and pointed at the door: "Forget about the apology and compensation, now get out of here, you are not welcome here anymore!"

After all, it is Kaidi's bar, and Tianyang doesn't want things to get too awkward and affect his business.

The thin man nodded repeatedly, supported his companion, and left in despair.

"Tianyang, are you an ascender? Wait, why is your hair white? And what's with this eyepatch?!"

Nan Fei exclaimed, repeating the question that Kadi had asked just now. But this time, for some reason, the boy felt a little guilty.

Looking at his nervous mother, Tianyang murmured, "Mom, please listen to my explanation..."

At the bar, Kady laughed dryly: "Even if you become an ascender, the little bastard is still afraid of me."

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